Dell announces Streak tablet phone US launch on Friday



  • Reply 21 of 196
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Unless it's released with Android 2.2/Froyo, and a lot more than 2gb of built-in storage, I sense a Monumental Fail.

    It really is interesting that almost every Android device released on AT&T appears to be deliberately cripple, shackled, or stifled in some way or another, almost like they're afraid of offering any viable competition to their (current) flashship device. \

    You seem to think ATT deliberately designed something that would not make them much money. Hmmm. Now why would they do that?
  • Reply 22 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    Its released with 1.6, and upgraded to 2.1 shortly, with 2.2 later in the year.

    the cost for the phone aint too bad (waaay less than I am paying for my iphone), but the on contract cost is a bit lame.

    If they do release it with a mere 2gb of user storage (regardless of its microSDHC expansion slot), that's a monumental mistake in a world where 8gb is minimal and 16gb is the standard on these devices.

    We'll See...
  • Reply 23 of 196
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    So it is as expensive as a phone and too small to be a tablet. And it is neither a phone nor a tablet!

    What is the point of this device exactly?!

    It's just a large(r) iPod Touch!
  • Reply 24 of 196
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    As the owner/user of an Archos 5It/Android (5inch screen slate computer), there are numerous benefits to a larger (but still pocket-friendly) slate device.

    01 - Videos are much more enjoyable on the larger display.

    02 - Games are more 'immersive', especially driving games.

    03 - Reading eBooks is much more pleasurable and easy on the eyes on a 5 inch screen than on something smaller.

    04 - Web Surfing is also much more enjoyable on the larger display.

    and on... and on...

    No offence but if I believed you every time you said you owned this or that device, I think you would have to be some kind of multimillionaire who buys every computer and mobile device from every company known.

    Every time you want to make a point, you seem to claim ownership of some device or other. I don't believe you.
  • Reply 25 of 196
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    As the owner/user of an Archos 5It/Android (5inch screen slate computer), there are numerous benefits to a larger (but still pocket-friendly) slate device....

    You must have some VERY big pockets.
  • Reply 26 of 196
    I smell a skunk.

    Literally, I do smell a skunk, my window's open, must be nearby. But I don't see this being very successful with 1.6. A promise of 2.2 means nothing until 2.2 is on it, and with 3.0 coming out in a few months not having 2.2 now is a huge flop.

    I love my iPhone 4. I want to like Android. I want it to provide stiff, genuine competition. Competition is good, it spurs innovation. But with Android doing nothing new from iPhone and what new it does is only available on a very select portion of the market, it's really not living up to hopes.
  • Reply 27 of 196
    Originally Posted by tomlawler View Post

    You seem to think ATT deliberately designed something that would not make them much money. Hmmm. Now why would they do that?

    Because they love to flagellate themselves (not unlike some of the posters here).

    I guess.
  • Reply 28 of 196
    If they haven't been able to deliver a 2.1 update by now I wouldn't hold my breath for a 2.2 or 3.0 update in the future. That means they either have a bulky layer of proprietary software on top or some very closed hardware on the bottom.
  • Reply 29 of 196
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    No offence but if I believed you every time you said you owned this or that device, I think you would have to be some kind of multimillionaire who buys every computer and mobile device from every company known.

    Every time you want to make a point, you seem to claim ownership of some device or other. I don't believe you.

    You hit the nail on the head (then there's that other anti-Apple guy, whose screen-name name I forget, who claims he owns enough Apple stock to buy a Caribbean island and yet, seems to want Apple to tank).

    I'll bet he owns some second-tier electronics store in some second-tier city. So he gets to pretend.....
  • Reply 30 of 196
    All this about the Dell 'Streak'; hasn't anyone even heard of the Archos 5? Use your existing cell phone (if you really want to use the phone, or connect to the 'net when you're not in WiFi range) to surf, but this has NOTHING on the Archos 5, or even bigger the Archos 7 or Archos 9. I mean, why buy an iPad that won't let you watch flash, won't give you the option of drag and drop your music, photos, videos, the Archos tablets can? And it can read internet pages just fine! Even 720p fine when needed, just like the videos it can pump through your giant screen! Under $300 on Amazon, and you can get 250GB of storage included with that! (a slightly older model, that is) The newer ones have the whole Android marketplace, built-in GPS, etc, but less storage space .....Archos is the CADILLAC of tablets.
  • Reply 31 of 196
    Originally Posted by dondep View Post

    All this about the Dell 'Streak'; hasn't anyone even heard of the Archos 5? Use your existing cell phone (if you really want to use the phone, or connect to the 'net when you're not in WiFi range) to surf, but this has NOTHING on the Archos 5, or even bigger the Archos 7 or Archos 9. I mean, why buy an iPad that won't let you watch flash, won't give you the option of drag and drop your music, photos, videos, the Archos tablets can? And it can read internet pages just fine! Even 720p fine when needed, just like the videos it can pump through your giant screen! Under $300 on Amazon, and you can get 250GB of storage included with that! (a slightly older model, that is) The newer ones have the whole Android marketplace, built-in GPS, etc, but less storage space .....Archos is the CADILLAC of tablets.

    Yep. And it's flying off the shelves.
  • Reply 32 of 196
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    As the owner/user of an Archos 5It/Android (5inch screen slate computer), there are numerous benefits to a larger (but still pocket-friendly) slate device.

    01 - Videos are much more enjoyable on the larger display.

    02 - Games are more 'immersive', especially driving games.

    03 - Reading eBooks is much more pleasurable and easy on the eyes on a 5 inch screen than on something smaller.

    04 - Web Surfing is also much more enjoyable on the larger display.

    and on... and on...

    Can you actually get a device this size in your pants, without wearing cargoes? The 3.5-3.7 inch size is perfect. That's even why I didn't consider a Droid X or Evo - 4.3 inches is too big and 5 is even worse.
  • Reply 33 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    No offence but if I believed you every time you said you owned this or that device, I think you would have to be some kind of multimillionaire who buys every computer and mobile device from every company known.

    Every time you want to make a point, you seem to claim ownership of some device or other. I don't believe you.


    For the benefit of yet another naysayer who chooses to question my integrity, I'll humor you:

    Pictured (left to right) are some of my current touchscreen/slate devices: Creative Zii EGG/32gb, Sony P-Series (touch-screen modified), Lenovo S10-3t, Archos 5It/32gb, Apple iPad 64gb/WiFi+3g, and iPod Touch 64gb.

    Note: The prominent display of the very page you're reading at this moment.

    I'd venture this clears up this little matter for you.
  • Reply 34 of 196
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    For the benefit of yet another naysayer who chooses to question my integrity, I'll humor you:

    Pictured (left to right) are some of my current touchscreen/slate devices: Creative Zii EGG/32gb, Sony P-Series (touch-screen modified), Lenovo S10-3t, Archos 5It/32gb, Apple iPad 64gb/WiFi+3g, and iPod Touch 64gb.

    Note: The prominent display of the very page you're reading at this moment.

    I'd venture this clears up this little matter for you.


  • Reply 35 of 196
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    No offence but if I believed you every time you said you owned this or that device, I think you would have to be some kind of multimillionaire who buys every computer and mobile device from every company known.

    Every time you want to make a point, you seem to claim ownership of some device or other. I don't believe you.

    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    For the benefit of yet another naysayer who chooses to question my integrity, I'll humor you:

    Pictured (left to right) are some of my current touchscreen/slate devices: Creative Zii EGG/32gb, Sony P-Series (touch-screen modified), Lenovo S10-3t, Archos 5It/32gb, Apple iPad 64gb/WiFi+3g, and iPod Touch 64gb.

    Note: The prominent display of the very page you're reading at this moment.

    I'd venture this clears up this little matter for you.

    See, Prof., what did I tell you? That's the back-room of his store. (The same place from which he posted his Apple collection a few weeks ago; wait till you see his Microsoft collection......)
  • Reply 36 of 196
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You must have some VERY big pockets.

    Going from the dimensions, it doesn't seem that unworkable. My iPhone falls sideways in the pockets of my regular jeans, or really, everything that I wear.

    It looks like the claimed storage built-in is mostly useless for user files. 2GB is supposedly for the OS, you must have a microSD card for any appreciable number of media and data files.
  • Reply 37 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Going from the dimensions, it doesn't seem that unworkable. My iPhone falls sideways in the pockets of my regular jeans.

    It looks like the claimed storage built-in is mostly useless for user files. 2GB is supposedly for the OS, you must have a microSD card for any appreciable number of media and data files.

    Agreed, but to even allow a device of this nature to be sold claiming only 2gb of storage just looks bad - IMO.
  • Reply 38 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    See, Prof., what did I tell you? That's the back-room of his store. (The same place from which he posted his Apple collection a few weeks ago; wait till you see his Microsoft collection......)

    If by 'store' you mean the room in which I 'store' a few of my 'toys'... you'd be correct - The 'really good stuff' is in my home office -

    Anyway... About That Dell Streak...
  • Reply 39 of 196
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    This product is DOA. Wrong form factor. Wrong OS. Wrong brand. Dell really doesn't know what they are doing. No wonder this company is in the toilet. A total lack of innovation and imagination.
  • Reply 40 of 196
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Actually No... Apple currently offers nothing in this particular category - The (5 inch) pocketable 3g slate.

    And for good reason.....
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