G5 next week. Certain.



  • Reply 81 of 252
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dave Hagan:

    <strong>I would just like to know where all those "insiders" who work for CompUSA and the like are. They usually are the first to come on here to inform us that certain models have gone EOL (end of line)...anyone care to elaborate?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Because Apple has wised up to that. They didn't EOL the 700MHz CRT iMac before the new iMacs either. They just stopped selling them. So, there could be speedbumped G4s on Tuesday. The old ones will go EOL on Tuesday.
  • Reply 82 of 252
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    There will be no G5 soon. Why:

    FCP took 3 million years to write (showing us exactly how right apple were when they told us again and again how easy it would be to port over to X) and it is apparently uber-optimised for G4 plus Altivec.

    Apple's new codecs are apparently uber-optimised for G4 plus Altivec.

    Apple never listens

    Apple seldom gets it right (Hey, 2.5% of the computer using planet right?)

    Steve Job's idea of powermac is one that can do some Photoshop stuff fast. That's it. Therefore he doesn't see the need for a machine capable of anything else.

    As many have said before - if there is a G5 where's the hype?

    Apple must know that rolling out more G4s would be a disaster since evryone thinks a G5 is out sometime this year and will simply wait for it (if they can).

    Finally, I think has secretly already resigned itself to losing the Multimedia sector (3D, Film, CDRom, web etc) to XP and will concentrate in the future instead on gaining market share by pandering to the home user.

    There are now too many people who keep with the "This is not possible because. . . " and "This can't be done because . . ." 'tude when what we really need is dreamers and those who can't see why something should not be. I thought that was what being a mac user was.

    Guess I was wrong.

    BTW If anyone wants to flame me then I'll be a little upset but so you know, I'm British and used to ridicule.
  • Reply 83 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:

    <strong>There will be no G5 soon. Why:

    FCP took 3 million years to write (showing us exactly how right apple were when they told us again and again how easy it would be to port over to X) and it is apparently uber-optimised for G4 plus Altivec.

    Apple's new codecs are apparently uber-optimised for G4 plus Altivec.


    The G5 will run this software faster than a G4, it includes Altivec, and will probably run Altivec code faster than a G4 t the same clock speed.

    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:


    Apple never listens


    It's not a matter of listening, it's a matter of having the stuff to build the machines at a given price point.

    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:


    Apple seldom gets it right (Hey, 2.5% of the computer using planet right?)


    It's right for that 2.5%, isn't it?

  • Reply 84 of 252
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    Just a minute. No one would buy a G4 now if they said that the G5 would be available from say July starting at $4000?

    In any event don't we all know that the G5 is comming just like we all knew that the LCD iMac was coming. So what difference would it make even if they said it was.

    I know I could have writtten this more clearly but i think you get my point.
  • Reply 85 of 252
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    spooky, did Steve run over your dog or what?

    In quite a funk there and spreading the cheer.
  • Reply 86 of 252
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>spooky, did Steve run over your dog or what?

    In quite a funk there and spreading the cheer.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    sorry guys for being on such a downer. I like the vibrancy of the threads here and it makes me kinda wonder: what does it feel like to be a mac user over there in the US?

    Here in the UK where mac users are the uberminority (you could drive for miles and live in a hundred towns and still never see a mac). I've only ever seen 1 mac tv advert (the powerpc one, you know, the one that goes "The Future . . ."), 1 imac billboard (that was outside the mac expo), the media ignore macs (except funnily enough DIy and interior design programs) and my god, the price!!

    Reading many of the posts here I wish I lived in the USA
  • Reply 87 of 252
    Let me tell a story.

    I am a youth worker at my church, specifically in the "Bible Quizzing" program.

    We have a group of about twenty-five 7th - 12th graders who spend the entire school year memorizing a book/books of the new testament, who give up their Tuesday evenings to practice answer questions over the matierial they're memorizing and going to legaue and inivtaion quiz meets monthly.

    So we're talking about "above average" kids here.

    Yesterday a 9th grade girl announced to the van, on the way to a quiz meet, that "Apple Computers suck... Windows 95 is better."

    Obviuosly she has no idea what she's talking about, but then so don't most people.

    UK, US, whereever: Most simply don't know or don't care.
  • Reply 88 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:

    <strong>There will be no G5 soon. Why:

    FCP took 3 million years to write (showing us exactly how right apple were when they told us again and again how easy it would be to port over to X) and it is apparently uber-optimised for G4 plus Altivec.


    About nine months. And that introduced a ton of new features, so it wasn't all Carbon porting time.


    Apple's new codecs are apparently uber-optimised for G4 plus Altivec.

    Apple never listens


    This is ridiculous and unjustified.


    Apple seldom gets it right (Hey, 2.5% of the computer using planet right?)


    Porsche has considerably less markshare

    worldwide, but few would suggest they never

    get it right.


    Steve Job's idea of powermac is one that can do some Photoshop stuff fast. That's it. Therefore he doesn't see the need for a machine capable of anything else.


    No proof of this whatsoever. The only claim he

    can profitably make right now is that

    Photoshop is faster.


    As many have said before - if there is a G5 where's the hype?

    Apple must know that rolling out more G4s would be a disaster since evryone thinks a G5 is out sometime this year and will simply wait for it (if they can).

    Finally, I think has secretly already resigned itself to losing the Multimedia sector (3D, Film, CDRom, web etc) to XP and will concentrate in the future instead on gaining market share by pandering to the home user.


    Evidence? They're kicking but in digital video

    right now!


    There are now too many people who keep with the "This is not possible because. . . " and "This can't be done because . . ." 'tude when what we really need is dreamers and those who can't see why something should not be. I thought that was what being a mac user was.

    Guess I was wrong.

    BTW If anyone wants to flame me then I'll be a little upset but so you know, I'm British and used to ridicule.


    No flaming necessary. A nice simple

    response always works best. :-)


  • Reply 89 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by BerberCarpet:


    We have a group of about twenty-five 7th - 12th graders who spend the entire school year memorizing a book/books of the new testament, who give up their Tuesday evenings to practice answer questions over the matierial they're memorizing and going to legaue and inivtaion quiz meets monthly.

    So we're talking about "above average" kids here.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sounds like they're below average drones.
  • Reply 90 of 252
    [quote]<strong>Porsche has considerably less markshare

    worldwide, but few would suggest they never

    get it right.


    I feel like Apple's in the situation Porsche would be in if all they sold were cars that had all the legendary Porsche styling and handling, but mysteriously wouldn't go over 80mph.

    Sure, they'd still be fun for the majority of everyday driving tasks, but something would be missing...

  • Reply 91 of 252
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    [quote]Originally posted by BerberCarpet:

    <strong>Let me tell a story.

    I am a youth worker at my church, specifically in the "Bible Quizzing" program.

    We have a group of about twenty-five 7th - 12th graders who spend the entire school year memorizing a book/books of the new testament, who give up their Tuesday evenings to practice answer questions over the matierial they're memorizing and going to legaue and inivtaion quiz meets monthly.

    So we're talking about "above average" kids here.

    Yesterday a 9th grade girl announced to the van, on the way to a quiz meet, that "Apple Computers suck... Windows 95 is better."

    Obviuosly she has no idea what she's talking about, but then so don't most people.

    UK, US, whereever: Most simply don't know or don't care.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I hope you set her little ass straight.

  • Reply 92 of 252
    Does anyone besides philbot think that apple will upgrade powerbooks on tuesday?

    I think that it's extremely unlikely, but I guess you never know.

    [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: skittlebrau ]</p>
  • Reply 93 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by murk:

    <strong>I hope you set her little ass straight.


    No no... I choose my fights.

    I don't try to *convert* the kids who've made thier minds up already--without considering the evidence, even--because that never works and you just end up wasting words.

    Insdead, I have serious discusions with the ones who have open minds. Those that show interest I encourage--those that don't care, I let them believe what they wish.

    Turns out that the iBook is going to be pretty popular among the quizzers this year.

    Drones? No... only those who make up their minds without considering the evidence and then spout their mouths off abou things they don't even know they don't understand are drones.
  • Reply 94 of 252
    Nostradamus - you rock.
  • Reply 95 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by BerberCarpet:

    <strong>Let me tell a story.

    I am a youth worker at my church, specifically in the "Bible Quizzing" program.

    We have a group of about twenty-five 7th - 12th graders who spend the entire school year memorizing a book/books of the new testament, who give up their Tuesday evenings to practice answer questions over the matierial they're memorizing and going to legaue and inivtaion quiz meets monthly.

    So we're talking about "above average" kids here.

    Yesterday a 9th grade girl announced to the van, on the way to a quiz meet, that "Apple Computers suck... Windows 95 is better."


    Someone who spends the entire school year memorizing books of the new testament and she's clueless!! Who woulda thought!

    [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: timortis ]</p>
  • Reply 96 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:


    Sounds like they're below average drones.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey now! Aren't you being a little unfair?

    Sounds like their droneness is certainly above average!
  • Reply 97 of 252
    [quote]Originally posted by JW Pepper:

    <strong>In any event don't we all know that the G5 is comming just like we all knew that the LCD iMac was coming. So what difference would it make even if they said it was.

    I know I could have writtten this more clearly but i think you get my point.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    oooh... bad analogy. Everybody expected the new iMac last summer at MWNY, and it came out half a year later in MWSF.

    So, G5s are coming... eventually... in the fall.

    I'm an optimistic kinda guy, but it seems like there's a lot of people here trying to rationalize a G5 from out of thin air.
  • Reply 98 of 252
    2 x 1.4 x SGI x Tuesday = ?

    Apple will announce dual 1.4GhZ PowerMacs, and purchase ailing SGI at close of day Tuesday, leaving little question as to their attitude towards power, 3D and the desktop.

    Coincidentally SGI will also announces earnings - and theoretically the buyout - on that day.

    You heard it here second.
  • Reply 99 of 252
    [quote]I am a youth worker at my church, specifically in the "Bible Quizzing" program.

    We have a group of about twenty-five 7th - 12th graders who spend the entire school year memorizing a book/books of the new testament, who give up their Tuesday evenings to practice answer questions over the matierial they're memorizing and going to legaue and inivtaion quiz meets monthly.

    So we're talking about "above average" kids here.

    Yesterday a 9th grade girl announced to the van, on the way to a quiz meet, that "Apple Computers suck... Windows 95 is better."


    Well if these people commit so much time towards brain-dead activities, then no wonder they dig windows.

    As Nostrodamus said, they "sound like below average drones". LOL.

    Interestingly, in the zoology department at my university, Macs are favored over windows. Go figure. Apple's market share among people who think for a living is higher than in the general population.
  • Reply 100 of 252
    [quote] Drones? No... only those who make up their minds without considering the evidence and then spout their mouths off abou things they don't even know they don't understand are drones.


    Odd that a bible thumper would speak of "evidence".

    <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
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