Windows 7 tops Vista software sales, lags behind in hardware



  • Reply 21 of 248
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    It's no wonder, if 7 isn't going to spur many new PC sales, that M$ is generally charging a fortune for the upgrade (eg, $150 for a family Home 3-pak or $200 for "Pro"). That's maybe a good tactic for negotiating a $30 price with big business, but for SMB and Ma and Pa, it provides a nice incentive to switch.

    I see Amazon has already started discounting. It couldn't happen to a nicer company and a more talented CEO.

    You do know that gamers make up more sakes than video and music combined right? That the proSumer makes up a much larger portion than thr pri user thus one to ine going from all in one pro care one to onrle for $99 and now $99 each and thar one to one trainers no longer know shake, fcp, logic and that it's all iLife right. Plus musicians now make up a bulk of pc sale and apple does market ant device to them or up and coming videographer with machines that can proper store tge os in one bs, music or footage on another and samples or virtual instuments on a third HD so there are at least 80% of the market who feel 180 degrees different toward apple as that video shows his love for msft, right. There are many that simply cannot stand apple and with todays new mac user, this is why you see the outcry of missing product market gaps. Befire, say 5 years ago, aple was all about the Pro creative user and users didn't know ant better, today they do at the same time apples focus is on iLife while forgetting the pro user.

    So imagine that videos then turn it around where 80% of the users feel that way anti Apple. I've met some and they have a legit beef. Even avid symphony that is number 1 in the world Burbank CA, has dropped mac and uses pc rendering for avid. That blew my mind when I toured the school.

  • Reply 22 of 248
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    My fiance also has grading programs that require Windows, and they work even though they were built for XP. It doesn't hog RAM like its predecessor and is generally just more intuitive. I'd recommend it if you were looking into getting it.

    Yeah, all my old Windows programs work fine in 7. I agree, if you need to run Windows, I think you can finally bail on XP for 7. I did.
  • Reply 23 of 248
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    I have to admit it is pretty nice. As someone else said, figuring out where certain things are is a task, but its pretty trivial. Plus I've had a lot of use out of the compatibility mode and it works like a dream. (You can open a program and have it pretend to be an older version of Windows.) Plus most programs that worked in Vista will work in 7, as we all know 7 is basically an update of Vista

    I don't use it intensively, mainly just for MS Office as I find the OS X version sub-par. My fiance also has grading programs that require Windows, and they work even though they were built for XP. It doesn't hog RAM like its predecessor and is generally just more intuitive. I'd recommend it if you were looking into getting it.

    I defintiely am thinking of buying it as I need to run some Windows software and don't want to use my work computer. Unfortunately I can't run it on my 3 year old iMac (GO figure?) and may wind up buying a small Sony notebook Vaio with Blu-ray and HDMI and a hybrid matte screen.
  • Reply 24 of 248
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Apple made better products anyway.

    While MS is busy sccraping the bottom end with the generic, undifferentiated box-assemblers, Apple is busy growing the Premium market and releasing game-changing products.

    Apple doesn't seem to need anyone to push them, since Apple is pushing the entire industry forward. They did it during Vista, and they're doing it now in the Mobile space with no actual viable competition aside form another iPhone wannabe that falls short.

    And Windows 7 sales exceed Vista?? No kidding. After 8 years of garbage operating systems inflicted on users by MS, the one that fixes Vista is actually selling more than Vista. Shocker. People are so sick of MS' operating system blunders that they'll take anything that's even marginally better. But we'll see what XP users are going to end up doing. That should be interesting.

    You sound like a child with his arms crossed, stomping his feet saying "NO NO NO NO NO!"

    People like Windows 7. That pisses you off doesn't it? You've made your hatred for MS so personal that you perceive their success as a personal blow. Absolutely amazing on so many levels. Really, you belong in a psychology journal somewhere.

    As many others will inevitably say, I've been on Vista for the past 2 years with not a single problem whatsoever. In fact, I've yet to actually meet anyone who feels their Vista machine needs to be "fixed."

    I'd like to bet you don't have much experience with Vista, and given your obvious bias towards Apple, whatever short experience you do have you've subjected to a strict scrutiny you don't even hold OSX to.

    Anyways, you're more than welcome to voice an obvious bias given this is an Apple website, but lets stick to reality when it comes to this stuff.

    See, if the fact that Vista wasn't revolutionary enough for XP users to justify the price is what you call a "garbage operating system" then I wonder what all those people who don't buy OSX upgrades call OSX...
  • Reply 25 of 248
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    Of course Windows 7 is selling much faster the first few days. It was pent up demand. Not for the reason usually posted though. With Vista, people with XP were satisfied with what they had because it was finally working, sort of. Well Vista was a true dog. So much that Microsoft started pushing 7 immediately. three years later here it is. Well over the last three years anyone who bought a new computer got Vista. If they were not savvy enough to down grade it to XP the were stuck. Those are the people buying 7. Once these people who were trapped using a system they paid for but hated have up graded to the new Vista, it will taper off greatly. Those with XP machines would have to upgrade their computer and they are clearly not doing so, as the numbers show.
  • Reply 26 of 248
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I defintiely am thinking of buying it as I need to run some Windows software and don't want to use my work computer. Unfortunately I can't run it on my 3 year old iMac (GO figure?) and may wind up buying a small Sony notebook Vaio with Blu-ray and HDMI and a hybrid matte screen.

    You're still running a PPC? Now I may understand your constant complaints are because you desperately need an upgrade!
  • Reply 27 of 248
    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    Of course Windows 7 is selling much faster the first few days. It was pent up demand. Not for the reason usually posted though. With Vista, people with XP were satisfied with what they had because it was finally working, sort of. Well Vista was a true dog. So much that Microsoft started pushing 7 immediately. three years later here it is. Well over the last three years anyone who bought a new computer got Vista. If they were not savvy enough to down grade it to XP the were stuck. Those are the people buying 7. Once these people who were trapped using a system they paid for but hated have up graded to the new Vista, it will taper off greatly. Those with XP machines would have to upgrade their computer and they are clearly not doing so, as the numbers show.

    The adoption isn't as quick as you may think. But I'm pretty sure the corporate demand will pick up eventually. The company I work for has 1000+ computers working on XP. I know the IT department has used some people as testers for Windows 7 since the betas have been out. The upgrade will be coming eventually, but it takes time for IT to test and get all of our proprietary software working on it. (We use about a half a dozen programs that are built in-house.)
  • Reply 28 of 248
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    See, if the fact that Vista wasn't revolutionary enough for XP users to justify the price is what you call a "garbage operating system" then I wonder what all those people who don't buy OSX upgrades call OSX...

    My neighbor is still running Tiger on his 20" iMac and it has absolutely nothing to do with what he does or doesn't think of OSX. He's simply too complacent, lazy, cheap or all of the above. Then again, he could simply just be happy and figures, "why fix what ain't broken".
  • Reply 29 of 248
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    You're still running a PPC? Now I may understand your constant complaints are because you desperately need an upgrade!

    No- I am running a Intel Core Duo which Apple says isn't compatible with Windows 7 (yet for some reason Vista was OK). And rarely have I ever "complained" about Apple OSX- who would?
  • Reply 30 of 248
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    You sound like a child with his arms crossed, stomping his feet saying "NO NO NO NO NO!"

    People like Windows 7. That pisses you off doesn't it? You've made your hatred for MS so personal that you perceive their success as a personal blow. Absolutely amazing on so many levels. Really, you belong in a psychology journal somewhere.

    As many others will inevitably say, I've been on Vista for the past 2 years with not a single problem whatsoever. In fact, I've yet to actually meet anyone who feels their Vista machine needs to be "fixed."

    I'd like to bet you don't have much experience with Vista, and given your obvious bias towards Apple, whatever short experience you do have you've subjected to a strict scrutiny you don't even hold OSX to.

    Anyways, you're more than welcome to voice an obvious bias given this is an Apple website, but lets stick to reality when it comes to this stuff.

    See, if the fact that Vista wasn't revolutionary enough for XP users to justify the price is what you call a "garbage operating system" then I wonder what all those people who don't buy OSX upgrades call OSX...

    Great post! You hit the nail right on the head!

    Some people just hate MS just for no reason.... just because they are MS. But they do have great products. Quadra 610 does seem to take this waaaaay to personal....
  • Reply 31 of 248
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    My neighbor is still running Tiger on his 20" iMac and it has absolutely nothing to do with what he does or doesn't think of OSX. He's simply too complacent, lazy, cheap or all of the above. Then again, he could simply just be happy and figures, "why fix what ain't broken".

    That reminds me of my son......he hates the GUI in the operating system and still uses command lines when ever he can. If it were up to him we would all be using DOS 6.2! :-)
  • Reply 32 of 248
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Very few PC people upgrade their OS to begin with. They simply buy new computers as PCs are relatively inexpensive compared to Apple's "premium" hardware.

    That would seem logical, but even during a recession Apples sales continue to increase, even accelerate, while the article notes that Windows PC sales continue falling even with Windows 7. It seems the cheaper no matter what multi-vendor crowd looses out to the quality I only have to call one company for support and I have actually heard of them and they will be in business 6 years from now, which is good because I will still be using my computer.

    I know someone will say, oh Apple pulled support on 3 year old mac. Thats why Snow Leopard focuses on under the hood changes. Leopard that is on my 2001 Quick Silver makes my almost 9 year old mac on par with Window 7. Snow Leopard is about the future of the OS and allowing better use of the hardware.
  • Reply 33 of 248
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    That reminds me of my son......he hates the GUI in the operating system and still uses command lines when ever he can. If it were up to him we would all be using DOS 6.2! :-)

    And it's not for any lack of trying on my part. I even offered to do the upgrade for him but his response was, "meh".
  • Reply 34 of 248
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    That would seem logical, but even during a recession Apples sales continue to increase, even accelerate, while the article notes that Windows PC sales continue falling even with Windows 7. It seems the cheaper no matter what multi-vendor crowd looses out to the quality I only have to call one company for support and I have actually heard of them and they will be in business 6 years from now, which is good because I will still be using my computer.

    I know someone will say, oh Apple pulled support on 3 year old mac. Thats why Snow Leopard focuses on under the hood changes. Leopard that is on my 2001 Quick Silver makes my almost 9 year old mac on par with Window 7. Snow Leopard is about the future of the OS and allowing better use of the hardware.

    It will change. Vista wasn't launched in the middle of a recession- Windows 7 was. I'm actually surprised the article doesn't mention that that would skew the numbers. It's much too early to determine PC sales for Windows 7.
  • Reply 35 of 248
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    That reminds me of my son......he hates the GUI in the operating system and still uses command lines when ever he can. If it were up to him we would all be using DOS 6.2! :-)

    Command lines? What are those?
  • Reply 36 of 248
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Command lines? What are those?

    Like tan lines only different! :-)

    Have a great weekend everyone! :-)
  • Reply 37 of 248
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Frankly, I'm disappointed to read about Windows 7 on an Apple-related site.

    I couldn't care less how it's faring vis-a-vis Vista.
  • Reply 38 of 248
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    Frankly, I'm disappointed to read about Windows 7 on an Apple-related site.

    I couldn't care less how it's faring vis-a-vis Vista.

    Well would you rather be reading about Sara Jessica Parker and how she stole the iPod name instead???!!!
  • Reply 39 of 248
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    Frankly, I'm disappointed to read about Windows 7 on an Apple-related site.

    You were forced to not only click on the link and read the story, but then comment on it as well?

  • Reply 40 of 248
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    You sound like a child with his arms crossed, stomping his feet saying "NO NO NO NO NO!"

    People like Windows 7. That pisses you off doesn't it? You've made your hatred for MS so personal that you perceive their success as a personal blow. Absolutely amazing on so many levels. Really, you belong in a psychology journal somewhere.

    As many others will inevitably say, I've been on Vista for the past 2 years with not a single problem whatsoever. In fact, I've yet to actually meet anyone who feels their Vista machine needs to be "fixed."

    I'd like to bet you don't have much experience with Vista, and given your obvious bias towards Apple, whatever short experience you do have you've subjected to a strict scrutiny you don't even hold OSX to.

    Anyways, you're more than welcome to voice an obvious bias given this is an Apple website, but lets stick to reality when it comes to this stuff.

    See, if the fact that Vista wasn't revolutionary enough for XP users to justify the price is what you call a "garbage operating system" then I wonder what all those people who don't buy OSX upgrades call OSX...

    Gald I'm not the only one that sees it. You would think Bill Gates ran over his grandmother. In his world everything not Apple is doomed to fail. Its funny yet pathetic at the same time.
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