Apple reveals new cloud-centric Apple TV



  • Reply 201 of 378
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    I don't have a problem with that. My Apple TV is 3 years old - technology goes obsolete unfortunately.

    No, what I mean is there's absolutely no reason to purchase a new Apple TV if you already own one. I'll update my post to be more clear.
  • Reply 202 of 378

    That person can't be that ignorant. They want $99 after tax. We don't even get $99 after tax. They can deal with it.
  • Reply 203 of 378
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Jailbreak + airplay. Nuff said.
  • Reply 203 of 378
    Pre-order placed.

    The price point is right, the device is small and tight, its got the A4 processor and is most likely running iOS internally. Steve was still very clear that this remains a hobby for Apple... in my opinion that's because they haven't opened it up to 3rd party apps yet. That Netflix is there, however, leaves some hope for added content channels in the future (i.e. apps). The hardware is capable, its up to Apple to open it up. The AppleTV is a bit like the first iPhone was. Will they open it up with a full blown AppStore? I don't know, but they might keep it semi-closed and bring in 3rd party developers on a case-by-case basis, Netflix being the first example.

    All the complaining in this thread (well, most of it anyhow) really just demonstrates how complex a market this device falls into. Everyone has their own idea of what they want in a device, and any company putting a product into the market has to choose what they are going to build, weigh the tradeoffs of each hardware/software feature, and figure out how to explain it to the consumer. Apple does a better job of these things that most, and they have a large installed base of potential users already living in their eco-system. I think this new device will do well... their hobby will step up to the next level, but remains a "hobby".
  • Reply 205 of 378
    Does it allow to stream content via an itunes library on a nas (attached via ethernet to the apple tv)? That would be the killer feature for me.

    Still it does look great and is priced very, very attractively.
  • Reply 206 of 378
    Originally Posted by Wondering View Post

    The biggest keys for me are the following:

    For TV:

    I have cable and pay through the nose for it. However I rarely watch it, but liked the ability to watch things when I wanted. With AppleTV I can bypass the cable subscription and rent just what I want to watch and save money in the process. Cool. The biggest question is "When are the other TV studios going to step up?"

    See, that's what I don't get. All these people suggesting they'll be able to drop cable now? What about live TV (yes, I know about OTA), CNN, ESPN, sports channels, etc? You realize you'll be giving up all live TV that doesn't live OTA, right? And that some programming (from HBO, for example) is not made available immediately and sometimes not until the following season begins.
  • Reply 207 of 378
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by mrrippey View Post

    It is only a matter or time before this aTV is hacked so you can stream files from your Airport at home (like I do now), run Boxee faster (like I do now) and even connect a HD, Keyboard and mouse. I do not think he mentioned if it is running iOS or a modified version of OSX like the current aTV (which is my guess).

    I'll get it because once hacked, it will be an upgrade to what I have now. I only get basic cable and Boxee, Netflix or rip the movies I want to see. I only need basic cable to see the news (and ESPN) anyway.


    AirPlay lets you stream music, video, and photos; no hacking involved.
  • Reply 208 of 378
    Originally Posted by teunis View Post

    Okay, great. That's awesome for you. But, this product was built for people who will find it "useful". Your Dish cost's are good. I get it. My cable bill is $77/month. Not good. I might watch 10-15 shows per month. That's $15 maximum. Less then half of what you're paying. Hence, this product is built for me. Why the selfish, narrow point of view hate?

    If we do not express what we want in a product how will they ever know? If it had the features I wanted and would use I would buy it, but it doesn't.

    Having only 2 channels on board means it still can't replace peoples cable/sat/fios bills. I'm sure more will get on board.

    Saying it's built for you is no more or less narrow than saying it's useless for me. I didn't say for all it is useless. Just for me.

    It's great that you get what you want but others have additional needs. Are you not being narrow minded as well?

    If they expanded their codec support, increased to 1080p and supported HD audio and 7.1 i'd buy it. HDMI 1.3 which it has supports that audio, it supports 1080p, so it's just software for them to add it. Software to add codec support.

    I'd like to see apple add those features. But i'm sure once the community gets a hold of it and starts hacking we may just see that.
  • Reply 209 of 378
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Maybe you need to patronize finer establishments? Stinky or deranged? Never seen it where I watch movies.

    I just can't let this go by...

    Maybe he was sitting next to....

  • Reply 210 of 378
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    The software should have been as simple as the hardware. You plug it in and it straight away shows a Coverflow of all the movies available for rent. And that's the whole interface.

    First, have you ever used the crappy interface provided by the standard cable box? This is simpler than that.

    And as to a Coverflow-only interface... get real.

    There are tens of thousands of movies and TV show/episodes available on iTunes... and you want to browse all of them sequentially with Coverflow???

    I, for one, am glad you're not in charge of UI design at Apple....
  • Reply 211 of 378
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I am buying one as soon as it's out. Maybe two. One for home to stream stuff from my Mac to the 42" plasma in the living room. One for work to stream stuff for presentations. Might even carry the thing around for making presentations with my iPad.


    This is exactly what I was thinking!
  • Reply 212 of 378
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    The worst thing about the new Apple TV is that it offers absolutely nothing in terms of improvements for current Apple TV owners; Netflix streaming is the only real addition, and nearly everyone already has that capability thru either a game console, blu-ray player or their television itself. Apple's still asking people to pay for a box so they can buy content from Apple. And for anyone thinking this can somehow replace their cable package, have fun with those five shows from ABC and Fox.

    There are so many TV shows on ITS it's ridiculous. Most you can't stream? OK, well the flipside the crux of my problem with the device in general. I guessing that in about 6 months or so we'll see a solid upgrade to the software for the "missing" app support.

    1) this will allow networks to write apps for subscription plans

    2) It will allow for gaming which it seems Apple is finally warming up to (silly it took them so long and continues to do so)

    My biggest bitch is that without local storage I can't make purchases directly from the ATV which then synch to the server. That's one of the best features.

    I suppose I would have to buy from my server now? I don't want to have to go to my laptop and screen share every time I want to purchase something. (I'm definitely keeping my old ATV's)

    Also, not having local storage bites because I like to synch content and not rely on the server at all times. Especially for music which takes up hardly any space.

    Waiting for an update even though the potential is there and the price is right.

    BTW why does everyone think Netflix is going to be free? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to have a netflix account first guys.
  • Reply 213 of 378
    Originally Posted by teunis View Post

    Okay, great. That's awesome for you. But, this product was built for people who will find it "useful". Your Dish cost's are good. I get it. My cable bill is $77/month. Not good. I might watch 10-15 shows per month. That's $15 maximum. Less then half of what you're paying. Hence, this product is built for me. Why the selfish, narrow point of view hate?

    The product is "built for you" and not so appealing to some others. Granted. But then calling others selfish (narrow view of hate, lol) for wanting something different or saying it wasn't "made for them" is, well, selfish.
  • Reply 214 of 378
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    This is so worth it

    pre ordered mineD)
  • Reply 215 of 378
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    No, what I mean is there's absolutely no reason to purchase a new Apple TV if you already own one. I'll update my post to be more clear.

    I see your point and completely agree - I won't be replacing my Apple TV until it dies.
  • Reply 216 of 378
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by LuisDias View Post

    It's always nice to see the morons who talked about the "iOS" coming to the Apple TV and "how great it would be" to have touch TVs or some kind of pointer device that worked with the TVs, now scrambling with disappointment that Apple didn't abide to their insane designs!.

    You do know about the Apple TV "Remote" app, right?
  • Reply 217 of 378
    Originally Posted by FredAppleHead View Post

    Think about it! Why spend $99 for a Roku box when you can get this PLUS iTunes streaming plus rental movies. It makes absolute sense. They are going after the 1Mu+ Roku market.

    Why pay $99 for this when you can get a blu-ray player this Christmas that also streams netflix and plays your DVDs?
  • Reply 218 of 378
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    First, have you ever used the crappy interface provided by the standard cable box? This is simpler than that.

    And as to a Coverflow-only interface... get real.

    There are tens of thousands of movies and TV show/episodes available on iTunes... and you want to browse all of them sequentially with Coverflow???

    I, for one, am glad you're not in charge of UI design at Apple....

    I agree, coverflow could be good for recent movies/ tv/ music, but anything else it's stupid. I've used netflix on the xbox and "coverflow-ing" through all of the movies is a horrible interface.
  • Reply 219 of 378
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    Wow it's National Troll Day and no one told me ?!?!?!?

    Every Apple keynote day is (Inter)National Troll Day.
  • Reply 220 of 378
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    Pre-order placed.

    The price point is right, the device is small and tight, its got the A4 processor and is most likely running iOS internally. Steve was still very clear that this remains a hobby for Apple... in my opinion that's because they haven't opened it up to 3rd party apps yet. That Netflix is there, however, leaves some hope for added content channels in the future (i.e. apps). The hardware is capable, its up to Apple to open it up. The AppleTV is a bit like the first iPhone was. Will they open it up with a full blown AppStore? I don't know, but they might keep it semi-closed and bring in 3rd party developers on a case-by-case basis, Netflix being the first example.

    All the complaining in this thread (well, most of it anyhow) really just demonstrates how complex a market this device falls into. Everyone has their own idea of what they want in a device, and any company putting a product into the market has to choose what they are going to build, weigh the tradeoffs of each hardware/software feature, and figure out how to explain it to the consumer. Apple does a better job of these things that most, and they have a large installed base of potential users already living in their eco-system. I think this new device will do well... their hobby will step up to the next level, but remains a "hobby".

    Right on, bro'. My pre-order (for 2) placed too.
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