Microsoft's latest ad attacks Mac aesthetics, computing power



  • Reply 181 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by 2kunlimited View Post

    Your argument is so ridiculous that i don't know where to begin.

    Brand??? LOL. Is that all you got? Dell is one of if not the biggest computer maker in the world. And "cheap"??? Are you kidding me??Their hardware are practically identical-only apple is charging you an arm and a leg for them. And yeah, when it comes to computer electronics I do look for the best value for my money. I'm not some idiot who pay $900

    extra buck just for "the brand".

    If it is nearly identical is it not, by definition, different? What are the these differences? Have you accounted for the differences that account for the differences in cost which relate to the differences in price? Did you consider the weight, the build quality, the durability, the technical support? Did you also consider the full aspect of the components or just superficially look at them and declare them the same? As in, both have same size display they must be the same and both have same speed processor they must be the same? By your argument salt water should be just as good for as fresh water as they are nearly identical.
  • Reply 182 of 520
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    The economy has just about everyone thinking cheap is the way to go.

    No amount of nitpicking each product advantages will matter.

    The ad is effective and will definitely take away a huge amount of sales for Apple products. The message that Apple is "expensive" is clear. That resonates to potential buyers.

    The PC is cheap, it works and can do just about everything the more expensive Mac can do.

    Its a clear straight message that resonates with the current economy.

    Microsoft has hit a home run with this one. It's cheap, its good enough and hundreds of dollars less than the Mac.
  • Reply 183 of 520
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    The ad is effective and will definitely take away a huge amount of sales for Apple products. The message that Apple is "expensive" is clear. That resonates to potential buyers.

    I think you're a bit too confident in your crystal ball gazing.

    Wait until sale figures for the next few months roll in. Wait until Apple announces its next quarter earnings.

    Your assumptions about what resonates with consumers don't apply to everyone, certainly not me.

    Don't assume the market as a whole reflects YOU. It doesn't.

    And you're forgetting that Apple targets the PREMIUM end of the market. The segment that continues to enjoy steady employment and higher than average disposable income. The extent to which that segment will shrink, if at all, remains to be seen. There will be some people who've just been bumped down to a lower income bracket. But it's still very early to tell.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, all I'm saying is that your assumptions are premature.
  • Reply 184 of 520
    Well here's an over reaction if ever I saw one. While I imagine that you think your wisdom is more than enough for this forum, perhaps that just isn't so. Maybe some people have been reading Appleinsider and its forums for years. But maybe they haven't seen anything worth commenting on, as yet. In any case, what's the point of whining about the fact that several people have signed up recently? Or to have taken the time to write them all down!

    Then again, maybe you're right and no one new should every sign up again - you guys have it covered.

    Originally Posted by Maxhomie View Post

    Welcome to a bunch of trolls that have turned this place into CNET? I don't post much, because I usually enjoy the exchanges between the more experienced and knowledgeable members.

    However, you knew this was going to turn into flamebait. Just look at all the people who just signed up to give us their "wisdom"... a total infestation of people decrying "fanboys" and defending the honor of Microsoft and Linux and Ubuntu. (in fairness, some people who joined did so to defend Apple, but really -- this is the sort of thing that makes you want to contribute to a forum?)

    I guess this site needed the traffic.


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  • Reply 185 of 520
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I think you're a bit too confident in your crystal ball gazing.

    Wait until sale figures for the next few months roll in. Wait until Apple announces its next quarter earnings.

    Your assumptions about what resonates with consumers don't apply to everyone, certainly not me.

    Don't assume the market as a whole reflects YOU. It doesn't.

    And you're forgetting that Apple targets the PREMIUM end of the market. The segment that continues to enjoy steady employment and higher than average disposable income. The extent to which that segment will shrink, if at all, remains to be seen. There will be some people who've just been bumped down to a lower income bracket. But it's still very early to tell.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, all I'm saying is that your assumptions are premature.

    I think I'm correct. I'm a Mac user myself. I will save money to buy a Mac in the future. I just bought a late 08 MBP 2.5ghz myself, iWork, iLife 09. I'd rather wait to save up than buy a PC/Windows box.

    The last 3 users I have worked with will not buy a Mac. Despite every nitpicking advantage I have poured over their heads, they cannot justify 2000 for a MBP to a 1000 dollar PC/Windows box that can do almost everything the MBP can. Sure not as elegant, or intuitively but their main concern was dollars. This economic environment cannot justify the purchase of a Mac vs a PC/Windows.

    Also Microsoft doesn't have to mention Windows ( afraid of Vista reputation), every PC box has Windows so its a sale for MS.
  • Reply 186 of 520
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    FYI: You can easily block the new trolls and tiresome lot on this forum. They really do take away from the flow and keep, either by choice of from a lack of active gray matter, the conversation from progressing....]

    Well, I'll be damned! I didn't know about this feature. Whenever I see the discussion reduced to the level of cnet comments I just switch off. Specially if it is a Mac v PC discussion reduced to expletives and profanities. I use both daily, don't get me wrong, but when they are used as arguments it is the end. I made it about 8 post deep in this thread and just switched off. I popped back in today and went straight to the end only to receive this one piece of invaluable information. Thanks.
  • Reply 187 of 520
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    By the way, Apple uses better parts in general for things like: hard disks, LCD screens, transformers, cabling, etc. Look it up.

    Aluminum, glass, and better materials in general obviously cost more. That cost is also passed on to the consumer.
  • Reply 188 of 520
    overdueoverdue Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by voodooru View Post


    you asked the sales guy why does one MacbookAir have flash and another a regular HD? I'm not sure who the dummy is? you can't be serious with that question.

    3 year old battery - get a grip, batteries don't last forever, they lose power over time.


    Well, excuse me if I'm not using the right "vernacular."

    I am, after all, just a dumb consumer.

    One DOES have a "hard drive," while another one doesn't. Whatever it has, beats me. That's all I can tell you.

    And the "professional" mac dealer, who we like to imagine should know his stuff, had NO idea how to answer my question. A valid question, regardless of my ineptness at not being cool enough to know "Mac talk."

    My 4 year old Dell Inspiron still manages to crank out 45 minutes on battery, BTW.

    Go back to your Fanboy cave, jerk.
  • Reply 189 of 520
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    By the way, Apple uses better parts in general for things like: hard disks, LCD screens, transformers, cabling, etc. Look it up.

    Aluminum, glass, and better materials in general obviously cost more. That cost is also passed on to the consumer.

    Great advantages, but it doesn't matter. It will never be mentioned on the ad. The only thing that rings a huge bell to potential viewers/buyers is the price and the seemingly bigger spec numbers on the product. For some who need a new computer or upgrade, this is good enough than the pricier Mac.
  • Reply 190 of 520
    overdueoverdue Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by archangel3700 View Post

    Well here's an over reaction if ever I saw one. While I imagine that you think your wisdom is more than enough for this forum, perhaps that just isn't so. Maybe some people have been reading Appleinsider and its forums for years. But maybe they haven't seen anything worth commenting on, as yet. In any case, what's the point of whining about the fact that several people have signed up recently? Or to have taken the time to write them all down!

    Then again, maybe you're right and no one new should every sign up again - you guys have it covered.

    How's this for troll talk:

    Tais toi, petite connard.

    Look it up, you'll like it
  • Reply 191 of 520
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    I wouldn't go that far. Out of the 15 or so people on the floor there is usually only 2 of them that know anything beyond iPhone, iPod, iLife, and OS X. The one person who could answer my program is always either on break, off for the day, or has a 2 hour line of people waiting to see him/her. I find most people there to be as equally annoying as at any CompUSA or BestBuy.

    I fully agree with this. I won't go in to talk to Genius without and appointment. Actually I generally hate the Apple Store experience. There are too many people milling around for some sort of social experience and not really there to buy a product. I have on several occasions gone in to buy a specific product and stood around waiting several minutes to get someone to cash me out--the floor people are busy wasting time on people that have no intention of buying.
  • Reply 192 of 520
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by heavydevelopment View Post

    I fully agree with this. I won't go in to talk to Genius without and appointment. Actually I generally hate the Apple Store experience. There are too many people milling around for some sort of social experience and not really there to buy a product. I have on several occasions gone in to buy a specific product and stood around waiting several minutes to get someone to cash me out--the floor people are busy wasting time on people that have no intention of buying.

    Its naive to think they have no intention of buying and only milling around the Apple store for social status. Each and every one of those people are using and playing with the products.

    They may not buy it now, but they walk away with the knowledge and actual hands on use of the devices. Weather its a MacBook and OSX, iPods and more significantly, iPhone/iPod Touch UI. These potential buyers can now check other competitors and realize that their products are vastly inferior, since these potential buyers now have the actual usage of the Apple products to compare with in their minds.
  • Reply 193 of 520
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    Mac OSX

    Mac OSX is worth nine hundred fucking dollars? Get real.

    I could by an entire computer for that much money.

    So I get two computers with Windows, you get one with OSX, and you are honestly telling me that you think you got a better deal? What the hell is wrong with you?
  • Reply 194 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Great advantages, but it doesn't matter. It will never be mentioned on the ad. The only thing that rings a huge bell to potential viewers/buyers is the price and the seemingly bigger spec numbers on the product. For some who need a new computer or upgrade, this is good enough than the pricier Mac.

    That is true, but don't the bargain shoppers already know that no Apple product will not fit their budgetary requirements? It seems to me instead of pointing out the obvious and seemingly focusing in on their built-in fanbase that they should do what Apple did with the "Get A Mac" ads and focus on those that aren't current customers. How they would do that I have no clue. \
  • Reply 195 of 520
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by randomdude View Post

    Mac OSX is worth nine hundred fucking dollars? Get real.

    I could by an entire computer for that much money.

    So I get two computers with Windows, you get one with OSX, and you are honestly telling me that you think you got a better deal? What the hell is wrong with you?

    Here is proof right in front of us.

    MS knows that, cheap and good enough will sell. This is the mentality that MS is trying to capture with the ads. If only these users actually visit an Apple store to compare it may change, but with huge dollars in difference portrayed on the ad, these users will say forget it. They'll think like this person above who has no clue on why OSX and Apple hardware is vastly superior than the cheap Windows/PC box.
  • Reply 196 of 520
    smilingoatsmilingoat Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    I think I'm correct. I'm a Mac user myself. I will save money to buy a Mac in the future. I just bought a late 08 MBP 2.5ghz myself, iWork, iLife 09. I'd rather wait to save up than buy a PC/Windows box.

    The last 3 users I have worked with will not buy a Mac. Despite every nitpicking advantage I have poured over their heads, they cannot justify 2000 for a MBP to a 1000 dollar PC/Windows box that can do almost everything the MBP can. Sure not as elegant, or intuitively but their main concern was dollars. This economic environment cannot justify the purchase of a Mac vs a PC/Windows.

    Also Microsoft doesn't have to mention Windows ( afraid of Vista reputation), every PC box has Windows so its a sale for MS.

    i agree with you, you are correct. im a half-mac person half-PC person, more mac for personal computing (also i use a windows system for games)

    however i want/need a new Mac, mine is old, and it is literally falling apart, as well built as they look, when you actually use one for a lot of years, they hold up about as well as any other big name laptop. and to be honest ive had to bring my mac into the apple store 3 times... but its still a very high quality product, and there is something about the feel of a product being solid that really is good. also the newer unibody ones should prove to be far more reliable than anything else on the market.

    but to the point, i really want to replace my mac, but there is a problem, i want a desktop, not a laptop. secondly i want an all-in-one, which at face value isnt a problem. but Apple has fallen behind in this.

    i WANT an iMac, but with todays economy, i think im going to end up with something else. most likely the new Dell All-in-one that is releasing this month or next. the reason? cost. no other reason, there is a very large difference when spending teh same amount of money... worth $700+ in differences. in todays world, thats huge.

    plus the dell has a multipoint glass touchscreen (similar to the touchscreen on the iPhone)

    anyway, im waiting as long as possible, but if apple doesnt blow us away soon with a decent deal, and a new design that can handle more advanced components, then i'll be forced to get a windows 7 based all-in-one... which i really do not want to do.

    thats one sale right there. i would spend $300 more on a comparative apple all-in-one. i think thats a fair amount to ask, not $700+.
  • Reply 197 of 520
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by troyallen23 View Post

    Do people actually believe a commercial in which Microsoft pays a person for buying a windows based laptop. When I decided to buy a Mac, I walked into an Apple store for a few hours and used one.

    What leaves me scratching my head is why Microsoft bothers to mention Apple at all in their ads. It makes no sense. Conventional marketing usually dictates that between 2 products, if one traditionally has a much higher sales volume than another, the higher volume seller does not mention the lesser volume seller in their ads. That only "legitimizes" the threat to "#1" posed by "#2." Number 2, however can successfully position themselves as the "challenger" without damaging the perception of them held by their targeted market. Notice there is a "take the Pepsi taste challenge" but there is no "take the Coke taste challenge."

    In other words, "challenger" and "contender" can only be a positive perception for number 2. David by calling out Goliath, can be seen in a positive light. On the other hand, number 1 comes off as weak by challenging number 2, and elevates number 2's status. Goliath challenging David risks coming off as a scared bully.

    Microsoft would do better to focus on turning around the negatives associated with their products by actually improving them or at least the perception of them and never acknowledging that Apple even exists. Especially since Apple will never have to be number 1 to remain profitable, but MS has positioned itself to need the number 1 spot as part of it's success.

    Go figure. Right now IMO the best "switcher" ad for going from Windows to Mac is MS's own commercials.
  • Reply 198 of 520
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    The economy has just about everyone thinking cheap is the way to go.

    No amount of nitpicking each product advantages will matter.

    The ad is effective and will definitely take away a huge amount of sales for Apple products. The message that Apple is "expensive" is clear. That resonates to potential buyers.

    The PC is cheap, it works and can do just about everything the more expensive Mac can do.

    Its a clear straight message that resonates with the current economy.

    Microsoft has hit a home run with this one. It's cheap, its good enough and hundreds of dollars less than the Mac.

    What a useless argument, why don't you line up at a foodbank instead of buying food, after all it's cheaper and everone is thinking cheap these days.
  • Reply 199 of 520
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That is true, but don't the bargain shoppers already know that no Apple product will not fit their budgetary requirements? It seems to me instead of pointing out the obvious and seemingly focusing in on their built-in fanbase that they should do what Apple did with the "Get A Mac" ads and focus on those that aren't current customers. How they would do that I have no clue. \

    The Apple fanbase is hurting in this economy too.

    If your a Mac user with an older Mac and just lost your job or have a fear of losing your job, had your wages cut, and you need a new computer, which will you buy?
  • Reply 200 of 520
    smilingoatsmilingoat Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    By the way, Apple uses better parts in general for things like: hard disks, LCD screens, transformers, cabling, etc. Look it up.

    Aluminum, glass, and better materials in general obviously cost more. That cost is also passed on to the consumer.

    this is untrue.

    the new LCD screens are nothing short of great, but they still use some of the worst LCD screens from any major manufacturer in their iMac lineup. they also often use slower HDDs than the competition, and those hard drives are more susceptible to being ruined if you use your Mac on the go.

    their cables tend to be over priced, along with their headphones, which are also very poor quality.

    look it up.
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