Apple used to do this with their "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads. Now Justin Long just stands there watching PC unveil the next negative attack ad on Windows. Microsoft, however, is now extolling all the cool things you can do with WIndows 7. Whether you like their ads or not, at least they're positive and selling capabilities rather than going negative. Apple should hire Microsoft's ad agency.
Apple actually has a two pronged approach. one is the 'here's what X does'. the other was the 'i'm a mac' series which came up as a way to answer the most oft heard complaints about Windows.
Motorola has continued its assault on the iPhone with a new commercial that indirectly compares Apple's handset to a "tiara-wearing digitally clueless beauty pageant queen."
That's x wife doesn't have an iPhone!
Funny thing though, I bet women beat men in iphone or any
phone ownership 3 to 1. Like apple cares who by them.
Motorola has continued its assault on the iPhone with a new commercial that indirectly compares Apple's handset to a "tiara-wearing digitally clueless beauty pageant queen."
That's x wife doesn't have an iPhone!
LOL. That raises the question: Considering 'touch' on the iPhone does not work with long, painted nails, how do beauty queens use it?
Oh because you are (I forgot, how dumb of me)- but if someone else were to say that - then it would be phobic.
OK - gotcha.
OK, since you're not going to read that link and educate yourself, let me explain it to you here.
"All gay men have more disposable income." "All gay men drive fabulous convertibles." Those are stereotyping remarks, but I wouldn't consider them homophobic remarks. They're just overgeneralizing. There may be a grain (or more) of truth, but clearly they're false when you state that all people are this or that. That's a stereotype.
"Gay men aren't human" "Gay men will rot in hell" "Gay teachers are trying to convert my children" "Gays are destroying the sanctity of marriage" "Gays should all be fired from their jobs". Now those are homophobic remarks: negative remarks based on unfounded fear. That's homophobia.
Some comments can be a mix of the two: "All gay men are skinny and hairless." It's stereotypical (certainly, many gay men are skinny and hairless, but gay men come in all shapes and sizes--just ask a "bear"), but it's also negative in that it's insinuating that skinny & hairless is effeminate and somehow not 'manly'.
Looking at the ad photo in the link that Quadra 610 posted (that mimicked the photo by Mr. David-Duncanson), you'll see how there's one woman and 2 men who are "smooth" and thin, and thus insinuating unmasculine.*
So the ad is pretty homophobic right from the start, but my comment about disposable income really isn't in the same category--regardless of whether a gay person such as myself said it.
*--The funny thing is, you wouldn't believe how many large, hairy, gay men have iPhones with bling on them. LOL. I think they look fabulous. (The men and the phones)
OK, the thing I'm not getting here is how, exactly, this ad is effective outside of a fairly limited demographic of quite possibly brain damaged buyers.
For instance, if, I dunno, say, Nissan made a perhaps over refined small pickup truck, with a lot of curves and padding in the interior and extra vanity mirrors, and it in fact therefore did not do pickup things very well, possibly breaking if taken off road or exploding if you put anything more than a brace of Pekinese in the bed, or something, and then Toyota made a similar small pickup but bolted shark fins and dicks to it and painted it flat black with skulls and crossbones and Mad Max style windshield bullet guards, then, sure, I guess, run that campaign. Stupid, but whatever.
But this is not the case, is it? It's more akin to Nissan making a very well engineered small pickup truck that does pickup truck stuff very well, but also has the kind of amenities that everybody likes, such as a good stereo and tight turning radius and decent handling, etc., and then Toyota makes a similar pickup that perhaps is somewhat less polished but with knobbier tires and a louder engine, and then they try to run that campaign.
The iPhone is minimal, not froufrou. It's functionality is useful and straightforward, not fancy or pointlessly decorative. And everybody knows it. Well, as I say, everybody but a perhaps small cohort of people who, what, think Apple is "gay"? Is that a real demographic?
It sort of reminds me of the McCain campaign strategy of trying to paint Obama as a "celebrity." It didn't really work, because there just isn't any bling in the man. He doesn't fit the celebrity, media whore mold, so simply conjuring that up out of thin air just came off as tone-deaf, except, of course, for those predisposed to gobble up whatever negative shit got lobbed, no matter how nonsensical (Dear insane wingers: just an example, please do not counter by pointing out how Obama is in fact a celebrity Supersocialcommunisticislamofascistdocious empty suit, because it's still stupid).
The point being, I think the vast majority seeing this commercial will be mystified if not somewhat frightened. The idea that some kind of stomping, steaming, clanking monster phone is the antidote to some mythical fairy phone is meaningless, for everyone outside of Beavis and Butthead.
Actually yeah I could see an NFL player with a white iPhone. Nothing wrong with white it happens to be one of my favorite colors and yes I'm 19 and I'm a dude and no I'm not gay. When I got my iPhone I wanted white but it was not offered for the 8GB model, everything is black these days so white is different and black quite frankly is boring. Different does not equal feminine
It's funny, I see many professional male athletes and musicians dressed in white suits. Seems to be a style to show wealth within certain cultures. I quite like the look. I find it classy and even have a couple of white suits for when I'm in the Tropics livin' large.
Why he would call someone a fag for having a white phone is bigoted and assinine, especially when so many other Mac products are white, including iPods, mice, Macs and the AppleTV he bought without researching it's capabilites first.
Originally Posted by vinea
Amusingly, the droid phone I've played with the most is owned by a grrl.
Now that I think of it I only know two people with Droids and they are both girls. But one could kick my arse so she may not count. \
OK, since you're not going to read that link and educate yourself, let me explain it to you here.
"All gay men have more disposable income." "All gay men drive fabulous convertibles." Those are stereotyping remarks, but I wouldn't consider them homophobic remarks. They're just overgeneralizing. There may be a grain (or more) of truth, but clearly they're false when you state that all people are this or that. That's a stereotype.
Dude- Ok listen to me good. I'll be clear - those kind of stereotypical remarks are just not acceptable. You don't know any poor gay folk? You stated that there are none but just because you are (not poor- lol) don't make it right. OGay?
OK, the thing I'm not getting here is how, exactly, this ad is effective outside of a fairly limited demographic of quite possibly brain damaged buyers.
For instance, if, I dunno, say, Nissan made a perhaps over refined small pickup truck, with a lot of curves and padding in the interior and extra vanity mirrors, and it in fact therefore did not do pickup things very well, possibly breaking if taken off road or exploding if you put anything more than a brace of Pekinese in the bed, or something, and then Toyota made a similar small pickup but bolted shark fins and dicks to it and painted it flat black with skulls and crossbones and Mad Max style windshield bullet guards, then, sure, I guess, run that campaign. Stupid, but whatever.
But this is not the case, is it? It's more akin to Nissan making a very well engineered small pickup truck that does pickup truck stuff very well, but also has the kind of amenities that everybody likes, such as a good stereo and tight turning radius and decent handling, etc., and then Toyota makes a similar pickup that perhaps is somewhat less polished but with knobbier tires and a louder engine, and then they try to run that campaign.
The iPhone is minimal, not froufrou. It's functionality is useful and straightforward, not fancy or pointlessly decorative. And everybody knows it. Well, as I say, everybody but a perhaps small cohort of people who, what, think Apple is "gay"? Is that a real demographic?
It sort of reminds me of the McCain campaign strategy of trying to paint Obama as a "celebrity." It didn't really work, because there just isn't any bling in the man. He doesn't fit the celebrity, media whore mold, so simply conjuring that up out of thin air just came off as tone-deaf, except, of course, for those predisposed to gobble up whatever negative shit got lobbed, no matter how nonsensical (Dear insane wingers: just an example, please do not counter by pointing out how Obama is in fact a celebrity Supersocialcommunisticislamofascistdocious empty suit, because it's still stupid).
The point being, I think the vast majority seeing this commercial will be mystified if not somewhat frightened. The idea that some kind of stomping, steaming, clanking monster phone is the antidote to some mythical fairy phone is meaningless, for everyone outside of Beavis and Butthead.
See Quadra? Here is an example of what we spoke about before.
Can you seriously see any NFL player with a white iPhone?
Aren't there a lot of NFL teams with uniforms that are light or predominantly white. Try turning on the NFL sometime, it's all about pretty colors - no 'macho' earth tones in there. The most butch color in there is 'sea foam green'.
Besides aren't these the guys in tight, stretchy pants? How exactly do those help you play football? I'm thinking there's a lot more 'fantasy' in football than most self proclaimed 'studs' would like to admit. Ponder that while you're having some beers watching wide receivers and tight ends tackle each other all day long.
Aren't there a lot of NFL teams with uniforms (no pun intended) that are light or predominantly white. Try turning on the NFL sometime, it's all about pretty colors - no 'macho' earth tones in there. The most butch color in there is 'sea foam green'.
Besides aren't these the guys in tight, stretchy pants? How exactly do those help you play football? I'm thinking there's a lot more 'fantasy' in football than most self proclaimed 'studs' would like to admit. Ponder that while you're having some beers watching wide receivers and tight ends tackle each other all day long.
Well are you wearing oxygenhose right now or what ?
[The iPhone] is more akin to Nissan making a very well engineered small pickup truck that does pickup truck stuff very well, but also has the kind of amenities that everybody likes, such as a good stereo and tight turning radius and decent handling, etc., and then Toyota makes a similar pickup that perhaps is somewhat less polished but with knobbier tires and a louder engine, and then they try to run that campaign.
Good point. What is more, many of the competitors' offerings have copied the iPhone's look too.
Not the least bit. Stereotypical, maybe, but not homophobic.
Oh because you are (I forgot, how dumb of me)- but if someone else were to say that - then it would be phobic.
OK - gotcha.
( and since when did solipsism anoint himself and become moderator)
Apple used to do this with their "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads. Now Justin Long just stands there watching PC unveil the next negative attack ad on Windows. Microsoft, however, is now extolling all the cool things you can do with WIndows 7. Whether you like their ads or not, at least they're positive and selling capabilities rather than going negative. Apple should hire Microsoft's ad agency.
Apple actually has a two pronged approach. one is the 'here's what X does'. the other was the 'i'm a mac' series which came up as a way to answer the most oft heard complaints about Windows.
So buy a different phone for god's sake! I really don't understand all this whining about a phone you don't use and have no intention of buying.
I do use and am a proud owner of a 32GB 3 Gs - BLACK.
With a rubberized orange and black liquid resistant case. got it?
Wow, what a rip-off.
I guess that photo is pretty iconic. Amazing image.
Yeah. The original is so much better than the Verizon/Motorola rip-off.
That's x wife doesn't have an iPhone!
Funny thing though, I bet women beat men in iphone or any
phone ownership 3 to 1. Like apple cares who by them.
They could have gone all-American and used "Patriot Missile." It's the obvious choice.
Maybe they couldn't get permission from Raytheon to use the name.
Wow, what a rip-off.
I guess that photo is pretty iconic. Amazing image.
Right- Apple invented gazing at an object now.
Oh man... Thems is fightin words!!! I guess motorola is just jealous cuz he can't have an iphone!!! Cuz then they'd know the truth!!! Lolz!!!
Wow. My English meter went off the charts reading that one.
Motorola has continued its assault on the iPhone with a new commercial that indirectly compares Apple's handset to a "tiara-wearing digitally clueless beauty pageant queen."
That's x wife doesn't have an iPhone!
LOL. That raises the question: Considering 'touch' on the iPhone does not work with long, painted nails, how do beauty queens use it?
Oh because you are (I forgot, how dumb of me)- but if someone else were to say that - then it would be phobic.
OK - gotcha.
OK, since you're not going to read that link and educate yourself, let me explain it to you here.
"All gay men have more disposable income." "All gay men drive fabulous convertibles." Those are stereotyping remarks, but I wouldn't consider them homophobic remarks. They're just overgeneralizing. There may be a grain (or more) of truth, but clearly they're false when you state that all people are this or that. That's a stereotype.
"Gay men aren't human" "Gay men will rot in hell" "Gay teachers are trying to convert my children" "Gays are destroying the sanctity of marriage" "Gays should all be fired from their jobs". Now those are homophobic remarks: negative remarks based on unfounded fear. That's homophobia.
Some comments can be a mix of the two: "All gay men are skinny and hairless." It's stereotypical (certainly, many gay men are skinny and hairless, but gay men come in all shapes and sizes--just ask a "bear"), but it's also negative in that it's insinuating that skinny & hairless is effeminate and somehow not 'manly'.
Looking at the ad photo in the link that Quadra 610 posted (that mimicked the photo by Mr. David-Duncanson), you'll see how there's one woman and 2 men who are "smooth" and thin, and thus insinuating unmasculine.*
So the ad is pretty homophobic right from the start, but my comment about disposable income really isn't in the same category--regardless of whether a gay person such as myself said it.
*--The funny thing is, you wouldn't believe how many large, hairy, gay men have iPhones with bling on them. LOL. I think they look fabulous. (The men and the phones)
Right- Apple invented gazing at an object now.
God, you're so funny! It wasn't an Apple photo. Did you read Mr. Duncan-Davidson's post? He was off the clock.
For instance, if, I dunno, say, Nissan made a perhaps over refined small pickup truck, with a lot of curves and padding in the interior and extra vanity mirrors, and it in fact therefore did not do pickup things very well, possibly breaking if taken off road or exploding if you put anything more than a brace of Pekinese in the bed, or something, and then Toyota made a similar small pickup but bolted shark fins and dicks to it and painted it flat black with skulls and crossbones and Mad Max style windshield bullet guards, then, sure, I guess, run that campaign. Stupid, but whatever.
But this is not the case, is it? It's more akin to Nissan making a very well engineered small pickup truck that does pickup truck stuff very well, but also has the kind of amenities that everybody likes, such as a good stereo and tight turning radius and decent handling, etc., and then Toyota makes a similar pickup that perhaps is somewhat less polished but with knobbier tires and a louder engine, and then they try to run that campaign.
The iPhone is minimal, not froufrou. It's functionality is useful and straightforward, not fancy or pointlessly decorative. And everybody knows it. Well, as I say, everybody but a perhaps small cohort of people who, what, think Apple is "gay"? Is that a real demographic?
It sort of reminds me of the McCain campaign strategy of trying to paint Obama as a "celebrity." It didn't really work, because there just isn't any bling in the man. He doesn't fit the celebrity, media whore mold, so simply conjuring that up out of thin air just came off as tone-deaf, except, of course, for those predisposed to gobble up whatever negative shit got lobbed, no matter how nonsensical (Dear insane wingers: just an example, please do not counter by pointing out how Obama is in fact a celebrity Supersocialcommunisticislamofascistdocious empty suit, because it's still stupid).
The point being, I think the vast majority seeing this commercial will be mystified if not somewhat frightened. The idea that some kind of stomping, steaming, clanking monster phone is the antidote to some mythical fairy phone is meaningless, for everyone outside of Beavis and Butthead.
Actually yeah I could see an NFL player with a white iPhone. Nothing wrong with white it happens to be one of my favorite colors and yes I'm 19 and I'm a dude and no I'm not gay. When I got my iPhone I wanted white but it was not offered for the 8GB model, everything is black these days so white is different and black quite frankly is boring. Different does not equal feminine
It's funny, I see many professional male athletes and musicians dressed in white suits. Seems to be a style to show wealth within certain cultures. I quite like the look. I find it classy and even have a couple of white suits for when I'm in the Tropics livin' large.
Why he would call someone a fag for having a white phone is bigoted and assinine, especially when so many other Mac products are white, including iPods, mice, Macs and the AppleTV he bought without researching it's capabilites first.
Amusingly, the droid phone I've played with the most is owned by a grrl.
Now that I think of it I only know two people with Droids and they are both girls. But one could kick my arse so she may not count.
Wow. My English meter went off the charts reading that one.
Yours must be broke because mine barely registered any English at all.
OK, since you're not going to read that link and educate yourself, let me explain it to you here.
"All gay men have more disposable income." "All gay men drive fabulous convertibles." Those are stereotyping remarks, but I wouldn't consider them homophobic remarks. They're just overgeneralizing. There may be a grain (or more) of truth, but clearly they're false when you state that all people are this or that. That's a stereotype.
Dude- Ok listen to me good. I'll be clear - those kind of stereotypical remarks are just not acceptable. You don't know any poor gay folk? You stated that there are none but just because you are (not poor- lol) don't make it right. OGay?
OK, the thing I'm not getting here is how, exactly, this ad is effective outside of a fairly limited demographic of quite possibly brain damaged buyers.
For instance, if, I dunno, say, Nissan made a perhaps over refined small pickup truck, with a lot of curves and padding in the interior and extra vanity mirrors, and it in fact therefore did not do pickup things very well, possibly breaking if taken off road or exploding if you put anything more than a brace of Pekinese in the bed, or something, and then Toyota made a similar small pickup but bolted shark fins and dicks to it and painted it flat black with skulls and crossbones and Mad Max style windshield bullet guards, then, sure, I guess, run that campaign. Stupid, but whatever.
But this is not the case, is it? It's more akin to Nissan making a very well engineered small pickup truck that does pickup truck stuff very well, but also has the kind of amenities that everybody likes, such as a good stereo and tight turning radius and decent handling, etc., and then Toyota makes a similar pickup that perhaps is somewhat less polished but with knobbier tires and a louder engine, and then they try to run that campaign.
The iPhone is minimal, not froufrou. It's functionality is useful and straightforward, not fancy or pointlessly decorative. And everybody knows it. Well, as I say, everybody but a perhaps small cohort of people who, what, think Apple is "gay"? Is that a real demographic?
It sort of reminds me of the McCain campaign strategy of trying to paint Obama as a "celebrity." It didn't really work, because there just isn't any bling in the man. He doesn't fit the celebrity, media whore mold, so simply conjuring that up out of thin air just came off as tone-deaf, except, of course, for those predisposed to gobble up whatever negative shit got lobbed, no matter how nonsensical (Dear insane wingers: just an example, please do not counter by pointing out how Obama is in fact a celebrity Supersocialcommunisticislamofascistdocious empty suit, because it's still stupid).
The point being, I think the vast majority seeing this commercial will be mystified if not somewhat frightened. The idea that some kind of stomping, steaming, clanking monster phone is the antidote to some mythical fairy phone is meaningless, for everyone outside of Beavis and Butthead.
See Quadra? Here is an example of what we spoke about before.
Can you seriously see any NFL player with a white iPhone?
Aren't there a lot of NFL teams with uniforms that are light or predominantly white. Try turning on the NFL sometime, it's all about pretty colors - no 'macho' earth tones in there. The most butch color in there is 'sea foam green'.
Besides aren't these the guys in tight, stretchy pants? How exactly do those help you play football? I'm thinking there's a lot more 'fantasy' in football than most self proclaimed 'studs' would like to admit. Ponder that while you're having some beers watching wide receivers and tight ends tackle each other all day long.
God, you're so funny! It wasn't an Apple photo. Did you read Mr. Duncan-Davidson's post? He was off the clock.
No I was reading your "It was so iconic- etc."
Aren't there a lot of NFL teams with uniforms (no pun intended) that are light or predominantly white. Try turning on the NFL sometime, it's all about pretty colors - no 'macho' earth tones in there. The most butch color in there is 'sea foam green'.
Besides aren't these the guys in tight, stretchy pants? How exactly do those help you play football? I'm thinking there's a lot more 'fantasy' in football than most self proclaimed 'studs' would like to admit. Ponder that while you're having some beers watching wide receivers and tight ends tackle each other all day long.
[The iPhone] is more akin to Nissan making a very well engineered small pickup truck that does pickup truck stuff very well, but also has the kind of amenities that everybody likes, such as a good stereo and tight turning radius and decent handling, etc., and then Toyota makes a similar pickup that perhaps is somewhat less polished but with knobbier tires and a louder engine, and then they try to run that campaign.
Good point. What is more, many of the competitors' offerings have copied the iPhone's look too.