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  • Apple Intelligence & iPhone mirroring aren't coming to EU because of the DMA

    Psamathos said:
    This seems like a whole load of posturing and blackmail to me. Basically they are saying "we can't enable screen sharing to apps that Apple hasn't authorised because they might allow data to go somewhere that violates the users' privacy". Well, you know, you could always ask the user, couldn't you? Maybe a dialogue box the first time you connect to an app that's not signed by Apple isn't the absolutely perfect user experience, but it's an awful lot better than killing the feature all together. Given that Apple's own app store doesn't have a perfect record on vetting applications, that same pop-up-on-first-connect would probably be useful for Apple App Store apps too.

    So no, this isn't EU regulation causing problems. This is Apple causing problems and attempting to blame the EU, because it doesn't want to loose its insanely lucrative monopoly by which is takes 30% of the entire value of the App Store for its own profit.

    Cry more. Also it’s lose not loose although your marbles might be. 
  • Apple Intelligence & iPhone mirroring aren't coming to EU because of the DMA

    Afarstar said:
    Fantastic news. Anything Apple can do to screw the EU is fine by me. At least we’ll get all the features in the UK. 

    Oh dear.

    Yep, all the EU features like a single market, customs union, free movement, no roaming charges, being part of multiple cross-country organisations and initiatives. No, wait. We lost all those, and more, when we left. Never mind though ‘cos if Apple can stick it to the EU then who cares?
    I’m ok with anything that screws with the UK too. It’s past time for your colonial karmic past to catch up to you. 
  • How to use an original Apple Pencil with a new iPad

    I “donated” my OG pencil to a friend so I had an excuse to get the 1st gen magnetic pencil. Guess I’ll need to find a friend with an earlier iPad to “donate” that to so I have an excuse to get the Pencil Pro. 
  • Is Apple Intelligence artificial?

    The DED AI is getting more subtle, I went 5 paragraphs before thinking it was a DED article. Hopefully this new subtlety will throw off the Google hit bots. 
  • EU has very serious issues with Apple, says competition chief

    The serious issue that the EU has with Apple is that it’s not an EU company