Three weeks after calling for Apple boycott, Donald Trump is tweeting from his iPhone again



  • Reply 61 of 131
    toddzrxtoddzrx Posts: 254member
    jfc1138 said:
    apple ][ said:
    Plenty of people despise Hillary, a hell of a lot more people than just Trump supporters.

    So Trump is using an iPhone again? Big deal.

    Hillary lied directly to the families of dead American soldiers. Now that is truly disgusting, despicable and anti-American. A hell of a lot more disgusting than using an iPhone.
    That's just such bull. Benghazi! was a major confusion a continent away: so answers demanded immediately were imperfect? Grow up. That's aside from the teensy detail? NONE of the four were soldiers, "American" or otherwise and that's sort of disrespectful of the dead right there to not even get their details right.

    ENDLESS Republican Congressional investigations and reports have found precisely ZERO basis for any of that nonsense: zero. To the degree there's responsibility it probably lies within the CIA who didn't want the existence of their special operations compound made public, so the details of the fate of the two operators who died in the  later mortar attack at the CIA site got deliberately blurred. The two civilians at the consulate? Carbon monoxide poisoning, reported rather early on by multiple sources.
    Who are you telling to grow up?  They were vets.

    Aside from that, the initial problem politically was watching the Obama administration, particularly the State Department with Clinton at its helm, blame the attack on an anti-Muslim video some idiot in LA made and posted to Youtube.  I get the fog and friction of war; I'm a vet too.  What happened in Benghazi was tragic, and probably could have been avoided if our personnel had been a bit smarter in what they were doing and how they were doing it (or of course just not been there at all).  But to try to distract the American people by blaming a Youtube video???  Welcome to the clown show.....
    edited March 2016 tallest skil
  • Reply 62 of 131
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    jfc1138 said:
    apple ][ said:
    Plenty of people despise Hillary, a hell of a lot more people than just Trump supporters.

    So Trump is using an iPhone again? Big deal.

    Hillary lied directly to the families of dead American soldiers. Now that is truly disgusting, despicable and anti-American. A hell of a lot more disgusting than using an iPhone.
    That's just such bull. Benghazi! was a major confusion a continent away: so answers demanded immediately were imperfect? Grow up. That's aside from the teensy detail? NONE of the four were soldiers, "American" or otherwise and that's sort of disrespectful of the dead right there to not even get their details right.

    ENDLESS Republican Congressional investigations and reports have found precisely ZERO basis for any of that nonsense: zero. To the degree there's responsibility it probably lies within the CIA who didn't want the existence of their special operations compound made public, so the details of the fate of the two operators who died in the  later mortar attack at the CIA site got deliberately blurred. The two civilians at the consulate? Carbon monoxide poisoning, reported rather early on by multiple sources.
    There is no cure for Fox News addiction sadly. Facts mean nothing, science means nothing to Tea Party folks, just find them someone to hate and they will beat them to death with their bibles. 
  • Reply 63 of 131
    fracfrac Posts: 480member
    fallenjt said:
    Idiotss, racists and uneducated ones are those voting for this hypocrite.
    I'm neither of those and Trump is getting my vote. 
    So perm one of three or do we guess which?  :D
  • Reply 64 of 131
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    jsmythe00 said:
    jfc1138 said:
    With their winner take all primaries going forward that's going to be VERY hard math. It's not whether they "focus", they've got to drop out and leave the field a two person race. Otherwise people won't get the message, split the vote, and Trump will keep rolling forward with his measly 35% totals: but getting ALL the delegates....
    Not too sure. As I understand if any candidate falls short of at least 51 delegates, the rnc can call a brokered convention. At this point nearly ALL delegates can revote in several series of voting.  This means they can recast their vote to Rubio or whoever. The more that stays in the race the better

    BTW, the young Turks explained this in pretty good detail within the past week. 
    I think they can only revote on the second turn, so your forced to vote for who you pledged on the first, which is kind of a formality I know, and then you can vote for whoever you want. If Cruz and Trump were bypassed it could happen, but I'd expect the GOP to go under in chaos if that happens and likely one or both would go third party. So, not sure how brokered could lead to a "better" (or less worse) outcome. It is all bad.
  • Reply 65 of 131
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    toddzrx said:
    jfc1138 said:
    That's just such bull. Benghazi! was a major confusion a continent away: so answers demanded immediately were imperfect? Grow up. That's aside from the teensy detail? NONE of the four were soldiers, "American" or otherwise and that's sort of disrespectful of the dead right there to not even get their details right.

    ENDLESS Republican Congressional investigations and reports have found precisely ZERO basis for any of that nonsense: zero. To the degree there's responsibility it probably lies within the CIA who didn't want the existence of their special operations compound made public, so the details of the fate of the two operators who died in the  later mortar attack at the CIA site got deliberately blurred. The two civilians at the consulate? Carbon monoxide poisoning, reported rather early on by multiple sources.
    Who are you telling to grow up?  They were vets, moron.

    Aside from that, the initial problem politically was watching the Obama administration, particularly the State Department with Clinton at its helm, blame the attack on an anti-Muslim video some idiot in LA made and posted to Youtube.  I get the fog and friction of war; I'm a vet too.  What happened in Benghazi was tragic, and probably could have been avoided if our personnel had been a bit smarter in what they were doing and how they were doing it (or of course just not been there at all).  But to try to distract the American people by blaming a Youtube video???  Welcome to the clown show.....
    Huh? Distract? Distract from what exactly?  It was a flawed, but understandable early comment; anything beyond that is partisan BS that just adds to the "show" you deride.

  • Reply 66 of 131
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    frankie said:
    Interesting how the right wing Trump supporters are the same ones on Apple's side in the FBI (and Trump) versus Apple security debate.  

    Another example of their obvious ignorance.
    There are currently NO candidates which are on Apple's side, so you have to cast your lot and hope for the best. Hopefully, whomever fills the vacant Alito spot will be a strict constitutionalist and not a statist like Roberts.
  • Reply 67 of 131
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    volcan said:
    sdw2001 said:

    Banning Muslims may or may not be the rihgt policy, but there is no question the President has the authority to do it.  Killing terrorists' family members really depends on the exact circumstances, but unless he means straight-up murdering them, it's not "radical."  
    I'm not so sure he has the authority to ban Muslims. That would likely have to be tested in the Supreme Court as it is discrimination of religion. As far as straight up murdering family members, I think that is exactly what he was implying because he used the rationale that the family members knew what was going on and they didn't do anything or turn them in.
    The president can bar people who are not American citizens from entry into the US in the interest of national security. Non-citizens do not have the protected constitutional rights that are available to Americans.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 68 of 131
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    volcan said:
    sdw2001 said:

    Obamacare is a nightmare...many mainstream people have called for ending it.  It's not working and is costing tens of billions and hurting employment.  Why is ending it even close to radical?  Repealing laws?  Are you kidding?  The GOP will hold Congress, and he will sign the bill they send on day one. 
    Not even the GOP is that stupid. They all agree that in order to repeal Obamacare they would need some other program to replace it with. Ain't gonna happen on day one. Things like this go to show that he doesn't think before he speaks. Not a good quality for a president.
    Considering the vast powers of overreach that have been enjoyed under both Bush and Obama, I'd not assume that Obamacare could not be defunded and removed or replaced relatively easily.

    The powers that have been concentrated in the office of the president (especially under Obama) will soon be the powers that Obama cheerleaders will shriek against as "dangerous and unconstitutional". I absolutely guarantee this and I consider ANY national healthcare program to be clearly unconstitutional and illegal.

    I also recognize that the distorting powers amassed first under Bush, then Obama has created a position in government which is undermining our Constitution and has severely eroded the balance of power which was created specifically to restrain government.
    edited March 2016 apple ][tallest skilpscooter63
  • Reply 69 of 131
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    apple ][ said:
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    You'd better hurry up, because Trump will win Florida. :#

    As for Trump, I am glad that he wasn't able to stick with using Samsung only. iPhones are just too good to not use.

    He is still 100% more honest than the woman called Hillary.

    Not a shock that you so passionately support someone who either lies or makes shit up whenever he opens his mouth, is a massive hypocrite (this is just one small example) and doesn't have a single real principle that he believes in, beyond his own narcissism and ego. A normal person with a sense of decency would have a problem with someone who calls on everyone to boycott a product that he himself uses, but then again, decency is a trait you've never ever shown.
    edited March 2016 singularity
  • Reply 70 of 131
    Aside from that, the initial problem politically was watching the Obama administration, particularly the State Department with Clinton at its helm, blame the attack on an anti-Muslim video some idiot in LA made and posted to Youtube.  I get the fog and friction of war; I'm a vet too.  What happened in Benghazi was tragic, and probably could have been avoided if our personnel had been a bit smarter in what they were doing and how they were doing it (or of course just not been there at all).  But to try to distract the American people by blaming a Youtube video???  Welcome to the clown show.....
    To add... when their coffins came back from Benghazi to the USA, Hillary (standing next to those coffins) lied to the faces of the crying family members.  She told them she would get that terrible video-guy.  And she did ... a while later they jailed him (in a Castro sort of way) on some trumped up charge.  All of this deception and lies was for one obvious purpose ... to get Barack "no terrorist attacks" Obama re-elected ... in exchange for his support for Hillary in 2016.  Meanwhile, Hillary and Bill are selling political access via "donations" to the Clinton Foundation slush fund. And so naturally, Hillary needed a private email server to keep all that hidden, but in the process broke a bunch of federal data security laws. For even more fun, we could go back a few years, and relive Hillary destroying the reputations of the women that were molested/raped by her husband. And there's more, but we probably don't have time to hash out all those related scandals.  Nutshell ... the Clinton family has more baggage than a 747.

    Todd,  thank you for your service to our country.
    edited March 2016 apple ][
  • Reply 71 of 131
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    jcs2305 said:
    foggyhill said:
    Hey bud, please spell out those god damn lies and I'll bring them down in an  instant since they're just delusinonal rants of a right wing proto-fascist.

    Funny how your POS party had a 11h crack at her and got NOTHING.
    Go ahead dumbass, make my day, crap out your so called response; no doubt one of those "talking points" that's been making the round for 20 years.

    She is not the best leader in the world, but compared to Trump, she and Sanders are beacons of sanity.
    All you have done is curse and insult people in your examples of Trump being vulgar and unqualified. You need to back off of the posting for a bit my man. Jeez. You don't like Trump WE GET IT! Do you have to come across as unhinged to make your point ? 
    Am I running for president? No. False equivalence; look it up,

     so  get the hell off your high horse.
     BTW, you used the false neutral, another rhetorical spin tactic.
     You are not neutral on that subject at all.

    Considering he has advocated murder of anyone related to terrorists (as defined by him) (yup, that's what he did), condoned violence at rallies (yup he did), advocated mass arrest and internment (mexicans, muslims), mass deportation of citizens for their religious views (who cares about the constitution and where do they go?), torture (no problem for mister), blanket bombing of countries (it's a war crime but, who cares about that), brown shirt like oat at meetings (we've seen this), routinely jokes about physical assaults of protesters (ahah, sooo funny), got the overwhelming support of white supremacist and took more than a day to repudiate them (after claiming not to know them which was a lie), etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. It never ends.

    That's not even counting that most of his partisans also endorse a lot of what Cruz the religious nutcase endorses, which means has severe implications for women and LBGT.,

    Considering I'd be one of those likely to suffer very hard in many different ways (I'm a minority in many different ways) if Trump and GOP proto-fascists, Christo-Fascist (if Cruz gets there) are elected I think I got a much more vested interest in freaking out than you
     and I'll continue doing so and won't ask your fracking opinion about it hey (18 post grand pooba)
    OK; so move on and ignore me but don't tell me how to feel about this.
    edited March 2016 singularityaaronj
  • Reply 72 of 131
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    I really don't care what kind of smartphone Trump uses. He probably has some servants or interns (same thing?) doing his bidding anyway while he's at the hairdresser getting his swooshy man perm shaped for the next debate.

    One point I'd like to make however is that that there are 535 members of Congress + Senate and there is 1 President. Everyone is so friggen obsessed with that one position that they basically give those other 535 slackers a free ride. Those are the people who are supposed to be running the place and engaging in meaningful dialog, negotiation, compromise, investigation, and basically dealing with the gnarly proceedings of running a government. This total and complete obsession with the presidential office has turned the congress and senate into a drooling pack of welfare kings and queens who do little more than polish the leather on chairs for a few weeks every year and have no accountability for anything at all. We are basically throwing our brains in a blender for the 1/536th case while caring nothing at all about making sure those other 535/536ths of the government who are basically doing jack and still collecting a paycheck and taxpayer provided travel perks. That's the real story here.

    Yes, the current presidential race has turned into a reality TV show and the most accomplished player of the format is currently winning the game. That's not the real problem folks. That's a tiny leak in credibility and an embarrassing comedy for the rest of the world to witness at the United State's expense. The real problem are those other 535 no-loads who are not doing anything and we are letting them get away with it on the grandest of scales. 

    The media has turned the presidency into a Kardashian grade farce and distracted us from the fact that we have a totally dysfunctional congress and senate who aren't doing their jobs. Americans need to recognize that they're being screwed by the majority and that the 1 position in contention is very much a minor distraction in comparison. In reality the last 4-5 presidents have done very very little - which is okay I guess. But the congress and senate have no excuse. 

  • Reply 73 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    foggyhill said:

    Considering I'd be one of those likely to suffer very hard in many different ways (I'm a minority in many different ways) if Trump and GOP proto-fascists are elected I think I got a much more vested interest in freaking out than you

    If you're a legal American, then what do you have to worry about?

    And if you're not a legal American, as in you are here illegally, then you should probably start packing. :#
    tallest skil
  • Reply 74 of 131
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    apple ][ said:
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    You'd better hurry up, because Trump will win Florida. :#

    As for Trump, I am glad that he wasn't able to stick with using Samsung only. iPhones are just too good to not use.

    He is still 100% more honest than the woman called Hillary.

    Please change your photo. 
  • Reply 75 of 131
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    foggyhill said:
    Right... You are an idiot. Go away dumbass.
    Great job refuting him. Meanwhile, our laws disprove you. Either Congress OR the president can, at any time, for any reason, ban the immigration of ANY group.
    brakken said:
    Please change your photo. 
    You first. What the fuck kind of statement is that to make? I wish you could read the words on my image.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 76 of 131
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    When will you get rid of this insane person, America?

    No matter whatever *else* he's offering, and no matter how much of it, HOW have his views and behaviour NOT automatically disqualified him in the minds of every sane, rational voter?

    Where are your boundaries
  • Reply 77 of 131
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    You know I think we have descended to the 1960s  as in Trump's  tag line of Make America great again. What does that mean? Back to racial discrimination, the Cold War, the depression, World War II. What exactually is the period in US history do you want to return to? I have no dog in this race since I have investments, property, annuities, stocks, international healthcare, a couple businesses, property in other countries, the eventual expectation of social security and Medicare, but I'm going to go out on limb and suggest that Trump will be assinated even before he becomes the GOP candidate in the general election.
  • Reply 78 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    When will you get rid of this insane person, America?

    No matter whatever *else* he's offering, and no matter how much of it, HOW have his views and behaviour NOT automatically disqualified him in the minds of every sane, rational voter?

    Where are your boundaries
    Nobody has a right to shut down anybody else's first amendment rights, and violent protesters who seek confrontation get whatever they deserve.

    Free speech is worth fighting for, no matter what the cost.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 79 of 131
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Enough for politics today. Let's move on. I don't like Trump or prefer Clinton either. That means I don't fcking vote this time.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 80 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    fallenjt said:
    Enough for politics today. Let's move on. I don't like Trump or prefer Clinton either. That means I don't fcking vote this time.
    If you're not going to vote at all, then what difference does it make?

    I guess that you'll just end up with whoever it ends up being, and you won't have a say in the matter at all.

    I will definitely have a say, because you better believe that I am voting.
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