Violence in Israel/Palestine



  • Reply 41 of 761
    Are you for real?!?

    ] Why do you insist on defending the Anglo/French conspiracy to award Lands belonging to the Jewish nation to the Arabs Empire? This is a dirty deal between imperialist thieves, which I would think you already know all about and would oppose, being the righteous fellow that you claim to be.

    ] And how many Danish officials do you know that offered help to the Jewish/Israeli underground to provide a safe sea passage to go to Israel during or prior to the war? How many Danish Visas has the Danish government offered to Jewish refugees trying to escape Nazi barbarism? I know Japan, and China, and Sweden, and Russia among others, did. How about Denmark? How many Jewish refugees were offered escape from their deportation to the death camps from Vichi France into Denmark?

    ] And I wouldn?t be laughing at the anti-Israeli propaganda if were you. It?s going to bite you sooner or later. I would question why it is going on, both in terms of its intent and in terms of delivery. Why is it that they are so obsessed with Israel? No other conflicts going on in the world? Why is it that almost always, important facts seem to not to be mentioned that would reflect favorably on Israel. Why is it that even the language used in the coverage is identical to that used by Arab propagandist? Why is it that all their camera people are Arab nationals? Why don?t they mention that even the satellites used to transmit their propaganda is Arab owned and controlled?

    ] Lastly, I think you are wrong. Yes, Israel has a strong and very vocal radial leftist elite, which at this time happens to control the Israeli media. However, if you consider that about 20% of Israel is Arab, I think it?s clear to see that among the Zionist Jewish population in Israel the right has a 70% majority. It?s only a matter of time before all these half hearted police actions by PM Ariel Sharon are going to be called, and a more effective policy will take hold. They are already talking about erecting a fence. This will go a long way towards solving many of the problems. Simply put, it will starve the Arab population occupying Judea Samaria and Gaza from its economic base in Israel, and will force them to move back to their countries. As is it, Israel already has 50,000 illegal workers just from Jordan alone.


    [ 03-10-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]</p>
  • Reply 42 of 761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    WOW Scott, forgive me.

    You are freekin' moderate compared to this guy! :eek:

    He has enough hate to go blow him self up in a Palestinian preschool! <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

    [quote] if you consider that about 20% of Israel is Arab <hr></blockquote>

    Can they vote? (or are they to dumb to write or comprehend democracy)

    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: thentro ]</p>
  • Reply 43 of 761
    Yea I know. I stopped posting in this thread. I'm firmly anti-terrorist and there for anti-arafat and I'm not behind the Palestinians while they gleefully support this stuff including cheering in the street after 9-11 and I even think some have an idiotic position on all of this and say so but .... I never called anyone a half breed

    Unless I did?
  • Reply 44 of 761
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Its actually good that this fellow has posted because he reveals real extremes in Israel that are verbally racist and expansionist and would stop at nothing to reclaim what they say is theirs . . . . from over a thousand years ago . . .

    ... just think if American Indians started gathering tanks and had an atom bomb and used this kind of talk . . .

    Ah but PC&gt; killa would probably say we deserve it.

    Anyway, I know many French people who helped Jews in the war, my aunt, who was in the Resistance was one of them and one of my best friend's whole family was kept safe in a French home. . . you sir...oops, I wouldn't say that.. are a racist pig
  • Reply 45 of 761
    Let?s just be clear about who the French really are. A quick summery of very recent history?

    This is the nation that double-crossed its allies in the 40?s during world war II. This is the nation that sold Israel defective armor during the 50?s at outrageous prices. This is the nation that later promised Israel a nuclear plant (in the 50?s) and then backed away half way through its construction, leaving Israel scrambling to finish the job using it?s native engineers and scientists. This is the nation that backed out of military operations in Sinai (1956) half way during implementation. This is the nation that later again, broke its promise in the 60?s and refused to re-supply Israel with spare parts to it?s air force, forcing Israel to build it?s own plane (Kfir). This is the nation that conspired to champion the cause of Islamic radicals in the 70?s in exchange for business contracts and immunity from their terror. This is the nation that in the 80?s transferred nuclear know how to Saddam Hussien of Iraq. This is the nation of a$$-fu&lt;kers, that today leads the anti-American and anti-Israeli crusade in the European Union. Only this time, it's so that they can go to bed with the Iotollahs in Iran.

    So you Arab/French sympathizer, keep wallowing in Arab filth. You seem to like that. I know all too well that you French are the real pigs.


    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]

    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]</p>
  • Reply 46 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>Are you for real?!? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You better believe it.

    [quote]<strong>Why do you insist on defending the Anglo/French conspiracy to award Lands belonging to the Jewish nation to the Arabs Empire? This is a dirty deal between imperialist thieves, which I would think you already know all about and would oppose, being the righteous fellow that you claim to be.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I know all about the land occupied by Israel and that Israel realize that it have to give back to those who have the right to it at one point. You can´t start to imagine how funny it is that you use the word "imperialist" to describe the efforts to give back the land occupied by Israel to its rightful owners.

    [quote]<strong>And how many Danish officials do you know that offered help to the Jewish/Israeli underground to provide a safe sea passage to go to Israel during or prior to the war? How many Danish Visas has the Danish government offered to Jewish refugees trying to escape Nazi barbarism? I know Japan, and China, and Sweden, and Russia among others, did. How about Denmark? How many Jewish refugees were offered escape from their deportation to the death camps from Vichi France into Denmark?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This make me doubt that you in fact IS in Israel. I never met a jew that didn´t know the story about Denmark during WWII. How ignorant can you be? You are insulting Jews everywhere with spewing out this kind of bullshit.

    Since you obviously lack the ability to look up information on your own hand let me take you to school: Denmark was occupied by Germany in 40´ and we gave up relatively quick. But until 43´ the civil part of the society was governed by danish authorities and no one was deported or civil rights taken from them. For instance we refused to single out Jews with visible sign on their clothes or in their papers. In 43´ things changed. Germany pressured for more concessions but the danish government wouldn´t concede and stepped down. At the same time Germany started deporting Jews from occupied countries and when we learned about it here in Denmark a huge rescue mission started. 7220 (plus relatives) was rescued to neutral Sweden by fisher boats over three weeks time. Out of a population of 8000 Jews 51 died in concentration camps. I think that was the lowest ratio of any occupied country.

    [quote]<strong>And I wouldn?t be laughing at the anti-Israeli propaganda if were you. It?s going to bite you sooner or later. I would question why it is going on, both in terms of its intent and in terms of delivery. Why is it that they are so obsessed with Israel? No other conflicts going on in the world? Why is it that almost always, important facts seem to not to be mentioned that would reflect favorably on Israel. Why is it that even the language used in the coverage is identical to that used by Arab propagandist? Why is it that all their camera people are Arab nationals? Why don?t they mention that even the satellites used to transmit their propaganda is Arab owned and controlled?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You got it all wrong. I´m laughing at you, not the media. see?: You -&gt; <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> &lt;- Me. You STILL don´t provide examples to back up your claims.

    You ask why the media is so occupied with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Would you rather have that we closed our eyes and didn´t see what happened?

    [quote]<strong>Lastly, I think you are wrong. Yes, Israel has a strong and very vocal radial leftist elite, which at this time happens to control the Israeli media. However, if you consider that about 20% of Israel is Arab, I think it?s clear to see that among the Zionist Jewish population in Israel the right has a 70% majority.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So in short: According to you you have a first and second class citizenship and the votes of the arab population shouldn´t really be counted in, stripping them from their civil rights? Again: When did I hear about that the last time?

    [quote]<strong>It?s only a matter of time before all these half hearted police actions by PM Ariel Sharon are going to be called, and a more effective policy will take hold. They are already talking about erecting a fence. This will go a long way towards solving many of the problems. Simply put, it will starve the Arab population occupying Judea Samaria and Gaza from its economic base in Israel, and will force them to move back to their countries. As is it, Israel already has 50,000 illegal workers just from Jordan alone.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Your lack of compassion is astonishing.

    Try looking into the economy of Israel a bit more. Without the underclass work force from the occupied areas its economy is suffering big time.
  • Reply 47 of 761
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>Let?s just be clear about who the French really are. A quick summery of very recent history?

    This is the nation that double-crossed its allies in the 40?s during world war II. This is the nation that sold Israel defective armor during the 50?s at outrageous prices. This is the nation that later promised Israel a nuclear plant (in the 50?s) and then backed away half way through its construction, leaving Israel scrambling to finish the job using it?s native engineers and scientists. This is the nation that backed out of military operations in Sinai (1956) half way during implementation. This is the nation that later again, broke its promise in the 60?s and refused to re-supply Israel with spare parts to it?s air force, forcing Israel to build it?s own plane (Kfir). This is the nation that conspired to champion the cause of Islamic radicals in the 70?s in exchange for business contracts and immunity from their terror. This is the nation that in the 80?s transferred nuclear know how to Saddam Hussien of Iraq. This is the nation of a$$-fu&lt;kers, that today leads the anti-American and anti-Israeli crusade in the European Union. Only this time, it's so that they can go to bed with the Iotollahs in Iran.

    So you Arab/French sympathizer, keep wallowing in Arab filth. You seem to like that. I know all too well that you French are the real pigs.


    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]

    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Paranoia lead to nowhere.
  • Reply 48 of 761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    hey Arab^KILLA,

    are you of the school a good arab is a dead arab?
  • Reply 49 of 761
    Okay - this is my last post to this thread since it's degenerated from a somewhat reasoned discussion of the issues into a flame war. All I really wanted to do was vent (and last Friday was really slow at work).

    Anders, the reference to "don't call me sir, I work for a living," is from the U.S. military. Officers are addressed as "sir," enlisted soldiers are not. Therefore, when you call someone "sir," you're implying that they are an officer. And everyone knows that the enlisted guys do all of the work. Thus the expression, "don't call me sir, I work for a living." It's a jab by the enlisted soldiers at the officers. This expression is used largely in a military context, and you should not have been criticized for not knowing it. Most Americans wouldn't either.
  • Reply 50 of 761
    Listen Anders, I?ll be the first to admit that my knowledge concerning your precious Denmark is next to nil. Although I was aware of the actions taken by Danish fisherman to temporarily transfer Danish Jews into Sweden. But that?s not what I?ve asked you. Read my question again and see if you can answer me. I don?t really want to discuss what some righteous private citizens did to save Jews in this or that European country during the War. Heck, even the Germans managed to save a few thousand Jews living in Berlin, right under Hitler?s nose.

    Anyway, it?s quite obvious you?ve already made up your mind on this issue regardless of the false claims by others to our land. I?m trying to tell you that these people that now like to call themselves ?Palestinians? in reality are ex-Jordanians, ex-Syrians, ex-Egyptians. All these people already have their own lands and should not be allowed to occupy the Lands of Judea Samaria and Gaza. Particularly since they represent a strategic threat to the state of Israel. And just to underscore my point, I?d like to bring to your attention, that Arafat himself is in fact an Egyptian agent, born and educated in Egypt.

    The Arab propaganda is very strong and they have many resources at their disposal, which Israel can never even hope to match. It?s very hard to fight them because their lies have been repeated so often, they now are taken for conventional wisdom. But go to the history books and find out for yourself who for example, represented ?Palestine? in the Olympics prior to the creation of the modern state of Israel. I can assure you it wasn?t Arabs.

    I also want to strongly disagree with you with regards to the illegal Arab labor flooding Israel. Disregarding the obvious security issues, and social problems this creates, though Israeli contractors might temporarily benefit from this, the reality is that in the long run, this is extremely detrimental to the Israeli economy. Not only are they putting native tax paying Israeli workers out of work and therefore reducing consumer demand and tax revenues, but the money paid to these workers is money lost from circulating in the Israeli economy. Simply put, this represents a flight of capital from the Israeli economy. I already made the political consequences of this clear in my previous post. Again, and in very crude terms: basically what Israel is doing by providing them with employment, is providing oxygen to the cancer that will kill it.


    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]</p>
  • Reply 51 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    [quote] Anyway, it?s quite obvious you?ve already made up your mind on this issue regardless of the false claims by others to our land. <hr></blockquote>

    Well, you've probably done more damage than good to your own cause here at these boards ...

    [quote] I?m trying to tell you that these people that now like to call themselves ?Palestinians? in reality are ex-Jordanians, ex-Syrians, ex-Egyptians. All these people already have their own lands and should not be allowed to occupy the Lands of Judea Samaria and Gaza. Particularly since they represent a strategic threat to the state of Israel. <hr></blockquote>

    uhh... like the ex-US, ex-Russian, ex-Ethiopien, ex-Polish that currently run the most capable army in the area? there was nobody living there then...?

    [quote] the reality is that in the long run, this is extremely detrimental to the Israeli economy. Not only are they putting native tax paying Israeli workers out of work and therefore reducing consumer demand and tax revenues, but the money paid to these workers is money lost from circulating in the Israeli economy. <hr></blockquote>

    Good point, <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> -You probably don't think the US gains from using cheap mexican labor either then? You don't know the first thing about economics. Why do you think NIKE makes it's shoes in Asia, and APPLE it's imac in Taiwan!?!

    I bet you don't even live in Israel... me thinks your a US jewish extremist... They are always the worst...

    [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: New ]</p>
  • Reply 52 of 761
    Re: ?you've probably done more damage than good to your own cause here? ?

    Heheh. Right! That?s a good one! Since when did you become so concerned for the good of ?my cause?. That?s a real funny one!

  • Reply 53 of 761
    idudeidude Posts: 352member
    Thank you for listing negatives for both. A clarification. Since 1948, it has been Israel. Please don't call it Palestine. That directly makes you sound like a Palestinian. Neither side is perfect. The Palestinians are jerks for blowing themselves and tons of innocent Israelis up and the Israeli government is a wreck. The last time an Israeli delegation came to the US, they sent two different people with 2 different solutions. Not much cooperation. The Palestians don't want peace. They blow up innocent people. The Israelis only kill the people responsible for planning these deadly attacks. Unfortunately, there have been significant innocent deaths, but they all have been an accident. The Palestinians always "want" to have talks, but whenever the Israelis be push overs and give them everything they want, all of a sudden they want more. The Palestians "argue" that Israelis are destroying their homes and stuff but the only homes they are destroying are vacant. Palestians bus people into these empty houses to give the illusion on video that people are being forced to relocate. The world hasn't seen this good of propoganda since Hitler and Goebbles. There isn't a peaceful solution in the mideast. Israel has just as much legitimacy in going after Arafat and his followers as the US does in getting Bin Laden, but no one is complaining about what we are doing? All out war is the only possible solution.

    Whenever there has been a cease fire, the Israelis have obeyed it and the terrorists have taken advantage of their vulnerability and killed again.

    Sharon is a jerk, but I don't see how you can't be a jerk when dealing with Arafat. You either be a wussy like Barak or a bully like Sharon. Both types are jerks.

    I'd have more venting, but I did most of it at MacNN already.
  • Reply 54 of 761
    [quote]Originally posted by iDude:


    I'd have more venting, but I did most of it at MacNN already.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So ah I went back and had a look at MacNN Lounge. I can see the anti-american bigots are all still there. "We hate the US. It sucks. Prove us wrong". Reminded me why I left.
  • Reply 55 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    [quote] A clarification. Since 1948, it has been Israel. Please don't call it Palestine. <hr></blockquote>

    Inventing history as we go along, huh?

    The land was split in to two parts... One part became Isreal, the other was supposed to be Palestine...

    [quote]The Israelis only kill the people responsible for planning these deadly attac <hr></blockquote>

    Right, If that only was true...

    [quote] Palestians bus people into these empty houses to give the illusion on video that people are being forced to relocate. <hr></blockquote>

    Are you serious? The only empty houses in the whole area are in the settlements... exept for the ruins of course...

    [quote] All out war is the only possible solution. <hr></blockquote>

    no comment...
  • Reply 56 of 761
    idudeidude Posts: 352member
    1. I'm not inventing history. The Arabs repeatedly declared war and Israel won every time. Over those wars, Israel won all the land given to "Palestine." You're right that technically it hasn't all been Israel since 1948, but as of TODAY, it is Israel, not Palestine.

    2. If you read my post, you'd see that I did say that there have been significant innocent deaths. They are all accidents though.

    3. I don't know about the territories. All I KNOW is that when you see Palestinians crying about how the Israelis have destroyed their homes, it's all a sham.

    4. My opinion is that all out war is the only solution. I hope and pray that there will be a peaceful resolution, but I don't see it.
  • Reply 57 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by iDude:

    <strong>1. I'm not inventing history. The Arabs repeatedly declared war and Israel won every time. Over those wars, Israel won all the land given to "Palestine." You're right that technically it hasn't all been Israel since 1948, but as of TODAY, it is Israel, not Palestine.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thats a deal. Give the occupied areas to Israel and make those who live there (people who lived there or in 48´ Israel all their lifes and generations before them) civil rights.

    [quote]<strong>2. If you read my post, you'd see that I did say that there have been significant innocent deaths. They are all accidents though.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    :confused: Do the word "accident" have two distinct different meanings in english?

    Just the other day Israeli military attacked a Red Halfmoon ambulance with rockets while transporting wounded to the hospital. They didn´t claim it an accident but told that it was used for transporting weapons. Red Halfmoon asked for any proof. Israel has not given any. Thats just the latest example...

    [quote]<strong>3. I don't know about the territories. All I KNOW is that when you see Palestinians crying about how the Israelis have destroyed their homes, it's all a sham.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That is one courageous claim. Pretty easy when being 10000 miles away. Have you ever been to the occupied territories?

    [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 58 of 761
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Palestinians are treated better in Israel than any Arab in ANY Arab country in the world! Ever wonder why there is a large Arab population living in Israel and why they have never sought to leave? Israel is the most maligned victor nation on earth even though it is constantly trying to return land even though they don't have to. I don't recall the US giving back land to Mexico(although having lived in smelLA for 6 years ir sure seemed like we gave part of it back.
  • Reply 59 of 761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by steve666:

    <strong>Palestinians are treated better in Israel than any Arab in ANY Arab country in the world! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Even if this is right its still beside the point. Palestinians are living in the land they were born. They are not Saudies living in another country. They are deprived of the rights other people that live on the land Israel controls.

    In Apartheid South Africa blacks probably had it better than most (if not all) other Africans. But still it was an most unacceptable situation. They couldn´t vote, had restrictions on what jobs they could have. Couldn´t go certain places, could only live in certain areas. That is frightening close to the conditions in Israel.
  • Reply 60 of 761
    Look. We can't allow terrorism to rule the day. We can't allow this to become a method to gain one's objetive. That's why we must reject Arafat and his "leadership". Terrorism can't win.
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