Three weeks after calling for Apple boycott, Donald Trump is tweeting from his iPhone again

in iPhone
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump's call for a boycott of Apple products didn't last long --?his official Twitter account has been posting regularly from an iPhone, just three weeks after he vowed to stop.

An avid iPhone user, Trump called for a boycott of Apple last month, saying the company should comply with government requests to build software to unlock an encrypted iPhone 5c connected to the San Bernardino terrorist attack.

But this week, Trump's account has featured tweets actually sent from an iPhone multiple times, as noticed by The Verge.

Prior to calling for the boycott in a speech in South Carolina three weeks ago, Trump tweeted via his iPhone less than an hour earlier. Afterward, new tweets were sent out from the Web and an Android device.

"I use both iPhone & Samsung," Trump wrote on Twitter. "If Apple doesn't give info to authorities on the terrorists I'll only be using Samsung until they give info."

Trump currently leads the GOP field in both delegates and polls. His next big contest is next Tuesday, when 99 delegates are at stake in Florida's winner-take-all primary.


  • Reply 1 of 131
    Yeah. Might be a good idea to close the comments section on this one, it's not like anything good will come out of it.
    baconstangSpamSandwichdamonftallest skiliSRSVisualSeednapoleon_phoneapartpscooter63jbdragonmontrosemacs
  • Reply 2 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Fuck that clown.
    edited March 2016 nolamacguylondornasseraepunkndrubliclawrancefrankiesessamoiddysamoriajackansifotoformat
  • Reply 3 of 131
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    We are witnessing the biggest budget reality tv show ever produced. Nothing Trumps says really means anything, it is open for interpretation of the listener. I as many other believe Trump's goal is not be elected President but to show how many bigots this country really has hiding in the shadows. He's asking them to come out in force by pretending to be one of them. This might be the biggest con ever played out for the world to witness. 
  • Reply 4 of 131
    two words come to mind, whenever Trump comes up
    Buffoon and Blowhard

    Trump said he would Do His Daughter, if she wasn’t his Daughter    

    …WITH the Daughter standing right there!!   …Ha! ha ha ha !!!!    ….LOL 

  • Reply 5 of 131
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
  • Reply 6 of 131
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    Shouldn't have to worry. The RNC has realized the situation they're in and they've decided Cruz is the best hope. Kasich is now focusing only on Ohio, Rubio only on Florida, and the campaigns are telling how to vote to ensure Trump doesn't get the nomination. 
  • Reply 7 of 131
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Idiots, racists and uneducated ones are those voting for this hypocrite.
    edited March 2016 singularitybaconstanglondorirelandlawrancefrankiesessamoiddysamoriaargonautapplepieguy
  • Reply 8 of 131
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    Shouldn't have to worry. The RNC has realized the situation they're in and they've decided Cruz is the best hope. Kasich is now focusing only on Ohio, Rubio only on Florida, and the campaigns are telling how to vote to ensure Trump doesn't get the nomination. 
    Rubio's own campaign manager has signaled they know Rubio will lose Florida. Rubio is essentially over.
    apple ][mwhitenousersockrolidbadmonk
  • Reply 9 of 131
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,490member
    Speaks to his self-discipline and hypocrisy. I've been studying and reading up on Trump's actual positions on various issues (very difficult, I might add, to find -- he contradicts himself A LOT). If you can get past the blatant racism (and there's no reason you should), on some positions he's actually in agreement with the standard Democratic positions. For all the posturing, however, any of the candidates are going to be mostly ineffective against Congress -- the body that actually passes laws and spends the money. Americans *tend* to give Presidents a Congress that has mostly members of the opposite party. Trump is interesting because his actual policy opinions run all over the usual left/right field, and his non-policy positions are repulsive and contradictory to traditional American values (racism, misogyny, boorishness, and his bullying behaviour). I'm trying to believe that most Americans are just overlooking the "racist bully" aspect and identifying with Trump as someone who takes non-traditional positions, though I suspect what is actually happening is that low-intelligence voters just like his black-white, simple-minded, third-grade level of vocabulary and temper -- it's certainly true that "slick" politicians from both parties have sold the US a rotten bill of goods on more than a few occasions. Regardless of who the nominees from the two parties are, I hope all voters will focus more on Congress -- more than half of it is up for grabs, and this is a truly rare opportunity for Americans tired of following the usual political tradition to do something really different and clean house there -- which would result in much more positive change than a new President in most areas. If your congresspersons routinely make the news for saying stupid/offensive things, get rid of them. You'll be doing yourself a world of good. That said, remember -- the next President will likely get to name at least one, and possibly three, Supreme Court justices. That will change the character of the court for decades, so remember to weigh that up very carefully.
    baconstangsmack416frankiesessamoidration aldysamoriaargonautsockrolidCorgikingAni
  • Reply 10 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    You'd better hurry up, because Trump will win Florida. :#

    As for Trump, I am glad that he wasn't able to stick with using Samsung only. iPhones are just too good to not use.

    He is still 100% more honest than the woman called Hillary.

  • Reply 11 of 131
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    Shouldn't have to worry. The RNC has realized the situation they're in and they've decided Cruz is the best hope. Kasich is now focusing only on Ohio, Rubio only on Florida, and the campaigns are telling how to vote to ensure Trump doesn't get the nomination. 
    With their winner take all primaries going forward that's going to be VERY hard math. It's not whether they "focus", they've got to drop out and leave the field a two person race. Otherwise people won't get the message, split the vote, and Trump will keep rolling forward with his measly 35% totals: but getting ALL the delegates....
    edited March 2016 mwhite
  • Reply 12 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    fallenjt said:
    Idiotss, racists and uneducated ones are those voting for this hypocrite.
    Anti-American people, pro-terrorists, racists, uneducated low-info voters, welfare recipients, bums, illegals and losers looking for handouts are the ones who favor Hillary.
    boltsfan17tallest skilmwhitejbdragonSpamSandwichicoco3monstrosity
  • Reply 13 of 131
    Boo hoo lost one customer out of millions and it's the person they are trying to help not let get elected as president it's his fault for choosing not to using one of the most secure phones 
  • Reply 14 of 131
    apple ][ said:
    fallenjt said:
    Idiotss, racists and uneducated ones are those voting for this hypocrite.
    Anti-American people, pro-terrorists, racists, uneducated low-info voters, welfare recipients, bums, illegals and losers looking for handouts are the ones who favor Hillary.
    YOU, my dear sir, are a Brilliant man. Well stated, succinct and with so much insight.
    This being Genius awareness week, YOU are my nominee for The BRILLIANT SAVANT, on the Apple Insider forums 

    I fixed your brilliant statement for you, because you forgot one addition, to your in-depth knowledge.

    Anti-American people, pro-terrorists, racists, uneducated low-info voters, welfare recipients, bums, illegals, STEVE JOBS and losers looking for handouts, are the ones who favor Hillary.
  • Reply 15 of 131
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    ireland said:
    ... that clown.
    He may be a clown, just a different sort of clown than politicians from the mainstream political parties. The radical stuff he says are, for the most part, things that could never be implemented anyway, just red meat for the angry and uneducated, which unfortunately is an ever increasing demographic in the US.
  • Reply 16 of 131
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    apple ][ said:
    jungmark said:
    Is it too late to move to Florida and vote against this jackass in the primaries? 
    You'd better hurry up, because Trump will win Florida. :#

    As for Trump, I am glad that he wasn't able to stick with using Samsung only. iPhones are just too good to not use.

    He is still 100% more honest than the woman called Hillary.

    Not really. He lies constantly then dodges questions and the media won't push him on it because he won't interview if there are hard questions. His whole agenda is a made up ploy to get votes. He completely reversed everything he said 4 years ago to draw the fringe voters in.  He makes fun of them during his speeches even to their faces and they still come. "I really love the uneducated" he said as he smirks. Then says "I could shoot someone and not loose votes".  He is playing them all. Keep in mind he is very good friends with the Clintons. 

    ration alargonautliquidmark
  • Reply 17 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    volcan said:
    The radical stuff he says are, for the most part, things that could never be implemented anyway, just red meat for the angry and uneducated, which unfortunately is an ever increasing demographic in the US.
    I truly believe that there will be a wall, not just a wall, but a huge wall, a big, beautiful wall, and construction will begin on it pretty quickly, after he's won. :#

    tallest skilmwhitenouser
  • Reply 18 of 131
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    genovelle said:
    Keep in mind he is very good friends with the Clintons. 

    No. He used to be friends with them. Trump was friendly with many politicians, as are all people who donate money.The Clintons obviously hate him now, especially after he went after them some weeks ago, where he called Bill one of the great abusers of the world. :#

    They despise him now, and things will certainly get very ugly soon. I can't wait to see Trump going after Hillary soon and hitting her very badly. They are absolutely terrified to be going up against Trump. B)
  • Reply 19 of 131
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    fallenjt said:
    Idiotss, racists and uneducated ones are those voting for this hypocrite.
    I'm neither of those and Trump is getting my vote. 
    tallest skilmwhitejbdragonapple ][nouserSpamSandwich
  • Reply 20 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    apple ][ said:

    He is still 100% more honest than the woman called Hillary.

    Only a Trump supporter could make such a statement.
    edited March 2016 Rhodbaconstangfrankiedysamoriajackansiargonautsingularitymagman1979
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