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  • Unionized Apple Store seeks pay raises, customer tips

    Tips?!?!? The shark has now been jumped.....silly unions.
  • Coding error locks author with last name 'True' out of iCloud

    Can't phone support get you to the correct person to solve this? If not email Tim Cook, Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi with a detailed explanation and someone from the executive team will call you - it won't be one of those three but it will be someone that in fact can get this solved. I had a super super super weird issue once and emailed them and sure enough someone called me who assured me that while she didn't know how to fix it, she verified the super super super weird issue and assured me she has smart people that she can contact and get it solved for me. Sure enough, they did! It may have helped them solve a criminal enterprise situation in China too.
  • Apple helped feds to catch man accused of burning cop cars in the Apple Crime Blotter

    Xed said:
    castcore said:
    Only in America where you shoot a cop executing a legal warrant and you vilify the cops for shooting back.
    Only in non-free country where you can get away with murdering someone after issuing a non-knock warrant in plain clothes when someone lawfully carrying a firearm and clearly afraid of their life and the lives of their loved ones fires back.
    Please be factual. While the warrant - ISSUED BY A JUDGE (the police carry out the judge's order) - did allow for no knock entry, the officers chose to knock and announce like a standard warrant (fact) which gave time for the man in the house to grab a gun and fire first at the officers (fact). No knock entry warrants are rare and used for when evidence could be destroyed quickly and/or if violent (known armed) suspect. This was a serious drug dealer situation and the judge issued the warrant accordingly. Ms. Taylor's EX-boyfriend had lived there and was a known violent drug dealer. Her new boyfriend that fired first on officers the same. Why would Ms. Taylor associate with two known violent drug dealers and live with them? These types of drug dealers USE people, girlfriends, grandma's, you name it to stash cash and drugs at their homes - with NO REGARD to the safety of those people including children ---- how many children have been shot gang related shootouts in Chicago this year? Turning a blind eye to what happens in the home you live in can result in you getting caught up in it all. How about people people stop dealing serious drugs which destroy people's lives and the communities?
  • Review: VOCOlinc VS1 is a highly-affordable HomeKit contact sensor

    Chinese manufacturer? No thanks.
    So is iPhone and every other smart phone, dude. 
    Not for much longer.... India, U.S. and others.
  • Apple Music hosts White House Coronavirus public service video

    Dr. Birx is amazing and the bright star in all of this --- absolutely fantastic responses and reassurances - clear, concise and scientific with great "bedside" manner. Fauci is good too but tends to ramble and his message gets muddled which can trigger concern and panic among those that are listening. In my opinion of course.