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  • How dual-SIM works with Apple's iPhone XS & XS Max

    doggone said:
    This is a good idea.  I'm currently in the UK using AT&Ts overseas plan that costs $10 per day to have the same types of coverage as in the US.  
    I've bought SIMs for use in the UK in the past but having an eSIM that is available whenever I need it will be ideal.  
    What I don't know is what the best service is in the UK.  Any recommendations welcome.
    I'd go with an MVNO such as giffgaff, which is the one I use personally here in the UK. They lease their lines from O2 (one of the big daddy telcos which you probably know) but their prices are soooo much cheaper, and no contracts. £25 will get you a month of unlimited calls, texts and data (throttled after 20GB), but you can also select smaller packages if you don't need the "unlimited" allowances. Hope that helps.
    avon b7Soli
  • Some Slight Changes to the Forums

    nht said:
    jSnively said:
    It was a fear when I added it. It may go away soon, we'll see. It was fine for the first few days.

    In reality it's just another case of a few individuals ruining it for everyone. We could ban them, but they would just pop up under alt accounts or make new ones. That's probably not a treadmill worth getting on.
    I have no idea why you would bother taking away something that some folks are using that isn't hurting anyone.

    note that I've never hit funny but did use dislike to indicate that the post in question was yet another tedious reiteration of "apple sucks" by the resident trolls.  I think some of these folks would think a "funny" would be a positive thing even when used sarcastically.

    If you felt that like/dislike applied to the poster rather than the post then agree/disagree would have worked.

    Using dislike was a lot faster and less cluttering than writing the normal rebuttal.  I vaguely recall a list and we could respond by number for the usual troll posts.  Was that here or somewhere else?  It must have been ten years ago when we still got all crazy for Mac World and had a week of insanity and a gazllion post countdown thread.

    It would be something like "Steve sucks blah blah Cube blah blah iPod blah blah Too Expensive! Blah blah xMac blah blah Apple doomed!" and the answer would be like "#23, #11, #32"

    Maybe it was somewhere else but its amazing that a decade later the trolling is the same except with Tim instead of Steve.
    Is this the thread to which you referred?

    tallest skil
  • Some Slight Changes to the Forums

    jSnively said:
    Not happy at all about the removal of the dislike button, as others have said, that's what MacRumors did and it's a shield for trolls, which AI has suffered many more lately. Look at Ars Technica and disliked posts disappear after a certain number, which is a great way for the forum members to express their feelings without having to respond to every single troll's post, which becomes a nuisance and too much effort to be a participating member of AI any longer where the threads are filled with troll posts and responses decrying them (or good people leaving the site to the trolls, which is exactly what happened at MR). Not happy at all. Please reconsider this.

    On a positive note, the moderation policy sounds good.
    We have a smaller, but more loyal, readership than MR, so we passively get more protection from random internet insanity than they do. The Ars style system is one approach to automated/crowd sourced moderation, but it was never how ours functioned. It also would completely fail to address what we saw as misuse or abuse of the system.
    Frankly, I find your dismissal of our concerns and comments to be alarming. Removing the dislike button is a huge red flag for many of us here as we've been through it before. The numbers argument actually works against you, loyalty flees more quickly on smaller sites when trolls inhabit your forums because it doesn't take many to outnumber loyal users (which has been the case of late, hence a big part of the source of our concern). As for the "more" comment concerning loyalty among readers here, don't believe for a second that when MR started going downhill there weren't people fighting to keep it good. Personally, I stayed years longer than I should have, fighting all along the way. I won't make that mistake again and overstay my welcome.
    tallest skil