Palm CEO, former Apple exec says he's never used an iPhone



  • Reply 61 of 259
    mobilememobileme Posts: 288member
    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post

    I'm fairly certain that my son's reading comprehension is better than yours. Obviously, you missed the part where I said that I think WebOS is SECOND best behind that of the iPhone's. You also missed the part where I said that I own a Touch. That's the reason I've frequented these forums over the last year even though I first posted this evening. I thought that owning an Apple product might entitle me to post an opinion on this forum. If you feel that I should no longer be allowed to post on this site please feel free to contact the moderators.

    I don't have a dog in your game of PC vs Mac. I only said that I own a PC because I'm cost conscious. I agree with your statement that spec vs spec there isn't much difference. Then again, I don't need anything more than Chrome, Excel, and Word. There is a difference between a want vs a need. I just get incredibly irritated by people with their snobby attitude towards those of us who may own a Pre. Maybe you should drop by and take my Touch away since I am obviously not worthy of owning an Apple product. Like I said, if you don't want me around please feel free to contact the mods.

    I don't care if your around, you obviously have some sense to own a Touch (and yes I did miss that). Your "cost conscious" argument is mute because an Apple refurbished machine is better then any PC in regards to price you could buy... You just sound like the type that really wants an apple product, but are blind by the "cool" factor others betray thus you miss the true investment one gets when purchasing an Apple product (THATS ANY APPLE PRODUCT) .. It's understood also you would want a Palm Pre cause of work incentives on a hardware or even a payment plan discount... Though I must say the iphone is now $99 so the "expensive" iPhone argument is thrown out of the window also... You obviously also want a PC but it sounds like you need a Mac, Safari is much better then chrome check out the link ... and iWork is much better the the stolen code Word suite.... You PC users are so jealous can't see that Apple is just much more ORIGINAL, INNOVATIVE, MORE ENJOYABLE , EFFICIENT FOR PRODUCTIVITY OF ANY TASK... Then windows ...iPhone sales speak for themselves.. Palm wanting to always sync with itunes should tell you that even your precious palm with its hardly ZERO apps and stupid management LOVES apple business model.... ohh and BTW WEB OS is actually 6th best or lower buddy and according to this recent Dec 2009 Markert share isn't even listed

    Jury says................................... WEAK ARGUMENT...... TIME TO MOVE ON BUDDY ... GRAB YOUR TISSUE ON THE WAY OUT
  • Reply 62 of 259
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member

    The short percentage of PALM float is over 62%. Negative book value. Negative quarterly revenue growth (YOY).

    I am calling my broker on Monday and shorting PALM big time. This company is going down.
  • Reply 63 of 259
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Gotcha. Despite the "low rent" maneuver I think it was a good tactic for Palm to promote the Pre cheaply if they never planned on making their own app. The back and forth made news outside of tech sites and yet I know BB users that didn?t even know RiM made an app that ties into iTunes DB files until I asked them about it.

    Personally, I think the whole thing was poorly organized. In Rubenstein?s defense you?d have to paying no attention to Apple to have made such a blunder as to push a poor HW, OS and SDK release that was incomplete right before Apple launches their 3rd iPhone.

    They would have done much better releasing about mid-iPhone cycle. Plus that would allowed them to make the decent browser-based SDK for their browser-based OS instead of the crap they pushed out 6 months ago. They could also have had an app store that could start out fairly well stocked out of the gate with GPU acceleration and other tweaks. Their UI is the best, outside of the iPhone and even trumps it in many ways, and clearly bests the Android for a usability standpoint.

    I?m actually irritated at how Palm has managed to mess up this potential life saving release. I feel Monty Brewser couldn?t have run this company more poorly on purpose (Brewster?s Millions reference).

    Precisely, it was the attention the Pre needed out the gate. The Pre was big on tech blogs and everything, but outside of there it was non-existent and was on the weakest carrier of all 4 (even if they are ranked 3rd in customers nothing has yet to stop Sprints hemorrhaging even though they have some decent phones). I dont use the iTunes syncing cause its annoying and clunky on the Itunes Media Sync, im forced on Mac but on Windows id much rather use D&D method since i refuse to install Roxio just to sync music.

    The Pre Plus (apparently much improved all around) and Pixi is headed for Verizon around something like January 25th? If Apple decides to blow off Verizon for yet another year then VZW will need to push this phone hard and get the mindshare for this device. It is the only phone with the glitz and glamor that the iPhone has. VZW has shown they can make even the Droid and Storm (yes i owned a Storm 9530) a star commercial, Palm needs this huge push to get some more sales and some mindshare. Im expecting atleast 1.5 million devices overall for Palm for Q3 2010.

    I do think they needed to wait on the Pre's release but i dont think they could've stand to lose atleast another possible 130 million on top of what they loss if they waited and kill themselves prematurely. Right now i think the Pre Plus and Pixi will need to hold over from January until December and then have Palm drop their next gen model. Their getting by right now but hurting. IF Palm makes it to the end of 2010, it will most certainly be do or die with their next phone if they dont make a profit even once this quarter.
  • Reply 64 of 259
  • Reply 65 of 259
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by ALBIM View Post

    I don't really care for palm, but am I the only one who hopes PALM stock goes way up so MJ Web can lose some money?

    No, you are not the only one.
  • Reply 66 of 259
    mobilememobileme Posts: 288member,_Inc.

    Revenue FY 2009 736 Million (Didn't that crap company google pay more then that for Ad Mob )

    NOI FY 2009 -301million!!!!!!!!

    Net Income FY 2009 -732Million!!!!!!!!! :

    Lets take a page from Michael Hell (I mean dell) .. "I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders." Thats what I'd do if I had a chance to run Palm
  • Reply 67 of 259
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I don't care if your around, you obviously have some sense to own a Touch (and yes I did miss that). Your "cost conscious" argument is mute because an Apple refurbished machine is better then any PC in regards to price you could buy... You just sound like the type that really wants an apple product, but are blind by the "cool" factor others betray thus you miss the true investment one gets when purchasing an Apple product (THATS ANY APPLE PRODUCT) .. It's understood also you would want a Palm Pre cause of work incentives on a hardware or even a payment plan discount... Though I must say the iphone is now $99 so the "expensive" iPhone argument is thrown out of the window also... You obviously also want a PC but it sounds like you need a Mac, Safari is much better then chrome check out the link ... and iWork is much better the the stolen code Word suite.... You PC users are so jealous can't see that Apple is just much more ORIGINAL, INNOVATIVE, MORE ENJOYABLE , EFFICIENT FOR PRODUCTIVITY OF ANY TASK... Then windows ...iPhone sales speak for themselves.. Palm wanting to always sync with itunes should tell you that even your precious palm with its hardly ZERO apps and stupid management LOVES apple business model.... ohh and BTW WEB OS is actually 6th best or lower buddy and according to this recent Dec 2009 Markert share isn't even listed

    Jury says................................... WEAK ARGUMENT...... TIME TO MOVE ON BUDDY ... GRAB YOUR TISSUE ON THE WAY OUT

    There's more to owning a phone than the initial price. Consider the cost of a like-featured AT&T contract over the course of two years and I'd be paying $1,440 more after the $60/month discount I get through Sprint. Add in the $100 I would have saved with the older 3G you've thrown out and the overage is reduced to $1,340. So your argument still fails on cost for my needs. As I alluded, if it wasn't for the Sprint discount I would have opted for the iPhone. As it is my Palm isn't a bed SECOND-best. And when I say second best it is on my own user experience. Market share does not equate to user experience. If you truly think that Symbian is better than WebOS then I can't help you. That argument falls flat on it's face if I tried to argue that Windows was better than Snow Leopard because of Window's lead over it. You and I both know that's untrue.

    As for the rest, my company doesn't support Apple software. It's a fairly large corporation, and we're locked into MS Office for all applications. I guess you probably refuse to work at companies unless they use Apple products exclusively. I don't have that luxury. It's a bit difficult to be so picky when you're a 30 something widow with a 13 year old son to raise. I guess the jury says..... I could give two $hit$ about you or your opinions any longer,DELETED
  • Reply 68 of 259
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post

    There's more to owning a phone than the initial price. Consider the cost of a like-featured AT&T contract over the course of two years and I'd be paying $1,440 more after the $60/month discount I get through Sprint. Add in the $100 I would have saved with the older 3G you've thrown out and the overage is reduced to $1,340. So your argument still fails on cost for my needs. As I alluded, if it wasn't for the Sprint discount I would have opted for the iPhone. As it is my Palm isn't a bed SECOND-best. And when I say second best it is on my own user experience. Market share does not equate to user experience. If you truly think that Symbian is better than WebOS then I can't help you. That argument falls flat on it's face if I tried to argue that Windows was better than Snow Leopard because of Window's lead over it. You and I both know that's untrue.

    As for the rest, my company doesn't support Apple software. It's a fairly large corporation, and we're locked into MS Office for all applications. I guess you probably refuse to work at companies unless they use Apple products exclusively. I don't have that luxury. It's a bit difficult to be so picky when you're a 30 something widow with a 13 year old son to raise. I guess the jury says..... I could give two $hit$ about you or your opinions any longer, smarta$$ little punk.

    Your wasting your time with that clown, add him to your ignore list and move on. Hes like another version of Teckstud but even more stupid
  • Reply 69 of 259
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Your wasting your time with that clown, add him to your ignore list and move on. Hes like another version of Teckstud but even more stupid

    Thanks for the advise. I hadn't been in here for a few weeks. Whatever happened to him? Banned for life or just too bored to wreak havoc any longer?
  • Reply 70 of 259
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post

    Thanks for the advise. I hadn't been in here for a few weeks. Whatever happened to him? Banned for life or just too bored to wreak havoc any longer?

  • Reply 71 of 259
    mobilememobileme Posts: 288member
    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post

    There's more to owning a phone than the initial price. Consider the cost of a like-featured AT&T contract over the course of two years and I'd be paying $1,440 more after the $60/month discount I get through Sprint. Add in the $100 I would have saved with the older 3G you've thrown out and the overage is reduced to $1,340. So your argument still fails on cost for my needs. As I alluded, if it wasn't for the Sprint discount I would have opted for the iPhone. As it is my Palm isn't a bed SECOND-best. And when I say second best it is on my own user experience. Market share does not equate to user experience. If you truly think that Symbian is better than WebOS then I can't help you. That argument falls flat on it's face if I tried to argue that Windows was better than Snow Leopard because of Window's lead over it. You and I both know that's untrue.

    As for the rest, my company doesn't support Apple software. It's a fairly large corporation, and we're locked into MS Office for all applications. I guess you probably refuse to work at companies unless they use Apple products exclusively. I don't have that luxury. It's a bit difficult to be so picky when you're a 30 something widow with a 13 year old son to raise. I guess the jury says..... I could give two $hit$ about you or your opinions any longer, smarta$$ little punk.

    I really apologies man if I rubbed you the wrong way. I get passionate about Apple.. SERIOUSLY I APOLOGIZE, I KNOW THIS ECONOMY IS ROUGH

    .................................................. ....

    Now let me correct you or should I say help you and maybe you can be the voice for your department for more divers computing environment.

    First for iPhone user experience! Palm actually made the list toooo bad they didn't even meet the Avg.

    I will also say the "SOFTWARE ONLY" FOR WINDOWS IS MUTE TO SOME DEGREE ALSO.... Apple has Boot Camp (Built In) and theirs always parallels/VM WARE (as much as I hate that windows can run on a mac) It actually works for others ...... Apple has an enterprise market and would be glad to educate your company on the myths and show you the Apple is the way to go. ESPECIALLY FOR SERVER SOLUTIONS!!!!
  • Reply 72 of 259
    mobilememobileme Posts: 288member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Your wasting your time with that clown, add him to your ignore list and move on. Hes like another version of Teckstud but even more stupid

    Your just a failure dude hence your name ... why come at me when I'm saying FACTS??? ... and stop comparing me to TS cause I'm not like the person.
  • Reply 73 of 259
    Of course this guy isn't telling the truth... Like anyone expects a CEO pimp to tell the truth...
  • Reply 74 of 259
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I really apologies man if I rubbed you the wrong way. I get passionate about Apple.. SERIOUSLY I APOLOGIZE, I KNOW THIS ECONOMY IS ROUGH

    .................................................. ....

    Now let me correct you or should I say help you and maybe you can be the voice for your department for more divers computing environment.

    First for iPhone user experience! Palm actually made the list toooo bad they didn't even meet the Avg.

    I will also say the "SOFTWARE ONLY" FOR WINDOWS IS MUTE TO SOME DEGREE ALSO.... Apple has Boot Camp (Built In) and theirs always parallels/VM WARE (as much as I hate that windows can run on a mac) It actually works for others ...... Apple has an enterprise market and would be glad to educate your company on the myths and show you the Apple is the way to go. ESPECIALLY FOR SERVER SOLUTIONS!!!!

    Thanks, and I'm sorry if I got overheated. Quadra is really the only one on here that truly rubs me the wrong way. I wouldn't mind if we switched over to an Apple solution, but you'll never get a Fortune 500 company to reverse course on a dime. It normally takes me at least two years to ever get capital projects approved despite <2 year ROI. That's on projects at the 100k - 2m range. Just imagine the effort on a full IT switch. We're French owned.... and slow. Plus I'm just the Quality Assurance Manager. Anyways, apologies again for blowing something out of proportion.
  • Reply 75 of 259
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Absolutely agree with everyone here. This guy is totally lying, and it is hard to think that this guy gave us iMac and iPod. He is in for a talking with a board of Palm, at least I hope he is. With speeches like that Palm won't have a sucessful turnaround, which was the reason to hire this guy in the first place. There are probably people in the amazon rain forest who have used an iPhone, and if he didn't he is practicing escapism. That is if you ignore the problem (iPhone) the problem will go away. One problem though this is not true and it won't go away.

    I guess some people need a good team to be productive.
  • Reply 76 of 259
    mobilememobileme Posts: 288member
    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post

    Thanks, and I'm sorry if I got overheated. Quadra is really the only one on here that truly rubs me the wrong way. I wouldn't mind if we switched over to an Apple solution, but you'll never get a Fortune 500 company to reverse course on a dime. It normally takes me at least two years to ever get capital projects approved despite <2 year ROI. That's on projects at the 100k - 2m range. Just imagine the effort on a full IT switch. We're French owned.... and slow. Plus I'm just the Quality Assurance Manager. Anyways, apologies again for blowing something out of proportion.

    WOW French owned is enough said... I took french & studied the culture.. And they can stay firm in there ways on a corporate level, like a dug in Tick.

    Eh I've been encouraging friends and people I randomly meet to start their own business...

    I'm into developing programs for OS X along with web sites and Real Estate... I'm going to try and break into Video Production soon (again all starting on my own) meaning I have a small team to help realize my dream...NEVER START A BUSINESS LITERALLY BY YOURSELF... I'm only 24, but If I had a kid I'd be slowly teaching him the ropes of starting his own business... Get him and your self some Rich Dad Poor Dad books (he even has a book for kids/teens also) I got tired of relying on someone for my check especially when I was layed off unexpectedly but oh well thats life and I have christ in my life so I wasn't toooooo worried about the road that lies ahead ... anyway I digress ... Have a blessed night dude.

    PS yeah QUADRA is my passionate apple buddy but he's an Apple Cultist, My list goes GOD/JESUS then STEVE JOBS/APPLE but yeah anyways
  • Reply 77 of 259
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Ruby doesn't want to invite comparisons with Apple or get into any sort of discussion about what Apple's doing and what he isn't (or hasn't). On the other hand, by admitting he hasn't used an iPhone he might come off as out of touch with his own industry.

    In any case, it's difficult to field questions when you're the low man on the totem pole. Especially if you blew your product's release and failed to live up to expectations.
  • Reply 78 of 259
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Who are you?? Are you McNamee?? or Rubeinstein?? .... Take your "I'm a PC" mentality AND "I actually like my pre/ I think it's the next best OS" and preach elsewhere man... Your in a forum and room where... APPLE USERS HAVE THE BEST Phone OS (BTW we don't "think" its the best WE KNOW it's the best ... If you compare any PC to APPLE you'll see spec for spec that Apple is either in-line or cheaper then its competition in the same categories (Don't be one of those people who compare netbooks to Apple notebooks).

    Hey I'm curious, How many Apps does WEB BC have??

    You know you just make the OP look better right? I get you like Apple products, but you are taking this to another level. People come here to discuss Apple products and competitive products. No one is going to respect you or care what you have to say if you keep this fanatical attitude. You going to flame me because I prefer my xbox360 as a media center over an Apple TV, my hackintoshed netbook (and no, I did not pirate OSX, I went and bought it for 130$) over my macbook pro in certain situations, or the fact I'd prefer to get a Zune HD over an iPod touch? Take a step back dude, if you want to be part of this community you have to get along.

    As far as the actual topic at hand, I find it hard to believe Palm doesn't pay attention to the iPhone. I do think a point most of you miss out on, is that by using iTunes to sync a palm pre, it is actually better for Apple. More people using iTunes means that they are more inclined to buy off the iTunes store, and when someone does choose to get something, say a MP3 player or tablet, the fact they are already iTunes users is an advantage for Apple when trying to push new products. Yes, Palm is leeching off Apples work, but at the end of the day, higher market share with iTunes can only lead to more profits.
  • Reply 79 of 259
    Originally Posted by MarkHernandez View Post

    Yeah, I agree with all you guys. He sounds like a Republican that says things like he's talking to people who are too uninformed to notice the crazy statements...?

    LOL. Wasn't him a prominent Democrat who claimed never having had _____ relations with that ______?

  • Reply 80 of 259
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    He has always had a chip on his shoulder ever since NeXT that he was the "hardware" exec who was never the "vision" guy.

    Palm is dying.

    I hope Palm doesn't die. His statements seem a bit silly but Palm's WebOS seems like a better mobile OS than Android. Verizon doesn't have the iPhone so if I had my choice I'd go WebOS over any Android phone. I believe there enough market for Palm to remain viable.
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