Updated Apple hardware is coming soon



  • Reply 101 of 240
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Well summing up my own thoughts, facts and rumors during the past 3 months, we can say this:

    Apple needs to release faster PowerMacs.

    There are currently 4 chips in the pipeline:

    7450, 7451, 7460 and G5 the first being the most available, the latest the least available.

    So what will Apple have cooked up?

    There most certainly is or was a Quicksilver based model with faster CPUs.

    That means same case, same mobo, SDRAM, and 7450 or maybe 7451 chip at best.

    Aparently these chips max out around 1.133GHz, at least that is what the rumor mongers have been telling us.

    Everyone, moki is dead right there, expected these to ship at MWSF. WE all know they did not.

    So there are now 2 possibilities, following the time line:

    A: release the same machines, just a bit later for marketing reasons in favor of the iMac.

    B: Skip those machines and go right for the next generation, ie Apollo.

    These Macs would likely ship with Apollo chips, a slightly or even heavily modified mobo and DDR-SDRAM, case could be new, but following the time line, every case apple has made so far, survived at least 2 product cycles, thus Quicksilver will likely stay for the next release.

    Little is known about the Apollo chip for sure. What we seem to know is basically what Motorola said: SOI, 0.18 or smaller process, modified cache architecture and some other stuff.

    At the moment, it's likely that these chips wouldn't clock over 1.4GHz, especially not knowing Motorola.

    I'm pretty sure we'll see one of those machines in the near future, with my personal deadline being MW tokyo for announcement and immediate shipping.

    But what if we don't see these system come out?

    We'll, there's still the G5 in the pipeline. No matter how many naysayers deny its existance, the chip is coming. Nobody KNOWS when, but we all know that, even the ones who deny it.

    I find it likely that G5 will debut at MWNY, as the successor to the DDR-Apollo machines. If both the SDR and DDR don't make it Apple has to jump to G5 directly, which even I find VERY unlikely, because this chip is most likely not ready for release yet. It sure is being worked on, but we all know these things take a lot of time.

    So the if-tree would look like that:

    ___Current Quicksilver______



    Speedbumped SDR Quicksilver.........DDR Apollo QS

    |.........................\\...................... ..../

    |............................\\................... ..../

    DDR Apollo.............G5 "all new"



    G5 all new

    We'll see what decisions Apple made, or had to make.


    Edit: fixed the ASCII "art" (damn bad edit=display coherency on these boards)

    Also I didn't bash on Ambrosia, I love their games. But G5 release date = EV Nova release date may not be that far off...

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: G-News ]</p>
  • Reply 102 of 240
    nonsuchnonsuch Posts: 293member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Great, Dorsal has now covered his arse for both the Apollo rumors and the G5 rumors. He can't be wrong. Brilliant.

    So we have from dorsal:

    Apollo G4: speeds and fab are what rumors have been saying for months. Machines are speced out with few changes from current powermacs, in line with such a small speed bump.

    G5: He describes the G5 EXACTLY as it is on many rumors, right down to the 400 MHz bus. No Level 3 cache, that is a new part but also, it is the sort of knowledge one who is well versed technically would know. If fast memory speeds negate the need for a L3 cache, then why would Apple use one? They wouldn't.


    What a joke. So if someone posts info that confirms current rumors, that means they're obviously bullshit. Unless they post something that isn't covered by current rumors (L3 cache-less G5s), in which case, they're full of shit because, well, anyone with engineering knowledge could have made that up. Unless they post something so out there and unprecedented it's completely beyond anyone's expectations, in which case they're full of shit because ... need I go on?

    What exactly does it take to convince some of you, given that:

    - very few people in the world have any reliable information on what Apple intends to release (ie, intimate knowledge from within Apple itself that crosses project boundaries);

    - Apple has cracked down significantly to prevent leaks of information protected by NDAs;

    - even legitimate information is subject to change if hardware/marketing conditions warrant it;

    - anyone with solid info, Apple employee or not, is bound by NDA and must consider protecting their anonymity before anything else.

    Given this, there is no way any mole could consistently provide detailed, reliable information on upcoming Apple products. The likes of Dorsal is about as good as we can hope for. I wish some of you would have the intellectual honesty to admit it.
  • Reply 103 of 240
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] I'm pretty sure we'll see one of those machines in the near future, with my personal deadline being MW tokyo for announcement and immediate shipping.

    But what if we don't see these system come out?

    We'll, there's still the G5 in the pipeline. No matter how many naysayers deny its existance, the chip is coming. Nobody KNOWS when, but we all know that, even the ones who deny it.

    I find it likely that G5 will debut at MWNY, as the successor to the DDR-Apollo machines. <hr></blockquote>

    So an Apollo by Tokyo and a G5, what, 3 months later? Unlikely at best.
  • Reply 104 of 240

    However, I've never said I had access to any hardware seeds -- if I did, I would not be able to post about what I know, because I'd be under NDA for that hardware.

    You can take seriously whatever you choose, but you're being incredibly short-sighted to dismiss what anyone with any shred of inside information knows: the G5 is barely even on the radar screen.

    I too would love to have a G5 on my desktop tomorrow -- however, I've been in the industry for a decade and a half, and I have numerous friends and contacts throughout Apple and related companies. They've been insisting that the next round of machines will be Apollo G4's, and that there were two separate platforms (SDRAM and DDR) in semi-parallel development. If the delay in the new Pro line release wasn't simply a marketing decision, it is possible that they are skipping the SDRAM speedbump in favor of the DDR platform.

    The G5 has consistently been downplayed as not coming until very late this year or early next by everyone I know. Sure, they all could be wrong, or all might not know what the true deal is -- but somehow I doubt it.


    Moki, you make a sensible post, but the problem is, these people you know in Apple are all under NDA. Why would they break their NDA to tell you, so you could go and spread it around on rumor boards? That doesn't make sense to me. All your friends at Apple need to do is look on this rumor board, and they know you spilled the beans. So it is very likely that they would withold information from you, because based on what I've heard, Apple employees take their NDAs VERY seriously. They are treated well by Apple and thus are very loyal employees.

    Furthermore, if Jobs sees that your spreading around info that was obtained through the violation of an NDA, then your deal to have software bundled on new Macs could be in jeopardy. I'm shocked that you would risk so much to get some recognition on a rumor BB.
  • Reply 105 of 240
    did anyone notice that Hamrick removed the G5 info on his VueScan page?
  • Reply 106 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    Moki, you make a sensible post, but the problem is, these people you know in Apple are all under NDA. Why would they break their NDA to tell you, so you could go and spread it around on rumor boards? That doesn't make sense to me. All your friends at Apple need to do is look on this rumor board, and they know you spilled the beans. So it is very likely that they would withold information from you, because based on what I've heard, Apple employees take their NDAs VERY seriously. They are treated well by Apple and thus are very loyal employees.

    Furthermore, if Jobs sees that your spreading around info that was obtained through the violation of an NDA, then your deal to have software bundled on new Macs could be in jeopardy. I'm shocked that you would risk so much to get some recognition on a rumor BB.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Shocked or jealous?
  • Reply 106 of 240
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    considering the G4 does not support DDR is the waiting for DDR board rumor likely?

    Would something like DDR support be part of a processor revision (Apollo). Motorola as far as I know has layed out what will be added with Apollo and I don't remember DDR support being one of the things
  • Reply 108 of 240
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member

    I said MW Tokyo was the latest date for the next G4, and MWNY of cours is the earliest date for the G5. Apple once had an update cycle of only 3 months (which was far more interesting btw), now they're roughly at an irregular 6 months (which is most certainly also due to the problems they had with Moto and the G4). Should the G4 (apollo or SDR) will be released tomorrow, as time said, MWNY would be exactly 6 months away, certainly a good time to announce the next round. If they're released at MWTY (G4), we'll probably see G5 at Apple Expo Paris or similar timeframe with a special event or whatever. I think my post is one of the most sensible I have read during the last week...
  • Reply 109 of 240
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    Hey Moki,

    What 2 products of Ambrosia ship with every Mac? I'm racking my brain but can't think of anything.

    Btw, do you guys plan to port any other classic (Aperion, Swoop, BARRACK!!, Harry the handsome... etc) to OS X? They would seem relatively easy to handle

    Ambrosia is a pillar of Mac history and have grown up with your games for the past 6-7 years... I just totally love what you guys do. Keep it up!

    PS I have gotten so many PC friends hooked with Ambrosia games it isnt even funny. One even bought a Mac so he could waste his existence with Barrack! Hahaha.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 110 of 240
    [quote] What a joke. So if someone posts info that confirms current rumors, that means they're obviously bullshit. Unless they post something that isn't covered by current rumors (L3 cache-less G5s), in which case, they're full of shit because, well, anyone with engineering knowledge could have made that up. Unless they post something so out there and unprecedented it's completely beyond anyone's expectations, in which case they're full of shit because ... need I go on?


    You don't understand. It's not that Kormac has "confirmed" a rumor, it's that he covers ALL rumors. I find it suspicious when a person's prediction consists of hardware from every rumor circulating...so then whatever comes out, they are right. Duh.

    If Kormac is right no matter what Apple releases, then he has not said anything of value. If he gives us something that could be proven wrong, then that has worth.

    Anybody could post what Kormac did, inside knowledge or not. Also, notice how Kormac waited to post this until all the rumors had circulated? If he had posted this a month ago it would have contained some new info, but instead it's posted AFTER the rumors. Yet if Apple is about to release these Macs, if they were ready for MWSF, then Kormac should have had theme one to several months BEFORE they were ready. If Kormac is for real, then he would have been able to post this info back in Nov. or Dec.

    I say he's BS. And when new Powermacs are announced, the same people who believe him now will all take it as proof that Kormac is an inside source...it doesn't matter what the Powermacs are, G4, G5, virtually any MHz, because Kormac predicted all possible future Powermacs.

    If Kormac had predicted either a G4 OR a G5, then I would believe him.

    If Apple does in fact announce both G4s and G5s, to sell side by side, then I'll give Kormac his dues. Any other scenario and I'm not convinced Kormac is an insider.
  • Reply 111 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    Moki, you make a sensible post, but the problem is, these people you know in Apple are all under NDA. Why would they break their NDA to tell you, so you could go and spread it around on rumor boards? That doesn't make sense to me. All your friends at Apple need to do is look on this rumor board, and they know you spilled the beans. So it is very likely that they would withold information from you, because based on what I've heard, Apple employees take their NDAs VERY seriously. They are treated well by Apple and thus are very loyal employees.

    Furthermore, if Jobs sees that your spreading around info that was obtained through the violation of an NDA, then your deal to have software bundled on new Macs could be in jeopardy. I'm shocked that you would risk so much to get some recognition on a rumor BB.
    <hr></blockquote>Well stated JD.

    By the way, what is Kormac predicting?? <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Mac_OS_X_Addict ]</p>
  • Reply 112 of 240
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    I don't believe it's the real Dorsal because he didn't mention the wonderfully beautiful metal case the mule came in.

    Oh, I long for a metal case.
  • Reply 113 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    I suppose we'll see who is right soon enough, but in the meantime, lay off attacking the messenger simply because you don't like the message.


    Thanks for being a reasonable voice around here, but I'm still going to tell your boss that your surfing the internet during business hours.
  • Reply 114 of 240
    Dorsal, please answer the question I asked earlier in this thread. If you answer correctly, I will know you are legitimate and sincere.

    I ask again:

    What are the respective colors of the seeded G4 and G5 motherboards? Are they different or are both red?

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
  • Reply 115 of 240
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    come on Dorsal, 50/50 odds!
  • Reply 116 of 240
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Ah, ok. I thought you were saying that was the schedule for both releases not one if the other doesn't happen.

    Moki- So is the next rev an Apollo?! What are the odds of DDR support in the next rev?
  • Reply 117 of 240
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    <strong>I see Gigawire has some sort of sick devotion to Dorsal :eek: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not only that, notice the signature. Now there's a sign of powerful reasoning abilities.

    Superdrive II...that's quality Mac humor at its finest.

    By the way Jagawire, I never said Dorsal was a bad person, shouldn't be respected, etc. I'm not even saying people shouldn't read his posts. All I'm saying is people go WAY overboard with the value they assign to his posts. And quite obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'm also saying (since subtlety seems lost on you) that I doubt he knows anymore than we in the end - even if he *has* seen prototypes. So have yourself a big helping of "grow-the-fu*k-up" OK?

    I'm tired of losers like you freaking out everytime someone questions their Mac-wet-dreams. That thing on your desk, it's just a freaking computer OK. A tool (like yourself)...not something to get all bent out of shape about.

    PS - Atlanta is a snarled, traffic-ridden shithole of a town, but I imagine it suits you well.

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 118 of 240
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:


    You can take seriously whatever you choose, but you're being incredibly short-sighted to dismiss what anyone with any shred of inside information knows: the G5 is barely even on the radar screen.


    Sorry, Moki, but that reality based stuff ain't gonna fly here. If that's what your peddling, you might want to try it in the saner quarters of, say, MOSR, ThinkSecret, or SpyMac. They are all over that boring speedbump story. In our hearts we know what the truth is, too, but, frankly, its a little depressing. This is the last place we can come to dream about a brighter future. If you want to be part of it, take the purple pill and join us.
  • Reply 119 of 240
    [quote]Originally posted by Moogs ?:


    Not only that, notice the signature. Now there's a sign of powerful reasoning abilities.

    Superdrive II...that's quality Mac humor at its finest.

    By the way Jagawire, I never said Dorsal was a bad person, shouldn't be respected, etc. I'm not even saying people shouldn't read his posts. All I'm saying is people go WAY overboard with the value they assign to his posts. And quite obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'm also saying (since subtlety seems lost on you) that I doubt he knows anymore than we in the end - even if he *has* seen prototypes. So have yourself a big helping of "grow-the-fu*k-up" OK?

    I'm tired of losers like you freaking out everytime someone questions their Mac-wet-dreams. That thing on your desk, it's just a freaking computer OK. A tool (like yourself)...not something to get all bent out of shape about.

    PS - Atlanta is a snarled, traffic-ridden shithole of a town, but I imagine it suits you well.

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey, listen to the ambulance!

    Why don't you grow up? Rumors are exciting, everyone wants to know what Apple going to bring out next. Just because we choose who we want to believe (not you), doesn't mean you should have a hissy fit because you don't think his rumors are not credible.

    I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal about this. Within a month we'll know who's right and who's wrong. Until then we can all have fun speculating on what's coming.
  • Reply 120 of 240
    fishdocfishdoc Posts: 189member
    [quote] So have yourself a big helping of "grow-the-fu*k-up" OK? <hr></blockquote>

    followed by:

    [quote] PS - Atlanta is a snarled, traffic-ridden shithole of a town, but I imagine it suits you well. <hr></blockquote>

    You do see the irony here, don't you?

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