Dell announces Streak tablet phone US launch on Friday



  • Reply 141 of 196
    Originally Posted by jahonen View Post

    And that would be because of marketing or lack of quality/substance/whatever technical of the product?

    Yes. Yes indeedy.
  • Reply 142 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Sweet! I guy just sold me a bunch of computer stuff from the back of his car for a great deal. Here is a picture of it.

    Very Nice collection DaHarder, or did you fail to notice the embossed watermark clearly indicating that this collection of wares was mine, or that a number of the devices pictured are displaying posts that were submitted by DaHarder.

    You're really just embarrassing yourself at this point... as usual, especially that 'edit' after the fact

    Have A Nice Day

    In other news, I'm really looking forward to trying out this DELL Streak...
  • Reply 143 of 196
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Very Nice collection DaHarder, or did you fail to notice the embossed watermark clearly indicating that this collection of wares was mine, or that a number of the devices pictured are displaying posts that were submitted by DaHarder. ...

    Oh, man, you got us there. That definitely proves it. Watermarks can't be faked.
  • Reply 144 of 196
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    All true, as you can see because I provided pictures.

    Call me when you have a working light sabre.
  • Reply 145 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Coincidentally, I just watched some of the old Get Smart.

    I keep headphones nearby all the time. For any call longer than a minute, I grab them, they're more comfortable. I'm still trying to find my ideal headset.

    I agree that headsets are likely. I hate holding my iPhone to me ear.

    I only buy in-ear phones. The pair I have now are Klipsch S4i. The feel nice, they fit nice, the rubber in-ear buds don’t pop off like they do on the iPhone in-ear phones. The control is slim line compared to other brands and works with all the current iPhone controls. The base and richness of sound is a little better than the iPhone in-ear buds, but for the money I’d rather go with Apple’s offering. The 3.5mm end has come lose in 6 months from the cable requiring me to super glue it, but worst of all is the length of the cable. it’s an extra foot or so longer than the Apple in-ear phones I had before and it gets in the way.

    I’m not sure I want to spend more than a $100 on phones, but if someone can make a good case for a brand and/or model I may drop the hammer on some.

    I also have a Jawbone 2, but I rarely use it. Only pull it out when i am planning on making a fairly long call, which is rare.
  • Reply 146 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Coincidentally, I just watched some of the old Get Smart.

    I keep headphones nearby all the time. For any call longer than a minute, I grab them, they're more comfortable. I'm still trying to find my ideal headset.

    I've become so accustomed to using BT headsets (some so small as to barely be noticeable) that holding a phone up to my ear no longer feels comfortable.

    Personally, given the number of drivers I see holding phones to their ears rather than paying attention to the act of driving, I wish more people would use BT headsets
  • Reply 147 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Very Nice collection DaHarder, or did you fail to notice the embossed watermark clearly indicating that this collection of wares was mine

    My image clearly says SOLIPSISM so that proves they are mine.
  • Reply 148 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Oh, man, you got us there. That definitely proves it. Watermarks can't be faked.

    anonymouse/solipsism/Any of Your Other Screen Names...

    Your shtick is so old/tired/ineffective at this point that all I see when I read your posts is

    "Blah... Vitriol... Blah... Insecurity... Blah... Nonsense.

  • Reply 149 of 196
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    anonymouse/solipsism/Any of Your Other Screen Names...

    Didn't you know? Everyone here but you is only one person.
  • Reply 150 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Didn't you know? Everyone here but you is only one person.

    From my PoV I’m the only one that is known to exist, hence my screen name.
  • Reply 151 of 196
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    From POV I?m the only one that is known to exist, hence my screen name.

    Well, you really can't be certain that you exist either.
  • Reply 152 of 196
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    So it is a smartphone not a tablet nor slate like everyone have been saying.

    The headline of the article you are commenting on makes clear it is a phone. The first sentence of the article says it is a smartphone.


    Dell announces Streak tablet phone US launch on Friday

    By Josh Ong

    Published: 08:50 PM EST

    Dell's latest touchscreen tablet-cum-smartphone will take on Apple's iPhone
  • Reply 153 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, you really can't be certain that you exist either.

    That is the only thing a solipsist knows to be true. It?s everything else that is subjective.


    I feel asleep watching Inception and had nightmare I was still watching Shutter Island.

  • Reply 154 of 196
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by daharder View Post


    For the benefit of yet another naysayer who chooses to question my integrity, i'll humor you:

    pictured (left to right) are some of my current touchscreen/slate devices: Creative zii egg/32gb, sony p-series (touch-screen modified), lenovo s10-3t, archos 5it/32gb, apple ipad 64gb/wifi+3g, and ipod touch 64gb.

    note: The prominent display of the very page you're reading at this moment.

    I'd venture this clears up this little matter for you.

  • Reply 155 of 196
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That is the only thing a solipsist assumes to be true. It?s everything else that is subjective.

    There, I fixed it for you.
  • Reply 156 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    The headline of the article you are commenting on makes clear it is a phone. The first sentence of the article says it is a smartphone.


    Dell announces Streak tablet phone US launch on Friday

    By Josh Ong

    Published: 08:50 PM EST

    Dell's latest touchscreen tablet-cum-smartphone will take on Apple's iPhone

    How do you miss the part that says it?s also a tablet. The Dell Streak is a confused device from a woefully confused company.

    Sometimes it works to converge devices, but you do this by adding the pros of each device type and avoid the their cons. This tends to require an evolution of technology. This device seems to converge the worst parts of a tablet and a phone.
  • Reply 157 of 196
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Are you really comparing the Archos device to the iPad? You've owned both? I've owned both...

    The Answer Is A resounding - NO! -

    I'd really like to know where in the quoted post did I mention anything about the iPad... \

    Hint: I Didn't... Not Once.

    Additionally: As an 'alleged' owner of an Archos 5IT, you should be well aware that the 5IT features a 4.8inch (diagonal) display, and as my post clearly stated, "there are numerous benefits to a larger (but still pocket-friendly) slate device."... and unless you live in some kind of inverse-reality, the Archos 5IT is in no, way, shape, or form larger than the Apple iPad.
  • Reply 158 of 196
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Sure it's great for bragging rights, and the occasional Key Note slide talking point, but in real world usage it just doesn't make that big of difference after a certain point.

    But it is a RETINA display. It is the same as your eye. That is why it looks as good as humanly possible, given the way your eye is constructed. If it were any better, it would be impossible to even see the improvements, because it already is as good as the eye is able to see.
  • Reply 159 of 196
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    There, I fixed it for you.

    At the risk of sounded trite, I think, therefore I am. I know I exist, It?s everything outside of a base existence that is assumed.
  • Reply 160 of 196
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by jahonen View Post

    a) Quite an assumption that a person, that has technological interests that clearly cross boundaries (outside of Appleinsider) is automatically a paid shill?

    Regs, Jarkko

    There are thousands of people paid by all the big tech companies to go to forums and post there. It is a fast-growing industry, and some people make huge amounts of money doing it.

    It is a well-known fact. We have had many of them right here, but people always figure it out. Da Harder has now been busted.
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