Google issues custom unlocked phones ahead of rumored Jan. launch



  • Reply 301 of 344
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    ...except that historical Jesus might have been an idealist who was used - if not sacrificed - by his more practical and opportunistic followers in order to boost their teaching...

    Ah, the Lamb of God thing... IMO Jesus knew exactly what he was doing and was well aware of the consequences.

    But this, is for an entirely different thread.

    Would I call the iPhone the Jesus phone? Heh, maybe not. Not because of principle but because I'd call it the God phone. From the Mind of the Divine into my blessed hands. Seriously at one stage I was feeling pretty meh about tech and phones but once the iPhone 3G was announced, I was like, "Damn, gotta check this out." And once it was in my hands... Well, the rest is history, as they say...

    Again, totally off topic, but I never understood Christianity's focus on Jesus (Protestant) or Mary (Catholic) rather than the concept of the Trinity in its balanced form. It seems like God gets sloppy seconds after everyone has to pray and believe in Jesus or Mary.

    Also, understanding the concept of Christ as a path not just a man is also somewhat missing from mainstream Church preachings. Ah who knows anyway, religion and spirituality is highly diverse nowadays and maybe I've missed something from Chapel/classes growing up in a Methodist (then a year of Lutheran) high school. Now I live in a Muslim country, my dad remains a Hindu and mom a Christian (Pentecostal, as I understand).
  • Reply 302 of 344
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Compare the 13" Envy to the 13" MacBook Pro. What the hell would make me want an Envy for $500 more, when it has the same processor, is only a little lighter, has no optical drive...

    I asked the guy at the shop the same question, and he said, "Because it runs Windows!"

    So now, apparently, there's a $500 "Windows tax."

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    For the price it fails big time, and the trackpad has the great HW aspects of MBPS but really poor drivers that have reviewer stating that you have to use an external mouse to make a useful system. I love the manual on a 2GB SD card and lack of an optical drive, but the OS reinstall disc should have come on an 8GB SD card, though it’s possible MS won’t allow that at this time. I also love the thin aux battery that fits underneath. I assume it’s Li-Poly yet still only gets what the MB gets with it’s single internal battery which is still thinner. HP rates their system at 18 hours with this extra battery. I really wish the metric type used was changed or at least noted so people could look up how vendors calculated the battery time.

    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post


    1. You don't have to use the tracball to navigate, it complements touch screen if you don't want to use two hands

    2. Not as intuitive? Long pres, bubble and select text. Where's the difference?

    I don't think I'm Envious at this stage, from the discussions, though the picture and the Envy website material looks interesting. ATI Mobility Radeon 4830 graphics with 1GB of DDR3 VRAM is nice too. I play games on a PC with an ATI 4830 512MB VRAM and it can do most games at 1920x1080p quite smooth (0x antialiasing).

    But now when do I get mah ATI Mobility Radeon 5-series with 1GB of VRAM in a MacBook Pro which gives me 50% more performance than that Mobility 4830...
  • Reply 303 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    That can change completely next quarter.

    The MS trolls and recently-banned love to quote from the prediction that Android will overtake iPhone in 2012. So I'll go right ahead and use it to show where RIM is headed. You accept one prediction from a source, you need to accept the other from the same source.

    Sure it whatever direction. But the sheet you presented doesn't provide any trends to back your claim, so it is just your gut feeling.

    Here are few things you might consider if you plan to rethink your estimate :

    - BB, even if it is one-trick-pony as you say, is accepted well by the enterprise. iPhone (as of now) is not. They need to crack this sphere to create any serious dent to BB.

    - How many models of iPhone are available with HW keyboard ? ZERO. Believe it or not, there are people that actually prefer the HW keyboard no matter what Jobs says. Those won't switch. Both BB and Android has models with HW keyboard.

    Also, the article you cited for the iPhone is far ahead in mobile usage, but it is tracked by Ads usage and many iPhone apps are it is no surprise they lead by the great margin. The real web usage data are probably not available, and you need to take these with grain of salt (although I like the mobile Safari in iPhone...)
  • Reply 304 of 344
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It?s great how you are looking at this from only one perspective. Apple?s YoY marketshare percentage change is is 4.2% while RiM?s is 4.8%, but that doesn?t indicate each companies handset growth rate, which is important when determining their future potential.

    Apple has a 49% growth rate while RiM?s is 47%. So we have a valid worthwhile metric where Apple is growing faster than RiM YoY. Neither of these in and of themselves are indicative of anything in the future. We can speculate what is likely to happen but we would have to include other factors to do so.

    I think RiM?s BOGO and other revenue reducing tactics to push unit sales is important for determining what we may see for Q3-2010. With multi-touch capacitance touchscreens gaining in popularity I expect RiM?s growth to start slowing and their revenue and profits to start stagnating if thy can?t come out with a competing device for the consumer market. The Storm and Storm2 are not contenders.

    No it is interesting to see how you look from your only one. If company X sells 10 units instead of 1 it makes for 1000% growth but they are still irrelevant. In absolute numbers, BB increased their lead over iPhone in the last year, so it is really funny for you to argue Apple is in great position to overtake BB. BB is accepted by the enterprise : if your employer choice of your next mobile is three models of BB, which iPhone will you choose ? The one you have to pay by yourself and use BB you get for free to fix that short leg of your table ?
  • Reply 305 of 344
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007

    1.Then sooner or later the users start asking why do I need a track ball to navigate?

    Why can't I just use my finger to get a magnifying bubble like the iPhone?

    2.Why is Cut and Paste not as intuitive and simple as the iPhone?

    1. You don't have to use the tracball to navigate, it complements touch screen if you don't want to use two hands

    2. Not as intuitive? Long pres, bubble and select text. Where's the difference?

    Also, using the trackball is the only way how to navigate on some web pages that relly on distinguishing between element select and press (such as show the sub-menu)...yes, such pages exists and are impossible to use on iPhone.
  • Reply 306 of 344
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Tell me how much money can developers say their currently making or even had made before Apple stepped into the mobile app space?


    Android has not!! ... It may be a relevant SDK platform especially compared to the other tasteless software.

    When was the last time you saw a android commercial promoting it's feature of apps??

    How many Million Apps have users downloaded for android??

    and the list goes on.... Apple does the WHOLE PACKAGE BETTER.... They actually get it right.... Android will be the next viable option for developers but in my eyes APPLE IS NUMERO UNO.


    Why are you now talking about something completely different ? Are you out of arguments ? The original post of yours was about all those new great APIs of iPhone...where quite few of them were existing on Android for a long time.

    But to your new topic : what is so different on that complete ecosystem Apple provides you from the one Android gives you ? The same SDK, the same access to respective Market. Yes AppStore is (currently) bigger one, but what is the difference in completeness (except your application can be rejected from AppStore without reason) ?

    I don't downplay the success of the AppStore, but if you are new developer planning for a start, what benefit is there for you that you compete against 100,000 other applications ? From those billions of downloads, how many are for free applications ? How many developers will never earn back the $99/year Apple charges them ? I would say it is quite a big part of them, it is not an automatic bonanza. The only immediate difference I see is AppStore offers international sales right now, but you can legally sell outside Android Market (using Premium SMS as your payment channel, if you prefer...)

    And to your first question, there were serious money in the mobile application business even before rumors of first iPhone ever surfaced. I manage to live for entire decade living from what I earn from mobile applications, and we sold hundreds of thousands of copies of some of our titles.
  • Reply 307 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    So... do you compare iPhone to Biblical Jesus, or to Roman Jesus..?

    dear mr nikon sir

    QUADRA 610 is not saying that the iphone is the jesus phone

    quadra 610 and tens of thousand s of others have stated to call the iphone the jesus phone

    i listen to 5 or 6 MAC related podcasts and all 6 six refer to the iphone 3GS as the jesus phone \\many bloggers also say the same thing .

    it just kinda happened taht this term took off


    NO ONE .

    so stop the BS either you don't live in the apple world or you would know this or

    you come from OUTSIDE the apple world and you choose to make a fuss about a term widely used . Simply get up to speed dude .again no one is attackimng your faith .

    fine make a fuss

    but go talk to MAC WORLD MAG or OS KEN mac podcast among dozens of others

    LEAVE quadra 610 alone ..


    peace 9
  • Reply 308 of 344
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    dear mr nikon sir

    QUADRA 610 is not saying that the iphone is the jesus phone

    quadra 610 and tens of thousand s of others have stated to call the iphone the jesus phone

    i listen to 5 or 6 MAC related podcasts and all 6 six refer to the iphone 3GS as the jesus phone \\many bloggers also say the same thing .

    it just kinda happened taht this term took off


    NO ONE .

    so stop the BS either you don't live in the apple world or you would know this or

    you come from OUTSIDE the apple world and you choose to make a fuss about a term widely used . Simply get up to speed dude .again no one is attackimng your faith .

    fine make a fuss

    but go talk to MAC WORLD MAG or OS KEN mac podcast among dozens of others

    LEAVE quadra 610 alone ..


    peace 9

    Jeezus, man . . .
  • Reply 309 of 344
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    True.. It's a start, though if I'm a Huge cooperation with millions to spend on R&D, I would definitely be taking pages out of Apple's book to contribute to society.

    " Great artist steal, Bad artist copy " -Steve Jobs (Steve got the quote from pablo picaso)

    Comes to tech, it is sometimes hard to say if someone is stealing or copying

    Because taking pages from Apple, HP did. Envy is all metal (though not unibody) and does come closer to MPB much closer than any other HP. I've seen 13" and in real it looks nice - a bit slimmer than MBP, closer to Air actually.

    Major caveat I have - here in NZ it costs NZ$3700-ish. Yes it has faster CPU, better graphics, more RAM and bigger HDD than basic MBP, but it lacks optical drive and is almost twice as expensive (13" MBP starting at NZ$2000). Which makes it pointless for me.

    Still, I'm finding it important because it is right move in trying to return non-Apple notebooks in premium segment. If others follow, prices will go down quickly and design will improve further. And more competition (and more pressure on Apple) in premium market can't hurt Apple users as well.
  • Reply 310 of 344
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Compare the 13" Envy to the 13" MacBook Pro. What the hell would make me want an Envy for $500 more, when it has the same processor, is only a little lighter, has no optical drive...

    I asked the guy at the shop the same question, and he said, "Because it runs Windows!"

    So now, apparently, there's a $500 "Windows tax."

    Much more than $500 here in NZ, sadly.

    Seems HP is thinking in line of "we are the only one offering premium looking PC, so we can set our price anywhere we like".

    Hey, I just said I like it - not that I'll buy it

    Comes to ultra portable, I don't require anything more than something like Asus UL30A. Of course, that is only my personal preference.
  • Reply 311 of 344
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Ah, the Lamb of God thing... IMO Jesus knew exactly what he was doing and was well aware of the consequences.

    But this, is for an entirely different thread.

    Would I call the iPhone the Jesus phone? Heh, maybe not. Not because of principle but because I'd call it the God phone. From the Mind of the Divine into my blessed hands. Seriously at one stage I was feeling pretty meh about tech and phones but once the iPhone 3G was announced, I was like, "Damn, gotta check this out." And once it was in my hands... Well, the rest is history, as they say...

    Again, totally off topic, but I never understood Christianity's focus on Jesus (Protestant) or Mary (Catholic) rather than the concept of the Trinity in its balanced form. It seems like God gets sloppy seconds after everyone has to pray and believe in Jesus or Mary.

    Also, understanding the concept of Christ as a path not just a man is also somewhat missing from mainstream Church preachings. Ah who knows anyway, religion and spirituality is highly diverse nowadays and maybe I've missed something from Chapel/classes growing up in a Methodist (then a year of Lutheran) high school. Now I live in a Muslim country, my dad remains a Hindu and mom a Christian (Pentecostal, as I understand).

    That is a bit contradictory - God, if you believe in one (or many) is above you, not in your hands

    (Though now that I said that, can't avoid to reflect on Swedish Action Movies, where ladies usually say "Oh, my God!" when they take in their hands their partner's... um... never mind...)
  • Reply 312 of 344
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Comes to tech, it is sometimes hard to say if someone is stealing or copying

    Because taking pages from Apple, HP did. Envy is all metal (though not unibody) and does come closer to MPB much closer than any other HP. I've seen 13" and in real it looks nice - a bit slimmer than MBP, closer to Air actually.

    Major caveat I have - here in NZ it costs NZ$3700-ish. Yes it has faster CPU, better graphics, more RAM and bigger HDD than basic MBP, but it lacks optical drive and is almost twice as expensive (13" MBP starting at NZ$2000). Which makes it pointless for me.

    Still, I'm finding it important because it is right move in trying to return non-Apple notebooks in premium segment. If others follow, prices will go down quickly and design will improve further. And more competition (and more pressure on Apple) in premium market can't hurt Apple users as well.

    The Envys are impressive in many ways and there are several things I hope Apple adopts for the next MBPs, but for the price and lack of battery they are ultimately a bad buy for most.

    The differences between the MBPs is pretty simple but the Envys are more diverse. The 13? Envy is more inline with the MBA. They use the same low-voltage CPU as the MBA.

    The 15.6? Envy does have a quad-core Core i7 but I think that is a bad choice as the battery life is bad. They offer a external slab that attached underneath but that isn?t included and it adds to that already 1.08? of that Envy.

    I like the option for 2x 1.18? drives instead of one 2.5? drive but I don?t know how marketable that is. I think Apple would go with the new Seagate singl-platter 2.5? HDD, which has a max of 250GB right now, than doing dual 1.8? drives.
  • Reply 313 of 344
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    dear mr nikon sir

    QUADRA 610 is not saying that the iphone is the jesus phone

    quadra 610 and tens of thousand s of others have stated to call the iphone the jesus phone

    i listen to 5 or 6 MAC related podcasts and all 6 six refer to the iphone 3GS as the jesus phone \\many bloggers also say the same thing .

    it just kinda happened taht this term took off


    NO ONE .

    so stop the BS either you don't live in the apple world or you would know this or

    you come from OUTSIDE the apple world and you choose to make a fuss about a term widely used . Simply get up to speed dude .again no one is attackimng your faith .

    fine make a fuss

    but go talk to MAC WORLD MAG or OS KEN mac podcast among dozens of others

    LEAVE quadra 610 alone ..


    peace 9

    Dear Mr Brucep Sir,

    I don't have faith or, to be more precise, I don't have faith in any "holy" book written by man.

    I do, however, own iPhone 3Gs and like it a lot. I just don't like it in any religious way, I just like it as handy device that I have many uses for. But I also like my digital cameras, and my Logitech steering wheel, Victorinox Swiss Knife... and I wouldn't call any of them Jesus camera, Jesus knife (hm...) or Jesus wheel.

    (Well, when I get home from work I tend to find divine qualities in my shower, but I'd rather call it Buda shower than Jesus shower anyway, as Buda was sort of more joyous dude.)

    So when someone does, I'm curious to learn what divine inspiration he/she finds that iDon't. Pardon, that I don't. Likewise, I enjoy discussing with one of my mates who is devoted Christian and does see Bible as one and only truth.

    And I really don't see where lies source of your problems, but I sincerely apologies if I managed to upset you in any way
  • Reply 314 of 344
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Jeezus, man . . .

    Hard not to agree with you on this one...
  • Reply 315 of 344
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post


    1. You don't have to use the tracball to navigate, it complements touch screen if you don't want to use two hands

    2. Not as intuitive? Long pres, bubble and select text. Where's the difference?

    1. Oh yeah? Can you accurately position your cursor between characters using a magnifying circular bubble?

    2. Oh yeah? Can you accurately position your selection end points to cut, copy and paste text, images, contact objects etc..?

    How consistent are these features across various android based phones?

    Time will tell.
  • Reply 316 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Jeezus, man . . .

    did i go to far ??

    i sold my goog and will buy sbux
  • Reply 317 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Dear Mr Brucep Sir,

    I don't have faith or, to be more precise, I don't have faith in any "holy" book written by man.

    I do, however, own iPhone 3Gs and like it a lot. I just don't like it in any religious way, I just like it as handy device that I have many uses for. But I also like my digital cameras, and my Logitech steering wheel, Victorinox Swiss Knife... and I wouldn't call any of them Jesus camera, Jesus knife (hm...) or Jesus wheel.

    (Well, when I get home from work I tend to find divine qualities in my shower, but I'd rather call it Buda shower than Jesus shower anyway, as Buda was sort of more joyous dude.)

    So when someone does, I'm curious to learn what divine inspiration he/she finds that iDon't. Pardon, that I don't. Likewise, I enjoy discussing with one of my mates who is devoted Christian and does see Bible as one and only truth.

    And I really don't see where lies source of your problems, but I sincerely apologies if I managed to upset you in any way

    problems?? too many to count i was having a bad hair day >i guess and ranted on for a while sorry bout that i probably mis understood the whole shebang bet you and quasar anyway


    as for your shower activities i will close my eyes and step away

    peace dude
  • Reply 318 of 344
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    problems?? too many to count i was having a bad hair day >i guess and ranted on for a while sorry bout that i probably mis understood the whole shebang bet you and quasar anyway


    as for your shower activities i will close my eyes and step away

    peace dude

    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    did i go to far ??

    i sold my goog and will buy sbux

    I have no idea what is going on here. brucep sounds like he is on one longggggg trip of some kind.
  • Reply 319 of 344
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    "Change your company's name. Not that big of a deal."

    Loving your signature though.
  • Reply 320 of 344
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    The same ones the iPhone brought us a year earlier, but without the great OS and robust App Store.

    You've obviously never experienced Google Voice, Google Wave, or Google Maps w/TbT Navigation.

    Discount them if you will, but they truly represent the future of mobile communication, much more so than some archaic 320x480 display of Romper Room-inspired colored boxes posing as a GUI.
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