Apple CEO hints bigger iPhone screen may come when 'trade-offs' can be avoided



  • Reply 141 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    assuming it's not a mt lion thing because you said it was added years ago.


    Apparently it's a Mountain Lion thing. And no, I didn't claim THIS was added years ago.

  • Reply 142 of 166
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    The ****? how?

    They will expend 30 billion (dividends, share buybacks) per quarter, but they are gaining average 10 billion per quarter.
    A years has 4 quarters, then you have interests, etc.

    it is most likely that by 2015 they will have 200 billion instead of 100 billion.

    But one can't automatically assume (though very likely) that they'll continue to make 10 B per quarter.
  • Reply 143 of 166

    thanks. i'm confused though, what functionality were you saying was added years ago? i am trying to replicate what was in your first picture and I can't. i don't seem to be able to right click anywhere in an e-mail to create a meeting.

  • Reply 144 of 166
    ok, i was just trying to be reasonable but i'm sensing that any expression of dissatisfaction with apple on this forum is going to be met with this type of response from you.

    Couldn't agree more. Lighten up a bit Tallest Skill....sheesh! Could you BE anymore sarcastic all the time?
  • Reply 145 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    thanks. i'm confused though, what functionality were you saying was added years ago? i am trying to replicate what was in your first picture and I can't. i don't seem to be able to right click anywhere in an e-mail to create a meeting.


    Mail will automatically search for names, phone numbers, dates, times, etc. and show a dotted line around them when you hover over them. Click and it'll perform the appropriate action.


    If it's a name, it'll ask to create a Contacts page for the name. If it sees "Saturday, February 12", it will make an event in Calendar for that, etc.

  • Reply 146 of 166

    Thanks, i'm aware of that feature and it's completely useless to me. not every e-mail has the dotted lines. I am at the mercy of apple's rules on when an e-mail qualifies to have this functionality or not and then which portions of the e-mail are clickable. i want to be able to either right click the e-mail and have the whole thing be embedded in a meeting or right click a selection and have that embedded in a meeting.


    here's an example - i just got an email from my kids teacher with a link to a youtube math video we're supposed to watch tonight for his homework. when i hover then click the down arrow on the link it takes me to the video. i want to create an event at 7:30pm tonight with the link embedded without doing all the extra clicks. and at 7:30 when i get the alert i'll go the event click on the link and stream it my apple tv.


    what i'm asking for obviously takes time, money, etc. but here's the thing. I think apple could be making the os so much more valuable to people. it should be about making everything more integrated. ms office is crap on osx. apple could be doing so much better at this if they put more effort into it. and really, they should do some kind of partnership with intuit to make the apple version of quickbooks on par with ms version. my $0.02. i use my mac for design, for bookeeping (qb on parallels) basically running my whole business on it.


    and please don't tell me to just go back to ms. that's the problem. apple needs a critical mass of users on all devices. i think if you weren't so quick to play gotcha and shout people down it would be nice.

  • Reply 147 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    ms office is crap on osx. apple could be doing so much better at this if they put more effort into it. 


    What does Apple care about Office?

    …they should do some kind of partnership with intuit to make the apple version of quickbooks on par with ms version.

    Why should Apple be forced to prop up a company that blatantly couldn't care less about their platform?

    i think if you weren't so quick to play gotcha and shout people down it would be nice.


    Maybe just do some research before claiming things.

  • Reply 148 of 166

    apple doesn't care about office. i was talking about adding more functionality to their Mail, Contacts and Calendar...thus eliminating the need for MS Office.


    Apple should care about qb on mac because imho if it ever became as robust as the MS version it would drive significant sales of Macs. spend money, make money. risk, reward. choose your cliche. there's a huge number of small business that use qb and probably they would capture a decent % of the ms users if they beefed up the mac version.


    as far as research goes, again you were so eager to prove how wrong i was that you actually glossed over the point of my post. you can't really create a meeting from an e-mail unless Apple Mail decides the content of the e-mail qualifies. why is this so hard for you to acknowledge?


    its not just about the fanciest hardware or skinniest laptop. if you want more business folks on the platform, make it more functional for them. maybe they don't care. i think they should for the long term health of the company.

  • Reply 149 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    apple doesn't care about office. i was talking about adding more functionality to their Mail, Contacts and Calendar...thus eliminating the need for MS Office.


    …if it ever became as robust as the MS version it would drive significant sales of Macs.


    The software's creator isn't doing anything about this, so they obviously don't believe so.

    …you can't really create a meeting from an e-mail unless Apple Mail decides the content of the e-mail qualifies. why is this so hard for you to acknowledge?


    Because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, is all.

  • Reply 150 of 166
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member


    Originally Posted by philky View Post

    I can't agree more with what "brains" said above about good large screens that exist currently. If you compare the Galaxy S with iPhone 4S retina screen, the Galaxy is a straight winner in all aspect. Some argue the larger Samsung screens are "saturated and artificial", but hey most people are just, well, ordinary people and to most of us first impression really counts. I live in Hong Kong and the trend is even more worrying: in the streets now you see the ratio between iPhone and Samsung being 2:8, whereas a year ago was some 7:3. Many people, including many long term iPhone users, are switching to Samsung, completely forgetting Apple. I am sure this trend will soon spread to the US and the rest of the world, and this would be the subject of discussion here six months from now! And size in fact, is not the only incentive for switching to Android. My iPhone "traitors" friends have shown me just how exciting and playful Android is, and sadly I have to agree after seeing some demos (for example the dynamic wall papers are really cool) - the iPhone looks somehow dated (both the hardware and the OS). What Apple needs to do is make various versions of the new iPhone, including a super large 5-5.5", and re-design the presentation of iOS to give it a new life after so many years with many people now suffering from "i-fatigue". I am holding on to my iPhone 4S and will only upgrade once a truly large iPhone appears. If not I might just join the Samsung camp and forget about being a blind loyalist especially since Tim doesn't have the magic and charm of SJ.


    I agree with some of your thoughts. I don't agree that Apple needs a super large model as in 5.5" iPhone to compete. I think an iPhone anywhere between 4.5 and 5" would satisfy most people. Personally I think 4.8" is the sweet spot. A large iPhone along with a more affordable version would go a long ways towards halting Android growth and even reversing it.  I also can't imagine  using vanilla iOS again after getting used to all the wonderful options available on Cydia. Abstergo alone is well worth it just to finally give finer control over notifications which was a huge annoyance to me. Without a jailbroken iPhone I would not be very happy about the experience.  I am hopeful that iOS 7 will finally shed some ifatigue many of us have been feeling about iOS lately. Not a lot has changed about iOS is a while so I think we should have a lot to look forward to this year. After the maps fiasco last year resulting in an apology from Tim I think Apple really wants the next launch to be very successful and will likely offer many new features. I think iOS 7 could be the biggest update since they added the app store.  



  • Reply 151 of 166
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member


    I have to call BS on the trade offs. Proof? iPad Retina. 9" display and there were no trade offs. Also, having a bigger form factor for a bigger display means having more room for a bigger battery. Try again, Tim.


    But if you recall, the biggest complaint about the Retina iPad is that it is heavier and thicker than the iPad 2 because it needs a bigger battery. That's a tradeoff. Try again, Applefan.


    That said, perhaps Tim Cook is hinting at flexible displays or other technology that will make larger screens more ergonomic.

  • Reply 152 of 166
    bregaladbregalad Posts: 816member


    Originally Posted by Seankill View Post

    Are you an engineer? Do you have more knowledge of the industry than Tim? No, I bet not. I am not trying to be an "Apple fanboy" here but your comments are terribly ignorant. This guy has worked in this industry for a long time. Have you seen the comparing of Apple's LCD vs Samsung's OLED? The reviews, in terms of accuracy, almost (if not always) say that Apple's LCD is MILES above the rest. 


    Sometimes the newest technology just isn't practical, like electric cars, how are they emission free/pollutant? Power Plant emissions........Tires......Lubs.......Battery (acids too).....    Just feed the people what they want to hear and they won't do their homework.


    Apple has defined the smartphone industry (Even Apple haters admit this), they will find their way.

    Although I am nervous watching their profits state a negative slope. I think Apple will need to adapt to maintain growth. The problem is not abandoning Apple. They must adapt but maintain the quality, usability, and precision of the Apple brand.


    Many commenters here seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I suggested Apple use the SAME display panel material they're already using in the iPhone 5 and retina iPad. At no point did I mention AMOLED any other display technology.


    LCDs can be made in any size you want. The LCD material Apple currently uses for the iPhone 5 could be cut into 5" pieces instead of 4" pieces. Tweak the back lighting a bit and the larger iPhone would have the exact same display quality as the iPhone 5. The advantage to this approach is it maintains the existing retina quality of the display at normal working distance, but it would require all iPhone apps to be modified to look good on the 800x1420 screen.


    Marco Arment suggested Apple use the iPad retina LCD material and cut it into 5" pieces. That would produce a phone with the same 640x1136 resolution as the existing iPhone 5 in a bigger form factor. The advantage to this approach is that all iPhone software would run on it without modification, but it would no longer be "retina" at the distances an iPhone is typically held.


    I personally think the number of people who would want a 5" iPhone with 640x1136 is smaller than the number who would prefer 800x1420, but for now Apple isn't making either one.


    There's certainly no arguing which company is making the most money from mobile phone handsets today, but sale of premium priced 4.7" and larger phones is booming while Apple continues to say "you don't want a larger phone".

  • Reply 153 of 166
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by igriv View Post

    I just got an HTC One, and I don't see that they made any sacrifices for a decent screen size. Battery life is fine, the screen is goreous (as is the whole device).


    How much is "fine" (battery life)?

  • Reply 154 of 166
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by philky View Post

    I can't agree more with what "brains" said above about good large screens that exist currently. If you compare the Galaxy S with iPhone 4S retina screen, the Galaxy is a straight winner in all aspect. Some argue the larger Samsung screens are "saturated and artificial", but hey most people are just, well, ordinary people and to most of us first impression really counts. I live in Hong Kong and the trend is even more worrying: in the streets now you see the ratio between iPhone and Samsung being 2:8, whereas a year ago was some 7:3. Many people, including many long term iPhone users, are switching to Samsung, completely forgetting Apple. I am sure this trend will soon spread to the US and the rest of the world, and this would be the subject of discussion here six months from now! And size in fact, is not the only incentive for switching to Android. My iPhone "traitors" friends have shown me just how exciting and playful Android is, and sadly I have to agree after seeing some demos (for example the dynamic wall papers are really cool) - the iPhone looks somehow dated (both the hardware and the OS). What Apple needs to do is make various versions of the new iPhone, including a super large 5-5.5", and re-design the presentation of iOS to give it a new life after so many years with many people now suffering from "i-fatigue". I am holding on to my iPhone 4S and will only upgrade once a truly large iPhone appears. If not I might just join the Samsung camp and forget about being a blind loyalist especially since Tim doesn't have the magic and charm of SJ.


    Regarding the "screen quality", just go here:


    That's a comparison done using actual controlled methodology… *gasp!  Sorry to say, the Galaxy is anything but "a straight winner in every respect". 


    You're the third person in a couple of days coming here claiming that HK Galaxy sales have completely buried iPhone sales… I've been to HK recently, and that's a load of crap. Yes, although it's true that the cheaper Galaxy phones are selling well, and HK is no exception, these "scientific sounding" ratios of yours (used to be 7:3 now it's only 2:8) are just made up crap. Not to mention the Apple Store being full to overflowing pretty much open to close every…single…day… yeah, Apple is on the verge of being forgotten there… *snicker


    "People are switching to Samsung and completely forgetting Apple… The trend will soon spread to America!" (I love how people project like this)...  Having lived and worked in Asia for over twelve years, I know the writing style… the way concepts are delivered. You my friend are a paid PR hack. You MUST have been paid to write this, by Samsung or one of their "partners"… full disclosure!!


    How much you want to bet we'll get *crickets* in response….

  • Reply 155 of 166
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    ok, i was just trying to be reasonable but i'm sensing that any expression of dissatisfaction with apple on this forum is going to be met with this type of response from you. but seriously I really don't know how to take an e-mail and create a meeting with it. I mean embedding the entire e-mail in the notes of a meeting in calendar. i can't seem to do this without all the extra clicks copy paste, etc.


    There are only SOME jerks here, unfortunately, the worst is a moderator.

  • Reply 156 of 166
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post


    How much is "fine" (battery life)?t


    No worse than the iPhone 5 (actually, with that I long ago had to resort to a Mophie battery case) -- I just plugged it in after three days of (somewhat light) use.

  • Reply 157 of 166
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    I think the problem people are having is that it seems fairly reasonable to assume that Apple would sell between 5 & 10mm units per qtr. of a 5" iphone. they are upset on many levels - many readers here are stockholders and loyal customers. they want to see apple do well so that the company doesn't repeat past mistakes and become irrelevant.


    if they gave it the aesthetic of the ipad mini (which is what the ipad seems to be moving toward). imho, they will introduce it in 2014. I am counting on it. also, i think they need to allow "jailbreaking" - allow more customization through the app store. custom skins, keyboards, access to files, etc. let us use it more like a mac. those features could be turned off by default and more savvy users would be able to access them if needed. stop dumbing things down. a bit more control, again everything would pass through app store.


    i personally have not jailbroken any of my iphones (3gs, 4 and now 5) but I am so tempted. just don't want to screw it up. would love to be able to do some customization though.


    of course I agree it's the best phone, most polished os, etc. I will keep buying them but would like a larger screen and more control. and for f***'s sake, on OSX please integrate mail contacts and calendar. i'd like to be able to create a meeting from an e-mail. really would be useful. the bare bones minimalist design is one extreme, ms office is the other. I think there's room for some more bells and whistles.


    Apple sold 37 million iPhones last quarter. So you are suggesting expending all the time, energy and expense to create an APPLE iPhone (high build quality & top-flight design, 5" retina display, long battery life and everything else that makes an iPhone great) that will sell 5 million units a quarter…?


    Maybe when the sales of existing iPhones flattens, that would make sense… it will also make sense when, as Tim Cook said, they can eliminate the 'trade-offs'… something tells me they have something in the works, but we won't know until they decide to announce it.


    Are you using iOS 6? It has many of the things you are asking for…


    Oh, and this:



    Enjoy that….. (the same thing works for telephone number -> contacts, etc.)

  • Reply 158 of 166
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    apple doesn't care about office. i was talking about adding more functionality to their Mail, Contacts and Calendar...thus eliminating the need for MS Office.


    Apple should care about qb on mac because imho if it ever became as robust as the MS version it would drive significant sales of Macs. spend money, make money. risk, reward. choose your cliche. there's a huge number of small business that use qb and probably they would capture a decent % of the ms users if they beefed up the mac version.


    as far as research goes, again you were so eager to prove how wrong i was that you actually glossed over the point of my post. you can't really create a meeting from an e-mail unless Apple Mail decides the content of the e-mail qualifies. why is this so hard for you to acknowledge?


    its not just about the fanciest hardware or skinniest laptop. if you want more business folks on the platform, make it more functional for them. maybe they don't care. i think they should for the long term health of the company.


    Well, one solution is to use Gmail -- I am pretty sure there is quite seamless interaction between mail and calendar apps. Of course, it works better on android devices, for some strange reason :)

  • Reply 159 of 166
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by igriv View Post


    No worse than the iPhone 5 (actually, with that I long ago had to resort to a Mophie battery case) -- I just plugged it in after three days of (somewhat light) use.



    I do so love science...


  • Reply 160 of 166
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post



    I do so love science...



    Yes, that's useful: it shows that the One is worse than the iPhone on some tests and better on others. Consistent with my (so far limited) experience. Given that the One has a much bigger full HD screen, that puts the lie to Cook's claim.

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