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  • YouTuber wrecks car to test iPhone 14 crash detection

    alpacatje said:
    Essentially useless features as in modern cars (at least in the EU) it's been a legal requirement, that they call emergency services after the crash is detected. Together with the essentially useless satellite emergency call (at least outside US), this years iPhone introduction was quite useless.

    It’s a legal requirement for new cars since 2018. There are a lot more cars from before 2018, so not so unuseful after all. 
    It is for old car users... but then owner of old car needs to think what's most cost efficient: to buy new car or new iPhone that costs half of price of his/her car value ;)
  • The best third-party widgets for your iOS 16 Lock Screen

    eightzero said:
    Just need a widget to put the iPhone charge percentage back on my lock screen, thanks.

    Why not view it at the top of the phone? I mean, a widget would be cool too but it's right there.
    Because it is too small. Some people need to put glasses on to operate those small devices packed with tiny symbols and spiked with links and interface active spots. Opening screen should give critical information in the first place. Tool is to accommodate human - not the other way around.

    And for the record Apple devices and apps on them  do not qualify for some accessibility regulations required in customer market due to discrimination. I am just fresh of training in major bank (the oldest one in the US so you can guess) on those regulations. While banks strive to help clients with accessibility some arrogant firms and individuals don't. That is okay. Market always shows who is right. Sure Apple dominates in the US, but it will not dominate between some groups of people... or even for businesses.

  • An Apple smart glove could make typing on an iPad screen easier and more comfortable

    Yes and add smart glasses for monitors if they are flawed. Voice synthesizer if electronics cannot understand your commands. Teach people to accommodate electronics has always been success. that is what Steve Jobs kept promoting? I do not think so.
  • Tim Cook made it clear that Apple won't adopt RCS any time soon

    jkichline said:
    Google has changed its messaging platform more often than some change their underwear. I don’t think Apple wants to put energy into following. They’d rather lead and build a successful product.
    So Apple on its connector standards over last 15 years. Way more than we need. Hopefully EU will tame Apple on this. USB-C is enough. Do not produce garbage that will be abandoned 3-5 years later.
  • Brazil stops iPhone sales until Apple includes an AC charger

    omasou said:
    It's really pitiful how the world governments are taking on the US mentality of suing to get what they want.

    Do they really care or is this their way to extort money from successful companies to balance their local budgets?

    Hey Brazil...No iPhones for you!
    That is a loss. People cannot live without iPhones. It is the only way to live. Do nt forget taking one to restroom or...