R.I.P. - New Orleans, August 29, 2005??



  • Reply 241 of 268
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    hey everyone, my wife and i also own two dogs, and we have read online some absolutely heart-wrenching tales of pets left behind, others being shot on sight to prevent disease outbreak, and others being euthanised by the truckload to keep them from starving to death. it's got her in tears, and i'm not that much better...

    if you have pets, please donate something to either of the following organizations:



    Noah's Wish

    thank you. and go hug your pet now, please.
  • Reply 242 of 268
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by rok

    hey everyone, my wife and i also own two dogs, and we have read online some absolutely heart-wrenching tales of pets left behind, others being shot on sight to prevent disease outbreak, and others being euthanised by the truckload to keep them from starving to death. it's got her in tears, and i'm not that much better...

    if you have pets, please donate something to either of the following organizations:



    Noah's Wish

    thank you. and go hug your pet now, please.

    Hey rok, I will post this in the new thread HERE. It will help anyone looking for info about how to help.
  • Reply 243 of 268
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Playmaker

    A couple of observations...

    1) Unless you know anything more than what you may have read or heard in the last week about Mayor Ray Nagin don't bother trying to place blame on him because it makes you look foolish. This is a genuinely great man doing everything he can with the resources he has.

    i asbolutely agree. no one outside of new orleans knows him worth a damn, so they really shouldn't talk. he has dealt with some tough things in his tenure before this, has balls and brains, and is well-spoken (well, until pushed intoa week of watching his city die and no one to help), but he depended on a governor (and government) that made promises to him that they couldn't keep.
  • Reply 244 of 268
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Hey rok, I will post this in the new thread HERE. It will help anyone looking for info about how to help.

    thanks. i appreciate it.
  • Reply 245 of 268
    Some more information both heroic and tragic from Charmaine Neville, daughter of Charles Neville and leader of her own band for about 20 years, and one of my favorite NOLA musicians.

    I first heard of her story from an email of a friend who had heard it secondhand from one of Charmaine's oldest and best friends, Reggie Houston. Later, I saw Harry Connick Jr. relay the story he heard from her father.

    I learned more details from searching Google News recently, there's an interview with her by the Baton Rouge newspaper (link below).


    I spoke to my friend Reggie Houston [who used to play in Charmaine's band]. Charmaine told Reggie that she stole an RTA bus, picked up folks from the 9th Ward and drove as far as she could till the gas ran out. She got picked up by friends, and is ok.


    From CNN:Also angry was the singer-actor Harry Connick Jr., who hails from New Orleans. He visited the city and praised his friend, the singer Charmaine Neville, who commandeered an abandoned city bus to help evacuate refugees. Relaying the story to Larry King, he said, "And I'm thinking, if Charmaine Neville can get on a bus and drive a bus out with sick people, you know, well, we can't get a barge to park back up on the Mississippi behind the convention center and get these people out?"


    Saturday afternoon, Neville was cut, bruised and a little despondent. Among the horrible things she'd seen last week, she said, was the rape of old women, girls and boys.

    "Some people hate themselves, so they hate everybody else. Those people were not true New Orleanians," she said.

    But Neville saw heroes, too. "There are many, many heroes that have come out this. People talking about what I did. I didn't do nothing. Everybody did something."

    Neville said that she, too, was raped during those chaotic days. "What he took from me was nothing, because he can't take my spirit, he can't take my soul. My soul is New Orleans."

  • Reply 246 of 268
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by rok

    hey everyone, my wife and i also own two dogs, and we have read online some absolutely heart-wrenching tales of pets left behind, others being shot on sight to prevent disease outbreak, and others being euthanised by the truckload to keep them from starving to death. it's got her in tears, and i'm not that much better...

    I hate to say it, and keep in mind I have two dogs of my own; but the situation down there is far beyond worrying about pets...

    I know what I would do if I had to choose between my dogs and my wife and kids.
  • Reply 247 of 268
    I found this blog interesting. Turns out the Mayor had to have his dinner interrupted last Sunday when the Governor called and asked him to call the NHC to get a clue about what was about to hit his city.



    In an interview on Eyewitness News, Nagin said his Saturday night dinner was interrupted by an urgent call from Governor Kathleen Blanco who asked Nagin to call the Hurricane Center.

    Nagin said the Hurricane Center Chief told the mayor that if it was possible at all, he should order an evacuation due to winds that could reach 145 miles per hour sustained and 170 mile per hour gusts.

    Nagin said he would put his wife and family on a plane and he urged everyone to do anything they could to get out.

    "All models say this storm will land right on top of New Orleans," he said.

    Little late huh?
  • Reply 248 of 268

    Originally posted by iPoster

    I hate to say it, and keep in mind I have two dogs of my own; but the situation down there is far beyond worrying about pets...

    I know what I would do if I had to choose between my dogs and my wife and kids.

    that's very unfortunate.

    our dog is a member of our family and we would not leave him behind.

    the animals did not have the option of staying or leaving but their owners certainly did.

    the situation down there is never beyond worrying about life. animal or man, life is life, and an effort should be made to save all. just because the effort has been weak, disorganized, and embarrassing doesn't justify it
  • Reply 249 of 268
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by Bronxite

    that's very unfortunate.

    our dog is a member of our family and we would not leave him behind.

    the animals did not have the option of staying or leaving but their owners certainly did.

    the situation down there is never beyond worrying about life. animal or man, life is life, and an effort should be made to save all. just because the effort has been weak, disorganized, and embarrassing doesn't justify it

    I didn't mean we'd leave them behind if we left before the storm; I meant that it is perfectly understandable for storm shelters, and in this case rescuers, not to take in pets, for safety's sake if nothing else. The best thing you can do for your pets in a storm situation, if you can't take them with you, is let them loose so they can find safety on their own. Animal's survival instincts are much better than humans anyway, as we have an example of in N.O. They're having enough trouble rescuing all the people down there as it is without worrying about animals.
  • Reply 250 of 268

    Originally posted by iPoster

    I didn't mean we'd leave them behind if we left before the storm; I meant that it is perfectly understandable for storm shelters, and in this case rescuers, not to take in pets, for safety's sake if nothing else. The best thing you can do for your pets in a storm situation, if you can't take them with you, is let them loose so they can find safety on their own. Animal's survival instincts are much better than humans anyway, as we have an example of in N.O. They're having enough trouble rescuing all the people down there as it is without worrying about animals.

    I'm sorry, it just tears me apart to hear some of the stories of people being rescued and having to leave their pets behind. A woman screaming for her dog as she's taken away or a girl crying and then the animals later being shot to put them out of their misery or the makeshift gas chamber made at a shelter in order to kill the dogs but big dogs being too strong for it and instead just being tortured

    Seeing shots of dogs stranded on rooftops hurts me just as much as a person. I agree the person comes first, but it just tears me apart and if money can be put towards animal rescues or additional rescues for animals I'm all for it.
  • Reply 251 of 268
    I have six cats in my house. I love all of them. They all come great me when I get home in the afternoon and most of them will sleep on me when I am stretched out on the couch or on the bed.

    There's no way in hell that I would leave them behind under any circumstances for any storm. They go with me or I don't go. It's as simple as that.
  • Reply 252 of 268
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by His Dudeness

    I have six cats in my house. I love all of them. They all come great me when I get home in the afternoon and most of them will sleep on me when I am stretched out on the couch or on the bed.

    There's no way in hell that I would leave them behind under any circumstances for any storm. They go with me or I don't go. It's as simple as that.

    I have only four cats, but it will never allow to leave them behind.
  • Reply 253 of 268
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by PBook12

    I found this blog interesting. Turns out the Mayor had to have his dinner interrupted last Sunday ...

    Read the article again. It said Saturday. And I don't know that you proved any point. He ate dinner. He didn't know the path of the storm yet. I can't fault him.
  • Reply 254 of 268

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Read the article again. It said Saturday. And I don't know that you proved any point. He ate dinner. He didn't know the path of the storm yet. I can't fault him.

    Yes, correct. Dinner interupted on Saturday, evac delayed until Sunday. He's blameless.
  • Reply 255 of 268

    Originally posted by His Dudeness

    I have six cats in my house. I love all of them. They all come great me when I get home in the afternoon and most of them will sleep on me when I am stretched out on the couch or on the bed.

    There's no way in hell that I would leave them behind under any circumstances for any storm. They go with me or I don't go. It's as simple as that.

    caption from CNN: A dog peers through the bars on a flooded home in the Ninth Ward in New Orleans.

    It made me cry. That to me is one of the worst pics I've seen. Poor dog. It breaks my heart
  • Reply 256 of 268
    How can that possible be one of the worst pictures you seen? You've seen pictures of dozens of dead bodies in the city and you choose this picture of a dog to move you? I guess the babies limp in their mothers' arms rank lower for you than a dog.
  • Reply 257 of 268
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by PBook12

    How can that possible be one of the worst pictures you seen? You've seen pictures of dozens of dead bodies in the city and you choose this picture of a dog to move you? I guess the babies limp in their mothers' arms rank lower for you than a dog.

    A friend of mine said to me many years ago, that he was more moved when he saw a dead animal than a dead man.

    I finded this weird, but it's only a question of emotion, and it did not prove anything. Perhaps some people are more proof to emotion when it's related to man, than when it's related to animals, a sort of selfprotection if you prefer.
  • Reply 258 of 268

    Originally posted by PBook12

    How can that possible be one of the worst pictures you seen? You've seen pictures of dozens of dead bodies in the city and you choose this picture of a dog to move you? I guess the babies limp in their mothers' arms rank lower for you than a dog.

    Reading comprehension goes a long way. As does speaking for yourself. "One of the worst pictures" does not mean the worst, and yes I've seen a lot of terrible photos, some worse than this and others not.

    You seem to prefer just to argue in times of misfortune and death than actually be touched by it so who cares what you think.

    A helpless dog locked behind a gated door in a house with no one to rescue him or set him free and that has likely been starving and on his own for 8 days now and can fit his head through the gated door just enough to see people, rescuers, and the outside world strikes me as very sad and very heart wretching. If you want to tell me it's not than you are truly a heartless dick.

    Don't criticize me because of my emotions jackass
  • Reply 259 of 268
    It just doesn't make sense to me. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this point. I already got pummeled in the other thread so I'm going to leave this one alone. Sorry I posted anything.
  • Reply 260 of 268

    Originally posted by PBook12

    It just doesn't make sense to me. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this point. I already got pummeled in the other thread so I'm going to leave this one alone. Sorry I posted anything.

    I don't give a shit if it makes sense to you. The only quality that you have shown in the last week is that you have no fucking sense.

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