New part numbers reveal Apple to refresh most of Mac lineup at WWDC



  • Reply 21 of 131
    bluefish86bluefish86 Posts: 115member

    Looking at the prices in the right column, I'm gonna call BS on the Mac Pro part numbers.  I'm guessing that the digits we see are the thousands, and $2xxx and $3xxx are too much to be anything but the Mac Pro.  This would mean two off-the-shelf models, anything else is a build-to-order choice.


    K31 is less than $1000 AUS, so I'm guessing Mac Mini.


    The Jxx's are obviously MacBooks, I'm speculating:

    J11/J13 are 11" and 13" MacBook Airs, to be called plain "MacBook"s now, two models each - they'll start under $1000 in the US but in Australia they'll start just over $1000

    J30/J31 are 15" and 17" MacBook Pros, of course redesigned to be thinner and look more like the Airs - priced from the mid $1xxx to the low $2xxx


    This leaves K5B as three models of iMac.


    Still struggling to figure out why so many "standalone kits"... all I can think is that they're doing something really off the wall and want to debut their own accessories a la smart cover.

  • Reply 22 of 131
    eksodoseksodos Posts: 186member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    If you wait for the latest and greatest, you'll end up never buying. I never advise people to wait, except maybe this week just because WWDC is next week. But other than that, buy what you need and do it now.


    I agree 100%. I just ordered a new Mac Pro this morning. I can't wait for it to arrive.

  • Reply 23 of 131
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by hexor View Post

    Why aren't you using the rechargeable batteries that Apple sells?  Or purchase Eneloop batteries which are about the equivalent of Apple's.


    Yes.  I use apple's wireless peripherals on all my computers and see a lot more of them in my daily work and it should be more like a month or more before you change batteries if you are using the re-chargeables or any good batteries.  

  • Reply 24 of 131
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    I agree 100%. I just ordered a new Mac Pro this morning. I can't wait for it to arrive.


    And what will you do when the new one comes out next week? Why would you buy two year old tech?

  • Reply 25 of 131
    techguy911techguy911 Posts: 269member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And what will you do when the new one comes out next week? Why would you buy two year old tech?

    Not just two year old tech, but two year ago priced two year old tech.  Apple is still charging the price you would have paid if you bought it in 2010.  At least they could drop the price after a while if they aren't going to refresh as I'm sure the component prices have dropped dramatically.  Apple is probably making a killing off people who bought Mac Pro's this year.

  • Reply 26 of 131
    mde24mde24 Posts: 27member

    The MC97x (D2) numbers are most likely iMacs.  The Late-2011 Education-only i3 model is MC978 and I can't find an instance where the first digit is split between different product families (as opposed to different sized models within a family).

    We have the first digit of the prices in the shot, and it looks like we're talking AU$2,000-2,999 for the 'better' and AU$3,000-3,999 for the 'best'.  Current prices for the 27" are AU$1,949 and AU$2,299 so to add an extra AU$1,000ish to these prices something spectacular must be coming - Retina iMac?


    I would guess at the MC414 (K31) being a Mini on the grounds that it's the only item that will come in at less than AU$1,000 and the position of the $ symbol suggests it has one digit fewer than the other prices.


    The J30, J31, J11 and J13 smell a bit like 11" and 13" Airs and 13" and 15" Pros if you take the firsts digit to code for model and the second for size.  Only reservation here would be that the top 13" Air is currently AU$1,799 while the pricing suggests it will hit over AU$2,000.  Could 'best' be Retina display and 'better' regular display to justify those prices?

  • Reply 27 of 131
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by techguy911 View Post

    At least they could drop the price after a while if they aren't going to refresh as I'm sure the component prices have dropped dramatically.  Apple is probably making a killing off people who bought Mac Pro's this year.


    Not really. Intel doesn't drop Xeon prices ever, so Apple doesn't drop any prices ever.

  • Reply 28 of 131
    tom jtom j Posts: 16member

    The MD4[XX]FE/A appear to correspond to current MD3[XX]FE/A iPad Smart Covers

  • Reply 29 of 131
    tom jtom j Posts: 16member

    FE/A and ZM/A suffix's are accessories.

  • Reply 30 of 131
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member

    Looks like the 15" MBP will be the only redesigned product with everything else simply getting a spec bump.


    I was hoping for a redesigned iMac with an edge to edge screen and no chin.


    Seems like we're stuck with silver Macs for evermore.


  • Reply 31 of 131

    I'm sure you are doing the right thing but remember not to whine about how the new Mac Pro is more powerful, has beter hardware features and costs less than the model you just purchased and can't wait to get. I might not wait a year, but I could certainly wait a few weeks or a month to get the best available technology in a computer I might own and use for 5 years.

  • Reply 32 of 131
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Not really. Intel doesn't drop Xeon prices ever, so Apple doesn't drop any prices ever.

    Yes they do. The cpu in the hex core model dropped over 40% in retail pricing. When it came out, that page listed it at $1000 or so, but retailer charged up to $1100. That is also the correct part for the single package hex core model. The 12 core uses different packages.


    Originally Posted by techguy911 View Post

    Not just two year old tech, but two year ago priced two year old tech.  Apple is still charging the price you would have paid if you bought it in 2010.  At least they could drop the price after a while if they aren't going to refresh as I'm sure the component prices have dropped dramatically.  Apple is probably making a killing off people who bought Mac Pro's this year.

    The others do this too. If you look at Dell the new ones are similar in price to those that are on their way out. As soon as you attach the name workstation to something, this behavior kicks in. It annoys me too though.


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


     Why would you buy two year old tech?

    because it runs Snow Leopard :D He should've waited for clearance pricing from B+H or Adorama. B+H clearanced 2009 machines for less than Apple charges today in their refurb section.

  • Reply 33 of 131
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post


    I agree 100%. I just ordered a new Mac Pro this morning. I can't wait for it to arrive.

    If I had done that, the last thing I would have done is advertise the fact publicly.



    If you were being sarcastic - kudos.

  • Reply 34 of 131
    pdq2pdq2 Posts: 270member

    What's with the dorky "better/best/ultimate" monikers? What is this, Sears?


    Very un-Apple like, if you ask me.

  • Reply 35 of 131
    focherfocher Posts: 687member
    philboogie wrote: »
    If you wait for the latest and greatest, you'll end up never buying. I never advise people to wait, except maybe this week just because WWDC is next week. But other than that, buy what you need and do it now.
    If there's no need for a new iMac now, sure, wait. Otherwise, read above.
    They can also add .11ac to new computers now and introduce new Airports that support that at a later time.
    In the case of Apple, the best time to buy is at release. First, this will give you the longest period of time with that iteration of the product before the next version lands. Look at it like a longer period to amortize the cost. Second, Apple has almost never discounted existing models during their life cycle. The most you can hope for is a refurbished unit which will be discounted, and those will take some time to appear. Or Black Friday deals.
  • Reply 36 of 131

    I too am frustrated that the new 5th Generation Gigabit Wi-Fi is not going to be on Apple products this year. 


    We now have 2 5G routers; Netgear & Buffalo.  The 5G Wi-Fi hype is present.  Now is the time Apple should begin releasing 5G products!


    I presume in March of 2013 the 4th generation iPad will have 5G Wi-Fi.  After all, the current one has been criticized for inferior Wi-Fi already.




    Dr. Saponaro

  • Reply 37 of 131

    Any word on a MBP 13" update?

  • Reply 38 of 131
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by pdq2 View Post

    Very un-Apple like, if you ask me.

    They have always done this. I guess Apple has never been very Apple-like.


    Originally Posted by Joseph Saponaro View Post

    I too am frustrated that the new 5th Generation Gigabit Wi-Fi is not going to be on Apple products this year. 


    Why do you think you know this at all?



    We now have 2 5G routers; Netgear & Buffalo.  The 5G Wi-Fi hype is present.  Now is the time Apple should begin releasing 5G products!


    What is "5G"? 802.11ac? It's a given that Apple will be releasing them.

  • Reply 39 of 131
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,405member

    No 15" MBA!?


    That would be a HUGE disappointment if true.

  • Reply 40 of 131
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    If a couple of the pictures I've seen of box labels are to be believed, they won't have 802.11ac yet. If so, it looks like I'll be waiting until next year to upgrade my iMac. I hope the wireless keyboard and Magic Trackpad are upgraded with Bluetooth 4.0 as well. My Magic Trackpad is a little battery hungry, as I usually have to replace the batteries in about 2-3 weeks of mild use. 

    This makes no sense at all. An iMac should be wired to a switch, using WiFi for a desktop is so backwards as to defy description.

    As to keyboards I'm hoping something happens there also. The current keyboards are a bit pathetic.
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