Dell announces Streak tablet phone US launch on Friday



  • Reply 181 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    If you can't beat them .... ignore them.

    There's little point (or logic) in 'Beating A Dead Horse'... In this case seemingly 'brain' dead. \

    If you choose a different course... God Speed.
  • Reply 182 of 196
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, you really can't be certain that you exist either.

    you should give 'on certainty' a read. will help you out with your problem.
  • Reply 183 of 196
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Oh, man, you got us there. That definitely proves it. Watermarks can't be faked.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    My image clearly says SOLIPSISM so that proves they are mine.

    Are you guys just winding him up, or are you reallt that obtuse? I mean, aside from the picture containing the exact devices he said he owned and all had the AI page from today on them - it doesn't exactly look photo-shopped to me.

    I don't understand the venom in this thread.
  • Reply 184 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    Are you guys just winding him up, or are you reallt that obtuse? I mean, aside from the picture containing the exact devices he said he owned and all had the AI page from today on them - it doesn't exactly look photo-shopped to me.

    I don't understand the venom in this thread.

    Neither of us thinks that is photoshopped, but his claim that a photo equates to proof is the point. He keeps posting these ?see, I own it? pics that no one cares about. So inside of rolling my heads again I decided to have some fun with it. Honestly, it?s to wind him up, it?s to wind him down, though the former is a possibility.

    Well, back to work, that Genesis Device isn?t going to build itself.
  • Reply 185 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    Are you guys just winding him up, or are you reallt that obtuse? I mean, aside from the picture containing the exact devices he said he owned and all had the AI page from today on them - it doesn't exactly look photo-shopped to me.

    I don't understand the venom in this thread.

    It's not to be 'understood', as they know full well that my photos are quite real, representing devices I actually own.

    Understand that 'they', in all their many guises, have ordained themselves the Apple Insider Elite, and those expressing opposing views/opinions (past or present) from their's are instantly proclaimed 'trolls', thereby becoming fodder for their nonsensically juvenile antics.

    Absolutely Pathetic... but Unquestionably True, and Yes - They Are That Obtuse

    Note: Maybe they should read/head your tag line.
  • Reply 186 of 196
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    There's little point (or logic) in 'Beating A Dead Horse'... In this case seemingly 'brain' dead. \

    For a "retired USAF aerospace/structural engineer" you seem to be having an awful lot of trouble to get your "ignore" function to work ...... or maybe it's just your equipment that's the problem.
  • Reply 187 of 196
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    For a "retired USAF aerospace/structural engineer" you seem to be having an awful lot of trouble to get your "ignore" function to work ...... or maybe it's just your equipment that's the problem.

  • Reply 188 of 196
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Seriously! But since we’re posting things we undeniably own because we posted pictures of them here are some things I own.

    Here’s a little bridge that I bought on my last trip to NYC.
    Here’s a picture of me building my Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. Just a weekend project I like to tinker with.
    And here is a picture of what I am working on at work. We call it the Genesis Device. We plan on terraforming Mars. This project is ready, but we have to wait until our sister project is ready to increase the core density to hold the atmosphere and re jump the iron core to create a protective magnetic field. We’re doing this by using well positioned worm holes inside Jupiter and Mars to transfer matter. The higher density of Jupiter means a downward stream, but the timing and positioning can be tricky.
    All true, as you can see because I provided pictures.

    Oh God. Here we go!!!

    And to think I got heat in another forum for having the audacity of posting a shot of my credenza in my office because someone didn't believe I had a 30" Cinema Display. Well, actually three, but that's another story entirely.

    (And no, there are NOT linked. One is home, one is here and one is for backup. Yeah, I do work that much. And no, I don't have much time for "a life". Which is also why you will rarely see a long post from me. Not that I can't, and not that I won't. It's just a quick remark and whooosh - back to reality. Memo to self: Stop drinking coffee this late in the day.)
  • Reply 189 of 196
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    I don't understand the venom in this thread.

    As opposed to the venom in all the other threads?
  • Reply 190 of 196
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Here ya' go:

    Now THIS is why I hang out here. Thanks, Dick, but you now owe me for a new shirt. I just spilled coffee all over it by laughing so hard.
  • Reply 191 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Oh God. Here we go!!!

    And to think I got heat in another forum for having the audacity of posting a shot of my credenza in my office because someone didn't believe I had a 30" Cinema Display. Well, actually three, but that's another story entirely.

    Well, that's par for the course in here, as the 'trouble makers' bait members in by questioning their veracity, and then when presented with indisputable/photographic evidence of claims made, they go on to post nonsensical/off-topic rants accompanied by moronic (again off-topic) unsolicited pics of whatever they can google, primarily because they find themselves in the position of being Absolutely Wrong (as usual).

    It's a Silly Game, but... It Is What It Is.
  • Reply 192 of 196
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Now THIS is why I hang out here. Thanks, Dick, but you now owe me for a new shirt. I just spilled coffee all over it by laughing so hard.

    Glad to be of service! My grandkids give me a life! And, I'll get that shirt right out to you... what's your size?

    The shirt will be entirely black and here's the logo:

    Seriously, Just (may I call you Just?) one of my grandson's teammates wore a black shirt with this logo, black shoes, trunks and socks to soccer practice-- it is too late to change, but this would be the absolutely coolest soccer uniform!

  • Reply 193 of 196
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Glad to be of service! My grandkids give me a life! And, I'll get that shirt right out to you... what's your size?

    The shirt will be entirely black and here's the logo:

    Seriously, Just (may I call you Just?) one of my grandson's teammates wore a black shirt with this logo, black shoes, trunks and socks to soccer practice-- it is too late to change, but this would be the absolutely coolest soccer uniform!


    Awesome. I would wear it proudly and alternate it with my Big Nerd Ranch t-shirt. I mean really, two t-shirts are all you ever need, right?

    I know what you mean about Grandkids giving you a life. My grandkids gave me a "Sorcerer's Apprentice" cap from MickeyLand. It sits atop the hutch on top of my credenza at my office. It does give my clients some pause....
  • Reply 194 of 196
    ozexigeozexige Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Awesome. I would wear it proudly and alternate it with my Big Nerd Ranch t-shirt. I mean really, two t-shirts are all you ever need, right?

    I know what you mean about Grandkids giving you a life. My grandkids gave me a "Sorcerer's Apprentice" cap from MickeyLand. It sits atop the hutch on top of my credenza at my office. It does give my clients some pause....

    I wish I had Grandkids, my children (and step-children) are all happily 'engaged'

    in other seemingly useless activities! \
  • Reply 195 of 196
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Neither of us thinks that is photoshopped, but his claim that a photo equates to proof is the point. He keeps posting these ?see, I own it? pics that no one cares about. So inside of rolling my heads again I decided to have some fun with it. Honestly, it?s to wind him up, it?s to wind him down, though the former is a possibility.

    Well, back to work, that Genesis Device isn?t going to build itself.

    Well he's only posting them in response to people accusing him of being a lair when he says he owns them, and he's only saying he owns them because a lot of people on here say 'this is crap' or 'that is not as good as this' without having any experience of what they're talking about. Personally I think his problem is the gulf in maturity.

    As for proof, well nothing can be proven beyond any doubt whatsoever, so making it a point of contention is, well pointless?
  • Reply 196 of 196
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    Well he's only posting them in response to people accusing him of being a lair when he says he owns them, and he's only saying he owns them because a lot of people on here say 'this is crap' or 'that is not as good as this' without having any experience of what they're talking about. Personally I think his problem is the gulf in maturity.

    As for proof, well nothing can be proven beyond any doubt whatsoever, so making it a point of contention is, well pointless?

    true, often discussion becomes a back and forth of who knows what or has what. likely the majority in these threads know shit, but just read it on a blog somewhere, and feel that if enough of them cry the same tune, it'll make it so. Best to just ignore the know nothings, but it's easy to get embroiled in arguing with those fools.

    A few here actually know their stuff. A few.
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