Acer exec says Apple's 'closed' iPad will drop to 20% market share



  • Reply 21 of 235
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    that is a fair point...but may i also point out that many Enterprises create apps for their mobile devices (as well as pc's) and having a closed platform like iOS is limiting.

    Enterprises are able to create and distribute their apps at will on the iPhone and iPad via the Enterprise Developer program. How is that 'limiting'?
  • Reply 22 of 235
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    If it comes to it, that would be the top 20% of the market, with the rest racing to the bottom.

    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    %20 is huge .


    Originally Posted by mmmdoughnuts View Post

    My thoughts exactly, 1 company 20% of the market. 15 or more companies the other 80%. Sounds like acer is already admitting defeat.

    Agreed - he's stating the obvious really. 20 - 30% is 4 - 6 times greater the global Mac market share, and might mean 20 - 30 million units per year, or around 10 billion in revenues. I'm sure Acer and Dell and others can cobble together a device that runs Windows 7 and sell it for $250, but it'll be awful and have 5% margins.
  • Reply 23 of 235
    I'm fine with Apple having only 20% of any market. Keeps me in the minority and less likely to have a issue with viruses.
  • Reply 24 of 235
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    What a ridiculous statement. Why doesn't he wait until he has a product and see how it does in the market before bragging about how well he's going to do.


    If you don't have a product, sell the FUD.

    Worked well for MS for years.
  • Reply 25 of 235
    Android = open because it can run on low quality hardware like Acer. After seeing various Android based tablets, I can conclude that "If it is not Apple, it will fail eventually".
  • Reply 26 of 235
    It'll be interesting when more tablets are released. Hopefully they'll be cheap cuz I'll probably get one just so I can tinker around with it. I'll definitely still keep my iPhone and iPad though, because nothing can beat Apple's App Store.
  • Reply 27 of 235
    Couldn't agree more about iOS4. I just said basically the same thing on the other thread.

    Instead of doing what you want on your device like flash or porn, you do what the CEO of some company wants you to do. But because this CEO is a celebrity you all follow his whims like he was a rapper hawking the latest Reebok hi tops. Ohhh, Ahhh, I want a pair of hundred dollar sneakers made in a sweatshop! I'm an American and I want it! NOW!!

    Before you say I'm a troll, remember the story where Jobs walks out of a restaurant cause he can't get a table? It was the lead story at AI and the photos were picked apart to see if they were fakes. Comparing shadows on objects and such stuff.

    No. I'm absolutely right about iOS4 and it's master. And all of you would be the first to give me a "totally agree" or a "spot on" if you were not bloated on Apple pie.
  • Reply 28 of 235
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    They are the second-largest computer company in the world. Their unit shipments dwarf those of Apple.

    But all we care about is Apple, so it is easy to miss what is going on in the world around us.

    Who cares. For all that volume, they make, sadly, an annual profit of of ~US$350 million across the whole company.

    I'll venture a guess that the iPad alone makes a much larger profit than that (If we assume, say, 5 million iPads will be sold this year, at an average price of $600, with a profit margin of 20% - Apple's average - that's $600 million in net income).
  • Reply 29 of 235
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Enterprises are able to create and distribute their apps at will on the iPhone and iPad via the Enterprise Developer program. How is that 'limiting'?

    The bottom line is, the term "open" the way it is used mostly, and the way it's being used by Acer, is little more than marketing speak. It means about as much as "new and improved" and "now with secret ingredients."
  • Reply 30 of 235
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    Android = open because it can run on low quality hardware like Acer. After seeing various Android based tablets, I can conclude that "If it is not Apple, it will fail eventually".

    Low quality hardware? What world are you living in? The Evo, Incredible, Droid X and Droid 2 can match the iPhone and in many cases beat it hardware wise. My Evo running 2.2 is far faster then the iPhone and that can not be debated.
  • Reply 31 of 235
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    I love how Google keeps making "open" this big marketing push and how Droid can do so much, but in practice it rarely impacts consumers. Consumers want something that "just works"... they don't want to know all the little tips and tricks they need to perform to get a full day of battery life. They may think it's fun to customize the device all over until it starts becoming slow and a nightmare to use.

    Sure, scores of manufacturers will probably jump on the Android band wagon, and together they might make a dent in the iPad business. But they each have their own agenda and there WILL be fragmentation. Many devices, many form factors, thousands of combinations of things that developers have to account for. In the long run, iPad is a consistent experience. Android tablets will not be.

    Windows isn't open and its on, what? 90% of the computers in the world? The argument that open source will prevail is poor.
  • Reply 32 of 235
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The chairman of PC maker Acer has predicted that Apple's iPad will drop to just 20 percent of the total tablet market when competing options are introduced, due to the "closed platform" of the iOS operating system.

    JT Wang, chairman of Acer, spoke with the Economic Daily News and shared his prediction that the market share of the iPad will drop from 100 percent to between 20 percent and 30 percent.

    Acer, like seemingly every other PC maker, is expected to get into the tablet business following the success of Apple's iPad. That's a change from earlier this year, when the company said before the iPad launched that it had no intention of competing with Apple in that market.

    Wang based his prediction on recent reports that Android-based smartphone shipments had surpassed the iPhone. Google's Android mobile operating system is available on a number of devices and carriers, while iOS is only available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

    In his comments, Wang, as translated by DigiTimes, said that he believes a "closed platform" like Apple's iOS will fall to an "open" one such as Google Android. Apple does not allow customization of its operating system, and must approve every application that is made available for download through its digital App Store.

    But despite being "closed," Apple's App Store has many more options than the Android Market, with about a quarter-million applications currently available for download. Android, by comparison, has more than 70,000 applications.

    Wang, however, believes that the success of Android is inevitable. He noted that based on his past experience, open platforms will succeed, and he believes "Android simply needs a little more time before it turns strong."

    Released in April, Apple's iPad sold more than 3 million in its first 80 days of availability. Numerous competitors have been pitching their own alternatives, but so far a major, formidable competitor has not been released.

    Acer. need one say more?
  • Reply 33 of 235
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    Acer. need one say more?

    Take it easy on Acer. They fulfill a need in the market place. Not everyone can afford the Apple Tax.
  • Reply 34 of 235
    kgavkgav Posts: 16member
    His quotes would sound pretty good for his company, if he worked for Google.
  • Reply 35 of 235
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    I can conclude that "If it is not Apple, it will fail eventually".

    i think this is a bit excessive [to be polite].

    while i agree with Kyle76 and antkm1, there will be developers who begin to eschew iOS simply because it is closed. i don't think apple hit the tipping point with iOS that it did with the iPod.

    as for storneo's quote "same for iPod?", NOTHING came close to the quality and simplicity of the iPod as an MP3 player, but Android and [ugh] winMo7 seem to have fairly elegant interfaces and both companies can toss billions of dollars behind their software.

    while i certainly prefer iOS to Android, i have no doubt that Android will NOT fail, and that's good for iOS users. companies need competition. when are we going to get live widgets for app icons? [why does my weather app icon always have to say it's sunny and 73 degrees?] it wouldn't happen nearly as fast if someone out there hadn't already thought of it first.

    i will defend Apple as a leading tech innovator in any argument, but i'm not foolish enough to think they don't have to [or do] start their copy machines from time to time.
  • Reply 36 of 235
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    what does he mean when he say "open".

    Last time I check Android is the only platform that has already used the kill switch.

    Google is the only company that sent a C&D to Android's hacking community.

    So what open is he talking about.
  • Reply 37 of 235
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    that is a fair point...but may i also point out that many Enterprises create apps for their mobile devices (as well as pc's) and having a closed platform like iOS is limiting.

    What exactly is this bogus closed system you talk of... Closed because it does not work on a crappy Acre? In the real terms of the software the system is not closed there is a SDK for the platform which means this is an OPEN system. Now if it was a black box with no way to program the platform then and only then would it be a closed system. Please take the time to know what you are talking about.
  • Reply 38 of 235
    Android is the Linux of mobile devices...
  • Reply 39 of 235
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Take it easy on Acer. They fulfill a need in the market place. Not everyone can afford the Apple Tax.

    Well if it was 'i can only afford an acer or emachine or nothing' then i would advise nothing till more cash came in...then go ASUS if you have to have a pc...
  • Reply 40 of 235
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Low quality hardware? What world are you living in? The Evo, Incredible, Droid X and Droid 2 can match the iPhone and in many cases beat it hardware wise. My Evo running 2.2 is far faster then the iPhone and that can not be debated.

    I said Acer, and especially on tablet market. But if you want to talk about, Evo etc, they just barely matched 2 years old 3GS. Android now is slowed down, developers now wait and see the result Oracle vs Google. And now Google plan to sell shortcut with Chrome Web Store?
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