Google's Eric Schmidt says Android 'clearly' winning against Apple in phones



  • Reply 21 of 227

    Wall Street believes Android is winning and winning big over Apple.  Google's P/E is 21, Apple's P/E is 12.  Google's share price is $695, Apple's share price is $535.  To Apple shareholders, it would certainly appear as though Google is basically kicking the crap out of Apple and Android is on the verge of putting Apple and iOS out of business.  It would also appear as though the average investor would rather spend close to $700 a share on Google stock rather than spend $540 on Apple stock because they obviously think that Google has more upside than Apple.  Only time will tell if this appearance holds up.


    However, it does seem as though Wall Street always prefers companies that have very high market share and sells very cheap products.  Wall Street firmly believes this is the formula for long-term success.  I know that doesn't always work out (both Nokia and RIM are recent prime examples) but that's how Wall Street sees it.  Apple's profits, lack of debt and huge cash reserve don't seem to be doing anything for the share price and that is a fact.  This is the current reality of the Apple vs Google situation.


    I see Android as a fragmented and hard to control OS that's already grown larger than what can be easily managed as far as updates are concerned.  There's just too many types of devices in both smartphones and tablets spread over too many companies and carriers.  It also seems like a very poor financial model for nearly every company using it save Samsung.  I doubt Android has even lived up to Google's financial expectations of ad revenue.  So, I don't understand why Wall Street loves Google and Android, but that doesn't change the fact that all I ever hear is bravado about Android gaining ever more market share on a daily basis, somehow always leading to huge Apple losses in the future.

  • Reply 22 of 227


    Wall Street believes Android is winning and winning big over Apple.  Google's P/E is 21, Apple's P/E is 12.  Google's share price is $695, Apple's share price is $535.  To Apple shareholders, it would certainly appear as though Google is basically kicking the crap out of Apple and Android is on the verge of putting Apple and iOS out of business.  It would also appear as though the average investor would rather spend close to $700 a share on Google stock rather than spend $540 on Apple stock because they obviously think that Google has more upside than Apple.  Only time will tell if this appearance holds up.


    However, it does seem as though Wall Street always prefers companies that have very high market share and sells very cheap products.  Wall Street firmly believes this is the formula for long-term success.  I know that doesn't always work out (both Nokia and RIM are recent prime examples) but that's how Wall Street sees it.  Apple's profits, lack of debt and huge cash reserve don't seem to be doing anything for the share price and that is a fact.  This is the current reality of the Apple vs Google situation.


    I see Android as a fragmented and hard to control OS that's already grown larger than what can be easily managed as far as updates are concerned.  There's just too many types of devices in both smartphones and tablets spread over too many companies and carriers.  It also seems like a very poor financial model for nearly every company using it save Samsung.  I doubt Android has even lived up to Google's financial expectations of ad revenue.  So, I don't understand why Wall Street loves Google and Android, but that doesn't change the fact that all I ever hear is bravado about Android gaining ever more market share on a daily basis, somehow always leading to huge Apple losses in the future.

    Yes, is there not an irony in the fact that a big US corporation is fueling the success of a foreign competitor at the expense of another US corporation?

  • Reply 23 of 227
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Point is you go with your strength. The only place Android is winning is in shear numbers. Every other metric says iOS is winning. And I can guarandamntee you that were the shoe on the other foot Eric Schmidt would be commenting on how market share isn't really important and that customer satisfaction, web presence, profits, ad revenue, and public perception were more important. You know, all those other metrics where iOS is wiping the floor with Android.


    And Tallest Skil is right on when he says Schmidt represents all the trolls that infest AI and that Google can die the same slow death as Microsoft is. Trolls like Schmidt don't comprehend how a company like Apple can even exist, let alone thrive and control the tech future. They have no explanation to offer other than "only stupid people buy Apple." 


    Oh, and this is the same Eric Schmidt who predicted that developers would be overwhelmingly to Android first and iOS later or not at all within six months. That prediction is a year old now with no sign of coming to fruition.

  • Reply 24 of 227

    I dont think Apple was ever out to "win" anything (aka marketshare).  The price of their products certainly suggest they are more interested in quality vs. quantity.


    This is the difference between Apple & Google.  Apple puts out the best phone is possibly can once every year.  Google puts out the the latest version of its FREE phone software it can throughout the year.  While numbers are meaningul, Apple never has targeted absolute marketshare as a goal.. if they would they would make cheaper products at a lower price.  Google on the hand has never targeted putting out the best overall user experience in a single product, as their goal is marketshare.


    As someone posted in a thread yesterday, here is how Google thinks:




    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    Google's basic business plan is:


    1. rip off/scrape everybody else's stuff.

    2. slap ads on it.

    3. then give it all away for "free" to anyone.

    4. then data mine everyone that takes any of it.

    5. and sell them to advertisers.


    but let's all be friends!


    seriously, Google IS evil.


  • Reply 25 of 227


    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
    McDonalds sells a lot more Happy Meals than Morton's sells steaks.




    But that misses the point...McDonalds may not be the same quality, but the iPhone is both better quality than the average Android phone, but also more profitable.


    This would be more like comparing Cubic Zirconia vs. Diamonds. (I assume) there are more Cubic Zirconia sold, but they are worse quality and make less money for the people who sell them.

  • Reply 26 of 227

    Hey Eric Schmidt, actor Charlie Sheen was "Winning" also, still it didn't stop people from looking at his actions and thinking he was a kook and notice how you don't hear too much about Charlie Sheen anymore, whether on purpose or not!  


    WINNING!...  image




  • Reply 27 of 227
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Well I guess its all over but the crying. We lose.


  • Reply 28 of 227
    I've given away more airplanes than Boeing has sold so obviously I'm winning. My airplanes are made of paper but that doesn't matter.
  • Reply 29 of 227


    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Hey Eric Schmidt, actor Charlie Sheen was "Winning" also, still it didn't stop people from looking at his actions and thinking he was a kook and notice how you don't hear too much about Charlie Sheen anymore, whether on purpose or not!  


    WINNING!...  image




    Eric's got tigerblood

  • Reply 30 of 227

    Uhh, what else would we expect him to say?? They may have a larger market share but that doesn't mean it's a better product (see Microsoft Windows vs. OS X).

  • Reply 31 of 227
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
    McDonalds sells a lot more Happy Meals than Morton's sells steaks.




    Yeah, but the data they are using is PRE-iPhone 5 sales.  IPhone 5 STILL hasn't landed in China yet.  So far, in the US, the numbers are vastly different, based on the latest information, iPhone is more like 30% and growing.  These guys are just using last quarter's data and just milking it to get attention.


    Eric Schmidt is a dick.

  • Reply 32 of 227
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    HE is all of the trolls here. That's the only way to explain the things he's saying.


    If he's so deluded as to think he's "winning" because of volume, let him die the same death Microsoft is dying.

    Yeah, but they aren't making much money because their business model is a flawed business model.  They just like spitting out predominately cheap products and they are now having to dump prices to compete against Apple.

  • Reply 33 of 227
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,299member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Yeah, but they aren't making much money because their business model is a flawed business model.  They just like spitting out predominately cheap products and they are now having to dump prices to compete against Apple.

    They're certainly making money. Just not from the same market as Apple does.

  • Reply 34 of 227
    The real problem is many of the android activations are for phones in developing countries that are sold with all Google services stripped out. Growing the pie that way will not help Google.
  • Reply 35 of 227

    That depends on how you define "winning".  In terms of the sheer number of devices that run Android, including those that don't even qualify as a smartphone or tablet, then sure.  In terms of quality, no.  In terms of ecosystem, no.  In terms of profitability, no.  In terms of usability (i.e. stability, UI issues, fragmentation), no.  What we have here is just a new decade's version of lipstick on a pig.

  • Reply 36 of 227


    Originally Posted by Daekwan View Post

    I dont think Apple was ever out to "win" anything (aka marketshare).  The price of their products certainly suggest they are more interested in quality vs. quantity.



    I probably misunderstood Jobs when launching the first iPad. Didn't he say (word by word) that the price point made it quite impossible for a competitor to enter the tablet market?

  • Reply 37 of 227

    Eric Schmidt... what a Bozohole!

  • Reply 38 of 227

    He's just casting his line to reel in more people who's information he wants to harvest.

  • Reply 39 of 227
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Eric Schmidt is a dick.


    that's an insult to all male genitalia.

  • Reply 40 of 227

    We need to start up a list and call it: "$hit Eric Schmidt Says"


    - He said last year that by summer 50% of TV's would have Google TV. Where are they? **crickets**

    - He stated last December that iOS's 2:1 lead in developer support would switch sides and in 6 months you'd see Android having the higher interest in developer support. It's now 1 year and iOS still commands more than 2:1 developer interest on iOS. **more crickets**


    Now he says he's winning the war. What war exactly is that? The race to the bottom? Who can flood the market with the most garbage? Who can develop an OS the quickest by stealing other people's IP instead of creating their own?


    Poor Apple, all they can win at is:


    - Higher quality Apps and more developers coding for iOS than Android.

    - Total domination of tablet Apps (as in Apple actually has more than 10).

    - Higher internet usage by phones (almost 2:1) and by tablets (almost 9:1). Ask web developers who they should be targeting when they make mobile specific sites for their companies.

    - Online shoppers use iOS devices almost 5:1 over Android. Who's more likely to get an online offer, an iOS user or Android user?

    - Most money paid out to developers.

    - Best eco-system from Apps to Music to TV/Movies to books to the ABSOLUTELY HUGE aftermarket accessory industry.

    - Having the terrible problem of not being able to make products fast enough to keep up with demand.

    - OS adoption rate. Over 60% on iOS 6 shortly after launch. Meanwhile 50% Android users are stuck on a 2 year old OS full of security holes. And there are still brand new phones being sold today with that same 2 year old OS.

    - Support. Try taking your Galaxy to a store for service when something goes wrong. Or try getting an update for your barely one-year-old phone.

    - Profits. Not important for the consumer, but very important for the company.

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