Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 661 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    So I was watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind on Blu-Ray last night on my shiny new PS3. And suddenly, in the middle of the movie, the fans kicked on. And they are LOUD! It was actually very distracting, particularly during the more quiet intimate scenes.

    This has me concerned.

    Loud fans? I have never heard mine louder than a hum. Something tells me that Sony isn't putting as much effort into the 40GB and they did the 60GB. Thankfully I have the latter.
  • Reply 662 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    your naming a bunch of garbage titles for the sake of naming games. all but about 6 titles on there were decent and i dont think any of them reached ratings of 90 or above. no one is saying the ps3 doesn't have games, it just doesn't have good games

    and seriously stop paraphrasing things sony PR spins to you, k? this goes for everyone. if you have no knowledge of game development dont talk like you do. i'm not claiming i do, i read articles from major gaming publications to obtain true information on the matter. i dont go rephrasing sony dribble

    well F**k me sideways!

    YOU have no knowledge of something, but yet YOU are more right than someone else "YOU CLAIM" also has no knowledge.

    and YOU say a game is garbage so it MUST be... thats just idiotic thinking.

    The xbox has what? halo 3.. now there IS garbage - IMO, BUT if my opinion is as valid as yours (which I happen to think it is) then it must be as garbage as YOU claim some games on the PS3 are.

    FFS man don't you see how foolish you sound? get over yourself.

    as for paraphrasing Sony PR, am I? I don't think I've read any sony PR, maybe in your world you believe that sony drip feeds me as I sleep, hey, you THINK it so it MUST be true, right?

    You seem to be under the delusion that if someone likes the PS3 as a gaming platform then they are "in the wrong" so then why cant the converse be true, as in if you like the xbox as a gaming platform you are "in the wrong"

    I believe what I posted was in response to the "PS3 has no exclusive games" meme, I was pointing out that this meme is in fact WRONG. yes "fact" and "wrong" in the same sentence backed up with evidential proof.

    Whereas all you have posted is self serving single opinion that you and you alone are in the right, and anyone who disagrees with you is in the wrong and should be scorned for having their own opinion. which is narcissistic to say the least.

    it appears from YOUR view point that facts are outweighed by opinion as long as that opinion is held by YOU.
  • Reply 663 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    So I was watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind on Blu-Ray last night on my shiny new PS3. And suddenly, in the middle of the movie, the fans kicked on. And they are LOUD! It was actually very distracting, particularly during the more quiet intimate scenes.

    This has me concerned.

    There are plenty of discussions about loud PS3 fan noise over AVS. Some got them replaced and solved the issue, but others just keep getting the loud PS3 even after 3rd or 4th exhange. The fan may be even more annoying during summer time, if it kicks in that loud now.

    The standalone BD players would be quieter even at it's loudest moment, but too bad they aren't as future proof as PS3.
  • Reply 664 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Loud fans? I have never heard mine louder than a hum. Something tells me that Sony isn't putting as much effort into the 40GB and they did the 60GB. Thankfully I have the latter.

    I have the 80GB, and it's very close to my couch where I watch from, (because I'm too lazy to get up when I game) and I can't hear it at all. Not during movies, or during games.
  • Reply 665 of 2639
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    You do know that Blu-ray is supported by almost every major CE company out there, don't you?

    That gives the customer choice instead of giving them the choice of buying Toshiba or Toshiba.

    Btw. BD+ has nothing to do with profiles.

    No matter how many times this is explained to him, he still doesn't get it. I've honestly given up even trying to point out the inconsistencies.
  • Reply 666 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Apple: Blu-ray Won the Format War


    Jim Goldman of CNBC recently sat down with Steve Jobs to discuss the new and upcoming products Apple announced during the MacWorld Expo held earlier this week. Jobs was asked about the format war and if he thought Apple had usurped both Blu-ray and HD DVD with their addition of HD movie rentals to iTunes. His response was, "Clearly, Blu-ray won, but in the new world order of instant online movie rentals, in HD, no one will care about what format is where." We, of course, disagree with the "Mac Daddy" about the second part.

    What he failed to mention about Apple's iTunes HD movies is that they're only encoded in 720p, half the resolution of Blu-ray, which encodes all film content at 1080p (Full HD). The result is a picture which is only half as sharp, half as colorful, and half as beautiful as Blu-ray. Furthermore, only some of the iTunes HD movies have surround sound, and those that do only make use of the archaic Dolby Digital technology. Anyone who has listened to a PCM, Dolby TrueHD, or DTS-HD Master Audio track knows that there is simply nothing that can compare to a lossless/uncompressed audio track.

    I hope someone sends him a copy of 'Ratatouille' on Blu-ray soon to show him what True HD really looks like and that not all HD is created equally.

  • Reply 667 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Apple: Blu-ray Won the Format War

    'What he failed to mention about Apple's iTunes HD movies is that they're only encoded in 720p, half the resolution of Blu-ray, which encodes all film content at 1080p (Full HD). The result is a picture which is only half as sharp, half as colorful, and half as beautiful as Blu-ray. "

    anyone got a ruler?.... so...... vs. 480p, it's 4X more of everything? What an ignorant statement.
  • Reply 668 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray Dominates Disc Sales Chart Post-Warner Announcement


    The Blu-ray camp took a decisive lead in disc sales for the week ending January 13th, the first full week following Warner's announcement that it would abandon its HD DVD support.

    Though Blu-ray has outsold HD DVD in overall disc sales by a factor of nearly 2:1 since the start of 2007, last week saw the largest gulf between the two rival formats yet, with Blu-ray commanding an 85% share of all high-def discs sold.

    Home Media Magazine is reporting that of the top ten high-def discs sold on either format, not a single HD DVD disc made the list, with the top-selling HD DVD disc ('The Kingdom') moving only one tenth as many units as the best selling Blu-ray title, '3:10 to Yuma.'

    While it's too soon to tell whether Warner's announcement had a direct effect on Blu-ray's stronger-than-ever disc sales lead, HD DVD had been holding steady with a relatively strong 39% share of high-def disc sales in the last weeks of the 2007 holiday shopping season.

  • Reply 669 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Apple: Blu-ray Won the Format War

    What an idiot. 720p is 2/3rds the resolution of 1080p. And the comment about "half the color" is also ignorant and has absolutely nothing to do with resolution.

    The spirit of his argument is accurate. But come on. The vast majority of plasma displays installed in people's homes are 720p. Most LCD's are 720p also.

    If you want the very best and plan on owning the movie then Blu-ray is the way to go. But 720p is fine for rentals (yes, I changed my position from a previous so flame on).
  • Reply 670 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    What an idiot. 720p is 2/3rds the resolution of 1080p. And the comment about "half the color" is also ignorant and has absolutely nothing to do with resolution.

    The spirit of his argument is accurate. But come on. The vast majority of plasma displays installed in people's homes are 720p. Most LCD's are 720p also.

    If you want the very best and plan on owning the movie then Blu-ray is the way to go. But 720p is fine for rentals (yes, I changed my position from a previous so flame on).

    LOL... can I borrow your flame suit?

    I wish there is an additional option to purchase for few $ more.

    If I have to decide between 1080p HDM on a disc w/out being able to rip vs. 720p online file purchase(let's say for $9.99),.... then it would be a tough call to go one way or the other. Is 1080p more important than being able to store in media server?...... tough call...
  • Reply 671 of 2639
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Apple: Blu-ray Won the Format War

    those bd fan-bois are touchy, aren't they? it seemed to me that Steve was simply saying that the HD-DDV/BD contest doesn't matter as download rentals is a different segment.

    as to apple not supporting BD, according to them at least, it will happen. but not until there BD authoring is sorted in DVDSP, i think. i doubt that apple will put in a drive simply as a player or for data back-up (unlike back when we got DVD-ROM drives in the early G4s), they will want it to be usable in pro-app environment as well. that said, i could see BD drives being introduced into macs preceding an imminent release of pro-app support.
  • Reply 672 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    I don't understand how these rental services could be big. Someone tell me the benefit over getting it On Demand from my cable provider and recording it. Either way I would STILL rather watch Blu-Ray.
  • Reply 673 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    I don't understand how these rental services could be big. Someone tell me the benefit over getting it On Demand from my cable provider and recording it. Either way I would STILL rather watch Blu-Ray.

    Most On-Demand services only offer about 20 movies a month, and the interfaces I've used have always been clunky and unpleasant. Apple TV will offer an elegant interface, and thousands upon thousands of movies at any time ? old and new. For someone like myself who doesn't yet have a Blu-Ray player, I'll now be able to rent HD movies from Fox, Sony, and Disney.
  • Reply 674 of 2639

    ...last week saw the largest gulf between the two rival formats yet, with Blu-ray commanding an 85% share of all high-def discs sold.

    This isn't because Blu-Ray had some huge surge in userbase, but because Every HD DVD owner up on current events stopped buying discs a week and a half ago. I'm sticking to rentals until I pick up a combo player later this year.
  • Reply 675 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    What an idiot. 720p is 2/3rds the resolution of 1080p. And the comment about "half the color" is also ignorant and has absolutely nothing to do with resolution.

    The spirit of his argument is accurate. But come on. The vast majority of plasma displays installed in people's homes are 720p. Most LCD's are 720p also.

    If you want the very best and plan on owning the movie then Blu-ray is the way to go. But 720p is fine for rentals (yes, I changed my position from a previous so flame on).

    I may have missed something here, regarding compression and such, but it occurs to me that 720P X 1280 = 921,600 pixels and 1080p X 1920 pixels = 2,073,600 pixels. That seems to be twice the resolution to me.
  • Reply 676 of 2639
    I'm a bit behind with the thread, so heres a few replies while I catch up.

    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Buy. Well.. in my opinion. At least rent it. It doesn't matter how much I've beaten it, I still go back.

    That list had more than a few great games.

    It's sad that you don't realize how amazing the PS3 is.

    It's like trying to argue about religion.

    I don't realise how amazing the PS3 is? was that directed at me? cos I own one! and yeah, its amazing, what Im also amazed at is how amazing the AppleTV is, and its just gotten a lot better IMO (more of which later) I think I'll check out Uncharted now when I can get the chance, thanks

    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    This video cracked me up.

    The only downside is it probably invokes Godwin's law in the process...

    I think the youtube variations on that scene are very funny, but that is one powerful film, the guy playing AH is stunning!

    At no time has this segment of this post called Godwins law, now please return to the standard thread.

    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Yes. Steve even mentioned it {{5.1 surround}} at the keynote.

    While I DID watch the keynote, not all of us do but 5.1 WILL be there where its available from the film/studio.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I would definitely try out HD rental from iTunes.

    and this is the interesting thing, while I have downloaded 2 of the pixar shorts, and 1 episode of southpark as testers, Im not that keen on downloading films (apart from the fact that there arnt any avalible here yet)


    partly because I'd rather have the physical media, (HDD failure risks) BUT

    ALSO because I don't want the room taken up on my hard drive!

    So renting movies where they are deleted once the time expires it actually a bit of a plus, this coupled with the cheaper price of renting makes it more of an impulse buy IMO.
  • Reply 677 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Blotto View Post

    I may have missed something here, regarding compression and such, but it occurs to me that 720P X 1280 = 921,600 pixels and 1080p X 1920 pixels = 2,073,600 pixels. That seems to be twice the resolution to me.

    He was right about twice the resolution - but he is still an idiot (the fellow who was interviewing SJ). Twice the resolution at half the refresh rate = a very small difference in observed quality at 50" or lower screen sizes, and the stuff about "half the color, half as beautiful" is moronic.

    When HDTV was first being demoed 10 years ago, almost everyone preferred 720p/60 over 1080i/60, and that was on 120" projection systems. 720p/60 vs 1080p/24 is a toss up for me - 720p/60 is better for fast action due to the 60hz refresh rate, 1080p30 is more beautiful as long as things don't move too fast - basically men will probably like 720p/60 better (action movies, car crashes) and women will like 1080p/24 better ("out of Africa" type landscape, slow moving romance movies).

    Blu-ray supports 1080i/60, 1080p/24, 1080p/30, and 720p/60. In order to definitively beat 720p/60 you would need to go to 1080p/60, which is not a supported format on blu-ray.

    I'm happy blu-ray won, and very happy about the iTunes rental service (I will stick to 480 rentals for my 50" plasma, good enough for me with my video scaler). I just don't understand how people with anything other than front projectors (or 65"+ plasmas) care at all about 1080p.
  • Reply 678 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    If you want the very best and plan on owning the movie then Blu-ray is the way to go. But 720p is fine for rentals (yes, I changed my position from a previous so flame on).

    No flames from me, I agree, with BD looking like the "standard" now then If one needs to own then thats the way to go, but for instant on rentals (steve said you can start watching in 30 seconds) then AppleTV 720 rentals works for me!
  • Reply 679 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    It seems like enough for now but aTV and other VOD type services gain widespread adoption you'll see mor people increasing their respective bandwidth usage. That may throw a lot more people into that >500 GB range, or TW may notice a trend where a large percentage are hitting some other arbitrary level and lower the bar to catch them too.

    Unlimited is unlimited. Their service is no longer unlimited even if the limit they're imposing seems high for now. It sets a really bad precedent.

    Time WARNER ... mmm, they make movies, the own movie theaters and they are an ISP that will deliver movies to you. and they want to LIMIT part of that, or charge more for it?

    Do I smell the word Monopoly?

    Apple don't own any content and don't act as an ISP, if they did then I could see Monopoly there as well.

    Unlimited IS Unlimited.
  • Reply 680 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Loud fans? I have never heard mine louder than a hum. Something tells me that Sony isn't putting as much effort into the 40GB and they did the 60GB. Thankfully I have the latter.

    Actually the 40GB is quiter than the 60GB because of less and smaller components and improved cooling.

    I had the 60GB before and it could get pretty loud.
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