Former Google China president reveals details on Apple's tablet



  • Reply 61 of 226
    As Bill Gates will tell you, tablets don't sell. And who would really buy a giant iPhone that's too cumbersome to carry around in a pocket?

    And yet Apple confidently expects to sell 10m of these things in year one - more than even the (cheaper) iphone, which entered a market category that already existed.

    It all suggests to me that we're looking at a truly stunning new product, with an interface that is not merely awesome but instantly desirable.

    And that, for me, suggests that this is the device in which all those 3-d patents finally emerge blinking into the sunlight.

    Just think: I'd buy one.
  • Reply 62 of 226
    Originally Posted by shall22 View Post

    As Bill Gates will tell you, tablets don't sell. And who would really buy a giant iPh that's too cumbersome to carry around in a pocket?

    And yet Apple confidently expects to sell 10m of these things in year one - more than even the (cheaper) iphone, which entered a market category that already existed.

    It all suggests to me that we're looking at a truly stunning new product, with an interface that is not merely awesome but instantly desirable.

    And that, for me, suggests that this is the device in which all those 3-d patents finally emerge blinking into the sunlight.

    Just think: I'd buy one.

    It HAS to be something like this otherwise it will be a flop and it won't sell, and i think apple knows that. A scaled up iphone is a waste of time. My ipod touch is fun, but not that useful practically, and the games are cheap and feel cheap (no depth, quick time wasters).

    Like everyone has been saying apple needs to CREATE a new market with a product so useful that people go 'how the hell have I been living without this!'. I suppose if it is incredibly cool with a brand new intuitive interface that makes computing 'fun' again, then it may get away without being incredible revolutionary in terms of productivity or usefulness.

    I don't want an ebook reader and I print out most of the publications I read (scientist). Even though I know it's bad for the environment it's hard to keep track of and read lots of papers on a computer screen.
  • Reply 63 of 226
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That's why I've been saying for years it should be foldable dual touchscreen. So that you can read it vertically in the form of a book, or set it up like a conventional laptop. Or, fold it backwards onto itself so you have a tablet form factor. A bit too non-minimalist for Apple to do though.

    Sounds like your describing microdofts courier. What will be a feat for MSFT, would be if it's true that it's an actual Microsoft computer instead of licensing out the technology to oem's.

    That would be a first and while I just started reading this thread, I wonder how long it will take before someone posts that fake huge iPhone that's been floating around for a while.

    I just want something solid. Not rounded, slipping, shuffling aroung all over the place.

    Happy Newyear
  • Reply 64 of 226
    I'm intrigued - why does the webcam come up time and time again as a WOW, killer feature in this tablet? Since when was video conferencing ever a desirable feature in a handheld device? Does anyone actually know anyone who attends video conferences?! I don't get why people keep spouting such niche features as features that are highly desirable and will make Apple sell millions upon millions of these devices! Video calls have been around for many years now already, and it's barely taken off - I've tried one, and there's a certain amount of discomfort in knowing the person on the other end of the line can see you, and it just doesn't feel like a natural interaction. You also have to be in a private location due to having your voice and the voice of the other person coming out loud and clear, nevermind that people passing by would be able to see the other caller on the screen too. This is of course assuming the device has some sort of telephony functionality, but even without it, a webcam would be somewhat a gimmicky feature given the amount of jostling and moving around a handheld device would need to operate it properly. The person on the other end would get sea sick!
  • Reply 65 of 226
    Originally Posted by pridon View Post

    This is the magic tool which will be used to automate the health care system under Obama's haalth care plan. It will be integrated with blue tooth connections to patient monitors, scan and time date the meds with the camera when being given, provide alerts to the nursing staff of anything outside of specified limits, etc, etc. Thats about 500K units over 3-5 years and a lot of app type sales.

    I beleive that if the unit is carrier subsidized and available for about the px of my 64 K iPOd, the 1.2 million projection CY 10 (Q2-4) is way low, if it has a global release and production can keep up.

    I can see the unit becoming required hardware at multple universities for digital texts and class assignments, replacing the iPOd/Iphone in these apps.

    I will be buying one for sure and only just bout a 64G ipod in December.

    Hallelujah... someone gets it!

    Within my family is a major company CEO here in Germany that does major tech planning for hospitals and clinics. They've been excited about BT enabled devices... incl. the iPhone/iPodTouch, and integrating them within their advanced health care and out-patient monitoring.

    HOWEVER... the devices are too damn small for geriatrics to use and see. I've been telling him for a few months to just wait a little longer due to rumours of this device. It will be perfect for his clients!

    I'm expecting this device to be back-ordered to the tune of about 10 million devices by July, for this reason and no other.

    Now take into account the web connectivity, e-reader, magazines, video, etc. etc for the "consuming" masses, and you have a device that will change the world.

    Someone on another blog asked "so will it cure cancer?". Answer: not cure... but may help in saving lives in health emergency situations... you bet!

    I'm always amazed at the myopic and egotistic points of view here, like, " I have this, that, and the kitchen sink... why do "I" need a Tablet?" "YOU" probably do NOT need one.... YET! Wishing y'all good health 'til that day inevitably comes. You may not be hooked into an Apple one at that time, but this device will have paved the way for the sure-to-come copycat devices on the horizon.

    I personally will be buying 3 of these on launch:

    1 for my inlaws, who are scared to death of computers, but love their daughters new iPhone;

    1 for my Dad, who's 81 and doesn't want or need a PC, but still wants the web;


    1 for "Moi"... just for fun, and better than slogging my 17" MBP around the house when I'm not in front of it, or my MP in my atelier.

    Syncing will be done on a Mac or PC using iTunes... and/or "Voila", stand-alone with a MobileMe account. The new mega data center in NC goes online before the end of 2010.

    PS: do y'all now see why a "National Broadband Initiative" supported by tax dollars is absolute necessary, and no longer a "luxury" item?
  • Reply 66 of 226
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Hallelujah... someone gets it!

    Within my family is a major company CEO here in Germany that does major tech planning for hospitals and clinics. They've been excited about BT enabled devices... incl. the iPhone/iPodTouch, and integrating them within their advanced health care and out-patient monitoring.

    HOWEVER... the devices are too damn small for geriatrics to use and see. I've been telling him for a few months to just wait a little longer due to rumours of this device. It will be perfect for his clients!

    I'm expecting this device to be back-ordered to the tune of about 10 million devices by July, for this reason and no other.

    Now take into account the web connectivity, e-reader, magazines, video, etc. etc for the "consuming" masses, and you have a device that will change the world.

    Someone on another blog asked "so will it cure cancer?". Answer: not cure... but may help in saving lives in health emergency situations... you bet!

    I'm always amazed at the myopic and egotistic points of view here, like, " I have this, that, and the kitchen sink... why do "I" need a Tablet?" "YOU" probably do NOT need one.... YET! Wishing y'all good health 'til that day inevitably comes. You may not be hooked into an Apple one at that time, but this device will have paved the way for the sure-to-come copycat devices on the horizon.

    I personally will be buying 3 of these on launch:

    1 for my inlaws, who are scared to death of computers, but love their daughters new iPhone;

    1 for my Dad, who's 81 and doesn't want or need a PC, but still wants the web;


    1 for "Moi"... just for fun, and better than slogging my 17" MBP around the house when I'm not in front of it, or my MP in my atelier.

    Syncing will be done on a Mac or PC using iTunes... and/or "Voila", stand-alone with a MobileMe account. The new mega data center in NC goes online before the end of 2010.

    PS: do y'all now see why a "National Broadband Initiative" supported by tax dollars is absolute necessary, and no longer a "luxury" item?

    Of the people who 'get it', I think the 2 of you are the furthest from the mark. Apple make consumer grade products for everyday people, not medical products. I can't even begin to imagine how big a waste of money it would be to integrate such devices into a system that probably already does the job just fine. Apple will be asking top whack for these devices to keep on inflating their massive bank balance, whilst leaving hospitals and medical institutions with a bunch of devices that are completely frivolous for their needs. What do you suppose the hospitals do with these devices; hand them out to terminally ill people so they can book their online funeral and purchase themselves a gravestone from Amazon?
  • Reply 67 of 226
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I wish those Chinese businessmen would learn to SHUT THE HELL UP! You all think Jobs can be an egotistical control freak sometimes? If I was running Apple I would hire some mercs to fly to china to beat that guy up!

    Oh whatever. Gimme a break. It helps create buzz. I figured out there wasn't really a Santa Clause when I was 7... but it didn't make Christmas any less fun. Heck, even my 70 year old parents have heard the tablet rumors!!!! I think it's amazing. Having used Macs for over 15 years and suffered through the Gil Amelio years... I'm ecstatic to live in a world where people CARE about Apple and have long-since stopped using the word "beleaguered" every time the company is mentioned. You should he happy people are talking about Apple.
  • Reply 68 of 226
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    Of the people who 'get it', I think the 2 of you are the furthest from the mark. Apple make consumer grade products for everyday people, not medical products. I can't even begin to imagine how big a waste of money it would be to integrate such devices into a system that probably already does the job just fine. Apple will be asking top whack for these devices to keep on inflating their massive bank balance, whilst leaving hospitals and medical institutions with a bunch of devices that are completely frivolous for their needs. What do you suppose the hospitals do with these devices; hand them out to terminally ill people so they can book their online funeral and purchase themselves a gravestone from Amazon?

    You obviously don't know much about the medical space. Medical is a huge market segment for currently available tablets. A lot of EMS trucks have tablets in them for starting a file on a patient en-route. When the patient arrives at the ER the doctors already have all the info they need and are prepped and ready to go. But again,,, the hardware they are trying to run these systems on are CRAP. The iPhone has found a LOT of niche uses in the medical and science fields... and this tablet will do the same... but much more so. Sure, it won't be the main market. Not by a long shot. But there IS a market for a great tablet in the Medical segment.
  • Reply 69 of 226
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    You obviously don't know much about the medical space. Medical is a huge market segment for currently available tablets. A lot of EMS trucks have tablets in them for starting a file on a patient en-route. When the patient arrives at the ER the doctors already have all the info they need and are prepped and ready to go. But again,,, the hardware they are trying to run these systems on are CRAP. The iPhone has found a LOT of niche uses in the medical and science fields... and this tablet will do the same... but much more so. Sure, it won't be the main market. Not by a long shot. But there IS a market for a great tablet in the Medical segment.

    Surely as long as they know who you are, can they not already just pull up your medical information on the computer?
  • Reply 70 of 226
    Originally Posted by matt_s View Post

    I agree about the MacBook 13". The problem I can see that is pending on this slate is that it's rumored to run iPhone & not OS X, so modifying / creating Word docs, Excel spreadsheets, Power Point presentations, reports in PDF format, etc. & et al, really becomes problematic.

    How would a guy deliver a PPT to a roomful of customer engineers? Knowing Apple, they'll either be some sort of custom display output port which will require another cable to tote around. However, if it's iPhone & not OS X, it probably won't have a dedicated USB port - or even a display out port. These things would make such a tablet difficult to leverage for business.

    But man oh man, Mac users need and deserve a compact machine that's much more fully featured than the MBA.

    Have you not heard of "Documents to Go" by Dataviz? I had this on my old Palm and it worked beautifully, you could read/write/edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint files and sync back to your Mac/PC. There is now a version for the iPod Touch and iPhone, which I have, so there would be no problem for the same on the tablet.

    I am still waiting for Filemaker (Apple) to bring a mobile version of Filemaker for the iPod Touch/iPhone. Bento is too limited and Filemaker (Apple) are missing the boat big time here. It seems to me that Apple are starving Filemaker of investment, all their updates are generally fairly minimal, but pricey. Not worth every upgrade in my opinion.
  • Reply 71 of 226
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    Surely as long as they know who you are, can they not already just pull up your medical information on the computer?

    Sure, but the tablets are not really used for that. They are used (in my example) by Paramedics for recording and transmitting critical situational information en-route to the hospital. Vitals, mechanism of injury, etc. It's like an electronic SOAP note... but one that is captured electronically (no messy handwriting to make out) and most importantly... instantly available to ER staff... before the patient even arrives. Medusa Medical is a big player in this space.
  • Reply 72 of 226
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Sure, but the tablets are not really used for that. They are used (in my example) by Paramedics for recording and transmitting critical situational information en-route to the hospital. Vitals, mechanism of injury, etc. It's like an electronic SOAP note... but one that is captured electronically (no messy handwriting to make out) and most importantly... instantly available to ER staff... before the patient even arrives. Medusa Medical is a big player in this space.

    If there are already more specific products suited for this purpose, what makes you think they are going to toss them out and buy a load of expensive Mac tablets? I'm sorry, but I just really can't see medical institutions using consumer grade products for such an important task - it seems far more likely they would use an implement that's been designed, tested and perfected for the job at hand.
  • Reply 73 of 226
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    If there are already more specific products suited for this purpose, what makes you think they are going to toss them out and buy a load of expensive Mac tablets? I'm sorry, but I just really can't see medical institutions using consumer grade products for such an important task - it seems far more likely they would use an implement that's been designed, tested and perfected for the job at hand.

    It was an example. Look it up:
  • Reply 74 of 226
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    It was an example. Look it up:

    Errr... yes, but what I'm after is some actual *realistic* examples of where this tablet is going to be of any use, not some half-baked this sounds really cool because it looks really futuristic an' all situation, somewhere where it is actually genuinely useful, bearing in mind all the consumer based features it is likely to contain?
  • Reply 75 of 226
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Your choice is clear dude. Your choice is clear.

    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    I was talking about the Tablet in education and i think it would have minimal impact unless the scope of textbooks changed and made a real push towards online books. The loss of a keyboard is a huge one as well (but we assume it would work with Apples bluetooth keyboard, would be REALLY stupid if it didnt) and would need to run full OS X in general.

    This is really targeted to the consumer market than it is for education purposes (even though it could be) but the potential in education could be huge if publishers shift to digital content

    Yup. Good point on the tablet in education -- this would be more a consumer device, though the tablet could still be good for elementary school, with various learning, drawing, coloring, etc. apps for kids.

    Grades K-6 : Tablet

    Grades 7-9 : Macbook+ iPod/iPhone

    Grades 10-College: Macbook/Pro + IPod/iPhone

    I could be way off in my market segmentation, so many young teens have iPhones now.

    Oh, the madness.
  • Reply 76 of 226
    I am excited to see how Apple wraps the tablet in a compelling eco-system starting with how you create content for it.

    1. A new version of iLife and iWork to support HTML5 and be able to create interactive content (part document, part application) that will work on webkit browsers and as part of the iTunes LP/Extras standards.

    It's not just about publishing companies but ordinary people. Yes it would be great to have interactive, multimedia textbooks but also how great for my own projects to be created and published in this way and student/company newsletters. This could lead to a creative revolution and one that it not confined to just the new tablet owners or even people with Apple devices but is open to all, especially if we get online versions if iLife/iWork to create content.

    If I was Adobe I'd be a little worried about this.

    2. A new version of iPhone OS (will this be v4?) that supports multi-tasking and resolution independence. Yes some iPhone apps will scale up to 10 inch screens but why not also use that screen size to show multiple apps at the same time. Starts to look a little bit like Mac Widgets. So why not make iPhone apps into Mac widgets and let them sync directly not this ridiculous web server syncing I have to do now. This is one thing that Windows Mobile got right (maybe the only one) by letting 3rd party apps use the ActiveSync conduits to sync with desktop apps.

    3. A new version of iTunes (v10) that will support this new content type. Likely to throw in streaming (LaLa) and could even be cloud based.

    4. Some big name content producers. Music, film, TV and Games for sure but sprinkle in some newspaper and magazine publishers too. From what I have seen full colour, interactive magazines could be very cool but pricing could make or break this. This type of print content is advertising funded so how will that play out. What would a Genius feature on electronic magazines do?

    5. A new way to interact. Or maybe just a new way to combine existing input methods? Do I need a keyboard if I have pen/handwriting recognition that works. But then again as a Wacom tablet user a Pen is only good for some things. What if I could combine pen and finger gestures at the same time? The gestures on the Macbook trackpad work really well and have already been expanded to a mouse. Gesture is the next big thing in UI (look at Wii, Project Natal etc) and Apple is at the forefront of this. Also could I use Voice Command as well?

    6. Supporting developments in battery life, graphics processing and wireless networking. Apple clearly has some stuff to leverage in these areas and this project is an ideal platform to showcase these.

    If Apple gets all of this right then it won't matter so much what it's called, how it looks or even how much it costs. It could be a very long presentation on the 26th, let's hope so.
  • Reply 77 of 226
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I'm intrigued - why does the webcam come up time and time again as a WOW, killer feature in this tablet?

    Originally Posted by thesmoth View Post

    It HAS to be something like this otherwise it will be a flop and it won't sell, and i think apple knows that. A scaled up iphone is a waste of time. My ipod touch is fun, but not that useful practically, and the games are cheap and feel cheap (no depth, quick time wasters).

    Like everyone has been saying apple needs to CREATE a new market with a product so useful that people go 'how the hell have I been living without this!'.

    Just found another fascinating example of 3-d - this time on an actual iPhone.

    And this only uses the accelerometer, not a head-tracking webcam...
  • Reply 78 of 226
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    OS X = Umbrella term for all three Apple OS versions running Darwin OS

    Mac OS [X] = Apple?s PC OS

    iPhone OS [X] = OS for iPhone and iPod Touch

    AppleTV OS = An unnamed flavour of OS X.

    iPod OS = Microkernel embedded operating system.

    Tablet OS = A new OS employing the best aspects of all previously created OS, though mostly from the iPhone OS, likely with an entirely new UI specific for the device size and usage?

    I think Tablet OS is definitely a branch off iPhone OS... Maybe with a few learnings from OS X in terms of interface, etc.

    Originally Posted by copeland View Post

    What about Apple's patent for a screen that can take pictures (videos?)?

    I don't know if you would have to hold the screen perpendicular to the scene you want to film or

    if it needs a special angle that you regularly adjust to when working with a tablet.

    How about a camera that doesn't move, but is able to detect where your face it and adjust the geometric distortion accordingly so that whatever angle you are to the tablet it still looks like you are looking at the camera face-on? That would be a Boom! feature.

    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Sounds like your describing microdofts courier. What will be a feat for MSFT, would be if it's true that it's an actual Microsoft computer instead of licensing out the technology to oem's. That would be a first and while I just started reading this thread, I wonder how long it will take before someone posts that fake huge iPhone that's been floating around for a while.

    I just want something solid. Not rounded, slipping, shuffling aroung all over the place.

    Happy Newyear

    Happy New Year. Yeah, Courier is the closest to what I envisaged. But Apple's not going to do the whole thing foldable, probably. Glass + aluminium unibody. Maybe a fold-out stand... Maybe... Imagine just setting it up on the stand, browsing through while having your morning coffee. Flat on the table is not the best angle, just because most of us read physical paper that way. But we read screens vertically. Tablet view as a hybrid of that, possible when using a stand, would be sweet.

    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Sure, but the tablets are not really used for that. They are used (in my example) by Paramedics for recording and transmitting critical situational information en-route to the hospital. Vitals, mechanism of injury, etc. It's like an electronic SOAP note... but one that is captured electronically (no messy handwriting to make out) and most importantly... instantly available to ER staff... before the patient even arrives. Medusa Medical is a big player in this space.

    The hilarious thing will be it will be designed for consumers but just like the iPhone it is going to storm into all sorts of different market spaces where competing products are many times more expensive and less versatile.
  • Reply 79 of 226
    Originally Posted by shall22 View Post

    Just found another fascinating example of 3-d - this time on an actual iPhone.

    And this only uses the accelerometer, not a head-tracking webcam...

    Ah, we're kinda thinking around the same lines (see my post above on some sort of face-tracking to adjust for angle against tablet)...
  • Reply 80 of 226
    I really hope that they make it with a mobile-broadband card so that carriers can sell subsidised versions of it.
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