Ballmer: Microsoft's brand 'means something' to users]



  • Reply 121 of 218
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Well, now that is interesting. AI changed the title of the article and removed the "Apple not so much" part.

    So, how many who railed against MS for the "not so much" part are going to man up and admit they were wrong?

    "Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct; nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record. All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary."
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  • Reply 122 of 218

    If you don't have a minimum kind of standard [?] the brand means nothing to the user

    how much $$$ do i have to sniff to understand that?
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  • Reply 123 of 218
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    What Bill Gates would have done:

    iPhone comes out in 07 - crap we are really behind. Let's try to port Windows to a smaller mobile device. If we can't do that, let's start from scratch and try to make the experience as close to apple's experience as we can.

    App Store comes to iPhone OS - let's make office for iPhone OS. At least that will keep us in the mobile space for a few more years while we finish porting our code.

    iPhone 3GS - release Windows 7 for mobile. Not Windows Phone 7. In other words make a UI that works on mobile, but very familiar to anyone who has ever used Windows 7. Have office on there, have xbox integration with xbox developers on board making some miniature Win7 for mobile games. You can connect to your xbox live friends right on the phone.

    iPad comes out - port Windows 7 for mobile to the tablet, have a windows like UI and copy some functionality like printing from Apple.

    What Ballmer did:

    Zune was a failure, let's turn WinMo into Zune!
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  • Reply 124 of 218
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    "Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct; nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record. All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary."

    Except... it is so easy to screen save "capture" a moment in time!

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  • Reply 125 of 218
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    Microsoft's last hope is to fire Steve Ballmer.

    I have been thinking this for years. Ballmer has been destroying Microsoft. Not that i care, really.
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  • Reply 126 of 218
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by iWatch View Post

    what MS brand's mean to users: reboots, powercycles, BSDs, Apple's not so much

    Um, lets see... only from what was being discussed here at AI in tle last year or so... faulty screens, faulty graphics chips, faulty superdrives, clicking HDDs, cracking plastics, kernel panics, crashing Flash playback, dodgy magsafe connectors..?

    Last time someone bothered to mention here at AI, Windows 7 had higher user satisfaction than OSX SL.

    Really. Are we ever going to leave such petty crap behind? I really don't understand why people who choose one platform need to believe that other options are so bad. Incredibly low self-esteem? Doubtful about own choices? Faux superiority complex?
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  • Reply 127 of 218
    Is Ina a man or a woman? Anyone else confused by this visual deception?
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  • Reply 128 of 218
    I'm surprised there are 128 comments on a story AI just made up. I think people must read the headline, see "Ballmer" or "Microsoft" and post without actually reading the article.
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  • Reply 129 of 218
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    This headline does not fairly characterize Ballmer's words. He does not say "Apple's not so much." He does not say Apple's brand "means nothing to the user." ... Seems more attention grabbing and link baiting than actual news.

    absolutely; the original thread title was pure bait.

    any reasonable person will assess the success / failure of WP7 devices only after a few quarters. some people made the mistake of disregarding Apple several years ago with the iPod and iPhone. best we take the high road, folks, and enjoy Apple products at the same time.
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  • Reply 130 of 218
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by lowejazz View Post

    Once Bill Gates turned the MS helm over to Ballmer the trouble began. The MS results under Ballmer's leadership have been unspectacular at best. He's obviously in over his head.

    His comments about the undisputedly fading Microsoft brand obviously demonstrate his lack of clarity and understanding of today's marketplace.

    Sad to see the once respected Microsoft brand fade into the mud and mire of today's marketplace ... and even sadder, particularly for Microsoft's shareholders, to see the Captain of their ship so in over his head.

    Wonder if John Sculley is available?


    Gates retired back in 2008.

    Vista, Windows Mobile 6.x, original Zune and unsuccessful tablet vision (with convertible laptops) were all cooked under his lead.

    Under Balmer, we have Windows 7 (best selling OS ever), Windows Phone 7, Server 2008 R2, Office 2010 unified across platforms.

    I don't like Balmer much where he is (mostly because he looks and acts as used cars salesman from something like "Only Fools & Horses" TV show), but honestly, I don't see MS doing more bad moves under him that they did under Gates.
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  • Reply 131 of 218
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    True, true and true. People's comments should be directed toward the AI fail in this post.

    Well, that is where smart people around here differentiate from trolls who only get triggered by specific words or phrases to sneak under their little stones, leave pointless comment and sneak back under
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  • Reply 132 of 218
    Originally Posted by Zaphodsplanet View Post

    Okay, I'm sorry but WHAT IN THE HELL is up with the dude interviewing Ballmer. Looks like he's wearing a sweater he took out of his sisters closet, then stole his grandmothers glasses....

    Or are we all supposed to pretend he's a girl? And that freaking girl hairstyle..... which he doesn't pull off at all.... is he also wearing a bra?

    Is this an idiot who can't accept he was born with a Penis? As for the MS phone..... Lame as always..... I'd be surprised if Gates throws out Ballmer though. He's such an incredible dork that he actually makes Gates look slightly less dorky.

    I'm sorry... I still can't get over the CNET interviewer..... Gag!

    Re, that "dude":

    "During her years at CNET, Ina Fried has changed beats several times, changed genders once, and covered both of the Pirates of Silicon Valley."

    "Prior to June 2003, Fried transitioned from male to female and began using the byline "Ina Fried." Fried had previously signed articles "Ian Fried.""

    I thought the name sounded familiar, and now I know why.
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  • Reply 133 of 218
    Ballmer's nonstop BS is as nauseating as it is quintessentially Microsoft.

    "I think you clearly have a lot more variety than Apple has..."

    For example, Microsoft offers a plethora of versions of its operating system, all of which are insecure. The only real variety is in the hugely diverse ecosystem of malware the average user ends up running.

    This seeming plethora of essentially identical phones is the same mistake. How many will vanish from the market in a matter of months, like the Kin? How many will stick around forever despite the fact that should never have been released in the first place, a la Zune?

    "Our brand means something to the user."

    It does: omnipresent mediocrity, embodied in the "release it now we'll fix it later if we really have to, maybe" approach to product development.

    Ballmer has discovered RepugnicanThink in a big way: if you can spend enough money on propaganda, facts become whatever you say they are.
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  • Reply 134 of 218
    A new look and Nokia's adherence to symbian may give Microsoft a chance to become relevant again in the smart phone market:
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  • Reply 135 of 218
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    For example, Microsoft offers a plethora of versions of its operating system, all of which are insecure ...

    Windows Server 2008 R2 is amazingly robust and a very solid performer.
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  • Reply 136 of 218
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    MS has as much brand loyalty as Google/Android given a fairly large install base of XBox 360s and the large number of .net developers (probably close to Java in useful devs). WP7 looks fairly polished although I haven't looked closely at it yet. I can say that Android is a freaking annoyance to develop for (goddamn sense UI crap) and the market is subject to large amounts of piracy.

    WP7 is going to kick android ass on the gaming front. Yah, MS will do fine from a branding perspective.
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  • Reply 137 of 218
    According to the world of Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's brand holds value for users, more so than rival brands, I guess Jobs and others should run for cover!!!

    From its CEO onward, folks at MS is living in a dream world!!!!
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  • Reply 138 of 218
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    I saw what you wrote, I just don't believe that we are dealing with the "old" MS anymore, in spite of what most people here seem to believe

    I would never fault anyone who wants to stick to what he believes in, however, it's kinda hard to ignore the facts .... or history. We'll see in time, I guess ...... Peace.
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  • Reply 139 of 218
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Hey, Cool it! Most of your posts have been rational... everyone is entitled to learn by their mistakes.

    Balmer, AI, you and especially me!


    Dick, the problem, as I see it, is that AI has been making this kind of "mistake" far too many times lately. It would appear that "journalistic integrity" is being sacrificed just to gain "hits" ..... not a good strategy, imho.
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  • Reply 140 of 218
    Originally Posted by ShaolinDave View Post

    Who is this "Steve Ballmer" guy? A comedian, I'm assuming?

    Ballmer is a true visionary. He sees what the competition has already done in the marketplace and tries to imitate it (poorly) by slapping Windows on a keyboardless laptop. Oh yeah, never mind that Microsoft has been trying to sell Windows on tablet PCs since the days of 16-bit Windows 3.11 with Pen Extensions. I'm not kidding. Insanity is doing the same thing for over a decade and expecting a different outcome.
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