Microsoft employees hold funeral parade for iPhone, Blackberry



  • Reply 161 of 212
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by PG4G View Post

    Hmmm... it just appears to me that Microsoft have no professionalism whatsoever. Even when they create a product to compete with a world-class product like iOS, they destroy it with this childish and pathetic show.

    *shakes head*

    Can we believe that 90% of the personal computers in the world run an OS made by people this pathetic and immature?

    Can we believe that 90% of the personal computers in the world run an OS that you can't connect to the internet without third party software to keep it sort of safe-ish?
  • Reply 162 of 212
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post

    Thats not a DOT approved helmet!

    That's okay - nothing inside it worth protecting.
  • Reply 163 of 212
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    the problem with the cheap Android idea is that the OS does not support it. The term phone is slightly misleading - the iPhone and the iPOd touch are computers, with full internet capability and an SDK. They have all kind of apps. One of those apps on the iPhone makes calls over the traditional carrier network. On the iPod touch Skype can do the same over wifi. Other apps do other stuff.

    Android 3.0 needs this kind of power:

    Minimum hardware requirements for Android 3.0 devices are: 1GHZ CPU, 512MB or RAM, displays from 3.5” and higher.

    Thats what competes with the iPhone from now on. It wont be cheap. Developers wont care about the rest, which will be running versions of 2.2/2.1.

    Prices of hardware come down all the time and you have to take into account who is actually making the hardware. When apple sells an iPhone there hardware costs are another companies profits. Give those companies the bit there missing i.e. The os for free and they can sell a very cheap device.

    It may be that android is never as good as ios, but I don't think it needs to be. I have around 30 apps on my iPhone out of all of them I would say there are only 4 that couldn't be web apps. The same goes for the iPad, it's best feature is browsing the web. Match the browsing experience for half the price and that's what people will buy. The app store is good, but will people be willing to pay an extra £200-300 for it?
  • Reply 164 of 212
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Prices of hardware come down all the time and you have to take into account who is actually making the hardware. When apple sells an iPhone there hardware costs are another companies profits. Give those companies the bit there missing i.e. The os for free and they can sell a very cheap device.

    That bit is missing to Apple too, or is subsumed in the cost of development of the OS. Which is not a major factor.

    Hardware costs come down to a certain extent. At the moment Google are supporting fragmentation of their own market.

    Of course they dont care about apps, they are riding the app storm until web apps become useful.
  • Reply 165 of 212
    perhaps microsoft should shutup and put out a good product.

    But that's too simple I guess.
  • Reply 166 of 212
    Bunch of losers.

  • Reply 167 of 212
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Me thinks you are taking the comments here way too serious, it's all in light hearted rib poking at Microsoft and Ballmer and their silliness. Don't most of these post have smiley emoticons on them, it's all good competitive fun.

    No I'm taking them seriously enough, most of these comments are basically saying Microsoft is being arrogant. For example go to the first page and read wurm5150 or boredumb posts or anantksundaram or bullhead, I don't think those are light hearted rib poking at Microsoft or Ballmer.
  • Reply 168 of 212
    Didnt Microsoft die long time ago ?
  • Reply 169 of 212
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Is Balmer Vader?!

    Unfortunately that position has well and truely been secured. In this analogy Ballmer would surely be Rugor Nass

    Originally Posted by raymondinperth View Post

    Didnt Microsoft die long time ago ?

    Na... I'm pretty sure they are still around somewhere. I'm almost certain I heard their phone dev team had some kind of parade to celebrate their OS RTM. Then again I could be wrong... I've been wrong on quite a number of occasions before!
  • Reply 170 of 212
    Yeap, sounds like an old Apple Computer Spot, but hej, now Apple is not in that mood, maybe Microsoft is....
  • Reply 171 of 212
    It's too easy to ridicule MS for their stunts and failings. Although it hurts to do it, I'm going to offer a counter comment to the tide here.

    Windows 7 Phone, from the reports I have seen, is as good as some flavors of Android at least. What this means is that Windows loyalists now have something to buy. And they will. Others who are not geekologists will buy it on the strength of the brand name. This guarantees some level of success--a piece of the action. When all is said and done, Android, Apple, RIM, and all the others will take their appointed places around the pie chart. No one dominating, some having more than others. Everyone will make some money. This is probably how it should be. Apple has gotten very strong by appealing to its own high margin market and not trying be everything to everyone. Life goes on.

    Apple can take quiet satisfaction at having changed the game . . . again.
  • Reply 172 of 212
    Originally Posted by bk212 View Post

    Get a sense of humor, fanboys.

    We are Apple. We have no sense of humor.
  • Reply 173 of 212
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I like you!

  • Reply 174 of 212
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Think motorola razr that dominated for years but people like change.

    Bad example. The iPhone is changed. Every year. The razr wasn't. Look how Apple have ditched successful iPods time and again and replaced them with new models (e.g. Last week). You can bet that the same will happen with other Apple devices, and is certainly happening with the iPhone.
  • Reply 175 of 212
    Originally Posted by arbourable View Post

    Bad example. The iPhone is changed. Every year. The razr wasn't. Look how Apple have ditched successful iPods time and again and replaced them with new models (e.g. Last week). You can bet that the same will happen with other Apple devices, and is certainly happening with the iPhone.

    The iPhone hasn't changed it's been tweeked. It still basically looks the same and has the same interface.

    iPods are a good example of change, and by apples own admittance people haven't liked all of them. The razr was also changed a lot but ultimately at some point another phone design comes along that everyone loves and buys, smart phones won't last forever. They will last a long time but at some point things will change.
  • Reply 176 of 212
    Originally Posted by arbourable View Post

    Bad example. The iPhone is changed. Every year. The razr wasn't. Look how Apple have ditched successful iPods time and again and replaced them with new models (e.g. Last week). You can bet that the same will happen with other Apple devices, and is certainly happening with the iPhone.

    Great point. This is a key thing that people don't understand with SJ-V2, who appears to have three elements to his strategy: (i) Kill your own before your competitors can get match it; (ii) Keep driving costs down to keep margins high; (iii) Try to keep moving the goalpost.
  • Reply 177 of 212
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    ..... smart phones won't last forever. They will last a long time but at some point things will change.

    This time, Apple will be in front of it. Just as they were with the iPad.
  • Reply 178 of 212
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    ... Be afraid ... be very afraid ....
  • Reply 179 of 212
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    The iPhone hasn't changed it's been tweeked. It still basically looks the same and has the same interface.

    The iPhone 4 is a very different beast when compared to the original iPhone. iOS is on it's fourth iteration, vastly improved with hundreds of new features. iOS 4.2 in November. I don't see evidence of stagnation here.

    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    They will last a long time but at some point things will change.

    And it will be Apple doing the changing.
  • Reply 180 of 212
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Great point. This is a key thing that people don't understand with SJ-V2, who appears to have three elements to his strategy: (i) Kill your own before your competitors can get match it; (ii) Keep driving costs down to keep margins high; (iii) Try to keep moving the goalpost.

    Yep, you get it... strange that the competition doesn't though. They're all busy skating to where the puck was last April.
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