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  • Emergency SOS via satellite expanding to more countries in 2022, sketchy report says

    Since iPhones back to the iPhone 12 are capable of this function, I wonder if they will eventually open that option.  I have a feeling the answer to that will be no, to encourage people to upgrade, and because the satellite system used likely is concerned it won't have the capacity to handle the sos messages from that many iPhones in times of natural disaster where millions may be affected 
  • Apple plans offering more advertising to users via apps

    If apple puts ads in core is apps, I'm  out.  That cheapens the product and knocks them down closer to the slime that is google. That would take the premium away from the product, so the only way it would be worth getting an iPhone is of they cut the price in half, or gave it away. I value not seeing BS ads and being spammed. 
  • Apple's turf war over Chicago's 'Netflix tax' ends in settlement

    Are they going to tax air, tears, perspiration, farts, extra tax on toilet paper?  I have no desire to live in a large city.  These stupid taxes are  just a way to make up for poor decisions and fiscal irresponsibility.  Internet services already has taxes on it.  So, the crap they are pulling is equivalent to taxing cable tv, then taxing you  for each channel you want to watch.  
  • Apple's chips targeted in a new patent infringement suit

    There is nothing illegal with any company that "exhibits patent-troll like behaviour." Designating them with the demeaning word "trolls" shows bias. In a free market there are many speculative ways to make money, and obtaining patents and testing them in court is a legal and valid way to make money. Apple itself probably buys patents by buying companies that own patents, which is also a form of speculating in the patent trade. It's actually smart behaviour. I've never seen AppleInsider criticize Apple for buying companies with patents, for the patents. What's the difference? Why the double standard?

    When Apple bought 17,000 patents from Intel two years ago, AppleInsider didn't call Apple a "troll" but rather suggested it was smart of Apple to purchase them. <--

    Sounds like something that someone who either is involved in this kind of "work" or knows someone who is.  This is especially highlighted by the way you phrase apples purchase of Intel's modem unit as merely a patent purchase. Considering this acquisition was to improve their own efforts to actually design and produce their own modems, this is nothing like what patent trolls do. Are you in the legal field or politics? Patent trolls are parasites, plain and simple. 
  • Apple must face UK complaint that its App Store commission is unfair

    It's funny how apple's commission is the industry standard, yet, the ilk of Epic and I'm sure Samsung and other competitors are behind most of the push to make Apple charge less.  They were right when they said congress should have to wear fire suits like mascara drivers with all their "sponsors" listed on their suits. 