Violence in Israel/Palestine



  • Reply 21 of 761
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott H.:


    Oh please. Israel was read to do just that. Clinton got a great deal for the terrorist. But Arafat turned his back on it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Arafat turned his back, as did every orthodox Jew in Israel. The extremist Jews are every bit as bad as the fundamentalist Muslims. They're just more accepted because they hold offices in Israel. But they, unlike every other Israel citizen, don't fight in the military, they try to settle in Palestinian land (would the Mexicans like it if you went in and just said "hey, this is mine now), and they assassinated the one man who was leading the region to peace, Rabin. It's shortsighted and wrong to blame everything on the Palestinians.
  • Reply 22 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    The return of the Golan heights is important for the stability in the region, but like agent302 said, this is an issue for Syria and Israel to ressolve. However with the Saudi Arabian proposal for a peace deal for the whole region, this is a serious obstacle...
  • Reply 23 of 761
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>Scott! Have you read anything about Gandhi's attitude towards muslims? You shouldn't take his name in your mouth if your not ready to agree with his politics... </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I've read a lot of his stuff but don't remember him mentioning them directly. Why don't you enlighten me.
  • Reply 24 of 761
    [quote]Originally posted by agent302:


    Arafat turned his back, as did every orthodox Jew in Israel. The extremist Jews are every bit as bad as the fundamentalist Muslims. They're just more accepted because they hold offices in Israel. But they, unlike every other Israel citizen, don't fight in the military, they try to settle in Palestinian land (would the Mexicans like it if you went in and just said "hey, this is mine now), and they assassinated the one man who was leading the region to peace, Rabin. It's shortsighted and wrong to blame everything on the Palestinians.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Israel was ready to sign. They negotiated in good faith. Arafat never intended to. He went right back to being the murderous thug he is. I hope the next time he sets foot on US soil he is arrested and put on trial for first degree murder and then executed for his role in the kidnapping and murder of US citizens.
  • Reply 25 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    You might be interested to know that gandhi was strongly against the split between India and pakistan...

    He felt that it should be posible for the hindus and the muslims to live peacefully together in one country...
  • Reply 26 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    btw, you do know that while isreal was "ready to sign" they also keept on expanding their settlements at full pace?
  • Reply 27 of 761
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>btw, you do know that while isreal was "ready to sign" they also keept on expanding their settlements at full pace?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yea. That's a good reason to stop peace talks and bomb a coffee shop. I see your point.
  • Reply 28 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    scott, are you really this stupid? Did I ever say this?
  • Reply 29 of 761
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    He felt that it should be posible for the hindus and the muslims to live peacefully together in one country...

    Hahaha! Should be possible is right! But in practice...
  • Reply 30 of 761
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:

    <strong>He felt that it should be posible for the hindus and the muslims to live peacefully together in one country...

    Hahaha! Should be possible is right! But in practice...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Seems to happen in this coutry.
  • Reply 31 of 761
    Gobble Gobble: or is it Goebbels Goebbels

    Don?t you Nazi Arab/Islamasist ever get tired for spiting your hate, lies, deceit and destruction everywhere you go?

    Occupied territories?!? Occupied by whom? Occupied Jerusalem?!? Occupied by whom? If it weren?t for America, Judea and Samaria and Gaza would have long been liberated from you filthy Islamic imperialists. The fact is that Israel is toying with you. The Saudis got the American and the Europeans by the balls, and the Americans got the Israelis by the balls. And the left over Arab population from Jordan, Syria, and Egypt occupying Judea and Samaria and Gaza, are a bunch of thieves, gangsters and plain old bloodthirsty murderers, whose only talent in life is to murderer innocents. I?m just amazed that Israel hasn?t yet sent them packing to their respective countries. Or better yet, back to Allah. They want to be close to Allah, I say make it happen. Instead, the Israelis are supplying these gangsters with employment, petrol, gas, electricity, telephone, seaports, water. And also supplied them with the weapons that they are using day in and out to maim, kill, and generally terrorize the Israeli population with. It?s just incredible what those poor Israelis are forced to put up with.

    But it won?t be long before your oil weapon will become a thing of the past, and just like the Europeans kicked you out of Europe so will you be kicked out our national Jewish lands.

    PS: Egypt gets 2.5 billion dollars a year from America. Didn?t hear you complain about that Gobble Gobble. I wonder why?

  • Reply 32 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    PC^KILLA, the Macintosh of politics?

    Take it as a joke or whatever. It was the first thing I thought of reading this.

    Sorry sir you are not worth arguing with
  • Reply 33 of 761
    Re: "Sorry sir you are not worth arguing with "

    Being that you are from Denmark I already pretty much know what you're all about. Not much different from the French are you? <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

  • Reply 34 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Or is it the CHEETAH of the right? (no offense Roger_, Scott etc)

    So far we have established:

    Gobble Gobble: Nazi Arab/Islamasist

    Palestinians living in Israeli occupied territories (apparently all of them): bunch of thieves, gangsters and plain old bloodthirsty murderers, whose only talent in life is to murderer innocents.

    Danes: Someone you know all about and not much different than the French <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    You sir are a troll or simply don´t get it (the reality thing) and I am still not arguing with you.

    [Edit: but I actually would like to know what you "know" about Danes and where you got your "information" from]

    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 35 of 761
    First, don't call me Sir. I happen to work for a living. And second, get a life you loser. 770 posts. How depressing. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

  • Reply 36 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>First, don't call me Sir. I happen to work for a living.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    :confused: Am I missing the finer details of the english language here?

    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>And second, get a life you loser. 770 posts. How depressing. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />


    Slick response there mika. I tip my hat for you. You are able to judge people based on their post count, their area of living and nationality. I guess you have me nailed then. As an encore perhaps you could use your magic touch and tell the audience the name of my girlfriends mothers first pet? You seems to have the gift of seeing right through people.

    A bit more seriously: Are you from Israel? You said " will you be kicked out our national Jewish lands". But on the other hand I never met anyone with the name Mika in Israel. It sound more Finnish to me.
  • Reply 37 of 761
    How about I name the number of girlfriends you had? Is zero close enough?

    And why would you bother to go to Israel? Damn, they really need to be more selective about who they let in into that country. First they let Arafat and his murderous gangsters in, and then French frogies like you.

    And now go away frogy. I really don?t like communicating with you. I can smell you?re a loser all the way from here.


    (And ?mika? is the name of an ancient biblical Israeli prophet. But I don't expect you to know all about our ancient history).
  • Reply 38 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>How about I name the number of girlfriends you had? Is zero close enough? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ah a comedian. Or clown. Or whatever...

    [quote]<strong>And why would you bother to go to Israel?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Because I have friends in Israel that I like and care for really much, I love Tel Aviv when things aren´t heated up like it is at the moment and I never got to ride my bike from Haifa to Eilat like I always have wanted.

    [quote]<strong>Damn, they really need to be more selective about who they let in into that country.

    First they let Arafat and his murderous gangsters in, and then French frogies like you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think a map of Europe and a book on false stereotypes would do you good.

    [quote]<strong>And now go away frogy</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Is that the new frozen low calorie dessert I´ve heard so much about?

    [quote]<strong>I really don?t like communicating with you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thats one of the disadvantages of posting on public message boards. Someone might tell you things you don´t want to hear.

    [quote]<strong>I can smell you?re a loser all the way from here.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Again: Where is "here" exactly? And what kind of smell do a loser have?

    [quote]<strong>(And ?mika? is the name of an ancient biblical Israeli prophet. But I don't expect you to know all about our ancient history).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    When half of your family is of jewish origin you hear a thing or two (mothers side so watch out). And having read books like "A history of religious idea" and "Sacred and profane" and "Myth of the Eternal Return" by Eliade and many other books on the origin of religion and all the monotheistic religions holy writings, the religious texts of many other religions and tales from cultures without a written language I actually think I got myself covered.

    And once more: Are you in Israel?

    To the board: Sorry for the last couple of posts. Normally I don´t post responses like these but PC^KILLA is no ordinary member.

    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 39 of 761
    Half-breeds like you we can do without...

    And what exactly did I miss about them Europeans and their history towards the Jewish people that you care to enlighten me with? The whole European history is drenched in one murderous action on top of another. There aren?t enough trees in the world to make enough paper so as to catalog all their monstrous and vile injustices towards the Jews. And not one single nation in Europe can escape this truth as it concerns it and the Jews under its protection.

    Just don?t kid yourself? the anti-Israeli propaganda they feed you in Europe (e.g. BBC, etc.) is anti-Semitic in it?s intent and content and delivery, and is not much different from the kind of shit the Nazis and their sympathizers pulled back in the 20?s and 30?s.


    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]

    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]</p>
  • Reply 40 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>Half-breeds like you we can do without. </strong><hr></blockquote>Hmm. where did I hear that before?

    Oh yeah. I remember now. In nazi Germany they had ranks for different kinds of Jews: Real Jews, Bastards of first, second and third degree.

    [quote]<strong>And what exactly did I miss about them Europeans and their history towards the Jewish people that you care to enlighten me with?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What do that have to do with me personally? Am I guilty of having large parts of my family being killed during WWII in concentration camps? Do you believe we inherit the sins of our fathers? The former hate between Christians and Jews was fueled by the claim that the Jews killed Jesus and you hate us (aka. the europeans born after WWII) because of what happened to the Jews during times when we were not born? I frequently participate in huge demonstrations against neo-nazis, racism and fascism but then again according to you I´m just a bastard. Look out time may actually be circular despite what your religion tells you.

    But okay tell me exactly what we in Denmark have done against jews (if you know what Denmark is)

    [quote]<strong>The whole European history is drenched in one murderous action on top of another. There aren?t enough trees in the world to make enough paper so as to catalog all their monstrous and vile actions towards the Jews. And not one single nation in Europe can escape this truth as it concerns it and the Jews under its protection.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And they don´t try to. Ever been to the Jewish museum in Berlin? If not you might consider going there to see what "europeans" feel about what they have done against the Jews.

    And since you practically have said that you are in fact from Israel: I´m glad to say that luckily your rhetoric is not the general impression I have of the people of Israel. Most of them can actually think and reflect and don´t have their heads stuck in a very dark place. Even among those who voted for Sharon I can conduct a normal conversation and still not be blamed for all the wrong done to the Jews. You belong to a minority of the Israeli population and thank God/Jahve/Allah/Mother nature/the laws of physics for that. Or else there would be no hope for the Middle East.

    [quote]<strong>Just don?t kid yourself? the anti-Israeli propaganda they feed you in Europe (e.g. BBC, etc.) is anti-Semitic in it?s intent and content and delivery, and is not much different from the kind of shit the Nazis and their sympathizers pulled back in the 20?s and 30?s.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I can only laugh at claims like that. As long as you don´t use examples you are talking shit. Come with examples and let us discuss it.

    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]

    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
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