Review roundup: Motorola Droid, Verizon's first Android handset



  • Reply 161 of 165
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Dragging and dropping is considered to be to he worst way to get music and video onto a phone. The WORST way. You can say how you love it, but almost no one else does. iTunes is great BECAUSE it does what it does. You want to back to the dark ages.

    One could argue that the iPod and iTunes were able to dominate specifically because of the synergy between the app and device allowing for comprehensive fine tuning and organization.

    Can you image drag and drop 64GB of video and audio onto an iPod Touch? That sounds like a nightmare.
  • Reply 162 of 165
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    One could argue that the iPod and iTunes were able to dominate specifically because of the synergy between the app and device allowing for comprehensive fine tuning and organization.

    Can you image drag and drop 64GB of video and audio onto an iPod Touch? That sounds like a nightmare.

    The only reason he likes drag and drop is because it's NOT how Apple's products do it. If they required drag and drop, and the Droid didn't, then he would praise that, and knock Apple's requirement to use drag and drop.

    We see people posting this nonsense here all the time.
  • Reply 163 of 165
    I find the whole ad, and premise amusing. Don't get me wrong; I think the idea of another, well made, solid smartphone is good for all of us, including Apple. Like others have said, it drives innovation, and forces competition; all good.

    What I find amusing? How this is the "iPhone Killer", and all the references to the iPhone and AT&T. I know why they do it, but still find it funny. Motorola AND Verizon have been at this for some time, and this is the result...the Droid? I looked at it, held it, and tried it. And in all honesty...."It ain't that great!" LOL. It's not a horrible phone, and better than other Smartphones out there, but far from a killer.

    I think before we crown the Droid, and/or Verizon the newest/greatest, I think they need to prove it for a bit. Lets see how well things go for the first few months. Lets see how the Verizon network does if/when the Droid, or any other Android based phone becomes popular [if ever].

    IMHO? I think it's another flash, and won't do much to Apple or AT&T. People will buy it, become bored, and by summer 2010, the next iPhone killer will start being hyped...
  • Reply 164 of 165
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,584member
    Well, now it's said that about 100,000 Droids were sold in the first weekend.

    That's not too bad, but take it in perspective.

    The Pre sold about 50,000 in the first weekend, and where is it now?

    Other phones have sold better in the first weekend, and the iPhone in any of its iterations has sold vastly more than that, 300,000 or better.

    We'll see how it goes.
  • Reply 165 of 165
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Well, now it's said that about 100,000 Droids were sold in the first weekend.

    That's not too bad, but take it in perspective.

    The Pre sold about 50,000 in the first weekend, and where is it now?

    Other phones have sold better in the first weekend, and the iPhone in any of its iterations has sold vastly more than that, 300,000 or better.

    We'll see how it goes.

    To add to that perspective, Verizon is a lot bigger and better than Sprint, the Android platform is on v2.0 and there was over 10k apps and a viable public SDK upon launch.
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