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  • US may ban the most popular home router over Chinese security fears

    TPLink and other vendors likely have backdoors into your router already.  If they don't, they just need to push out a firmware update and your router is probably configured to install it.  At that point they can do anything with your network traffic.  In the event of hostilities, they may just brick all of our our network devices.

    BTW, at least the first Airport models were actually made by Lucent.  I don't know if Apple made the later models.  I had them and they were nice,  
  • Apple sued over 2022 dropping of CSAM detection features

    In a truly E2E (iCloud photos are not unless you turn it on) system, hash scanning doesn't work as Apple never sees the original content on their servers. The only way to do it is to scan on device before anything goes anywhere. Apple's original annoucment around this effort was somewhat convoluted (but actually pretty smart) and didn't trigger on single matches (for fasle-positive reasons you mention) but it did have to do with scanning actual content not just hashes, which is why there's probably confusion.

    As I understood it, your device would have a csam hash database and your device would hash your images, so the detection would happen on your device using data on your device.  In any case, the technique involved hashes and not trying to determine the image content. 
  • Apple sued over 2022 dropping of CSAM detection features

    chasm said:
    netrox said:
    If it's encrypted end to end, how is it possible to detect CSAM? 

    That question is way above my pay grade to know, but my GUESS is that, as Apple mentioned in the original announcement, even an encrypted photo can be algorithmically searched for a certain pattern, in this case human nudity.

    Now lots of perfectly innocent pictures contain some level of nudity, so — again, guessing here — that is combined with where the image was sent and/or uploaded by. If any of the recipients or senders is a child account, that plus the nudity might flag it — and then law enforcement could be contacted to obtain a court order to decrypt.
    The basic concept of CSAM scanning doesn't involve searching for patterns in your images, not nudity or anything else.  The way it worked was to compare hashes of your images to a database of hashes of known CSAM images.  The database came from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children which maintains hashes of the images that were proven in criminal cases to be of minors.

    The concerns of having CSAM on our devices as part of the detection were unwarranted and based on a misunderstanding of how the system works.  A potential valid concern is the probability of hash collisions.  I recall Apple's response on that was that they weren't going to alert on single matches.
  • Beats partners with Kim Kardashian on new Beats Pill colors

    Looks like Apple is selling a Kardashian vibrator. 
  • 'Ted Lasso' season 4 rumored to start filming in London in early 2025

    I really enjoyed Ted Lasso but I thought it went steadily downhill in terms of script etc.  If the Season 1 had the overall quality of Season 3, it wouldn't have been the hit it was.

    Obviously, Sudeikis and Hunt won't have major roles or it wouldn't be possible to risk reaching out "at a later date."  It sounds like they have those two in mind for roles where they can literally phone it in.  (Sudeikis will have some FaceTime calls from the US., etc.)  

    Obviously, it's a lot harder to come up with a new hit than to crank out another season of a successful show but that's what Apple needs to do.  And release the already completed next season of Tehran.  Tehran is apparently being held due to the Israel / Hamas conflict and if true, that really raises the question of what the hell is going on in that season that they felt the need to do that.  I'm sure curious.