Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 601 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    You want it to be the end of discussion. Then don't try and make up a comeback. If you stop talking about it, RIGHT now, I swear I'll never mention the PS3 again in this thread.

    That sounded like a dare to me

    I just hope when Sony releases Home they learn from MS recent experience with Live being down and erratic for what seemed over 2 weeks.
  • Reply 602 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    It's not just a gaming console, you need to understand that. Is that all you see it as? It just got through its first year. The 360s first year blew. The 360 is strictly a gaming console. It's a good one. The 360 does so much more for me.

    I've done countless slideshows/powerpoint stuff on my PS3 for work. Everyone is impressed by it. I have tv series' and movies on it, that I can access from anywhere in the world, provided I have a wifi connection available, from my PSP. I've used it at a wedding for a photo display. Sure Sony has promised things. I'd rather Sony delay something to perfect it than to release it early. Look at the 360. 33% Failure rate? Come on. MGS4 WILL come. Home WILL come. Everything IS coming. Sure it's not here now, but there is plenty of stuff already to keep me happy. It's worth the wait. I know quite a few families with a PS3. They don't read Sony news. Every single family raves about it. Not fanboy-esque, but it seems to get brought up in conversations, and they talk about how much they love it.

    I can't say the same for the 360. It's a good gaming console but FOR ME, it has NOTHING on the PS3.

    It's never the end of discussion. Not for you. You didn't have to comment, but you just keep it going. Just stop talking about it. Don't mention consoles. You aren't proving anything. You want it to be the end of discussion. Then don't try and make up a comeback. If you stop talking about it, RIGHT now, and don't start again, I swear I'll never mention the PS3 again in this thread.

    PS3 PS3 PS3!!!!

    Oh and a tiny correction about the Xbox360 being just a gaming console: The 360 is a fantastic gaming console but it comes with support to be more of an entertainment center if you like. What I mean is you can purchase a HDDVD addon (and I'm willing to bet a BR one soon as well) if you want but there's no need due to the killer Xbox Live content. Even if you don't you can use the wonderful Xbox Live service to purchase tv shows, music videos, rent movies, etc. It's like a gaming console and iTunes and AppleTV all rolled into one. It's even more fun when you use it to stream media from your pc or mac and have it upconverted beautifully. (I've been having a blast with this except I can't watch videos or play music DRMed from iTunes. I HATE DRMS! It sucks when I can't use something I paid for.**) So I would say the Xbox is a gaming console AND media entertainment center with Xbox Live activated.

    **I love to rent HD movies and am excited about the possibility of iTunes doing the same. But I don't see myself buying an Apple TV when I can already do that with my Xbox360.
  • Reply 603 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    It's not just a gaming console, you need to understand that. Is that all you see it as? It just got through its first year. The 360s first year blew. The 360 is strictly a gaming console. It's a good one. The 360 does so much more for me.

    I've done countless slideshows/powerpoint stuff on my PS3 for work. Everyone is impressed by it. I have tv series' and movies on it, that I can access from anywhere in the world, provided I have a wifi connection available, from my PSP. I've used it at a wedding for a photo display. Sure Sony has promised things. I'd rather Sony delay something to perfect it than to release it early. Look at the 360. 33% Failure rate? Come on. MGS4 WILL come. Home WILL come. Everything IS coming. Sure it's not here now, but there is plenty of stuff already to keep me happy. It's worth the wait. I know quite a few families with a PS3. They don't read Sony news. Every single family raves about it. Not fanboy-esque, but it seems to get brought up in conversations, and they talk about how much they love it.

    I can't say the same for the 360. It's a good gaming console but FOR ME, it has NOTHING on the PS3.

    It's never the end of discussion. Not for you. You didn't have to comment, but you just keep it going. Just stop talking about it. Don't mention consoles. You aren't proving anything. You want it to be the end of discussion. Then don't try and make up a comeback. If you stop talking about it, RIGHT now, and don't start again, I swear I'll never mention the PS3 again in this thread.

    ok, i'm really holding back here, but i think 4metta responded with what i was gonna say.

    i just gotta ask... do you truly lug that monstrousity into work to show powerpoint slides? seriously i'm trying to ask this with a straight face because i just picture you lugging a ps3 to work and to a wedding
  • Reply 604 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Have you tried any of the BD+ titles and profile 1.1 movies?... I heard some standalone players were having trouble with extra long load time over a minute and some machines locking up at times.

    And I've heard that many are having problems with DVD/HD DVD combo discs.

    Just because Samsung are behind all the time with firmware updates doesn't mean that the rest of the companies are.

    You do know that Blu-ray is supported by almost every major CE company out there, don't you?

    That gives the customer choice instead of giving them the choice of buying Toshiba or Toshiba.

    Btw. BD+ has nothing to do with profiles.
  • Reply 605 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i'm not trying to sound like a fanboy, i'm glad you enjoy your system and i'm sure the ps3 in a few years will be a decent purchase.

    It's a decent purchase now. Hardware wise it's much nicer than the 360. Software wise, it depends on which particular games excite you. Personally Mass Effect means a lot more to me than Halo. If EA/Bioware has no exclusive contract with MS beyong MS being the publisher I hope it becomes a cross platform title. At least to the PC.


    yet, i cant help but consider a majority of those glamouring over the system since release are those types that overlook everything Sony promises and then doesn't deliver. they have been increasingly proficient at it.

    again, the initial argument was which system was the better gaming machine at this point and time. arguing that the ps3 even comes close to the 360 is pointless. there is both widespread industry opinion and statistical evidence to back it up.

    /end discussion.

    back on topic. ended a discussion just by decreeing it be so! I wish I had thought of that.

    Arguing that a PS3 doesn't come close to a 360 is certainly fanboy. Don't kid yourself. Everyone who isn't a fanboy likes all three consoles because they all bring something to the table. Which particular consoles they end up owning is very much personal preference over technical ability...except for the Wii.

    Which I have but do understand I need a 360 or PS3 for next gen gaming. I'll likely go with the 360 even though I think its an inferior product hardware wise. Between Mass Effect and XNA Creator's Club the 360 makes more sense for me.
  • Reply 606 of 2639
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
  • Reply 607 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Going for mass market acceptance is really their own play right now.

    However, their brand has suffered heavy damage from the media buzz over the Warner switch.

    To show that the format has some long term future, they would need either Microsoft or Nintendo to commit to using HD-DVD in their next-gen consoles. Nintendo would be much preferable to Microsoft.

    And I don't really see that happening.
  • Reply 608 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    Toshiba's new strategy:

    HD DVD - The look and sound of upconverting
  • Reply 609 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Going for mass market acceptance is really their own play right now.

    However, their brand has suffered heavy damage from the media buzz over the Warner switch.

    To show that the format has some long term future, they would need either Microsoft or Nintendo to commit to using HD-DVD in their next-gen consoles. Nintendo would be much preferable to Microsoft.

    And I don't really see that happening.

    Ya know, the Wii is an excellent form factor for use as a digital entertainment hub. With some upgrades to output higher resolution video, and enabling DVD playback. It could be set up to stream content from a computer. There's little denying the price is already right considering how well they sell with current features at a profit.

    With its installed base it would seem ripe for Apple to create an app for it. Too bad about the current relatively low resolution though (though people with SD TVs would argue otherwise).

    Honestly, with the way some people argue against adding extra features to the aTV the aTV is worth little more than the software it runs. If its only intent is to allow people a means of buying/renting content from the iTMS then who cares how you get there?
  • Reply 610 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    HD DVD - The look and sound of upconverting

    What a resounding cry of defeat. That is almost sad. Oddly enough I'm laughing.

    Every HD-DVD owner just learned they bought an overpriced upscaling DVD player. That is just so pathetic. And I am still laughing.

    I'm not laughing in spite, or in happiness. It's a nervous reaction. It's shock. I laughed with my mouth covered on 9/11. People were starring at me. It was shock. What can I say?
  • Reply 611 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Just because Samsung are behind all the time with firmware updates doesn't mean that the rest of the companies are.

    You do know that Blu-ray is supported by almost every major CE company out there, don't you?

    I believe it was/is more than just samsung. I am sure you are aware of this more than I.

    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Btw. BD+ has nothing to do with profiles.

    If BD+ alone can cause that much trouble, completely choking the Blu-ray player. I really wonder what the profile 1.1 would do as it isn't mere patching involved to comply profile 1.1. Even the Denon was concerned about it, hence they were skipping profile 1.0 from the start. I personally wouldn't touch a BD standalone at this time for this reason. The profile 1.1 was an optional feature before it became mandated a year later from introduction and profile 2.0 now being optional will soon be a mandated spec as BD-Live titles are being produced my Warner.

    BD spec is still evolving. This is a good thing, only for the gamers with PS3. This sure will turn HDM into a niche market, unfortunately.
  • Reply 612 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    HD DVD - The look and sound of upconverting

    Interesting indeed. HD-DVD PQ & AQ = Blu-ray PQ & AQ..... Therefore, Blu-ray = The look and sound of upconverting?...

    I'm sure it's true for few Blu-ray releases. I still have the Fifth Element, the 2006 release version, and it definitely was like upconverting the superbit SD-DVD.

    As always, you're spinning in the wrong direction.
  • Reply 613 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    BD spec is still evolving. This is a good thing, only for the gamers with PS3. This sure will turn HDM into a niche market, unfortunately.

    Yes, because all the Blu-Ray naysayers are brighter than Warner that has actual skin in the game...but aren't bright enough to realize that BD is still evolving and doomed to niche market status...

    Riiiiight. And yes, I'd be saying the same thing if HD-DVD won to Blu-Ray whiners (most likely about the storage difference) because the war is over and that's great.
  • Reply 614 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Yes, because all the Blu-Ray naysayers are brighter than Warner that has actual skin in the game...but aren't bright enough to realize that BD is still evolving and doomed to niche market status...

    Unfinished spec require evolving, but the available hardwares can only evolve so much with firmware, then becomes obsolete.

    Have you not retired pc/mac for the same reason?
  • Reply 615 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Interesting indeed. HD-DVD PQ & AQ = Blu-ray PQ & AQ..... Therefore, Blu-ray = The look and sound of upconverting?...

    I'm sure it's true for few Blu-ray releases. I still have the Fifth Element, the 2006 release version, and it definitely was like upconverting the superbit SD-DVD.

    As always, you're spinning in the wrong direction.

    Uh... he is referring to the fact that Toshiba is pushing HD-DVD as a great upconverting device from the link posted a few up. That was clearly not a SPIN post but poking fun at how Toshiba just won't let go.
  • Reply 616 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    So here's my story/experience with both formats.

    I was lucky to have received a Toshiba A30 for Christmas. I also got a handful of movies (Blade Runner: Final Cut, The Shining, Transformers, HP Order of the Phoenix, Bourne Ultimatum). I think the picture quality is pretty amazing. Dolby TrueHD sounds excellent. My biggest gripe, and it's a big one, is that the A30 takes FOREVER to boot up. The movies to FOREVER to load. Once you're up and running it's great. Menu's behaving like transparent layers are very cool. I thoroughly enjoyed the HDi in-movie-experiences a lot. The interactive layer on Transformers was very entertaining and very well done.

    And then the Warner Bros. shoe dropped! Followed by New Line and HBO.

    Thank god Best Buy has a 30 day return policy.

    So yesterday I packed everything up, crossed my fingers Best Buy didn't give me any shit for everything being opened, and drove down to the Burbank store. They didn't raise a single eyebrow. WOOT!

    So after a lot of consternation I picked up the 40G Playstation 3. But I wasn't happy about it. I'll explain why...

    While I was relatively neutral during this silly war, I have to admit that I was probably rooting for HD-DVD over Blu-Ray. I'm not sure why. Probably because I felt burned by Sony in the past. We were the family on the block with the Betamax. I was the stupid fool who bought into Mini-Disc only to have CD-R's take over the world. As a filmmaker I made investments in the VX1000 and PD-150 mini-dv cameras, but when everyone else was offering 24P SD and HD camcorders Sony said, "Screw you we're not doing it." Only recently have they finally offered a compelling 24P HD camera (the EX1).

    So I hooked up my PS3 to the home entertainment system. And after a full night's worth of playing and sampling all the Blu-Ray titles I picked up (the Pirates trilogy, Ratatouille, Spider-Man 3) I have to make a full admission...

    The Playstation 3 rocks as a Blu-Ray player. I'm not a gamer, never will be, and probably won't use this as a game console very much. My nephews and nieces definitely will when they come over and visit. So I can't make a judgment about it's gaming capabilities.

    But what I instantly noticed was that the PS3 boots up very fast. The movies load very quickly. The picture and sound quality are equal to HD-DVD. I also feel that the PS3 hardware is superior to the A30. The setup menus are easy to navigate, the console is infinitely tweak-able, the Wi-Fi capabilities made it a cinch to do the firmware and codec updates, and the bluetooth remote control is marvelous. The piano black gloss finish fits very nicely with my piano black NHT speakers and Onkyo receiver.

    I bought the PS3 feeling as though I was forced into the purchase having little to no choice in the matter. However, I am now extremely pleased and somewhat giddy with this new piece of HD equipment. Well done Sony. I'm surprised.
  • Reply 617 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    This video cracked me up.

    The only downside is it probably invokes Godwin's law in the process...

  • Reply 618 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I really wonder what the profile 1.1 would do as it isn't mere patching involved to comply profile 1.1.

    What 1.1 isn't playing in some player?

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    The profile 1.1 was an optional feature before it became mandated a year later from introduction.

    No it wasn't. When the specs were finalized they set a date for mandatory implementation. It was never optional.
  • Reply 619 of 2639
  • Reply 620 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Uh... he is referring to the fact that Toshiba is pushing HD-DVD as a great upconverting device from the link posted a few up.

    And a play on their slogan if someone didn't catch that.
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