Apple to introduce iPhone OS 4.0 on April 8



  • Reply 121 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by swinge View Post

    I hope Apple takes a bold step forwards with this update...iPhone 3 was all the practical, needed updates like cut/copy/paste, search,'s hoping iPhone 4 includes some cool/fun stuff too...

    They have a bunch of catching up to do at this point. It seems that in your opinion, 3.0 was catch-up as well.

    I'd like to see something amazing, something that nobody has predicted.
  • Reply 122 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    What aspects of OS4 will give them breathing room ahead of Android?

    I was wondering that myself since I still don't consider android an improvement over the iPhone 3 OS...
  • Reply 123 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Seems like the number of apps has slowed considerably recently. For a while, the amount was doubling geometically. Perhaps Apple's purge of the thousands of crap apps has reset things a bit.

    It is likely that many, many indie guys were hoping to strike it rich and made lots of simple apps back in the day. But now, they see that with few exceptions, apps don't sell well, and few developers are making a return, so lots of beginners/amateur devs have stopped wasting time.
  • Reply 124 of 238
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Don't know why they didn't release it on same date as iPad???

    Marketing 101. That's why. It keeps them on the headlines for longer. They will be on a roll now staying on the spotlight until the summer. Then they will hammer the Macs again ready for the back to school season (together with a healthy dose of iPad e-book for the kids at school)
  • Reply 125 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Comments like that simply enforce the techie stereotype. You'll just end up ooohing and aaahing the eye candy for five minutes until you get bored and want the next "fix".

    I disagree. The ohhing and aahing is done by non-techs folks who are impressed by eye candy.

    The techie types want it to PERFORM. To do stuff. To be flexible and capable.

    To a techie, the looks of the damn thing are secondary.
  • Reply 126 of 238
    naboozlenaboozle Posts: 213member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I don't believe an operating system can upgrade your hardware.


    It's code for the nanobots to grow a new camera. You put the iPhone next to a penny and a pinch of sand, then press the home button 3 times.
  • Reply 127 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    With the iPad you can now sync files via iTunes over USB, so who knows. And for all they force wireless syncing for, it still burns me I can't sync with iTunes over wifi

    It burns me that I cannot ditch iTunes and use the syncing software of my choice. iTunes is bloated and buggy. I would use other software if it were available.

    I'd like to see something modular, which would allow simple adding of content without having to go through the entire song and dance of verifying, backing up, etc. every damn time.
  • Reply 128 of 238
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Background audio (in AND out) is the only kind of multitasking I want that the iPhone doesn?t already have.

    That would solve many multi-tasking issues. Here's another solution to many problems that wouldn't require arbitrary multi-tasking:

    Allow apps like Instapaper or ReadItLater to have streamlined processes that can be launched for fetching new data in the background. These could be polled at fixed intervals, like the Mail fetch settings. Better yet, this functionality could be triggered by push notifications or directly by the current app when adding a link to one of these.

    Have a global system setting for all such apps and way to trigger all syncing - would be most useful for iPod Touch owners before leaving a Wi-Fi area.
  • Reply 129 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    I would also like to see them bring inkwell/handwriting recognition to the iPad.

    That seems unlikely to me. The finger is dull and blunt, and changes the size of its contact area with the screen on a dynamic basis.

    I don't see it happening unless/until a proper stylus is available. The stylii I've seen for capacitive screens are all junk, and they all have a big, dull "point", which is less than optimal for writing.

    I'd be surprised if capacitive technology could be used for something like handwriting recognition - it seems (currently, anyhow) to be way too crude.
  • Reply 130 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    i'll bet that the new iphone will be AT LEAST as fast as the ipad, which right now blows any other smaart phone OS off the map

    What do you base this on? Have you read benchmark reviews? I've never heard anything like that.

    All I have heard is that the iPad is faster than the iPhone.
  • Reply 131 of 238
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    i'll bet that the new iphone will be AT LEAST as fast as the ipad, which right now blows any other smaart phone OS off the map

    the big surprise is how did they get the performance from this chip that others by spec haven't been able to do

    all those new droids etc now will be slow and need upgrade counter to the typical time of customer upgrades. also will put many on notice for upgrade since who wants to buy anything now till june BEFORE they compare to iphone 4.0

    it will give us huge insight to iphone 4.0, and hope for an :SJ "surprise"

    and when do schools purchase there IT stuff???? decisions must include iPad and iphone 4.0 as options.

    What many fail to realize, is that Apple is able to get more with less than the 'competitors.' Other products are paper tigers- good-lookig specs, yet poor performance. The superior OS and combination of hardware is why an iPad with only 265 MB RAM blows away any other tablets or netbooks, speed-wise. I'm sure iPhone 4.0 will do the same to other smart-phones.
  • Reply 132 of 238
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    What do you base this on? Have you read benchmark reviews? I've never heard anything like that.

    All I have heard is that the iPad is faster than the iPhone.

    Isn't Apple's new A4 going to be in the new iPhone? Seems reasonable to assume if they put the same hardware in a device with a much smaller screen, that it will not only be faster than the current gen iPhone, but any other smart-phone, as well.
  • Reply 133 of 238
    I can't wait until 4.0 goes to beta for developers; I will renew my membership as a developer.
  • Reply 134 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    What many fail to realize, is that Apple is able to get more with less than the 'competitors.' Other products are paper tigers- good-lookig specs, yet poor performance. The superior OS and combination of hardware is why an iPad with only 265 MB RAM blows away any other tablets or netbooks, speed-wise. I'm sure iPhone 4.0 will do the same to other smart-phones.


    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Isn't Apple's new A4 going to be in the new iPhone? Seems reasonable to assume if they put the same hardware in a device with a much smaller screen, that it will not only be faster than the current gen iPhone, but any other smart-phone, as well.

    I'd expect them to use it or a variant of the A4. I wouldn't expect it to be 1GHz. The 3GS is pretty fast with the 600MHz ARMv7. If they clock it to 800MHz and give us more battery, I'll take that over a 1GHz with less battery.
  • Reply 135 of 238
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    4.0 needs multitasking at the very least.

    It'll be interesting to see how fragmentation will be dealt with, as this is continuing to be a troubling situation for the platform with the iPhone 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 software, the iPod implementations, and now the iPad.
  • Reply 136 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    It burns me that I cannot ditch iTunes and use the syncing software of my choice. iTunes is bloated and buggy. I would use other software if it were available.

    After using other software like winamp I have no issue with iTunes. It's actually quit powerful, especially the smart playlists. Yes, it can hang from time to time (then again I have over 100,000 items in my library and realize that I am an extreme use case) but I'm sure many of the current performance issues will be resolved with a native coco version.


    I'd like to see something modular, which would allow simple adding of content without having to go through the entire song and dance of verifying, backing up, etc. every damn time.

    Hmm - neither my iPad nor iphone verify every time I sync. And you can disable all or cancel individual backups - although I wouldn't as the automatic backups have saved me on multiple occasions

    I just wish they could be turned on to automatically happen in the background as soon as I am in range of my home wifi. Or even with an option to only do it while connected to power. It's annoyingly inconvenient as it is...
  • Reply 137 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    I don't see it happening unless/until a proper stylus is available. The stylii I've seen for capacitive screens are all junk, and they all have a big, dull "point", which is less than optimal for writing.

    I was handed one of the commonly available stylus to sign for my iPad on their iPod touch at the Apple store and while it looked blunt, it worked perfectly and far better than my finger.


    I'd be surprised if capacitive technology could be used for something like handwriting recognition - it seems (currently, anyhow) to be way too crude.

    Just from my experience signing on an iPod touch the screen and machine is way more responsive and higher resolution/more accurate than my Newton - which works just fine to this day.

    It's not a technical issue, but a philosophical one
  • Reply 138 of 238
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    4.0 needs multitasking at the very least.

    It would be nice, especially for Pandora, but I can certainly survive without it.

    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    It'll be interesting to see how fragmentation will be dealt with, as this is continuing to be a troubling situation for the platform with the iPhone 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 software, the iPod implementations, and now the iPad.

    My products work beautifully, what is fragmentation and should I be concerned?
  • Reply 139 of 238
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Ohhhhhh. NOW I get it.

    "Microsoft plans April 12 mystery event: Pulling another page from Apple's playbook, Microsoft has sent out a cryptic invitation to lure reporters to an upcoming event, while offering almost no clue as to what will be introduced."

    Yeah, they are going to pull those ms phones out of their asses 4 years too late.

    It's pitiful how the windoze crowd still hope MS will somehow make the vapourware that is the courier (another inspired name; fedex and ups are expected to be the main competitors it seems) materialise out of thin air from all the mock ups for this event...
  • Reply 140 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    an iPad with only 265 MB RAM blows away any other tablets or netbooks, speed-wise. I'm sure iPhone 4.0 will do the same to other smart-phones.

    What do you base this on? Have you seen any bechmark tests?

    Or is this mere speculation?
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