Rapper's performance at Microsoft Store event cut short after destruction of several PCs



  • Reply 101 of 128
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by iSteelers View Post


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Is that really necessary? Can you please cut the derogatory racial slurs. It really undermines the civility of the discussion.


    I didn't detect a racial slur in his comment.  Are they not called black, Mexicans or Liberals?  While I don't like political slants on tech sites, it seems a fair number of the posters here have no problems slamming Conservatives or Republicans (they are not the same thing).  Statistics do show the vast numbers of blacks and Mexicans, sorry "People of Color" are Liberals.

    Actually I want to retract the previous comments as they really just open up a political ethnical debate the I would rather avoid actually. 

  • Reply 102 of 128
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Stupid of Microsoft to allow this kind of performer. They don't need to go with Disney Kids but someone more family friendly who respects where they are etc should be what they do if they are going to insist on music acts etc
  • Reply 103 of 128
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    astrubhar wrote: »
    Should we kill everyone who produces music you don't like?

    They've hit the top 100 and are signed by Interscope Records. That takes a lot of dedication that you don't find in someone you'd call "trash".

    While I agree that the death comment was a bit much let's get real

    He was signed because he sells tickets and CDs nothing more. And selling tickets etc doesn't equal talent.
  • Reply 104 of 128
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member


    Originally Posted by astrubhar View Post


    Correlation = causation? You're suggesting that listening to hip-hop music means you're at the bottom of society?


    I just think you should be more open minded. People are different. Some people like guitars, others like orchestras, and others like beats and melodic lyrics.


    There were lyrics, but no melody.  The guy was just screaming to a beat.  To the vast majority of people, that isn't music.  We all get your point that people can have differences of opinion.  But to say this is music because people have different taste is like saying dog shit smells good or spiders are more beautiful than roses.  Say it all you want, but the rest of us recognize dog shit when we see it and this guy's alleged "music" is shit.   


    I can't stop laughing that Microsoft let this guy "perform" in their store.  Microsoft is a train wreck and Steve Ballmer is to blame.  It doesn't matter if you hire 50,000 talented engineers if you cripple the company with a buffoon for a leader.

  • Reply 105 of 128
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    While I agree that the death comment was a bit much let's get real

    He was signed because he sells tickets and CDs nothing more. And selling tickets etc doesn't equal talent.

    So true.  Remember the videos where that guy got homeless people to fight each other.  Those videos made a lot of money, but I wouldn't say the guy was a talented cinematography.  He was a shrewd businessman.  If Machine Gun Kelly had eaten dog shit for a show, he would have garnered a lot of attention, but that wouldn't make him an artist or "talented".  

  • Reply 106 of 128
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Well, he's earned himself some notoriety at Microsoft's expense. This would have been a very poor move even if he'd behaved himself. 

    I can't believe Redmond is that desperate for foot traffic.




    Those tattoos look like were drawn on with crayons.


    And you can only get that 'angry at the world' sneer by being driven past a ghetto in your dad's Prius.

  • Reply 107 of 128
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member

    The screen in the back says, "get ready for a kickoff".  I guess that was his cue.


  • Reply 108 of 128
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member


    Originally Posted by iSteelers View Post


    I would love for you to list some names, if that is indeed true.  I really doubt that the older crowd, regardless of ideal, likes rap or heavy metal.


    Well, at least as far as heavy metal goes, it probably still has something of a fan base in the 40-65 age group, they having been in their salad days during its heyday. But, I thought older conservatives listened to hymns these days.

  • Reply 109 of 128
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member


    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Why not? We don't mind killing people who look different than we do. Or those who choose to worship different. Or those whose sexual orientation we don't agree with...

    Yep. Seems about right.


    No, don't kill em or nothing like that, just put em off somewhere - video is a tad long (from 1971, before SMS and Twitter etc) but worth watching through:


  • Reply 110 of 128

    Amount of sales Microsoft gained from this: zero.


    Think about how many sales MGK will gain from this.

  • Reply 111 of 128
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    gtr wrote: »
    A rapper going berserk in a Microsoft store.

    One of the few cases where THIS doesn't work:



    but because he's a virus, and the task manager does not terminate that... they didn't have the time to get to "performance", cpu, find the PID, then kill the process....
    or wait for the "add/remove programmes" to populate, search for the program, uninstall, reboot computer...
    so they just "pulled the power cord"...

    in linux it is "sudo KILL ALL MGK rapper"
    or run htop, scroll to MGK rapper... KILL
  • Reply 112 of 128


    Originally Posted by astrubhar View Post


    Should we kill everyone who produces music you don't like?


    They've hit the top 100 and are signed by Interscope Records. That takes a lot of dedication that you don't find in someone you'd call "trash".

    how does dedication play into "we gotta sign all this crap before someone else does" ? top 100 and such mean nothing. i would love to see the returns on his records... something that does not factor into billboard. ship a million, return 950,000. talentless drivel... but should he be killed, no. just smack his momma... 

  • Reply 113 of 128


    Originally Posted by logandigges View Post

    Why does everybody hate rap? Rap is the only genre of music that really reflects how people feel and their emotions. Other music genres don't. They don't show that, they say "dance, dance!" or whatever. They are not real.

    None of my statements include Lil Wayne or any of those idiots (YMCMB).

    where have you been for the last 50 years?????? listen to music much?

  • Reply 114 of 128

    About the music: I'm not a fan of rap. Just not my style. But I am completely impressed and respectful of the fact that that industry has thrived on its own terms, with its own economy, definitions, and values, without asking permission or forgiveness. I don't particularly agree with those definitions or values, but to me it requires -- and seeks -- no further validation.


    About the Microsoft event: What. The Hell. Were you thinking?

  • Reply 115 of 128
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    What? John Mayer said no?
  • Reply 116 of 128


    Originally Posted by logandigges View Post

    Why does everybody hate rap? Rap is the only genre of music that really reflects how people feel and their emotions. Other music genres don't. They don't show that, they say "dance, dance!" or whatever. They are not real.

    None of my statements include Lil Wayne or any of those idiots (YMCMB).

    Seriously, i don't know how mesmerized i am by your claim, but from what i understood from the other posters, it resumes to inexperience.

    So, a couple of friendly tips from a not that much older guy :


    go to the itunes store and get this:

    Yo-Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone

    Relax, sit quietly on your bedroom and preferably listen with a good couple of speakers or headphones.


    Afterwards, you can also try finding a couple of Beethoven's symphonies. There's endless recordings of them. I can easily recommend you the

    • Fifth symphony, all (i prefer the version by  Bohm (it's the maestro last name ) )

    • the Seventh symphony, second movement 

    • the Ninth, it's great in its entirely but you can go the fast way and just try the first and the 4th/5th movement - depending on the version it can have just 4 movements or five, but start from fourth either way.  (Karajan has a really good version of this but it's one of the most played symphonies of all time, so it's hard to find one that sucks (although they exist)



    after this experience i hope that you will reach that:

    1. there's more music than rap

    2. you don't have to have lyrics or words to actually have emotion on the music

    3. there's a hell of a lot "old" music that completely blows your mind if you just try to listen to it. 


    try and then tell us how it went ;-)

  • Reply 117 of 128
    I see from the first photo he's been practicing his 'urban glow' in front of a mirror.
  • Reply 118 of 128


    Originally Posted by ash471 View Post


    There were lyrics, but no melody.  The guy was just screaming to a beat.  To the vast majority of people, that isn't music.  We all get your point that people can have differences of opinion.  But to say this is music because people have different taste is like saying dog shit smells good or spiders are more beautiful than roses.  Say it all you want, but the rest of us recognize dog shit when we see it and this guy's alleged "music" is shit.


    It's being held in a Microsoft store and recorded on a smart phone. He sounds awful in the video. It's a huge conclusion to jump to that his music is shit, based on that video.

  • Reply 119 of 128
    What a loser. Needs a good A-Kicking.
  • Reply 120 of 128
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by Moe Luby View Post

    What a loser. Needs a good A-Kicking.


    Nah. He'll be sued if he doesn't pay for the damages. Meanwhile, people are actually taking time to discuss this "incident"... our loss.

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