Microsoft employees hold funeral parade for iPhone, Blackberry



  • Reply 121 of 212
    Please say there is someone in that crowd, looking at them in stunned disbelief and thinking, "Why do I work here?"
  • Reply 122 of 212
    What no room for WinMo 6.5 in that coffin?
  • Reply 123 of 212
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    As much as I pick on Apple, I hate Microsoft. They have done a lot of weird stuff to convince people they are hip and cool, but this is off the charts. If this company didn't have so much money, they would have surely folded by now. The company is run by idiots.

    So, is there anything you actually like?
  • Reply 124 of 212
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Ballmer is SUCH a nut! I am sure he was the one reading the "eulogy"! What a total DORK! But funny.

    Now you have proof Microsoft is run by pagans!

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Hey! Don't insult Pagans.

    I agree, a handful of American (and now somewhat international) holidays are founded in Paganism - including Christmas, don't bring the Pagans down to MS level.
  • Reply 125 of 212
  • Reply 126 of 212
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    I wonder what the Microsoft employees that own iPhones thought of it...
  • Reply 127 of 212
    You guys are taking this way to seriously, this is just a bit of fun here folks, is just a light hearted shot at apple. Don't you people remember the light hearted taunting Netscape and Internet Explorer teams used to do to each other?
  • Reply 128 of 212
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    Darth Vader can be seen here riding a motorcycle.

    Thats not a DOT approved helmet!
  • Reply 129 of 212
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    I wonder what the Microsoft employees that own iPhones thought of it...

    I wonder how many Microsoft employees actually own iPhones.
  • Reply 130 of 212
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    This reminds me of the line from True Lies when Tom Arnold's character's response to Arnold's exit strategy is, "Ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy."
  • Reply 131 of 212
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Certainly a bit 'presumptuous, but one never really knows what the future holds...

    I see exactly what'll happen... this being a total flop...sure they'll sell a shitload, but this POS will NEVER have the popularity and ease of use and probably MARKETSHARE like the iPhone...hence it's a flop....Ballmer's fat bald ass is so far outta touch with reality it just makes him look even more stupid than he himself does...
  • Reply 132 of 212
    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    Android Evo

    oh...un panameño. it will sell more. te apuesto 100 balboas!

    Did you remember the skeleton from Cupertino showing every phone manufacturer on the broken iPhone Antena-gate issue ?

    What about the misleading, inaccurate and false I'm a Mac...I'm PC ads ?

    Android is taking care of iPhone already. Apple will need to do something drastic if they don't want to be trampled by Android, WP7 and Nokia Symbian-Meego.

    Oh you poor misguided fool...Android isn't doing shit to the'll still stay on top...ESPECIALLY once it goes to other carriers...Only reason Android is doing decent is 'cause those that have them, can't get an iPhone cause it's not on their carrier of choice or they don't want to deal with AT&T How fucking stupid do people have to be to not see that reasoning?
  • Reply 133 of 212
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Not to mention that Microsoft collects a "royalty" on every Android phone HTC sells.

    They do? FUCK! I'm giving my HTC Hero back!
  • Reply 134 of 212
    Originally Posted by jpellino View Post

    Tell Steve Ballmer that "The Office" is not a training film?

    Possibly my favorite post ever

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Ha! Even though I don't think it will happen, I like the show of spunk.

    I have to agree. This one is so ridiculous that I can't help being amused by it. All the funnier in the likely case that they had the coffins confused, too.
  • Reply 135 of 212
    this is the funnies thing i ever saw in my life.. haha MSFT $ucks
  • Reply 136 of 212
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    So, is there anything you actually like?

    I like you!
  • Reply 137 of 212
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Actually ... as they say 'a picture is worth a thousand words' ... .. it is the single most accurate depiction of Microsoft development I have ever seen!

    - A broken down sh*t box on a rusty trailer being pulled by something you can't see. -

    It totally sums up the entire history of Windows development, Windows quality and Windows innovation (I know that last one is an oxymoron lol) ... All in one image! I love it.

    p.s. Are there actually turkeys on the roof? OMG.

    Now hold on there buddy... I think the photo is a joke as well. This does not help Microsoft's image if the media hounds get hold of it.

    However, I do take issue with calling that '67(??) Mustang there a sh!t-box. That's one seriously nice fixer-upper and I would gladly take possession of it and restore it back to it's former glory. I'm an old-school muscle-car admirer. Just sayin...
  • Reply 138 of 212
    Originally Posted by Noliving View Post

    You guys are taking this way to seriously, this is just a bit of fun here folks, is just a light hearted shot at apple. Don't you people remember the light hearted taunting Netscape and Internet Explorer teams used to do to each other?

    Me thinks you are taking the comments here way too serious, it's all in light hearted rib poking at Microsoft and Ballmer and their silliness. Don't most of these post have smiley emoticons on them, it's all good competitive fun.
  • Reply 139 of 212
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Better yet, they danced(?) as well.*

    Well, one could say it was quite thrilling performance especially compared to the one they did at their store in Mission Viejo, California.?

    All I can say is: I hope these "dancers" didn't give up their "day job".
  • Reply 140 of 212
    It's a ship party! Everything goes if it makes people have a good time.
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