Paris Expo 2003



  • Reply 101 of 278

    Originally posted by tjayswift

    [B... Does anyone else feel like a total geek for getting this excited about stuff that 99% of the population could care less about?? [/B]

    Yes. But im glad im one of the 1%
  • Reply 102 of 278
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    ... and i just bought a personalised 15GB iPod. Yes - its the most beautiful thing i own - but i coulda got 5GB more for my money

    Since ive personalised it, i cant send it back can i?

    Please someone reply (Apologies that i cant abate my excitement enough to find the right thread in which to post this - im high man!)

    I'm not sure how or if this would apply, but Apple's sales policy states:

    Should Apple reduce its price on any shipped product within 10 calendar days of shipment, you may contact Apple Sales Support at 1-800-676-2775 to request a refund or credit of the difference between the price you were charged and the current selling price. To receive the refund or credit you must contact Apple within 14 business days of shipment.

    If your within the 10 days, it couldn't hurt to ask.
  • Reply 103 of 278

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    i'm pretty sure you can't

  • Reply 104 of 278

    Originally posted by ryukyu

    If your within the 10 days, it couldn't hurt to ask.

    HOPE! Now when did that thing get here...? *madly scrambling round room*
  • Reply 105 of 278
    Damn. The Ship Date on the Delivery note says 27/08/03... 12 days. Damn. Im phoning tommorow anyway... ...Whatever - the excitement im feeling isnt cos i could get a better iPod its that- (and this brings my mind back to Future Hardware) -what PB will Paris bring to the world? Come on guys, G4 iMacs with 1.25Mhz PPC, 160GB(!) hard drive, 1GB DDR 333 RAM, and 64MB VRAM... excuse my spec whorishness but man! What will the pro line up look like!!!
  • Reply 106 of 278
    "This image is a representation of your engraving.

    Please make sure that everything is spelled

    correctly as personalized iPods cannot be returned."

    got a little conflict in apples rules It will be intresting to see if they take the nice guy route and give you a new one.
  • Reply 107 of 278

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    "This image is a representation of your engraving.

    Please make sure that everything is spelled

    correctly as personalized iPods cannot be returned."

    got a little conflict in apples rules It will be intresting to see if they take the nice guy route and give you a new one.

    Hmmm... I'll be really sweet to the luv-er-ly lady on the end of the phone

    Im not gonna be able to sleep for a week after all this

    so, so sad...

    ...wha-hey!!! PowerBooks!!! There gonna be so darn awesome!!! *doing the Chandler dance*
  • Reply 108 of 278

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    ... and i just bought a personalised 15GB iPod. Yes - its the most beautiful thing i own - but i coulda got 5GB more for my money

    Since ive personalised it, i cant send it back can i?

    Please someone reply (Apologies that i cant abate my excitement enough to find the right thread in which to post this - im high man!)

    Don't trip, it's not your's or apples fault. I have a 15Gig ordered, supposed to be here in 4 days. But they canceled it, automatically upgrading it to a 20gig for me. How nice is that?!
  • Reply 109 of 278

    Originally posted by tjayswift

    Sorry for your wallet, man, but you can count on new portables....

    I'd bet my pinky finger on that one, because that's info I got from Apple. That plus the new OS update, but that's all that I have any definite, reliable info on at this point. I did get a phone call from Paris about an hour ago, the word is that it's all still secret, but I did make them promise to call me immediately when they see/have pictures of this stuff, so I'll post again after that.

    Does anyone else feel like a total geek for getting this excited about stuff that 99% of the population could care less about??

    You sound a lot like that PowerJack bloke from MacWhispers to me. Just more unsubstantiated rumour. We'll see.
  • Reply 110 of 278

    Originally posted by g::masta

    well now that the iMacs are updated 10 days before Steve's keynote ... this opens a major can of worms .. why update the iMac & iPod if the PB's were getting the same meagre update?

    methinks the G5 PB's are a distinct possibility after this little bump.

    any takers?

    I'm starting to have similar thoughts, despite wanting to be all sensible and conservative about such things.

    The best PBG5 scenario that I can come up with is that IBM has developed a low-power 970 variant, and kept it under wraps at Apple's behest. This scenario sounds plausible enough, so who knows? We will, soon enough!
  • Reply 111 of 278

    Originally posted by boy_analog

    I'm starting to have similar thoughts, despite wanting to be all sensible and conservative about such things.

    The best PBG5 scenario that I can come up with is that IBM has developed a low-power 970 variant, and kept it under wraps at Apple's behest. This scenario sounds plausible enough, so who knows? We will, soon enough!

    That's what i wrote in another thread:

    maybe Apple & IBM worked simultaneously on a "portable G5" like the centrino is ...

    and maybe tjayswift knows something more about it??
  • Reply 112 of 278

    Originally posted by amarone

    That's what i wrote in another thread:

    maybe Apple & IBM worked simultaneously on a "portable G5" like the centrino is ...

    and maybe tjayswift knows something more about it??

    Maybe, maybe not. We've seen a lot of people on these boards with pretensions of having inside information: these pretensions are hardly ever backed by anything substantial.

    Anyhow, we know that the 970 has been under development for some time; something like 2 or 3 years. We can only presume that the development of low-power variants was part of the project more or less from the start. So I'm starting to talk myself into a more optimistic position about what we can expect to see in Paris.
  • Reply 113 of 278
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Something to keep in mind: I don't think the keynote is being webcast or shown via satellite (seems I read that somewhere yesterday). Whether or not that means something, who knows?

    Is the Paris show traditionally streamed or not? I can't remember. If so (and now it's not), it might point to a keynote of "not that big of a deal".

    But if there is traditionally no stream, then never mind.

    He might very well unveil G6 iPods and a anti-gravity tablet.
  • Reply 114 of 278

    Originally posted by pscates

    Something to keep in mind: I don't think the keynote is being webcast or shown via satellite (seems I read that somewhere yesterday). Whether or not that means something, who knows?

    Is the Paris show traditionally streamed or not? I can't remember. If so (and now it's not), it might point to a keynote of "not that big of a deal".

    But if there is traditionally no stream, then never mind.

    He might very well unveil G6 iPods and a anti-gravity tablet.

    I took a few anti-gravity tablets at a party, and my voice was really high-pitched and squeaky for the next couple of hours....

    I just looked at the expo site, and I didn't see any mention of a broadcast. So you could well be right, alas.
  • Reply 115 of 278
    IIRC wasn't WWDC also not streamed?

    or was that just my crappy conxn?
  • Reply 116 of 278
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Non-streamed Stevenote: T minus 6 days : 19 hours : 10 minutes

  • Reply 117 of 278

    Sorry, I have heard nothing on the Apple/IBM thing.


    They're only unsubstantiated to you, since I know where I got my info. And yes, we will see...... soon.
  • Reply 118 of 278
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    This counter gives you the exact time left till the stevenote:
  • Reply 119 of 278
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    ^^^ Thats just sad. ^^^
  • Reply 120 of 278
    It has been 4 days since someone posted in this thread!!

    Is there perhaps a technical problem?
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