Side-by-side iPhone, Galaxy S comparison revealed in internal Samsung 'evaluation report'



  • Reply 121 of 407


    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    Thank you so much!!!!


    Best Off Topic Posts Ever!!!



    To the tune of Frère Jacques:


    Uncle Sherman, Uncle Sherman;

    Show us now, Show us now;

    What's behind your trenchcoat, What's behind your trenchcoat?

    Ding dang dong, Ding dang dong!

  • Reply 122 of 407
    mswoodmswood Posts: 13member


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Reasonable question. The tax thing for one. Other US companies do this and I don't like them either. My dislike is very much centered on Apple building itself up on the backs of other, in this case students, and then forgetting about them. Case in point. When the iPod came out Apple was giving discounts to students who purchased them. Apple also gave discounts to students who bought computers. As the iPod became more ubiquitous Apple stopped giving students a discount. Apple has also continued to reduce the discount that students receive when buying a computer. Finally, Apple used to give a free iPod to students who bought a new system for the fall. First they reduced the value of the credit to a new iPod and now have switched over to giving $100 credit on iTunes.


    I am sure some folks will claim students are lucky to get anything at all (true) and that the students who bring this up (of which I am one - returning student) are self-centered/self-important/self-entitled. Those statements might hold water if Apple had never given better discounts to students in the past. But as Apple's profits and market share have risen, they have reduced what the students who supported them receive. 



    First, Apple wasn't built on student purchasing.  It was built of public purchasing.  Meaning all segments not just limited students or educators.  And while its always nice to get a discount, no company is required nor should be expected to maintain the same level of discounts for the life of a company.  Nor do I remember any consumer level education discounts back in the company's early history.  I know they did large school reduction of price for schools to purchase in bulk, but I don't recall ever seeing them for the individual consumer (back in the late 70's and early 80's).  Those perks aren't done out of the companies goodness, but to get a consumer when they are new to making choses on products.  When companies are having a hard time (iMac G3, early I pod period) Apple needed to grab a larger customer base.  Now that need is dramatically smaller (so much as to be laughable).  


    As for being over priced, what is over priced?  Where is the national standard for what % markup companies can put on their products and still be considered a fair price?  I am quite sure you use and consume products with fair greater markup then what Apple has, and probably rarely even think about it (in some cases I am sure as a consumer you are completely unaware of it, as some aren't widely reported).

  • Reply 123 of 407
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    gtr wrote: »
    Who said it was an issue?

    Mr Kmart himself, otherwise why did he mention Korea?
  • Reply 124 of 407


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    Denison points out that a device with rounded-corners is simply logical, noting that "if you drop it, it's much more likely not to crack if it's rounded."



    If it's that damn logical, why weren't they doing it with units like the BlackJack and BlackJack II that I owned? Apparently it didn't become logical until after an iPhone??

  • Reply 125 of 407
    swssws Posts: 44member
    I hope Apple wins this case and then pulls away from samsung 100%. There are many other suppliers out there.

    Also, I'm replacing my 55inch led Samsung with a Apple tv if and when they come out.
  • Reply 126 of 407


    Originally Posted by silverpraxis View Post

    I find this case very interesting and look forward to the outcome, whatever it may be. However, that's not why I'm posting.


    Why don't you just take this argument to its logical conclusion? No one invents anything because, in fact, natural elements make up all products any one entity produces and those entities didn't 'invent' the elements, did they? No, like so many other entities before it, Apple took separate elements that were previously available and combined them into an unique and new combination, inventing a new product. Was it the first touchscreen mobile phone? No. Was it the first mobile device with full internet browsing capabilities? No. Was it the first candy bar mobile phone? No. Was it the first mobile phone with music and video player functionality? No.


    But it was the first mobile phone with all those features and more, and whose features were inarguably very accessible and easy to use. You can't point to another mobile phone that came before the iPhone that had all those capabilities in one product that was so user friendly. So Apple did invent something.



    If there is one person that can be documented as being on more sides of an issue than you, it's Mitt Romney (whatever you think about the man, it's true). And that's a close call.



    It's self-evident you post comments to be attention grabbing, not to add to the conversation... or maybe you just have poor communication skills at trying to get the logical message in your head across. You seem intelligent so it can't be the latter. So you're an attention whore. That's ok. I understand there are personality types that thrive on it. It's when you deny it by arguing that you are adding anything reasonable to the conversation, that's when people get upset at you. And you seem to like when people get upset with you as well.




    Originally Posted by silverpraxis View Post


    Passive-aggressively belittling me is pointless to the conversation, although it's fair you act aggressively and dismissively when I accuse you personally of unseemly character flaws. I pointed to evidence that clearly defines your current behavior as a troll. You say I'm off-base. You're reasoning? Because you're an avid gadget-enthusiast without brand loyalty. You do realize you can be both at the same time, right? A person that buys lots of stuff and a forum troll. Then you ramble on about possessions, etc. without really responding to my comment directly, and noticeably not defending your Apple Invents Nothing statement, all while throwing around what appears to be an air of superiority.


    Typical politician's response of not actually responding to accusations made against you, just deflecting as you've done in the past. I don't care what you buy, I don't care what or who defines you, I don't care how much of a cool rebel you are because you don't join in with others' passions of the trials and tribulations of specific companies. All I was commenting on was your troll-like posts. Just your negative and disprovable posts that serve no purpose but to get responses like the one I'm typing to you right now.


    I'd ask you some direct questions as to why you post stuff like you do in venues like this, but no one else has been able to get reasonably anywhere with you and it's late where I am, so I'll just let you get back to that gilded bridge under which you hide all your electronics you don't let define you (yet, inexplicably, letting your troll posts define you). Until the morrow.


    DaHarder can you answer questions and stop being a tool! Are you internet Troll....YES  or no


    Silverpraxis very good comments and replies, just wish this tool (DaHarder) would have some balls and admit his behaviour

  • Reply 127 of 407
    souliisoul wrote: »

    DaHarder can you answer questions and stop being a tool! Are you internet Troll....YES  or [SIZE=8px]no[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=12px]Silverpraxis very good comments and replies, just wish this tool (DaHarder) would have some balls and admit his behaviour[/SIZE]

    Take you pick-

    a) Paranoid Personality Disorder: This personality disorder is marked by a suspicion of people in almost all situations, with no reason. They feel that everyone is against them and are constantly scanning the environment for proof of their suspicions.

    b) Schizotypal Personality Disorder: In schizotypal personality disorder, a persons speech, behaviour, thinking and/or perceptions are disturbed in an odd way, but not disturbed enough to be diagnosed as schizophrenic.

    d) Borderline Personality Disorder: Borderline personality disorder is characterized by an unstable sense of self, a needy dependency on relationships with others in order to achieve a sense of identity, distrust of other people, a suspicion of people and an expectancy that they will be abandoned or victimized, an ambivalence towards people

    e) Histrionic Personality Disorder: The main feature of this disorder is self-dramatization - an exaggerated display of emotion. These emotional outbursts are manipulative and are aimed at attracting attention and sympathy.

    f) Narcissistic Personality Disorder: This disorder is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, which is often combined with periods of feelings of insecurity and inferiority. They brag of their achievements and predict great successes for themselves in their future, and expect the attention and adoration that would be given someone as gifted as they think they are.

    g) Avoidant Personality Disorder: This disorder is marked by social withdrawal. This withdrawal is due to a fear of rejection.

    h) Dependent Personality Disorder: This disorder involves a dependence on others. These people are fearful and incapable of making decisions on their own. Underneath this dependency exists a fear of abandonment.

    i) Obsessive compulsive personality disorder: The defining characteristics of this disorder are excessive preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control.
  • Reply 128 of 407
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    uguysrnuts wrote: »
    More power to you. I used to say the same thing. But there is a threshold to how much toxicity a person can take. At best, this category of posters are paid shills or simply bored out of their minds. At worst, rumors sites, especially Apple rumor sites, tend to attract individuals with mental illness science hasn't yet come out a name for.

    I disagree. People like daharder exhibit clear signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    This disorder is characterized in some ways like a 'God complex'. They believe that their opinions are the only thing that matters and the world revolves around them. If they have an opinion, it's automatically right and if you disagree with that opinion, it's perceived as an attack on their person. They have a well-known deficiency in critical thinking skills and are unable to discern anything related to logical thought that might interfere with their need to make themselves the center of attention. It's as if their thinking process were:
    If A = B and B = C, then D = Me.

    "Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.[2][3] First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and it is closely linked to egocentrism."

    A more complete description:
    A person with narcissistic personality disorder:
    - Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
    - Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
    - Has feelings of self-importance
    - Exaggerates achievements and talents
    - Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
    - Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
    - Requires constant attention and admiration
    - Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
    - Has obsessive self-interest
    - Pursues mainly selfish goals
  • Reply 129 of 407
    jragosta wrote: »
    I disagree. People like daharder exhibit clear signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
    This disorder is characterized in some ways like a 'God complex'. They believe that their opinions are the only thing that matters and the world revolves around them. If they have an opinion, it's automatically right and if you disagree with that opinion, it's perceived as an attack on their person. They have a well-known deficiency in critical thinking skills and are unable to discern anything related to logical thought that might interfere with their need to make themselves the center of attention. It's as if their thinking process were:
    If A = B and B = C, then D = Me.
    "Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.[2][3] First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and it is closely linked to egocentrism."
    A more complete description:
    A person with narcissistic personality disorder:
    - Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
    - Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
    - Has feelings of self-importance
    - Exaggerates achievements and talents
    - Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
    - Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
    - Requires constant attention and admiration
    - Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
    - Has obsessive self-interest
    - Pursues mainly selfish goals

    I was just trying to be kind. When you think about it, these individuals are incredibly sad. The thing about mental illness is everyone else but the person seem to be aware of the problem, and the person is incapable of any self control to do otherwise.
  • Reply 130 of 407
    jragosta wrote: »
    I disagree. People like daharder exhibit clear signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
    This disorder is characterized in some ways like a 'God complex'. They believe that their opinions are the only thing that matters and the world revolves around them. If they have an opinion, it's automatically right and if you disagree with that opinion, it's perceived as an attack on their person. They have a well-known deficiency in critical thinking skills and are unable to discern anything related to logical thought that might interfere with their need to make themselves the center of attention. It's as if their thinking process were:
    If A = B and B = C, then D = Me.
    "Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.[2][3] First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and it is closely linked to egocentrism."
    A more complete description:
    A person with narcissistic personality disorder:
    - Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
    - Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
    - Has feelings of self-importance
    - Exaggerates achievements and talents
    - Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
    - Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
    - Requires constant attention and admiration
    - Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
    - Has obsessive self-interest
    - Pursues mainly selfish goals

    [duplicate post]
  • Reply 131 of 407
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by mswood View Post

    First, Apple wasn't built on student purchasing.  It was built of public purchasing.  Meaning all segments not just limited students or educators.  And while its always nice to get a discount, no company is required nor should be expected to maintain the same level of discounts for the life of a company.  Nor do I remember any consumer level education discounts back in the company's early history.  I know they did large school reduction of price for schools to purchase in bulk, but I don't recall ever seeing them for the individual consumer (back in the late 70's and early 80's).  Those perks aren't done out of the companies goodness, but to get a consumer when they are new to making choses on products.  When companies are having a hard time (iMac G3, early I pod period) Apple needed to grab a larger customer base.  Now that need is dramatically smaller (so much as to be laughable).  


    As for being over priced, what is over priced?  Where is the national standard for what % markup companies can put on their products and still be considered a fair price?  I am quite sure you use and consume products with fair greater markup then what Apple has, and probably rarely even think about it (in some cases I am sure as a consumer you are completely unaware of it, as some aren't widely reported).


    It's pretty obvious that Apple is a luxury brand. The markups that Apple charge are even higher than some global luxury brands. I'm sure Merc, Bimmer, LVMH Moet Hennessy, and Italian fashion houses envy Apple's markups and can only dream of ever having a half trillion dollar market cap. :D

  • Reply 132 of 407
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by SWS View Post

    I hope Apple wins this case and then pulls away from samsung 100%. There are many other suppliers out there.

    Also, I'm replacing my 55inch led Samsung with a Apple tv if and when they come out.

    Good decision. I'm going to get an LG TV. :)

  • Reply 133 of 407
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    uguysrnuts wrote: »
    I was just trying to be kind. When you think about it, these individuals are incredibly sad. The thing about mental illness is everyone else but the person seem to be aware of the problem, and the person is incapable of any self control to do otherwise.

    That's one of the saddest things about NPD - it's extremely difficult to treat. Since people with NPD think they're perfect, it's difficult to get them to recognize a need for a change in themselves which would cause them to seek (or participate in) treatment.

    Other mental illnesses are different. A person with OCD, for example, may observe themselves and others around them and see that their behavior is excessive. But with NPD, any observed differences are signs of the individual's superiority and everyone else is deficient in some way.

    I'm trying very hard to avoid the term 'NPD sufferer' or 'NPD victim' - because it's the people around them who are the victims.
  • Reply 134 of 407
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member

    Every once in awhile I'm presented with an exercise in self-control, resisting the obvious.....

  • Reply 135 of 407
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,946member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    There is really only one thing worse than slavish copyists. Their slavish enablers.

    There's a bunch of them here -- everyone knows who they are -- and they're incorrigibly relentless. Don't even bother responding.


    They are relentless because a large number of them are paid astroturfers. Then there is tekstud, back now as JerrySwitched26.

  • Reply 136 of 407
    studentxstudentx Posts: 112member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    As ALL companies likely 'size up' their wares against the competition, and then seek to improve upon said competition's efforts.

    Apple has made a complete industry out of doing exactly this... Inventing Nothing but Improving Upon What Others Already Created.


    By Samsung's logic, using 2001 A Space Odyssey as a example, Gene Rodenberry should sue the entire cell phone industry for stealing his flip phone (communicator) design.


    All inventions essentially improve on what other have built in one way or another. The key is taking those ideas and making them into something worthwhile.


    The MP3 player, smartphone and tablet industries were niche segments for geeks and business (BB only) before Apple made them not suck for the rest of us.

  • Reply 137 of 407
    studentxstudentx Posts: 112member


    Originally Posted by eric475 View Post


    It's pretty obvious that Apple is a luxury brand. The markups that Apple charge are even higher than some global luxury brands. I'm sure Merc, Bimmer, LVMH Moet Hennessy, and Italian fashion houses envy Apple's markups and can only dream of ever having a half trillion dollar market cap. :D


    Really? Then why can't anyone seem to beat Apple on price with the iPad or Ultrabooks?


    Apple has become so efficient a good chunk of those margins come simply from running a better supply chain.

  • Reply 138 of 407
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    eric475 wrote: »
    It's pretty obvious that Apple is a luxury brand. The markups that Apple charge are even higher than some global luxury brands. I'm sure Merc, Bimmer, LVMH Moet Hennessy, and Italian fashion houses envy Apple's markups and can only dream of ever having a half trillion dollar market cap. :D

    Luxury brand? Strange definition:

    - MacBook Air set the price point for its segment. Even today, the only way anyone has managed to beat the price is by significantly cutting features.

    - iPhone - priced right in line with other premium phones

    - MacPro - generally lower than competitive Xeon systems of similar quality, particularly when you look at the dual CPU version

    - iMac - you still can't find a comparable 27" AIO for less

    - iPad - other 10" tablets are around the same price

    Apple's profits and success are not coming from a significant premium in pricing as they did in the past. Today, their prices are pretty much in line with the market while their margins are from volume, design efficiency, and an unmatched supply chain.

    You're confusing 'popular' and 'profitable' with 'luxury brand'.
  • Reply 139 of 407
    anonymouse wrote: »
    They are relentless because a large number of them are paid astroturfers. Then there is tekstud, back now as JerrySwitched26.

    It would seem that he has worked on his grammar and punctuation during his exile! His English has improved a bit.
  • Reply 140 of 407
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by studentx View Post


    Really? Then why can't anyone seem to beat Apple on price with the iPad or Ultrabooks?


    Apple has become so efficient a good chunk of those margins come simply from running a better supply chain.


    Good point. I must say it's hard for me to give you a complete answer since Apple does not divulge its trade secrets or any details about its contracts with suppliers.

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