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  • Google's Gmail, other services let third parties read user emails, report says

    For the last time...they have to make money somehow and selling your data is (will always be) the method, no matter what clothing it is shrouded in.  Now, want to again criticize Apple’s tight control over your privacy in its eco-system?
  • Netflix to end password sharing in early 2023

    I have a prediction...want to see your numbers dwindle faster, start ripping apart family's with kids in college, visiting a friend for the week, away at summer camp, etc.  See how that spurs your subscriber base.
    lolliverwatto_cobrasconosciuton2itivguymac daddy zeeJaiOh81djames4242tenthousandthingsappleinsideruserMadbum
  • Mark Zuckerberg claims Apple's App Store charges 'monopoly rents,' stifles innovation

    Let's try posting this again, later in the day...

    Why not have your Facebook app start-up with a transparency message how every click/action you make in this app will be used to profile your online persona/habits so we can make money selling that information?  Sounds like a fair request if they are complaining about Apple removing the blast message to their business model, no?
  • European Commission says Apple is in breach of EU competition law

    No one forced you to buy an iPhone nor iPad since 2007. No one also forced you to purchase any smartphone application on the App Store if you did buy an iPhone or iPad.  Get off your high horse and innovate something out of the EU that the rest of the world finds useful, helpful, and or impactful, and is willing with their one free will to pay for that value. 

    @Apple, quit selling in the EU Block. It will last for 3-6 months before the findings are negated. . 
  • Class action suit alleges Apple lies to customers over size & resolution of iPhone X, XS &...

    Are you kidding me?  Isn't there something better you could be doing with your life.  Volunteer at a charity, feed the homeless, watch a football game.  In other words...get a life!
  • Coinbase CEO says App Store policies stifle innovation in cryptocurrency

    Wow, all the whiners are coming out now.  Let's gang up on Apple, who created a universe in which all these companies experienced new revenue streams/businesses, and now slam them when they need to continue to pay for that service.  Just pathetic.  The only way you can lobby for increased profits for your shareholders is to blame the very platform on which you created your business.  Why not innovate yourself, the way Apple has for decades?  Why not create something that everyone else needs from you so you too can charge for the service/product you provide to them?  Why not focus on your own capabilities rather than complain, I mean jump on a bandwagon of complainers, and cry foul...I have to pay for this service (App Store)?  That's unfair!  Poor me.  Jeez, you are all a clear bunch of whiners!
  • Some users are randomly getting locked out of their Apple ID accounts

    Yep, it hit me.  What a pain in the a$$ it was to "break into" the reset when you have many devices (Macs, iPhones, iPads, etc.) on your Apple ID.  Took about 15 minutes to run around, collect everything and get a password reset in place.  It will takes days before everything else that is linked to the Apple ID gets my attention for "updating your Apple ID" settings.  Personally, I believe it was a forced security update by Apple to make us update our Apple ID passwords.  (Yes, mine has been the same for quite some time.)  It would be better, if my theory holds, that Apple provide a procedure for doing this all at once for all your devices!
  • Apple uses Messages colors to bully Android users, says Google

    …sorry, I can’t stop laughing so hard!  Unbelievable, and even more so that AppleInsider played into this and wrote a freaking story about it!
  • Intel swipes at Apple Silicon with selective benchmark claims

    Game over for Intel.  Apple has always has a vision of the future beyond the cost of the R&D to enable it.  It's products (with privacy in mind, solutions in mind, for the customer) generate that R&D revenue.  This instead of watching the forecast, quarterly numbers, and complex licensing deals to lock in revenue.  Intel missed the iPhone deal and now history has caught up to show that they were wrong.  This article is a desperate plea to remain relevant.  In two years, Intel will either be a different architecture to remain relevant, or start to fade like IBM.
  • GM ditching Apple CarPlay is about money, not safety

    Indeed, number one priority when shopping for a new car is Apple CarPlay on board, without any subscription to "premium" features.  No subscriptions for a car.  Period.  There are plenty of other car manufacturer choices.  GM will suffer by this decision, guaranteed.