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  • Inside Apple's Singapore Marina Bay Sands retail store

    JP234 said:
    Insanely great. But what did this cost me, as an Apple shareholder? Betting my dividends would be higher if Apple spent a teeeeeny bit less on these eclectic and expensive stores that are popping up. Apple customers don't need a "floating dome" to shop for Apple goods and services. A mall store is just fine for me.
    If Apple was associated with mall stores that are "fine for you" they'd be seen as a bargain low-value brand, and would be not even close to half their current market value...
  • Inside Apple's Singapore Marina Bay Sands retail store

    JP234 said:
    JP234 said:
    Insanely great. But what did this cost me, as an Apple shareholder? Betting my dividends would be higher if Apple spent a teeeeeny bit less on these eclectic and expensive stores that are popping up. Apple customers don't need a "floating dome" to shop for Apple goods and services. A mall store is just fine for me.

    Comments like this remind me of why our world is so messed up. Humans are selfish, and not out of survival like the rest of nature.

    So how is Apple's hard work at padding your pockets bringing value into your life? Do you drive an expensive car or a junker, just to be practical? Do you own a large screen TV or just read a book at night?

    It goes both ways. Apple's investment in the "Apple experience" is why sales remain strong.
    Actually, my wife and I drive Volvos. A 2013 S60 and a 2022 XC40, both Platinum trim, paid for in cash. Between our Apple, Microsoft, two utility and 5 oil company stocks, the dividends throw off enough cash to buy a new one (about $45-$50K each) every two years. My 2013 has only 28,000 garage kept miles on it, so I'm keeping it, even though I'd like a new one. Maybe if Apple paid me a special dividend or raised the dividend, I'd get a new 2023, even though my '13 is near mint. But I'm a lifelong gearhead, so cars are near the top of my spending priorities.

    Our TV is only 43." And I read lots of books, too, mostly from the library. We have no debt; not cars, not mortgage, not credit card.

    To put it in terms no millennial will ever understand, but every Boomer will, "You can't spend or borrow your way to prosperity."
    Hahahaha, that's rich coming from Boomers that got their prosperity through greed and from taking for themselves the resources for the following generations, piling up externalities, and cutting down all the ladders of support they used to get where they are for extra profit - so selfish that they behaved as if there would be no future after them!

    Boomers literaly spend all the country's resources they were given and borrowred against the future of the country and of their children!

  • Compared: New AirPods Pro versus original AirPods Pro

    BimBamBom said:
    But do they have a better microphone? I own the AirPods Pro and their mics are so terrible, people who are on on the phone with you get insane when I use them, I stopped using them for calling. That's not Ok for a product at this price.
    Huh? Never had any issue using them on the phone or online meetings, and nobody ever even mentioned it...
  • Apple has never been against advertising -- it's against invasive data collection

    Well, Apple might never have been "against advertising" but most of us Apple users have always been - not just about better privacy but also seeing less or no ads. That should go along with paying a premium for a premium product. A cheapo company can nickel and dime their customers all they want, a premium brand shouldn't. These articles look like paid "damage control" and preparing the sucker buyers for the eventual landing of even more BS advertising on Apple platforms...
  • Apple has never been against advertising -- it's against invasive data collection

    paxman said:
    I always have to laugh when people rage against advertising.
    Well, I also have to laugh by the boy-scout naivety of this comment
    If nobody advertised their goods how would you know what your options were [?]
    By professional and amateur reviews, trade outlets, trade shows, online/offline listings, word of mouth, by visiting a shop or an online store, by checking manufacturer websites, and dozens of other ways. The main differen e would be that we wouldn't be bombarded with BS ads, we wouldn't be conditioned to buy BS we don't need, we wouldn't have business that rely on advertising to oversell their products due to "brand name", we wouldn't have services were "we are the product", and we would enjoy better privacy, and we'd even pay less as we wouldn't have to bear the advertising costs on top of the construction and profit margin...