Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2



  • Reply 141 of 233
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I agree that they should have anticipated the desire bettet, but your posts seems to assume that the time and complexity to create a systemwide copy/paste for touchscreen with one button is on par with coding Street View on Maps to parse the already available Street View on Google Maps.

    I'm a software engineer, I understand and agree that some things are easier to implement than others. However, we are going on 18 months that the iPhone has been out. I would be willing to bet that they already know how to implement it from a UI standpoint, I really don't think that is a problem for them. The original design/structure of the software may be the real issue.

    I won't drag on with this, it's a push-pull argument and it's not a feature that will stop sales like it did in Japan with the emoticons but they have found was of dealing with tougher problems in quicker fashion at 1 Infinite Loop.
  • Reply 142 of 233
    The app Zeptopad has cut & paste.

    I my ordinary usage of the phone for work (preparing classes, planning meetings, planning projects, studying Japanese, taking photos et, etc) I have not once wished to have cut & paste. I would much rather have some other features that Apple is slowly working on, like stable mail and net browsing and fewer dropped calls. The lack of cut & paste does not seem to have been a deal-stopper to the millions who have bought the phones.
  • Reply 143 of 233
    I read a few posts that people are having problems accessing the App store on their iPhones now with 2.2? Is that still happening for people? I'm holding off on the upgrade until any potential problems are vetted out.

    What are you guys/gals seeing?
  • Reply 144 of 233
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    I really am starting to think that Steve is losing it. He controls the marketing and development team like a dictator, screws around with every computer so if you do anything creative (remember when CREATIVE used to mean, Logic, FCP, Shake and not iLife), that it has to have the word "pro" in it, even though the technology and price points exist for less expensive and pro features (since when did firewire be a PRO only feature - oh, when the computer (Macbook new), could run MOTION, SHAKE, FCP with latest GPU.

    Really. Steve is losing it if he hasn't already. Windows 7 looks strong and PRO's are getting pissed and for what its worth, the largest Avid school (Avid used for feature film, television, trailers, commercials creation), in Burbank went from MACS to PC's a few years ago. Faster machines, more scalable, cheaper ram, and some PRO's are moving away from it every so slightly - this is why Steve focuses on coffee Joe and no longer the creative. Thing is, switchers are NOT loyal like lifer mac users and will abandon if Steve keeps doing things like no FIREWIRE in Macbooks, DRM content, DRM computers (can't watch movies on any monitor except Apple (new) with new macbook.

    Steve is making a lot of mistakes and while many uninformed like to say HA HA at windows and blue screen, if you look at how many people, developers Microsoft has to deal with (3rd party), they do pretty good when you compare that with 3rd party iPhone) and Apple can't even get PUSH mail to work yet.

    He's making a lot of mistakes and now with the consumer. If not careful and windows 7 comes out strong, these switchers will go back and Apple will be at 3% someday (again) and then the 1% PRO user base may make up 33% once again and dictate what Apple needs to do.

    Sad that Apple went from trying to get the G5 up in speed to cutting firewire, sill iPhone updates and #1 priority, a glossy non graphic user iMac and iPods for the masses.


    Clearly you're the expert. What's the name of the company you own again?
  • Reply 145 of 233
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by blowabs View Post

    how about the...

    copy & damn paste?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Copy and paste may never come to the iPhone. And you knew it wasn't a feature of the phone when you purchased it. If you can't live without copy & paste, shop elsewhere.
  • Reply 146 of 233
    Ok I'm not sure if this has always been here but it looks like Apple expanded the way in which it gathers rating data for Apps. I went to delete an icon off of a iPhone 2.2 screen and I was prompted to "star" vote on the App. Never saw that before so I think its new!!
  • Reply 147 of 233
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Copy and paste may never come to the iPhone. And you knew it wasn't a feature of the phone when you purchased it. If you can't live without copy & paste, shop elsewhere.

    It's funny you said that. I hope your not in charge of business decisions wherever you work. Just shop elsewhere is a great attitude for a company.

    The thing is when I got the phone it was ahead of the curve and what it does do it does well. The problem is the rest if the market is catching up and others options are emerging, this means those not locked in contract will be bleeding away from the I-phone when they get sick of not getting what they want. The onle reason Apple isn't concerned right now is the fact that almost everyone is still locked in and won't/can't jump ship.

    It's coming and I promise you people will remember how Apple handled things when considering future purchases. You don't keep market share pulling crap like this.
  • Reply 148 of 233
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    Seriously what is wrong with Apple? This update list is trash save for the Safari and E-mail 'FIXES'. Google street view? Who cares????

    Lets add features for 1% of our users and ignore the features that 99.99% have been publicly bashing us about not having.

    People bash on Microsoft for bloatware and useless features all the time but at least out of the 100 useless things they add to their products the core elements are there that I need.

    So how long do we wait for the 2.3 Update so we can find out nothing we want has been added?

    stop bitching. if you bought the phone thinking they'll add features, so its okay to buy, you're not that logical a consumer. there are other phones out there, buy them

    I'm perfectly happy with the iphone. the new update has some damned nice features too. the rest of you quit bitching, and email apple if you want more features. apple does not "owe" you any features though... so stop being self-righteous and troll-like.
  • Reply 149 of 233
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    It's funny you said that. I hope your not in charge of business decisions wherever you work. Just shop elsewhere is a great attitude for a company.

    If you don't like the product, you should shop someplace else. I knew the iPhone didn't have copy & paste when I purchased it, but I bought it for the features it DID have. If MMS was a must have for me, I would have chosen a different phone - rather than buy it and cry about it.
  • Reply 150 of 233
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    It's funny you said that. I hope your not in charge of business decisions wherever you work. Just shop elsewhere is a great attitude for a company.

    The thing is when I got the phone it was ahead of the curve and what it does do it does well. The problem is the rest if the market is catching up and others options are emerging, this means those not locked in contract will be bleeding away from the I-phone when they get sick of not getting what they want. The onle reason Apple isn't concerned right now is the fact that almost everyone is still locked in and won't/can't jump ship.

    It's coming and I promise you people will remember how Apple handled things when considering future purchases. You don't keep market share pulling crap like this.

    oy! while the iphone isn't perfect... lambasting it doesn't have much point. we aren't CEO's or in charge of the B-dir at apple. if we were, we'd be making things better... but I'm sure there are issues you haven't considered. if the world were that simple, shit would have happened already.

    also, if you're so upset, apply to apple, get a job, and change things.
  • Reply 151 of 233
    This thread is a typical iPhone thread, and it's a serious indication to what's in store for Apple if they don't change their attitude. I was watching c'nets podcast yesterday and again one of the callers, a mac user, was asking for what new PC he should buy because he didn't appreciate the way Apple was handling things, such as the omission of the FW in the new MB. Now you can bring all your fanboy reasonings, but the bottom line is that many people are upset, not because they are whiners but because they aren't getting the things they need even after paying Apple's premium price. Apple had this attitude back in the early 90's, and by the mid 90's they lost everything, their education market fell from well over 80% to a measly 10% and less.
  • Reply 152 of 233
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Now you can bring all your fanboy reasonings, but the bottom line is that many people are upset, not because they are whiners but because they aren't getting the things they need even after paying Apple's premium price.Apple had this attitude back in the early 90's, and by the mid 90's they lost everything, their education market fell from well over 80% to a measly 10% and less.

    Define many? a dozen people complaining is too many too me, but when compared to the 2M units Apple will sell this quarter your many may just a few whiners that don't affect Apple's bottom line.

    You they are will willing to pay Apple's "premium price" but then fail to mention the MBP, iMac, Mac mini and Mac Pro with FW, as well as the MB for $999. There are plenty of options for those who want a Mac and want/need FireWire. You aren't helping your argument by only focusing on the few that want FW on a MB that has a new case. You can't deny that those people are a very, very small percentage of Apple's user base.
  • Reply 153 of 233
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    oy! while the iphone isn't perfect... lambasting it doesn't have much point. we aren't CEO's or in charge of the B-dir at apple. if we were, we'd be making things better... but I'm sure there are issues you haven't considered. if the world were that simple, shit would have happened already.

    also, if you're so upset, apply to apple, get a job, and change things.

    I have a job, obviously you missed the post where I stated I am a developer. I also have money that Apple needs but can easily be spent elsewhere. So far all the people calling us whiners and backing up what apple is doing sound like fanboys. By definition it makes sense that you guys would try to make apple seem like they are doing everything right... Afterall you will buy anything apple sells and be perfectly happy with what they give you without a single glance at what others are providing. Unfortunately I don't live in fantasy land where apple (or anyone for that matter) makes a perfect product.

    As stated above this is exactly the attitude of Apple when they needed rescued once before. Who is going to save them from Steve Jobs?
  • Reply 154 of 233
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    This thread is a typical iPhone thread, and it's a serious indication to what's in store for Apple if they don't change their attitude. I was watching c'nets podcast yesterday and again one of the callers, a mac user, was asking for what new PC he should buy because he didn't appreciate the way Apple was handling things, such as the omission of the FW in the new MB. Now you can bring all your fanboy reasonings, but the bottom line is that many people are upset, not because they are whiners but because they aren't getting the things they need even after paying Apple's premium price. Apple had this attitude back in the early 90's, and by the mid 90's they lost everything, their education market fell from well over 80% to a measly 10% and less.

    the minority tend to be most vocal. apple's sales are much higher than the %%% of people complaining would indicate.
  • Reply 155 of 233
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    I have a job, obviously you missed the post where I stated I am a developer. I also have money that Apple needs but can easily be spent elsewhere. So far all the people calling us whiners and backing up what apple is doing sound like fanboys. By definition it makes sense that you guys would try to make apple seem like they are doing everything right... Afterall you will buy anything apple sells and be perfectly happy with what they give you without a single glance at what others are providing. Unfortunately I don't live in fantasy land where apple (or anyone for that matter) makes a perfect product.

    As stated above this is exactly the attitude of Apple when they needed rescued once before. Who is going to save them from Steve Jobs?

    I am a developer as well. Not saying you didn't have a job, just saying change it instead of whining.

    I'll admit that I do like apple products, but you're insisting that the iPhone "should have X and Y" makes no sense. the iPhone could indeed be better if it had X or Y (most likely), but the doom and gloom you are proposing isn't happening. If you're a stock holder (as I am), you have a right to object to a lack of feature that is causing Apple to lose money. But honestly, I don't think apple is losing too much money over the iPhone's lack of copy/paste. furthermore... if you are not a stock holder... stop bitching.

    as you said, no one makes a perfect product. so PLEASE stop yelling for apple to make one. you're asking for the impossible.
  • Reply 156 of 233
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    I'm a software engineer, I understand and agree that some things are easier to implement than others. However, we are going on 18 months that the iPhone has been out. I would be willing to bet that they already know how to implement it from a UI standpoint, I really don't think that is a problem for them. The original design/structure of the software may be the real issue.

    I won't drag on with this, it's a push-pull argument and it's not a feature that will stop sales like it did in Japan with the emoticons but they have found was of dealing with tougher problems in quicker fashion at 1 Infinite Loop.

    indeed 18 months is a long time, but satisfying Jobs is... difficult. I've heard horror stories of engineers bringing products to Jobs and he goes through the multi-hundred-page UE doc and tests random use cases (if not all of them).... if one use case is implemented wrong, he sends it back.

    take that attitude, and I doubt that he'll accept a UE if it isn't perfect by his standards. also, we're talking not only gestures for copy/paste but also selection/highlighting... and there is only so much real estate on that screen (god forbid the iphone adopt a toolbar like IE)
  • Reply 157 of 233
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can't imagine that is a hard feature to add, so I have to assume that Apple has no nterest in adding it at this time. Maybe well get an Nvidia ULV GPU in next one that can record HQ video.

    I thought there was a hardware issue with the camera that prevented video? In which case true (and Job's approved) video probably wont make it until next generation.
  • Reply 158 of 233
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    He's making a lot of mistakes and now with the consumer. If not careful and windows 7 comes out strong, these switchers will go back and Apple will be at 3% someday (again) and then the 1% PRO user base may make up 33% once again and dictate what Apple needs to do.

    Sad that Apple went from trying to get the G5 up in speed to cutting firewire, sill iPhone updates and #1 priority, a glossy non graphic user iMac and iPods for the masses.


    wow. you've posted 5000 times between june and november. I'm impressed.

    anyways, the UI is what matters. apple will kill windows on that for a long time coming. windows 7 looks pretty, but that's about it. vista took a step backwards on usability from XP, and I doubt windows 7 will be able to make a jump much further than XP in terms of UI.

    and yes, apple is no longer solely catering to the PRO consumer. so be it. the more people who use Apple computers the more developers will code to the mac platform instead of just windows. yes, 5 years ago apple was targeting the pro department. but 5 years ago it took 2 years for windows-coded software to come out for mac... and even then it tended to be a poor port. I much prefer now to then.

    Also, while a few PRO users use computers like the macbook, the vast majority do not (and opt for a one pound heavier macbook pro with far greater graphics power).
  • Reply 159 of 233
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Steve is making a lot of mistakes and while many uninformed like to say HA HA at windows and blue screen, if you look at how many people, developers Microsoft has to deal with (3rd party), they do pretty good when you compare that with 3rd party iPhone) and Apple can't even get PUSH mail to work yet.

    yes, because windows codes everything perfectly the first time. christ. if that isn't a double standard I don't know what one is. anyways, push email isn't that easy without compromising battery life. and furthermore, apple is new to the PUSH world... vs the giants who have been out there for years.
  • Reply 160 of 233
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Anyone see the UNIBODY KEYNOTE? He watched everyone as they passed them around, like he was high on a paranoid benzo buzz and thought someone was going to steal one, he actually said, "Okay, times up, pass them back, you can see them later" - yeah, okay Jobs, like I really want to steal one.

    he wanted to get on with the presentation and not be slowed down by 10 minutes of people playing around with the unibody.

    and you read a book, read it literally and taking every word for granted, and then criticize a guy whose business is doing well in an economic recession and has nearly as much money in its bank accounts as microsoft?

    well played good sir, well played.
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