Apple sued over iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 241 of 418
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    No because I have an iPhone 4 and it works. Do you [ski1] even have one? ...

    ski1 has refused to answer that question on prior occasions. He's denying that it's even relevant.
  • Reply 242 of 418
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    maybe not from the Apple store but

    there absolutely is a restocking fee if you bought the phone from AT&T

    There is also a restocking fee if bought from Apple online or from any Apple store in America.
  • Reply 243 of 418
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    ski1 has refused to answer that question on prior occasions. He's denying that it's even relevant.

    Wrong fanboy, you need to do better research. Especially on the iPhone 4 flaw. Check out my post here:
  • Reply 244 of 418
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    What a travesty that people who already buy a case for their phone have to buy a case for their phone. I get BETTER reception with my iPhone 4 than I ever did with my original iPhone. These lawsuits just prove that 1) lawyers always find a way to make money, and 2) how many people have no common sense on how to hold a cell phone. If you smother it in your hand, you will block the signal, on any phone. I palmed my original iPhone and the signal went down. Why didn't anyone sue then? Was it because the black plastic piece actually made your brain understand that the antenna was behind that panel? The iPhone 4 is just too complicated for you to figure out where the antenna is? I hold the phone with three fingers on the right side and my thumb on the left side, and I am not blocking the antenna, and it is not awkward at all.

    This lawsuit will prove what fools people are. The FCC doesn't care how you hold a phone. They require the antenna to be at the bottom of a cell phone, in order to keep it as far away from your brain as possible, because some fool claimed cell phones caused cancer. Apple will prove that the phone meets FCC requirements and will probably settle out so people can get their $29 bumper for free.

    The lawsuit claims people paid a "premium" price for the phone? $199 and $299 is now considered a premium price? That is the same price as every other full featured smartphone, and far less than the original iPhone that required a full purchase price.

    What is really BS is that CA required sales tax to be calculated on the FULL price of the phone, not the $299 subsidized price. Other states do not have that requirement. So how is that for getting screwed?

    Looking at my iPhone 4 now, I have 5 bars with 3G in a rural area outside of Los

    Angeles. Sorry, I don't see a reception problem.

    Sadly Massachusetts jumped on this band wagon as well. I had to pay sales tax on the value of $599.00. I also believe RI is doing that as well.
  • Reply 245 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Your purchase history does not provide any indication of personal characteristics or user compitency.

    Again... try less talking, move your feet to an Apple Store, they all have at least 8 iPhones on display, you can hold them in any way you like, and test any nutty theory you wish.

    There are also hundreds of thousands of people, more than happy to take you iPhone 4 off your hands, if you're so miserable or jaded. You might even make a profit considering demand.

    How's your wifi reception? You can test it out by visiting Ebay, then you can try shutting it.

    It makes mockery of your claim that all of us are Apple haters.

    Been there, done that. Replicated the issue on every sample phone and with the Apple store personnel present. They hemmed and hawed like good Apple drones.

    I agree, not everyone is effected by this. It may be some phones have a manufacturing defect, it may be related to AT&T signal strength and equipment in different areas and different people also have different body conductivity related to sweat, salt density etc.

    The fact that you're having a a good experience is nice, but it in no way diminshes the multitude of others who are having this issue, the almost total majority of them, that are not suing. Your attitude toward those with a problem just shows your juvenile self-centerdness as you're phone is fine.
  • Reply 246 of 418
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by APPLEBIRD View Post

    IMHO the only ignorant twits here are you foolish sue happy apple haters . There IS a 30 day return policy on the dam things if you fools aren't happy with apple GO GET A ZUNIEPHONE !!

    PS, the 30 days haven't even been reached yet

    GOD you haters are a joke.

    There is the issue of a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone.

    Do you like throwing money down the toilet for malfunctioning pieces of equipment?
  • Reply 247 of 418
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Since Apple is refusing any fault in the device, you WILL be charged the 10% restocking fee.

    That's funny, I had two friends with defective iPhone 4 units and Apple gladly replaced them, so your absolute statement that Apple is refusing ANY fault with ANY iPhone 4 is completely BS. They weren't charged 10% restocking fee to have the faulty unit taken off their hands and if they simply wanted their money back they would have gotten it without paying a 10% restocking fee.


    Stop posting this garbage. The iPhone returns policy is black and white.

    Hey, just like your limited, subjective viewpoint on everything.

    Kind of funny how the world world works, eh? just because you read black on white, doesn't mean you have to think in black and white.
  • Reply 248 of 418
    I've been lurking, for a couple of days, on several of these threads, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of information.

    This is my first post so be gentle!

    We are in the USA and have an att plan

    The little lady and I have ordered replacements for her 3G and my 3GS.

    We are both happy with the phones and plan to sell them on ebay.

    Our orders are both scheduled to ship tomorrow!

    We are concerned that the new phones won't be as satifying as what we currently have,

    We can cancel anytime before shipment.

    We are seeking advice, pro and con on what to do.

    What would you do in a similar situation?
  • Reply 249 of 418
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Wrong fanboy, check out my post here:

    Well, you haven't answered the question on previous occasions, but now that we know the truth, I will say that it's entirely irrational of you to be expressing hysterical outrage over a product you don't own, and an issue you aren't affected by.

    I'm not saying no one has a right to discuss the issue if they don't own one, just that to exhibit the level of irrational rage that you have, given the circumstances, points to some mental instability in your particular case.
  • Reply 250 of 418
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by insider82 View Post

    just wanted to clarify that there is no restocking fee when returing an iPhone. You have 30 days to deciide if you want to keep the phone and the contract. THERE IS NO RESTOCKING FEE on iPhones.

    Apple employee

    Nice trolling, but no cigar. You are very, very wrong:


    Apple will assess a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone. Shipping fees are not refundable.
  • Reply 251 of 418
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    While my opinion is that a law suit is premature at this point - and regardless of the root cause or steps that resulted in this - the perception of a problem may be enough to significantly impact the future sales figures of the unit - and the Apple Board and or Stockholders - should be the ones calling a meeting with Steve and the iPhone design team to determine a solution to the problem - not a marketing campaign on why it is not a real problem.

    Lawsuits aside, the real gaffe here is Apple's Public Relations responses to the reception issue. I'm disappointed in the responses. Doesn't sound like the company I know and love.
  • Reply 252 of 418
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, you haven't answered the question on previous occasions, but now that we know the truth, I will say that it's entirely irrational of you to be expressing hysterical outrage over a product you don't own, and an issue you aren't affected by.

    I'm not saying no one has a right to discuss the issue if they don't own one, just that to exhibit the level of irrational rage that you have, given the circumstances, points to some mental instability in your particular case.

    You are the one that has the irrational rage and the mindset Apple could never make a mistake. Not me. LOL. I never refused to answer the question. You must have me confused with someone else. And my objective thoughts are not irrational. What if there were many reports and expert reviews that the new Chevy Camaro's radio did not work if you touched the steering wheel. I then went to test drive a few of them and they all experienced the same issue as reported. And Chevy denies there is an issue, that I just need to avoid holding the steering wheel or wear gloves. Hmmm, is that irrational to think there is an issue with the car ? That I have to actually own one to have a valid opinion ?
  • Reply 253 of 418
    apple///apple/// Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    Let me preemptively say that I am a huge Apple fan, and I also dislike lawsuits of almost any kind as they are usually opportunist shady scum-sucking trash actions. But not in this case. People, stop 'apologizing' for Apple on this one. They screwed the pooch. Apple is lying this time, and they are in breach of several federal laws. They should be called on the carpet this time. I say bring it.

    The party line of "don't hold it that way" or "there is no problem" is crap. There is a design defect, they know it, and they are in full overt denial/cover up mode. Stupid. There would be no issue (or cause for a lawsuit) if they would just suck it up, admit they found a 'potential flaw', and offer free bumper cases or a full refund to those who want it.

    This is purely an emotional response. Though I agree Apple should be dealing with this issue more appropriately, I do believe and will continue to believe that the iPhone 4 reception issues are blown way out of proportion and with that we now have 100's if not 1000's of people complaining about this issue like it was "jumping on the bandwagon".

    There was a G4 TV (tech/gaming cable station) show which reviewed the iPhone 4 and said that they had NO reception problem at all when holding the iPhone. They said that it took them half of an hour to actually get the iPhone to replicate the findings of the "death grip" iPhone reception problem.

    Wether this is a huge problem or one that effects only 2 or 3 percent of total iPhone 4's sold is not fully determined as of yet. What is determined is that some iPhone users have reported this problem and with sites like Gizmodo who seem to have a bone to pick with Apple. They make it seem that this issue is much larger then it really is. Apple has become that hated company in the eyes of some which has now reached a critical mass.

    Keep this is perspective. Apple should not have brushed this off in the manner they did. They messed up with their response to the issue. However it remains unclear just how big a problem this really is. Consider that all smart phones have this problem though to a lesser degree though not that less of a degree because the problem still arises in other smart phone makers like HTC and Motorola. This indicates that this issue may be blown out of proportion by Gizmodo because it suffered industry humiliation for their actions a few weeks prior with its "stolen property"
  • Reply 254 of 418
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Hey, everyone who bought an iPhone 4, you still have 24 days to return it for a FULL REFUND! There is no need to sue Apple. Just get your money back and get a life.

    This isn't what this lawsuit is about. Not every lawsuit is to score a buck. This lawsuit is to get Apple to fix the problem instead of telling consumers to hold the phone different or buy the solution. If a product is defective by design off the shelf you don't sell people the solution to the problem, you give it to them. Especially if the product in question is 300 freaking dollars. I'm a pretty big Apple fan, I have always thought lawsuits brought against them in the past were stupid but this one isn't.
  • Reply 255 of 418
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That's funny, I had two friends with defective iPhone 4 units and Apple gladly replaced them, so your absolute statement that Apple is refusing ANY fault with ANY iPhone 4 is completely BS. They weren't charged 10% restocking fee to have the faulty unit taken off their hands and if they simply wanted their money back they would have gotten it without paying a 10% restocking fee.

    They got their phones returned for the antenna reception problem?

    If they did, give me their names and phone numbers, and I want to find out if what you are saying is true.

    Chances are their iPhones were returned for a completely different reason than the antenna problem. Especially since Apple says they will refuse to exchange any phone because of reception complaints.
  • Reply 256 of 418
    I assume that you realize that all cell phones are just two-way radios and subject to interference.

    Antennas have been problematic since radios were invented and for TVs (still using radio frequencies). I'm a manufacturing engineer who has worked at major U.S. electronics companies for decades.

    EVERY cell phone has some antenna problems as Nokia found out after slamming Apple and then someone showed them a warning about how to hold Nokia phones in their user manual.

    All cell phones that I have used since they were available have had reception problems.

    Did you ever have to move a wireless router so that all Macs and/or PCs could connect?

    There are an incredible number of wireless interference sources including microwave ovens, garage door openers and various close proximity wireless networks.

    If you need a cell phone or better yet, an iPhone 4, get used to the fact that they are not perfect and are unlikely to be trouble free for decades. You may have to hold a phone differently or move a bit for better reception at times.

    The wireless cell phone problems are not unique to Apple or AT&T.
  • Reply 257 of 418
    voltaicvoltaic Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Yeah, it's all sour grapes. Apple is always out to get them, I believe its a personal defect possibly stemming from a combination of isolation and feelings of insecurity. Not having a healthy social life can make it difficult to place calls on an iPhone.

    It's possible that Steve Jobs is some sort of vampire that thrives of the misery of brats with entitlement issues. He probably has a secret volcano island lair filled with products that he hordes to keep the unwashed (and lonely, paranoid, mal-adjusted, sick) 'masses' unhappy. The real iPhone 4, a Verizon phone that only cost $1 for el cheapo babies, an $800 mac pro tower, an Apple TV with DVR capailities, the mythic Powerbook G5 and G6!

    You know, you might be right.

    The phone could be cunningly designed with the flaw just for Job's pleasure to wind up the consumer cult and journalists...a little power trip or media buzz generation.

    "Dance my puppets, DANCE!!"

    I mean who designs a radio device where part of your body comes in physical contact with the transmission/reception antenna? That idea seemed odd to me when I first saw it in the keynote.
  • Reply 258 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by RandySchultz View Post

    Lawsuits aside, the real gaffe here is Apple's Public Relations responses to the reception issue. I'm disappointed in the responses. Doesn't sound like the company I know and love.

  • Reply 259 of 418
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    You are the one that has the irrational rage and the mindset Apple could never make a mistake. Not me. LOL. I never refused to answer the question. You must have me confused with someone else. And my objective thoughts are not irrational. What if there were many reports and expert reviews that the new Chevy Camaro's radio did not work if you touched the steering wheel on the sides. I then went to test drive a few cars and they all experienced the same issue as reported. And Chevy denies there is an issue, that I just need to avoid holding the steering wheel on the sides. Hmmm, is that irrational to think there is an issue with the car ? That I have to actually own one ?

    Well, other than that you've completely misrepresented the content of my posts on this topic, no, it's not irrational to think there is an issue with the car. It is irrational to become enraged and hysterical about it, especially if you discovered this before buying it.
  • Reply 260 of 418
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    This is Apple store policy NATIONWIDE.


    And since you don't understand the concept of reading memos that were leaked from Apple, try this piece from the OFFICIAL iPhone return policy for ALL APPLE STORES:

    First, that's not the Apple retail store policy. That's the online policy. The retail policy is that they only charge restocking on non-defective items. If you're so sure that you can prove that it's defective, then you won't have to pay restocking fees.

    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Wrong fanboy, you need to do better research. Especially on the iPhone 4 flaw. Check out my post here:

    OK. So you finally admitted that you don't own one. So what is all your whining about? If there's a better phone out there, buy that instead. Bitching because the iPhone isn't 100% perfect in every way is foolish. It's impossible to make a phone that can't be improved some day.

    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Actually, there are plenty of people who think it was absolutely proper to award damages for handing scalding liquids, FAR above temperatures suitable for use, to people in a car.

    McDonalds cranked up the temperature to increase throughput, and endangered their customers.

    People can disagree on that, but its been turned into a meme about frivolous litigation without merit.

    Actually, your explanation is not correct. Apple did not claim that they served it hot to increase throughput (in fact, throughput would be higher if they didn't heat it so high). Apple's explanation is that their consumer research indicated that:

    1. Customers EXPECTED hot coffee to be hot.


    2. Customers preferred it at the higher temperature.

    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Yeah, it's all sour grapes. Apple is always out to get them, I believe its a personal defect possibly stemming from a combination of isolation and feelings of insecurity. Not having a healthy social life can make it difficult to place calls on an iPhone. :

    I think most of the whiners fit into one of the following categories:

    1. They're upset because Mommy won't buy them an iPhone/iMac/MBP/iPad/etc

    2. They're upset because they bought Microsoft stock instead of Apple stock 5 years ago

    3. Their shills with a hidden agenda (like the Adobe employees who keep posting on the Flash issue or Flash 'programmers' posting on the same topic or ties to Apple's competition

    Ordinarily, I would add:

    4. Steve Jobs stole their girlfriend

    but it's obvious that most of these people never had a girlfriend and probably won't until they move out of Mommy and Daddy's basement.

    Originally Posted by ThereisAworminmyApple View Post

    This could be bad karma for throwing all those china men off of the rooftops. Maybe the people working in the factory got a little payback for being treated like slaves and sabotaged the phones. Yeah it's my first post and somewhat negative,but the truth hurts.......

    You really might want to learn what TRUTH means.

    1. Apple didn't throw anyone off a rooftop. Neither did Foxconn

    2. Those employees are treated better than average employees in the area, particularly now that they've had a 100% raise

    3. The suicide rate for those employees was no greater than the reported average for China

    Too bad you couldn't post something useful and accurate for your first post.

    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    That is not what I said.....They are happy with the OLD 3GS...they don't have a 4G.

    The discussion was about iPhone 4 and someone suggested that anyone not happy with the iPhone 4 could simply return it. You said your wife and stepdaughter would be unhappy. Sounds like you're pretending that they have iPhone 4.

    THAT is exactly why this anecdotal crap is useless. Please either outright lying or presenting half truths intended to mislead.

    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    And you've asked at which Apple Store/Genius Bar? Get us the store location and employee name details. Until then... how about limiting the speech until you have better information?

    Accurate information? From an Apple-hater?

    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Stop posting this garbage. The iPhone returns policy is black and white.

    Yes it is:

    NON-DEFECTIVE items have a 10% restocking fee. If you're so sure your phone is defective and can prove it, there's no restocking fee. Seems more than fair.

    So where's the proof that these phones are dropping calls? I've been asking throughout this thread and no one has provided any evidence that it's a real problem. Anand's tests indicate that the iPhone 4 actually drops LESS calls than previous phones.
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