Ballmer: Microsoft's brand 'means something' to users]



  • Reply 181 of 218
    Originally Posted by appl View Post

    Maybe the iPhone\\'s navigation is almost as elegant as WP7, but I still miss my PalmOS devices. They were light years ahead in basic of areas, like finding and launching apps.

    Alas, I won\\'t be experiencing the elegance of a WP7 phone, given that the OS restricts you from installing the software you might prefer over the software that happens to be for sale by the OS supplier. Yeah - the app launcher might be better than Apple\\'s, but that ain\\'t saying much.

    I have little to no interest in getting a WindozePhone7 Phone.

    I'd agree to iPhone navigation vs WP7 navigation: slightly less elegant (at the highest level), but much more practical (utilitarian) at all levels.

    Likely, future releases of WP7 will include multi-dimensional navigation options:

    -- folders

    -- search

    -- fast task switching

    Yes, the PalmOS, from what I've seen looks interesting -- it appears to have depth as well as breadth, and seemed very intuitive.

    I have heard rumors of new HP/Palm smart phones and tablets -- I think that PalmOS (WebOS) will scale nicely to the larger form factor.

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  • Reply 182 of 218
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I have heard rumors of new HP/Palm smart phones and tablets -- I think that PalmOS (WebOS) will scale nicely to the larger form factor.


    IIRC, HP announced new WebOS products, so it may be official, and not just a rumor.

    My kid loves his Pre Plus. He was excited to hear about WebOS 2.0 and their announcement of plans for a slate computer using it.

    I\\'ll be very interested to see if HP can attract developers. While they have all the major titles that most anybody wants, my impression is that there is much less depth, especially in some categories, than is available with iOS devices.

    And the niche titles are missing too. So if, for example, you collect bottle caps, you might find cool software on iOS that is not available on WebOS.

    But all in all, I think that HP has a great opportunity here, and I\\'m very interested to see how they play it out.
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  • Reply 183 of 218
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by appl View Post

    I\\'m more interested in his statements and his reasoning than I am in his degree.

    I saw a lot of opinion in his blog .... but didn't note a lot of reasoning .... maybe it's just me.
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  • Reply 184 of 218
    As long as Ballmer is in charge of M$ it wont go anywhere other than down. And that is fine with me.
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  • Reply 185 of 218
    Honestly I wish MS would go back to just writing software. Why doesn't MS make some quality software for iPad/Android? Is Balmer really that pigheaded to believe MS can come back when they are already this far behind?
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  • Reply 186 of 218
    Originally Posted by Doorman. View Post

    That is not because of the quality of either of the OS. Simply because Windows is more widely used at home and in corporations this system become the main target to get the data from users.

    It is all about efficiency.

    The security by obscurity myth is still alive and well, it looks like. I take it you haven't been around these boards long, nor have read much on many Mac sites. Your explanation is just that, a myth.

    The Classic Mac OS had a few (as in, literally, a few) viruses. Mac OS X? 0, zilch, nada, nix, none. It's been, what, 10 years? There are millions more OS X based Macs than there ever were Macs running Classic Mac OS. There are three to four million new Macs each quarter that are being used at home, in the work place, and in universities. Mac users especially like to take their Macs in to work and school because they hate using Windows. Mac users log on and off multiple public and private networks every day with complete impunity (and with a lot more ease than PC users).

    So, why are there NO viruses on OS X? Maybe due to its Unix underpinnings and its modular Mach MSD architecture that was made from the ground up for multiple users, etc. due to its Next legacy. OS X users are a great target, and yet there are no viruses. There are small businesses (like mine) and medium ones and non-profits which are all-Mac shops and they have NO full-time IT people. Surely, idiots like me can't expect to run a business with multiple Macs, day in day out, year after year, doing the minimal troubleshooting (a few minutes a month perhaps)... without making some kind of technical mistake that would result in some kind of outside attack, some loss of business or loss of productivity? Is fortune smiling on all Mac users equally strongly? I guess we are all just incredibly naive and lucky? Or, maybe it has something to do with the way that OS X is engineered, and designed to be pretty much idiot-proof.

    It's simply due to poor choices and shortcuts made by MS; it's due to MS refusing to make a break with the past and start with something fresh and modern; it's due to the default user settings and system access; its due to the screwed up Windows registry; it's due to all the ports left open; it's due to the fact that once something malicious gets installed on a PC, the owner doesn't know what the heck is running and where it is; it's due to the fact that within 30 seconds of being on the internet, every PC is hanging out a big sign saying Come and Get Me over the front door and a big Kick Me sign over the back door...
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  • Reply 187 of 218
    Time after time Apple shows Microsoft how to make a OS, how to make a phone, how to make a music player and still ms can't copy it well enough to make a good product.
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  • Reply 188 of 218
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by daviou View Post

    The Microsoft brand, to me has special meanings:

    2. Bad drivers translated from Korean to English by an overworked, borderline-suicidal poor hindu dude that gets paid slave wages to feed this heaping pile of garbage code that is the windows universe;

    All your base are belong to us
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  • Reply 189 of 218
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Please show me any evidence that WP7 phones will be subjected to a BOGO.

    Time, baby time. This thing will sink faster than the Kin and they COULDN'T give those away!

    Besides, there is probably a lot more money under the table coming from Google to kill the Windows phone platform. Who do you think made Verizon sell the Kin with those stupid plans that killed it?

    Hmmmm!! I wonder??

    "Don't be evil." (As long as someone's watching)
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  • Reply 190 of 218
    wow i really want the ipad, everytime i open my door it slams shut. i wish i had somethin to keep it wedged open that would really help.
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  • Reply 191 of 218
    I recently purchased an Ipad myself there my dear Duffel, it is quite exquisite i must say. Oh old chap i shall ipad us a place to play a vigorous game of shuffle board this beautiful sunny afternoon. Afterwards we can enjoy a splash of tea and nice game of chess. I must be going now, my stew is just about done!
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  • Reply 192 of 218
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I saw a lot of opinion in his blog .... but didn't note a lot of reasoning .... maybe it's just me.

    Nope, it's not just you. Just how long will Gates tolerate his buddy running the company into the ground? I mean, he's got his other buddy Allen suing Apple to try to slow them down, but he needs to have a nice talk with Ballmer. Maybe go fishing?? Godfather II???
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  • Reply 193 of 218
    Originally Posted by ShaolinDave View Post

    Who is this "Steve Ballmer" guy? A comedian, I'm assuming?

    no he has oral sex with steve jobs quite frequently. but he is also known for his halarious jokes and he is remarkably good at water polo
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  • Reply 194 of 218
    Originally Posted by Sir Gilliam View Post

    I recently purchased an Ipad myself there my dear Duffel, it is quite exquisite i must say. Oh old chap i shall ipad us a place to play a vigorous game of shuffle board this beautiful sunny afternoon. Afterwards we can enjoy a splash of tea and nice game of chess. I must be going now, my stew is just about done!

    thats amazing did you have really small shuffle board peices that you slid across the screen?
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  • Reply 195 of 218
    Originally Posted by Sir Duffel View Post

    no he has oral sex with steve jobs quite frequently. but he is also known for his halarious jokes and he is remarkably good at water polo

    I must say there! my pants seem to be bulging quite nicely to that one!
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  • Reply 196 of 218
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    Microsoft is not to be taken lightly even if it has Steve Ballmer at the top.

    As long as they have Jerry Seinfeld, they're unstoppable!!!

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  • Reply 196 of 218
    Originally Posted by Sir Gilliam View Post

    I must say there! my pants seem to be bulging quite nicely to that one!

    me too! dont splurge on your keyboard, it takes a while to clean it off
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  • Reply 198 of 218
    Originally Posted by HammerofTruth View Post

    As long as they have Jerry Seinfeld, they're unstoppable!!!

    Seinfeld oh what a classic show based on nothing! Hoochie mama! These pretzels are making me thirsty! My name is George, I?m unemployed and I live at my parents! Yada yada yada! In conclusion, newman you are the least bit funny.
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  • Reply 199 of 218
    Originally Posted by DewChugr View Post

    Time after time Apple shows Microsoft how to make a OS, how to make a phone, how to make a music player and still ms can't copy it well enough to make a good product.

    wow how ignorant are you? the top selling os is the android softwear. so gtfo fanboy
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  • Reply 200 of 218
    Originally Posted by Sir Duffel View Post

    wow how ignorant are you? the top selling os is the android softwear. so gtfo fanboy

    Androids are robots my dear friend!
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