PB G5 -- coming within next 14 days



  • Reply 181 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    ... and multiple I/O ports.

    Either you all need to get out more or you're not getting enough sex.
  • Reply 182 of 219
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    The stench of virginity in here is overwhelming

    I tend to only upgrade if the feature set or speed is double what I currently have. So I've done:

    Pismo 400 ->

    Ti800 ->

    Alu 1.25 (not a doubling but FW800, AE & Superdrive made it a good jump)

    Alu 1.25 -> ???

    For me ??? needs more than just a 'G5', it needs to be 2GHz, HD resolution, DL Superdrive, 128Mb graphics, longer battery. A built-in card reader would be nice, and 4 USB ports too.

    Then I'd buy.
  • Reply 183 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Blackcat

    The stench of virginity in here is overwhelming

    I tend to only upgrade if the feature set or speed is double what I currently have. So I've done:

    Pismo 400 ->

    Ti800 ->

    Alu 1.25 (not a doubling but FW800, AE & Superdrive made it a good jump)

    Alu 1.25 -> ???

    For me ??? needs more than just a 'G5', it needs to be 2GHz, HD resolution, DL Superdrive, 128Mb graphics, longer battery. A built-in card reader would be nice, and 4 USB ports too.

    Then I'd buy.

    I don't think there's enough space for a card reader and 2 more USB ports.
  • Reply 184 of 219
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    I don't think there's enough space for a card reader and 2 more USB ports.

    Prolly not, but those could be mutually exclusive
  • Reply 185 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Blackcat

    Prolly not, but those could be mutually exclusive

    I don't think laptops will get the DL support as blu-ray or HD will probably go into them first. But I could be wrong
  • Reply 186 of 219
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    I used to be in favor of card readers, but there are too many different kinds of cards these days (at least 7).

    Blackcat's principle is good. Like him, I don't upgrade until I can do at least 2x faster, and usually 3x. But I'm cheap and like to get refurbs. I recently replaced my 500MHz PB with a 1.25GHz iBook. I'll replace that next year when the 3.2GHz Cell-based iBook comes out.
  • Reply 187 of 219
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Either you all need to get out more or you're not getting enough sex.

    Funny thing: The artist actually wrote a specification to go with "the iMac Girl." It was all a joke, but it included some mention of IO ports.

    I forget the guy's name. He's japanese, and draws lewd cartoons. Who'd have thunk it.
  • Reply 188 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Funny thing: The artist actually wrote a specification to go with "the iMac Girl." It was all a joke, but it included some mention of IO ports.

    I forget the guy's name. He's japanese, and draws lewd cartoons. Who'd have thunk it.

    You say funny - I say sad!
  • Reply 189 of 219
    a G5 pb? thats gonna be nice yea, ive prolly said this before in another thread.. apologies in advance.. but thats pretty neat... aint it? cant wait til i pick up one of those up coming G5 PB's next year when im off to college
  • Reply 190 of 219
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm starting to think the powerbook g5 is never going to come in a 970 family type chip. I still think its going to be AT LEAST 2006 before we see one. I am 90% positive we won't see one before November... rumors have been WAY too quiet lately.

    The only doubt in my mind is this: Someone got the nuts chopped off at apple for spilling the info on Asteroid. Maybe everyone is really scared about saying anything that is going on at apple. That's the only hope you guys can hang onto IMO.
  • Reply 191 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by emig647

    I'm starting to think the powerbook g5 is never going to come in a 970 family type chip. I still think its going to be AT LEAST 2006 before we see one. I am 90% positive we won't see one before November... rumors have been WAY too quiet lately.

    The only doubt in my mind is this: Someone got the nuts chopped off at apple for spilling the info on Asteroid. Maybe everyone is really scared about saying anything that is going on at apple. That's the only hope you guys can hang onto IMO.

    well that happened a while ago and there have been plenty or rumours announced since then. Unless they only found out the culprit very recently.
  • Reply 192 of 219
    macchinemacchine Posts: 295member
    Here is the chip cooling tech that has Apple's name on it, October 7th, 2003. So there has been enough time so that the G5 would be coming out now. And if it was outrageously expensive that would explain why Apple's other laptops remain in good supply.


    "The company also said it has prototyped the system with Intel, AMD and Apple. The Intel test produced the highest performance Intel had ever seen from any cooling technology, Cooligy claims.

    The Apple connection is interesting since Cooligy's could play a major role in allowing the company to ship G5-based PowerBooks. The 64-bit CPU requires a major computer-controlled cooling system in its desktop incarnation, rendering it effectively useless for mobile applications."



    "Apr 26, 2005

    Chip-scale refrigerators capable of reaching temperatures as low as 100 milliKelvin have been used to cool bulk objects for the first time, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report."
  • Reply 193 of 219
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by cubist


    Blackcat's principle is good. Like him, I don't upgrade until I can do at least 2x faster, and usually 3x. But I'm cheap and like to get refurbs. I recently replaced my 500MHz PB with a 1.25GHz iBook. I'll replace that next year when the 3.2GHz Cell-based iBook comes out.

    Would you please produce me your mighty source you

    sure have, if you don't mind?
  • Reply 194 of 219
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    Would you please produce me your mighty source you

    sure have, if you don't mind?

    Not specifically picking on you here but this comes up so often I have to say this is always the stupidest thing I ever see asked. Nobody in their right mind will ever actually reveal sources, assuming they actually have some.
  • Reply 195 of 219
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by Telomar

    Not specifically picking on you here but this comes up so often I have to say this is always the stupidest thing I ever see asked. Nobody in their right mind will ever actually reveal sources, assuming they actually have some.

    Are you serious?

    An obvious nonsense statement (3.2ghz cell next year)

    is worth what? Well, guess, I have just done my devoir.

  • Reply 196 of 219
    If the intel cpu story has any truth, I wouldn't be surprised if the PB update (assuming there is one) is analogous to the most recent Power Mac update: another modest speed bump, in which case it won't be announced but updated quietly. Also if the story is true, I would hope the deal is far along because if it's not, the Power Macs and PBs are gonna be stranded where they are for a deathly long time.
  • Reply 197 of 219
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Providing that intel story is true... apple BETTER give a roadmap in this case or they are going to have a lot of pissed/worried people on their hands.
  • Reply 198 of 219

    Originally posted by emig647

    Providing that intel story is true... apple BETTER give a roadmap in this case or they are going to have a lot of pissed/worried people on their hands.

    Can you imagine them not having a roadmap? It's unthinkable. One of the smartest, most innovative companies in recent history drops a bomb tomorrow...on itself. I just can't imagine. I think I'm going to like what I see tomorrow, even if it's a PB that's not firing on the pistons of a PPC.
  • Reply 199 of 219
    krispiekrispie Posts: 260member
    I was wondering what people thought of MDJ's idea? Note that it came after the WSJ rumours, and before the c|net item, but it went roughly as follows:

    Moving the Mac to x86 is madness.

    But, if there was a new device that was OS X-based, but which would need specially adapted software all the same (a tablet would be one such device, not that MDJ was predicting an Apple tablet): This might be a candidate for an x86-based OS X product. You have to modify your s/w for the new device's environment/interface, so you may as well port it to a new h/w architecture while you're at it.

    i.e. it'd be OS X on x86, but it's /not/ a Mac on x86.

    MDJ is published by macjournals.com - I have no connection other than as a subscriber. But they do usually talk good sense.
  • Reply 200 of 219
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm glad you're all cool about this...... I'm frightened myself. I feel bad for all the people that just went out and bought $3k g5's. (my best friend just bought a dual 2.3 with a 6800ultra). Those machines could be worthless in a few years :-/
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