Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 861 of 2639

    "Gartner believes that Toshiba's price-cutting may prolong HD DVD's life a little, but the limited line-up of film titles will inflict fatal damage on the format."

    Well there you go.

    Can we STILL here "LA LA LA, I'M NOT LISTENING!"
  • Reply 862 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Woolworths, One of the biggest B&M stores in the UK Dumps HD-DVD

    But "who cares about the UK" right


    Well I have my Apple-TV now for quite a while and I seem to be getting plenty of use out of it don't know when the downloads will come to the UK but I'm ready to give it a go, however I have literally hundreds of films I can watch recorded FREE over the air and patiently waiting in iTunes for me. I'm ready for download rentals, but I'm not sure if rentals are the way to go for me, the only way I see it having interest is for movies I am not that keen to own, in which case I can wait till they are available FREE. other wise I likely want to buy to own, in which case its BD.

    Need to buy another 750Gb Drive

    Great find Walter. I can alway depend on you for straightforward analysis and commentary.
  • Reply 863 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So one week BD sells roughly 15 thousand versus HD-DVDs roughly 15.

    The next week HD-DVD sales drop to less than 2 thousand.

    But BD sales rise by a third to 20 thousand, and the cheerleader in you says 90% of the sales on BD are from a giveaway.

    What? Tosh not giving enough free discs out that week? one third up from "normal" DOES NOT make 90%. you fail.

    Can't you at least accept that its all looking pear shaped?

    I can only imagine the merry dance you would be doing if it was BD in the toilet rather than HD-DVD.

    If you had read the article, it says(pay attention to the highlighted words)


    So what went on the week ending January 12 that led to such high numbers in Blu-ray standalone player sales? Bundling deals with HDTVs, explained Baker. Sharp Blu-ray players accounted for over 30% of sales, as they were offered free to buyers of the company's LCD televisions.

    Sony -- also accounting for one-third of sales -- had a similar $400-off deal for Blu-ray players when buying a Sony HDTV.

    Panasonic, like Sharp, offered a free Blu-ray player and made up for the remaining third of units sold. Samsung Blu-ray sales were almost non-existent, as the company did not offer any special deals to TV buyers.

    Therefore, 23k units consist of free give away by contributions of Sharp (1/3), Sony, (1/3), and Panasonic (1/3) which adds up to be about 90% of total units reported sold were free give aways. So, over 20k units of 23k Blu-ray units moved had to be given away for free. I would still take the number of 23k units because sold is sold whether you give it away for free or the consumers are paying for it. The majority of the players being given away were the profile 1.0 hardware which had to be dumped for less. This is win/win for Blu-Ray.

    It seems that only the trojan horse marketing seems to be working to move standalone blu-ray players at this point. This is great if Blu-Ray manufacturers are will contintue to give away 20k standalone units per week for rest of the year.

    The way things look, the hardware and software prices need to come down to influence the mass consumers. There's no way around it.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Can't you at least accept that its all looking pear shaped?

    I can only imagine the merry dance you would be doing if it was BD in the toilet rather than HD-DVD.

    Now, stop being a troll.
  • Reply 864 of 2639
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So you have NEVER bought a $30 HD-DVD?

    If you see only $30 BD movies, perhaps you havent found the right store online, which is funny, because you believe so passionately about online stores now, right?

    Hey, why not hit us up on some of that "attach rate" crud you were so into a while back? remember HD-DVD had these amazing attach rates, but just around xmas time Tosh was blowing its nose/trumpet about how many players it had sold, but UMMMM BD were still outselling it in terms of disc sales.. or were you singing "LA LA LA" at that time too?

    Never bought a $30 that felt"good". It's just too high of a price for collecting movies for most people. To be fair if the avg price of Blu-ray can be around max 24 bucks I'm ok with that. I don't know where you got the "passionate about online stores" from. I'm merely recognizing that online distribution "is" going to be a factor and frankly I don't think consumers are going to pony up for $28-30 Blu-ray movies in large numbers. I think DVD sales are declining because people are tired of moving their library from DVD to Blu-ray to XXXInsert next whizzbang format hereXXX.

    Walter..have your brain checked please. Your plebeian arguments bore me. HD DVD's attach rates were good...they sales didn't hit lofty 1.8 million projections. How impressive is a sales disc advantage if you have to run a BOGO and constant specials every week to maintain the illusion that your format is actually growing and a significant pace. Blu-ray I'm talking about you.

    I'll tell you this. The BDA are Master Manipulators. This doesn't bother me..tactically they whipped Toshiba's ass with timely promotion and sales that kept the focus on Blu-ray. One does have to wonder of the if victory is going to be a Pyhrric one for Blu-ray.

    If DVD is good enough then 720p HD is "good enough"
  • Reply 865 of 2639
    This thread is starting-- no to a certain extent it always has been-- comical.

    Welcome back Murch. Personally, I couldn't care less about watching movie downloads. It's a non-starter for me. Of course, if you have FIOS it might be a different story. Back a couple of pages someone, I'm too lazy to go back and look, did a great myth-buster post about how absurd the claim that downloads were the next big thing.

    bite, even if Sharp and Sony were inflating stand-alone BD numbers by a free giveaway, you have to admire their marketing savvy. It's put players in peoples' hands. I sure the movie studios are appreciative of this, more customers, more sales, more profits.

    The Toshiba price cut can be looked at in several ways, good marketing perhaps, or a going out of business sale. One thing I think most people here in this thread agree on, though, is that HDM has a better chance to make it into the consumer arena if there is only one format. Here's hoping that happens by mid-year.
  • Reply 866 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Now, stop being a troll.

    Hello Kettle.
  • Reply 867 of 2639
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Never bought a $30 that felt"good".

    Point is you HAVE though, yet you tried to paint it that BD were offering $30 discs and HD-DVD wasn't and you wouldn't buy into BD because of this.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    It's just too high of a price for collecting movies for most people.

    Yes, and thats why "most people" havent bought into Hi-def discs YET, and thats why "most people" didn't buy into DVD right away either.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    To be fair if the avg price of Blu-ray can be around max 24 bucks I'm ok with that.

    But you tried to mislead earlier by saying they were $30 discs, now when challenged you have brought reality into it. Still not DVD prices, but that will come in time, DVDs didn't start out at VHS prices now did they.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I don't think consumers are going to pony up for $28-30 Blu-ray movies in large numbers.

    Jumping up again from your AVERAGE of $24, AVERAGE implies LOWER than $24 as well, remember.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I think DVD sales are declining because people are tired of moving their library from DVD to Blu-ray to XXXInsert next whizzbang format hereXXX.

    Nothing to do with DVD being a fairly established consumer market that has reached saturation levels?

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Walter..have your brain checked please. Your plebeian arguments bore me.

    And your incredulous hubristic vacuously obtuse utilization of locution performed with fragmentary supercilious confidence, yields very slight remuneration on observation.

    so there

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    This doesn't bother me..tactically they whipped Toshiba's ass

    "Soon the force and its ways will you learn, nothing more can I teach you now, sleep must I"
  • Reply 868 of 2639
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    This thread is starting-- no to a certain extent it always has been-- comical.

    Oh the comedy is part of the reason for looking in on it most of the time
  • Reply 869 of 2639
    Even AI is reporting the Garner story now.


    The demise of HD DVD

    Price cuts by Toshiba on its HD DVD players in the U.S. earlier this month may prove to be "useless resistance" in the battle against the rival Blu-ray Disc optical disc format, according to Gartner.

    The market research firm predicts Blu-ray Disc to win the battle against HD DVD by the end of the year.

    Following a loss of support from Hollywood studio Warner Bros., Toshiba said it will cut the price of its HD-A3 player in half, to $149.99 from $299.99, while its higher end models, the HD-A30 and HD-A35 will sell for $199.99 and $299.99, respectively.

    Online retailer is already reflecting the price cuts, and then some. It's listing the HD-A3 at $126, with the HD-A30 and HD-A35 priced at $153 and $239, respectively.

    can anyone tell me, Whatever DID happen to "price beats all"?? I guess that meme didn't really catch on.
  • Reply 870 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    So now I'm having ANOTHER problem with my PS3.

    About half-way through a movie it stops communicating with my bluetooth remote control. Neither the remote nor the joystick will work. I have to actually hook up the USB cable to the joystick to get communication back. Even after that it still won't communicate with the remote. I have to actually boot the system down and back up for the remotes to start working again.

    Couple that with the outrageous FAN NOISE and I'm starting to get worried. I think it's a wonderful box. It just doesn't work very well.
  • Reply 871 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    So now I'm having ANOTHER problem with my PS3.

    About half-way through a movie it stops communicating with my bluetooth remote control. Neither the remote nor the joystick will work. I have to actually hook up the USB cable to the joystick to get communication back. Even after that it still won't communicate with the remote. I have to actually boot the system down and back up for the remotes to start working again.

    Couple that with the outrageous FAN NOISE and I'm starting to get worried. I think it's a wonderful box. It just doesn't work very well.

    I'd definitely contact Sony. Definitely isn't normal, especially the fan noise.
  • Reply 872 of 2639
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    The next phase of online downloads may encompass a newer codec like h.265 which will likely offer a %50 reduction in bandwidth/datarate as compared h.264 today. Thus 720p at 8-10Mbps could become the norm


    Couldn't agree with you less.....People want to walk into a store buy/rent a disc and put it in their player, that's it. I, personally, like to own something tangible, not a digital file. I STILL buy CDs (mind you only for my favourite bands. I have lost songs via HDDs going down and only being able to transfer them so many times (what if you format often?). I know that with my CDs and DVDs I can copy them to my computer but I always have the physically medium there just in case.

    I agree with 'murch on this one. Blu-ray will have a tough time as digital streaming and downloading gets better. The large majority of the market has no real loyalty to any delivery format. People's loyalty is mostly to convenience. You may like to buy CD's. But looking at the number of music stores that are closing, clearly the majority of the market does not care about the CD.

    DVD still thrives because it offers the largest and most diverse collection of video media. The day is soon coming when from our couch we will download or stream the same amount of content that is currently available on DVD. When that day comes DVD sales will plummet. Blu-ray will not have had much of a chance.
  • Reply 873 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    So now I'm having ANOTHER problem with my PS3.

    About half-way through a movie it stops communicating with my bluetooth remote control. Neither the remote nor the joystick will work. I have to actually hook up the USB cable to the joystick to get communication back. Even after that it still won't communicate with the remote. I have to actually boot the system down and back up for the remotes to start working again.

    Couple that with the outrageous FAN NOISE and I'm starting to get worried. I think it's a wonderful box. It just doesn't work very well.

    Not sure why you posted that here, CLEARLY there is an issue. Obviously the bluetooth shouldn't lose sync at any point. The remote takes an extra tap to "wake it up" if it has been dormant for a while (to save on battery usage). I am sure you checked the controller to see if there was still a red light under one of the control numbers (top left). If not, tap the PS button to wake it up. I have heard about loud fans but it isn't a huge issue, maybe you can get both dealt with in a repair. Just because you are having issues, doesn't mean there is an over all issue with the product. Roughly 1% failure rate compared to 360s 33% (I admit it is dropping, but there are no concrete numbers). I have a 60GB and it is rock sold and whisper quiet.

    Contact Sony or for faqs check out the board.
  • Reply 874 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    ...can anyone tell me, Whatever DID happen to "price beats all"?? I guess that meme didn't really catch on.

    Blu-Ray's lead in the HDM market is entirely because of the PS3 — which includes a Blu-Ray player for free — and free is the best price of all. If the studios hadn't ditched HD DVD in favor of selling movies almost exclusively to PS3 owners, you would have seen HD DVD player prices make a real impact on the HDM format war if and when ordinary consumers ever started showing an interest in something beyond regular DVD.
  • Reply 875 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Blu-Ray's lead in the HDM market is entirely because of the PS3 ? which includes a Blu-Ray player for free ? and free is the best price of all. If the studios hadn't ditched HD DVD in favor of selling movies almost exclusively to PS3 owners, you would have seen HD DVD player prices make a real impact on the HDM format war if and when ordinary consumers ever started showing an interest in something beyond regular DVD.

    Weren't you one of the folks saying PS3 sales didn't matter? having it both ways again?
  • Reply 876 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    If you had read the article, it says(pay attention to the highlighted words)

    Therefore, 23k units consist of free give away by contributions of Sharp (1/3), Sony, (1/3), and Panasonic (1/3) which adds up to be about 90% of total units reported sold were free give aways.

    No it does not!

    Having 33% of the sales and having a $440 off deal when buying a tv does not mean that all the players were sold that way.

  • Reply 877 of 2639
    M$ has a crush on Blu-ray after all. Passing little notes, and sighing in their direction.. it might turn out to be love.. awwww

  • Reply 878 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    93 % of the market for BD WITHOUT counting the PS3. I'd say that has a chance of "trumping all"


    week ending 1/5/08, Blu-ray Disc player sales were at 15,257 units, and HD DVD player sales were at 14,558 units.

    week ending 1/12/08 showed Blu-ray Disc increased lead by 42 percent, to 21,770 units sold. HD DVD sales plummeted by 88 percent, to just 1,758

    So BD SALES are going UP by unit number (even in Jan) while HD-DVD sales are disappearing. It will get very interesting over the next few weeks/months.

    From the week ending January 19:

    Blu-ray players - 16,496

    HD DVD players - 8,639

    And in dollars spend:

    Blu-ray - $6,033,540

    HD DVD - $1,182,248

    This was the first full week with the new low prices on Toshiba players.
  • Reply 879 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    So now I'm having ANOTHER problem with my PS3.

    About half-way through a movie it stops communicating with my bluetooth remote control. Neither the remote nor the joystick will work. I have to actually hook up the USB cable to the joystick to get communication back. Even after that it still won't communicate with the remote. I have to actually boot the system down and back up for the remotes to start working again.

    Couple that with the outrageous FAN NOISE and I'm starting to get worried. I think it's a wonderful box. It just doesn't work very well.

    I would take it to the place you bought it and say it's damaged. They'll give you a new one.
  • Reply 880 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    From the week ending January 19:

    Blu-ray players - 16,496

    HD DVD players - 8,639

    And in dollars spend:

    Blu-ray - $6,033,540

    HD DVD - $1,182,248

    This was the first full week with the new low prices on Toshiba players.

    I can't believe people are buying them just because the prices are so low. I'd be very suspicious of a major, overnight price drop.
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