Photos and video purportedly detail working 'iPhone 6,' hint at Passbook-based mobile payments



  • Reply 61 of 189
    slurpy wrote: »
    What an original quip. Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Or could you not help vomitting out the exact superficial word that other trolls have said?

    If you had an IQ above that of a 3 yr old, you would realize that millions of iPhones are being produced and shipped at this very moment, and literally hundreds of thousands of people have had a part in the manufacturing of the product. We're a couple days away from the reveal. It's not in Tim's power, or any other CEO, or anyone on earth, to prevent such leaks so close to the ship date, when the phone itself is being made in massive quantities- especially since such leaks are so sought out and rewarded (by sites like these). Even if Tim hired an agent to stalk every single person who had anything to do with iPhone manufacturing, leaks would STILL happen. Tim isn't a God, and this is an expected event, at least for most sane, rational human beings who aren't hell bent on bashing Cook and Apple. What a lazy, ignorant comment. 

    Tell me, why don't we know one fucking fact about the iWatch or how it looks like, even thought its gonna be revealed in a couple days and its the most talked about and rumored product in YEARS? Even though millions of people have obviously tried to pry info about it? Will you give Apple/Cook credit for that fact, since it IS quite the accomplishment? Of course you won't. 

    Noone gives a shit if you met jobs or if you were a fan of Apple in the performa days, it doesn't make such comments for you any less idiotic, naive, and ignorant. Yeah, you don't know what Ive was thinking, cause you don't know a damn thing about the phone, the engineering and design considerations that went into it the last 2 years, or anything else. I'm sure every mm of the design was considered, Ive isn't some insane person who made rash and random decisions about the look. It's clear those bands are there for a reason(s), and if you had any damn humility, you would give Apple/Ive the benefit of the doubt, and wait to find out. But no, obviously YOU know better than the most successful company in the world, and the most influential designer in the world, that has shaped not just Apple's products but also inspired all competitor's products.

    "Marc isn't all that much different" - Oh ok, if you say so- Marc Newsson is one of the most accomplished, versatile and influential  designers alive today, who has designed an insane amount of products, but clearly he's not up to your "standards", whatever the **** those are. What an incredible lack of self-awareness it must take to dismiss such an individual, based on absolutely nothing. Your childish nature is inexcusable for someone of your age. 

    "Touch ID is flat"- Again, what the **** does this mean? Touch ID is the most pervasive, successful, and reliable consumer biometric authentication system today, that works brilliantly for almost everyone. You're on a roll, shitting out these idiotic comments left and right, aren't you?

    So you keep bitching that Apple should "take risks" and do something "different"- the Mac Pro is a prime example of that- a feat of engineering and design- and yet as expected, you mock it because your wife thinks it looks like a trash can, damn everything else, right? And you make such a comment right after you talk about Ive's "complacency". 

    The rest of your posts are just as shitty. You sound like a damn child, and a contradictory, hypocritical, and entitled one that that. You clearly have a bone to pick with Apple, one that isn't influenced by facts or reality. In other words, you're a troll, but unfortunately one that is neither original nor witty. Every single word you spouter is based on a grotesque level of ignorance and superficiality, and the fact that you so easily tear incredibly accomplished people down is stunning.  Congratulations. Thankfully, Apple is led by enlightened people that are at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from you. If you were 10 yrs old, your stupidity and naivety would be excusable (just barely), but since you're old enough to remember Performas, it's simply an embarrassment, and I feel sorry for your inability to exercise rational though, and your propensity to hate. 

    Thank you kind Sir. I hope you'll have a better day tomorrow.
  • Reply 62 of 189
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Go buy the HTC and GTFO

    Sick and tired of fools like you who think you know more about style and tech than Apple. Just GTFO and relive us of your stupidity and arrogance
    Right on...
  • Reply 63 of 189
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Whoever thinks this's fake, look would've taken so much to fake this: details, finish, App store, Touch ID, resolution 326 dpi /1344x750 (same icon size), especially live Clock icon consistent with the time...New Passbook icon with 4 bars.
    This is the real deal...i'm ignoring these antenna bands now...
  • Reply 64 of 189
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member

    I can't stop laughing when the few said it was a fake and at the same breadth mentioned rumor sites saying it was.


    Great, guys rumor sites debunking a rumor.

  • Reply 65 of 189
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post

    Right on...


  • Reply 66 of 189
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by gimarbazat View Post

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Apple is rarely is the first to do something, but looking back it's easy to see why it seems that way because Apple is usually the first to go all in -and- do it right.

    That's neither here nor there. I'm concerned why you think Apple is so late to do something when no one has yet to do it right.


    doing it right is total BS.. apple propaganda


    Nice trash post. Lets look at the rest of your recent trash:



     my 5s just died last night from the 'blue screen of death'. wish they will lunch this new one now


    Really now? Never have I ever heard of the 5S "blue screen of death". And if this was actually the case, your 5S is still under warranty and you can go in anytime and swap it out. But odds are, you're just a liar. Don't worry, they'll "lunch" the new one soon, so you can bash that too. 



     When you have so much money that you don't know what to do with and only pay 2% tax there's something wrong



     shame on apple for not working harder to improve the working conditions of these people in Asia.  With more than 150 billion in cash and market capital of almost 600 billions they could certainly afford to spare some money on improving the working conditions..



     And soon Apple is about to show that is copying Samsung for finally making bigger screen iPhones



    Too little and and too late.. this should have been the iPhone 5 in 2012 september. the compeition is been making those 3 years ago


    Too "late" for what, exactly? Do you realize the 5S is the best selling phone on the planet? Or do you think Apple is desperately trying to claw its way back to relevancy with this larger phone? What exactly is it "too late" for? So is noone gonna buy the iPhone 6 cause it's "too late"? **** my head hurts.  Noone gives a shit how long the "competition" has been making larger phones. Screen size isn't innovation. Did you want Apple to drop everything, **** their roadmap, and duplicate that simply because others were doing it? Wouldn't you have called that "copying"? Oh nevermind- you just called it that in your previous post because they're about to launch a larger phone on their own timetable. What a hypocrite and liar you are. 



     Product red and the BS green propaganda are just marketing gimmicks prepared to target certain customers. Apple is a greedy unscrupulous corporation like many others avoiding billion in taxes and brag about raising 70mil for great causes. Bill Gates donated 28 billions which is 400 times more!


    I'm sensing a trend in your posts, and it's a pretty shitty one. You must have a pathetic existence to spend so much time on a site dedicated to a company you loathe, that makes products you despise. 

  • Reply 67 of 189
    Looks quite authentic to me!
  • Reply 68 of 189
    Originally Posted by gimarbazat View Post

    Too little and and too late.. this should have been the iPhone 5 in 2012 september.

    the compeition is been making those 3 years ago


    You might find a more sympathetic audience to your sentiments at, say, ZDnet.  Apple Hate™ (and its associated RDF) is in as full a flower as I have ever seen there.

  • Reply 69 of 189
    slurpy wrote: »
    Really now? Never have I ever heard of the 5S "blue screen of death". And if this was actually the case, your 5S is still under warranty and you can go in anytime and swap it out. But odds are, you're just a liar. Don't worry, they'll "lunch" the new one soon, so you can bash that too.

    Back with early iOS 7.0.x builds it was possible for the screen to turn blue for a second and the device to reboot. It was not like a Windows BSOD, no device was bricked from this, and it doesn't happen with any of the newer iOS builds.

    If he's going to lie he should at least try to make it believable.
  • Reply 70 of 189


    I actually already addressed this. What does it matter that we see his face? China is immune to US lawsuits. There is literally nothing whatsoever that Apple can do about it. That’s nowhere near proof that these are fake.


    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post

    Whoever thinks this's fake, look again...


    Given that we saw a Russian fake a few weeks ago that looks identical to this...

  • Reply 71 of 189
    gimarbazat wrote: »
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/182133/photos-and-video-purportedly-detail-working-iphone-6-hint-at-passbook-based-mobile-payments/40#post_2590917" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false"><span>Quote:</span><div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>SolipsismX</strong> <a href="/t/182133/photos-and-video-purportedly-detail-working-iphone-6-hint-at-passbook-based-mobile-payments/40#post_2590917"><img src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" class="inlineimg" alt="View Post"/></a><br/><br/><br />
    Apple is rarely is the first to do something, but looking back it's easy to see why it seems that way because Apple is usually the first to go all in -and- do it right.<br />
    That's neither here nor there. I'm concerned why you think Apple is so late to do something when no one has yet to do it right.</div></div><p> </p>

    doing it right is total BS.. apple propaganda

    Go away, man. Find something more positive to do with your life.
  • Reply 72 of 189

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I am surprised. Other than some airlines and a handful of cliche retailers such as Starbucks, Home Depot, and Target, there isn't much. Also, the system of having to go through apps to figure out who's in there, for what, and with what features/coupons/passes is so darned clunky that I stopped using it very early on.

    If Apple is going to roll out something along these lines as its payment system, it had better be universal, one-stop, and self-contained. Otherwise, it'll be DOA.


    You're not using passbook to its full potential. I use it every time I fly, every time I go to a concert (just got back from one tonight, any Arnej fans out there?), and anytime I go to a movie theatre that is compatible with Fandango. 


    I think the payments will be a separate app though due to all the functions it will perform.. facilitating payments from various sources, transferring money, adjusting security settings, etc. Also, I have a feeling that it will have its own dedicated space in the bottom left corner for convenience. Instead of the Continuity function, when you go out there will be the payments app icon, or rewards card icon, depending on your location. 

  • Reply 73 of 189
    Slurpy's responses have been applause worthy.

    Two more days and these fakes can truly be debunked. But damn it all if people are getting this good at creating these fake devices and videos.
  • Reply 74 of 189

    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    Slurpy's responses have been applause worthy.

    Hear, hear! I love to read when someone takes a troll to task.

  • Reply 75 of 189
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member

    But the Russian video was fake.

    So you haven’t seen the iPhones 4, 4S, 5, and 5S?

    Take your FUD and shove it. The desire is to have a single piece of metal as the back, but that’s currently physically impossible. Consider the iPhone 5S. Two large top and bottom strips of glass because the metal blocks signal. Now look at the 6. More metal, less non-metal. They’re moving closer to the goal instead of further away.

    Personally, I don’t see what’s wrong with a single strip of non-metal at the bottom (or top), but I guess I’m biased…
    <img alt="" class="placeholder lightbox-enabled" data-id="48185" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 392px; height: 652px">
    And the camera that concentrically centered with the corner was so perfect on the earlier designs. I guess that got thrown out after the 3GS.
  • Reply 76 of 189
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Whoa, there...maybe a suppository...but a trash can? Harsh criticism...

    Seriously, though, I don't know that the aluminum and titanium has become stale for me, but I see your point. The look has become iconic, though. A new direction may not be worth the risk. Despite a lot of people insisting that the iPhone 5c sold well, I can't recall ever seeing one in the wild. That can't be blamed solely on the aesthetics, but I'm sure it was a factor.

    Apparently you don't listen to the Accidental Tech Podcast. One of Apple's harshest critics and fans, John Siracusa, had coined the trashcan Mac Pro after it's unveiling. I think it's more a term of endearment really. And yes it does really look like a trash can.
  • Reply 77 of 189
    Hear ye, hear ye! All hail Thee Royal Troll Slayer from AI - [@]Slurpy[/@]

    Witness his eloquent bravery and the cutting precision of his mighty Sword of Words in [URL=]Post #67[/URL] and [URL=]Post #74[/URL]...edited to add [URL=]Post #93[/URL] (this could lengthy... Slurpy's Rockin'-n-Rollin' and takin' no prisoners!)

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    Dancing in the streets and the commencement of jovial discussion is in one fell swoop restored to our hallowed Forums!

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    ... and here's my personal kick in the chops aimed squarely at the foes of the Fiefdom...

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    ... and for good measure our Treasured Spiritual Leader does a monster jig from the ethers of the universe on the corpse of your dead Troll-Trash ... and in wild glee and thanks for the preservers of his true legacy!

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    *** Actually... I'm serious! ***

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]02 DAYS - 03 HOURS - 34 MINUTES[/COLOR] -> [COLOR=red]Apple 3.0[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  • Reply 78 of 189
    We'll all find out in a couple of days. I still hope that isn't the final design. Still not liking those lines.
  • Reply 79 of 189
    These are fakes(see the front-facing camera position on the fake iPhone 6 and compare to the 5s). Just like the ones with the protruding cameras. Just like all of them. All the purported hardware leaks are fake.

    I even wonder if the 4.7" dimension is fake and maybe see any of these instead: 4.5", 5".

    I could see the potential of an iPhone lineup with these dimensions accompanied by the necessary battery to power them with equal time-lasting: 4", 4.5", 5", 5.5". None of these would have better components over another. Maybe they will initiate with only the 4" and 5" then add 4.5" and 5.5" later if there is a demand but this is pure speculation.
  • Reply 80 of 189
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Nice trash post. Lets look at the rest of your recent trash:



    Really now? Never have I ever heard of the 5S "blue screen of death". And if this was actually the case, your 5S is still under warranty and you can go in anytime and swap it out. But odds are, you're just a liar. Don't worry, they'll "lunch" the new one soon, so you can bash that too. 






    Too "late" for what, exactly? Do you realize the 5S is the best selling phone on the planet? Or do you think Apple is desperately trying to claw its way back to relevancy with this larger phone? What exactly is it "too late" for? So is noone gonna buy the iPhone 6 cause it's "too late"? **** my head hurts.  Noone gives a shit how long the "competition" has been making larger phones. Screen size isn't innovation. Did you want Apple to drop everything, **** their roadmap, and duplicate that simply because others were doing it? Wouldn't you have called that "copying"? Oh nevermind- you just called it that in your previous post because they're about to launch a larger phone on their own timetable. What a hypocrite and liar you are. 



    I'm sensing a trend in your posts, and it's a pretty shitty one. You must have a pathetic existence to spend so much time on a site dedicated to a company you loathe, that makes products you despise. 


    Hi Slurpy,
    Thank you for your interest in my posts, I'm glad someone reads them!:)

    1. regarding the 'blue screen of death, it did happen but likely I got a brand new one from the store. I had all the iPhones except for the first one and nothing like that happened before but the death of my 5S was strange indeed.

    2.Yes I do believe Apple is trying to stay relevant with this new iPhone that as I said should have been the iPhone 5 in 2012, and in spite of this we all going to buy it.
    It’s not about screen sizes, it’s about Apple being behind 2-3 years.. The competition is doing curved over the edge and flexible screens, higher ppi displays, 16MP cameras with phase detection autofocus, multitasking, giving way more customization options and so on.
    As far as copying yes Apple is doing quite a bit of that too. Bringing a bigger screen iPhone NOW is one example. iOS 7 was copying things from the jailbreaking tweaks that have been available some years before and iOS 8 continue to do it.

    Thanks again for reading all my past posts and I hope you will keep an eye on all my future ones!:)
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