Former Google China president reveals details on Apple's tablet



  • Reply 21 of 226
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Back-Side Interface for Hand-Held Devices

    I forgot about that patent. That is somewhat what I had in mind with the back knowing the hand placement, but I wasn?t considering that backside finger manipulation to control frontside display actions. This could be huge if it works well and it?s certainly not anything anyone else has, that I?ve seen.
  • Reply 22 of 226
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I wish those Chinese businessmen would learn to SHUT THE HELL UP! You all think Jobs can be an egotistical control freak sometimes? If I was running Apple I would hire some mercs to fly to china to beat that guy up!

    It's not surprising. It's just an entirely different mindset. Just look at the fake iPhones from China ~ I was playing with one the other day, which my friend's dad got. I mean, they took the trouble to develop a whole UI that virtually copied the iPhone, but with a clearly entirely different codebase. That team that did the copying probably could do some amazing stuff with Android.

    It's a wild world out there.

    To be honest, I'm surprised there hasn't been more definitive leaks from Apple. They really are keeping as tight a lid on this as possible.

    My only concern is what kind of marketshare do they hope from the Tablet? It's nice and it rounds out their product range but I see it as contributing only about 10%-20% of their bottom line. Unless it is the "gateway drug" to a Mac. And it has massive rollout in the education market ~ an entirely new paradigm in education. Business, maybe, but tablets only really apply in vertical markets which is tricky for Apple's broad consumer focus.

    I think it would be something ahead of its time in some ways, borrowed ideas in some ways, and like I said, grouped together with the iPhone and iPod as a minority but significant "halo effect" driver to Macs.
  • Reply 23 of 226
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    You will find out the answer to your question on Jan. 26th. Steve will explain it all to you then.

    In the meantime, get your wallet ready.

    Oh boy, it's ready. USD $800? Is that about right? Hope it's not more. Well, it's this tablet or my Spain trip.
  • Reply 24 of 226
    This happens this time every year. It's a rumor.
  • Reply 25 of 226
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    My only concern is what kind of marketshare do they hope from the Tablet? It's nice and it rounds out their product range but I see it as contributing only about 10%-20% of their bottom line. Unless it is the "gateway drug" to a Mac. And it has massive rollout in the education market ~ an entirely new paradigm in education. Business, maybe, but tablets only really apply in vertical markets which is tricky for Apple's broad consumer focus.

    I think it would be something ahead of its time in some ways, borrowed ideas in some ways, and like I said, grouped together with the iPhone and iPod as a minority but significant "halo effect" driver to Macs.

    Well we have to assume (for now) this is Apple's answer to not only the Netbook craze but the Kindle. It has to be priced appropriately (im thinking 599...), too low could cannibalize iPhone sales, especially if it runs iPhone apps and too high will possibly hurt the 999 macbook or keep the device from getting any real traction.

    We have to think it has a purpose beyond what we expect. I for one dont care for 720p videos on a 10 inch device...especially with mobile phones increasingly getting higher res, but we will have to see the ENTIRE package before one can pass judgement
  • Reply 26 of 226
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    And you're supposed to type on a virtual keyboard while it's vertical on a stand?

    A device like this screams out for a swivel and fold physical keyboard that can act as it's own stand.

    That's why I've been saying for years it should be foldable dual touchscreen. So that you can read it vertically in the form of a book, or set it up like a conventional laptop. Or, fold it backwards onto itself so you have a tablet form factor. A bit too non-minimalist for Apple to do though.
  • Reply 27 of 226
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Well we have to assume (for now) this is Apple's answer to not only the Netbook craze but the Kindle. It has to be priced appropriately (im thinking 599...), too low could cannibalize iPhone sales, especially if it runs iPhone apps and too high will possibly hurt the 999 macbook or keep the device from getting any real traction.

    We have to think it has a purpose beyond what we expect. I for one dont care for 720p videos on a 10 inch device...especially with mobile phones increasingly getting higher res, but we will have to see the ENTIRE package before one can pass judgement

    Yeah, it's something that kinda dances around the netbook, ultraportable laptop, kindle, and so on, feeding into and feeding off the netbook/ ultralight notebook/ eBook "craze"... $699 for 32GB and $799 for 64GB, perhaps.

    Apple's education market and education sales division needs to be appropriately positioned because the tablet could mix up how Macbooks are used.

    I wasn't too serious about 720p, I don't think it would officially support that, just 480p downloads and video and so on.
  • Reply 28 of 226
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That's why I've been saying for years it should be foldable dual touchscreen. So that you can read it vertically in the form of a book, or set it up like a conventional laptop. Or, fold it backwards onto itself so you have a tablet form factor. A bit too non-minimalist for Apple to do though.

    too non-minimalist for apple and too-john-scully for steve jobs.
  • Reply 29 of 226
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Huh? I don't get it. Who is the market audience for this device? My MacBook and MacBook Pro and iPhone do everything that I need... why would I want a tablet?

    Well, that's just it. Apple hasn't released a product here because there's no obvious benefit to a tablet. That they're likely to introduce one tells us they've solved a problem that benefits a tablet form factor. That's what makes Apple different - they don't just make gadgets, they make gadgets that solve problems nobody else has solved.

    If I had to guess, Apple plans on bringing full electronic publication to the masses. They've been flinging at that wall for a decade now, but Apple's really huge success in the last 5 years is solving the micropayment problem - selling stuff for under a buck and having everyone make money off of it. That's what the publishers have always failed at. I'm guessing we'll see Kindle services plus a payment system for broader electronic publishing. $0.99 for a weeks subscription to a local newspaper when you travel, that sort of thing. Apple will make it all nice and swizzy, operate the store so the publishers just need to upload, and bake in a bunch of other useful stuff. My guess is that they also landed the textbook publishers and plan on selling these to universities and after the price comes down to public schools.
  • Reply 30 of 226
    Originally Posted by johnsonwax View Post

    Well, that's just it. Apple hasn't released a product here because there's no obvious benefit to a tablet. That they're likely to introduce one tells us they've solved a problem that benefits a tablet form factor. That's what makes Apple different - they don't just make gadgets, they make gadgets that solve problems nobody else has solved.

    If I had to guess, Apple plans on bringing full electronic publication to the masses. They've been flinging at that wall for a decade now, but Apple's really huge success in the last 5 years is solving the micropayment problem - selling stuff for under a buck and having everyone make money off of it. That's what the publishers have always failed at. I'm guessing we'll see Kindle services plus a payment system for broader electronic publishing. $0.99 for a weeks subscription to a local newspaper when you travel, that sort of thing. Apple will make it all nice and swizzy, operate the store so the publishers just need to upload, and bake in a bunch of other useful stuff. My guess is that they also landed the textbook publishers and plan on selling these to universities and after the price comes down to public schools.

    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Huh? I don't get it. Who is the market audience for this device? My MacBook and MacBook Pro and iPhone do everything that I need... why would I want a tablet?

    Well, my iPhone is mainly a phone with access to important Internet stuff when I need to. Other than that I don't play games on it and I can't doze off on the couch or bed with it, the screen's too small.

    My MacBook Aluminium 13" is for work/life stuff. But it's a little heavy, and folding it open and close and carrying it around everywhere is a little clunky now. MacBook Air is overkill.

    As such, enter the Tablet.

    Home use ~ I can basically chill out where I need to while reading forums, checking Facebook [not that I am a big social networker or anything], news, YouTube, etc. Some light gaming, a bit of reading (Wired in print, for example, in Asia, is way way overpriced. Direct digital downloads using my iTunes Store US account will be much more affordable)... Just nice for a bit of chillout before my afternoon nap.

    Education use ~ positioned correctly, this will totally ignite and revolutionise the way laptops or "computer labs" are used in schools and colleges/universities.

    Corporate use ~ Ah, therein lies the rub. But the Tablet will be, like the iPhone, the gateway drug to growing or at least sustaining Mac sales for business use.
  • Reply 31 of 226
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I hope iPhone OS X apps are allowed. I think this will help sell this device which is be design already niche when you look at the current tablet market.

    Sorry do you want iPhoneOS apps, or MacOSX apps?

    I believe that if OSX apps are allowed then people will use them. The side effect of that is that the tablet interface will suffer as it will emulate a keyboard/mouse interface. This will mean that the best place to run your apps would actually be a laptop.

    That's what's happened previously with tablets.

    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Huh? I don't get it. Who is the market audience for this device? My MacBook and MacBook Pro and iPhone do everything that I need... why would I want a tablet?

    Yeah. It has to offer something different or do it better.

    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    You'll still need a Mac to sync it with.

    Or PC.

    But I wouldn't be surprised to see it entirely sync with MobileMe if you didn't have a computer. That would give it a backup too. All data accessible via web too.

    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    so i guess this is coming with a stand right? At 10.1 inches that doesnt exactly make it 2 hand friendly and if you have to peck at it with 1 hand...f that.

    Yep. Single hand interface is a different beast!

    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Well we have to assume (for now) this is Apple's answer to not only the Netbook craze but the Kindle. It has to be priced appropriately (im thinking 599...), too low could cannibalize iPhone sales, especially if it runs iPhone apps and too high will possibly hurt the 999 macbook or keep the device from getting any real traction.

    Perhaps they can subsidise by forcing a mobileme subscription for 2 years?
  • Reply 32 of 226
    Originally Posted by johnsonwax View Post

    That's what makes Apple different - they don't just make gadgets, they make gadgets that solve problems nobody else has solved...

    Bingo. They'll take this whole netbook/ nettop/ tablet/ slate/ ultrathin/ ultralight/ whatever madness and develop something actually useful and not just a gadget for gadgetry's sake.

    I like my Macbook Aluminium 13" but it needs to be slightly smaller, lose one half of it that is not screen and be at least 1/5th lighter. Or, my iPhone needs to have a 5x bigger screen, if you look at it that way.
  • Reply 33 of 226
    Originally Posted by Brometheus View Post

    A webcam. Hmm. A webcam works really well with a laptop because the screen is roughly perpendicular to the keyboard. With a tablet, there's an obvious difference. I don't think holding the tablet up in your hand is an elegant solution. This appears to be an opportunity for Apple to create an innovative stand for the tablet. Something that will allow for ichat functionality and at the same time not topple over or slide across a park bench when objects on the screen are manually manipulated (touched).

    I'd imagine the webcam to work when you are working on the tablet, looking directly down at it while getting a crick in your neck...
  • Reply 34 of 226
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Sorry do you want iPhoneOS apps, or MacOSX apps?

    ...I believe that if OSX apps are allowed then people will use them. The side effect of that is that the tablet interface will suffer as it will emulate a keyboard/mouse interface. This will mean that the best place to run your apps would actually be a laptop.

    ...That's what's happened previously with tablets.

    ...Yeah. It has to offer something different or do it better.

    ...Or PC.

    ...But I wouldn't be surprised to see it entirely sync with MobileMe if you didn't have a computer. That would give it a backup too. All data accessible via web too.

    ...Yep. Single hand interface is a different beast!

    ...Perhaps they can subsidise by forcing a mobileme subscription for 2 years?

    That's why it will be iPhone++ OS. Because a desktop/laptop OS crammed into a tablet just doesn't cut it.

    It will sync with Mac and PC. Apple has to go this route because iPod and iPhone and iTunes and Apple is successful because it actually has a lot of PC users.

    MobileMe won't be forced but will be useful for push/ sync etc. like with the iPhone and iPod touch.
  • Reply 35 of 226
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Oh boy, it's ready. USD $800? Is that about right? Hope it's not more. Well, it's this tablet or my Spain trip.

    Your choice is clear dude. Your choice is clear.
  • Reply 36 of 226
    Steve Jobs is not going to be happy with this apparent leak about the new Apple tablet.

    Sounds like a nice piece of hardware, with great software included. I want one!
  • Reply 37 of 226
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Yeah, it's something that kinda dances around the netbook, ultraportable laptop, kindle, and so on, feeding into and feeding off the netbook/ ultralight notebook/ eBook "craze"... $699 for 32GB and $799 for 64GB, perhaps.

    Apple's education market and education sales division needs to be appropriately positioned because the tablet could mix up how Macbooks are used.

    I wasn't too serious about 720p, I don't think it would officially support that, just 480p downloads and video and so on.

    im gonna go out on a limb here and say its probably going to utilize a hard drive...699 for only 32GB would just be absurd imo, thats big for a phone but horrid for a device thats "more than a ebook reader". If Apple is going for mobile media playback bigger storage is guaranteed. Also for the price of 699--799 it had better support 720p, cause many people are expecting a resolution bump of the iphone to atleast 480p to match many competitors.

    I was talking about the Tablet in education and i think it would have minimal impact unless the scope of textbooks changed and made a real push towards online books. The loss of a keyboard is a huge one as well (but we assume it would work with Apples bluetooth keyboard, would be REALLY stupid if it didnt) and would need to run full OS X in general.

    This is really targeted to the consumer market than it is for education purposes (even though it could be) but the potential in education could be huge if publishers shift to digital content
  • Reply 38 of 226
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That's why I've been saying for years it should be foldable dual touchscreen. So that you can read it vertically in the form of a book, or set it up like a conventional laptop. Or, fold it backwards onto itself so you have a tablet form factor. A bit too non-minimalist for Apple to do though.

    A foldable dual touchscreen would solve a lot of problems. How about one screen that is foldable? Flexible display technology?

    Bah, one can dream can't one?
  • Reply 39 of 226
    Originally Posted by Brometheus View Post

    A webcam. Hmm. A webcam works really well with a laptop because the screen is roughly perpendicular to the keyboard. With a tablet, there's an obvious difference. I don't think holding the tablet up in your hand is an elegant solution. This appears to be an opportunity for Apple to create an innovative stand for the tablet. Something that will allow for ichat functionality and at the same time not topple over or slide across a park bench when objects on the screen are manually manipulated (touched).

    Why not? When your chatting, that is probably all you will be doing. You just hold it up like you hold up your phone now.
  • Reply 40 of 226
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Sorry do you want iPhoneOS apps, or MacOSX apps?

    I clearly stated iPhone, not Mac. Assuming it?s multitouch and uses fingers as the primary input, you can?t have Mac apps on this device without the apps all needing to be rewritten to use fingers. Mac OS apps are all written to use a very finite pointing device that has aspects that a finger on glass can?t easily accomplish.
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