I'm surprised there are 128 comments on a story AI just made up. I think people must read the headline, see "Ballmer" or "Microsoft" and post without actually reading the article.
"One is more than I would like"? Doesn't this guy appreciate fair competition? I don't particularly want a device in this space because there's still room for development, but competition is what drives innovation after the initial good idea.
"One is more than I would like" sounds like sour grapes. MS has been trying to do a tablet for the better part of 10 years, and failed.
I would never fault anyone who wants to stick to what he believes in, however, it's kinda hard to ignore the facts .... or history. We'll see in time, I guess ...... Peace.
We shall see. I agree with you that MS has a bad history, which has resulted in much deserved cynicism. They have not been the best.
OTOH, the old MS would never have developed WP7, nor would they have developed Bing. Also, people see the Kin as a failure, and it was - but the thing is, MS realized this early and pulled the plug.
None of their recent behavior is the same as the old MS, and I think they realize they are no longer calling the shots, and are responding positively to that.
Dick, the problem, as I see it, is that AI has been making this kind of "mistake" far too many times lately. It would appear that "journalistic integrity" is being sacrificed just to gain "hits" ..... not a good strategy, imho.
Dick, Newbee expressed my sentiments exactly. If I thought this was a "mistake" I would agree with you and apologize. However, this is simply one of several recent "mistakes"
Seriously... even if you were desperate for a keyboard, you could get a ClamCase (or whatever they're called).
Besides, a hardware keyboard can be a downfall in quite a few scenarios, especially those that involve limited room.
Next up: MS introduces all-touchscreen tablet; Ballmer says that it's perfect and a hardware keyboard is unnecessary.
For my iPad I've got the Compass stand by 12South, and the small aluminum Apple bluetooth keyboard to slip in my bag when I want to do some serious typing... the combo looks and feels great.
I have never liked particularly liked laptops with fixed relationship between screen and keyboard, and I wouldn't like an attached keyboard or fixed keyboard/stand combo for the same reasons -- I have always liked to have screen and keyboard separate and be able to move them in relation to each other, or put the keyboard on my lap if need be, or whatever.
"It implies a certain level of consistency and high quality, which I think is important for the Windows Phone".
Consistent? Yes. High quality? Not so much. \
The average consumer doesn't give a pooh about burying their head into "your" roadmap and they certainly don't care about the processor. Geeks & and fanboys, yes. But these aren't the target groups that Apple pursues with the iPhone and they're doing pretty good in the smartphone space.
I would say Microsoft and Ballmer did the right thing with the new mobile OS WM7. UI looks very nice, it's fast (from what I see on videos and previews), and they do it right with the HW limitations so they avoid HW fragmentation that exist with Android and is total mess. What is most important here is that UI experience is totally the same on all available devices... This is what's gonna make a big impact on Android.
I predict that in 2 years time WM7 will be already bigger then Android! Apple doesn't need to be afraid much here. People will still want iPhone. But I hope Apple starts innovating on UI experience again, because I personally think the WM7 UI looks really good!
People always bring their computers to me looking like this. Its such a pain in the ass to manage software on the windows platform. On top of that there are all the crappy drivers, utilities, and adware that manufacturers and vendors throw on there. It really just pisses me off. Thats why I switched to Mac.
Not to say Macs don't have flaws, they have lots but its usually no where near as annoying to work with.
2. Bad drivers translated from Korean to English by an overworked, borderline-suicidal poor hindu dude that gets paid slave wages to feed this heaping pile of garbage code that is the windows universe;
3. Need a technical course just to understand why the friggin OS doesnt work and what'S causing the boo-boo;
4. Lost productivity;
5. Frustrations of less tech-savy coworkers who hate IT;
6. Undue psychological trauma to the IT guys;
7. Voodoo dolls of the IT guys;
8. Loads of double-speak and weasel words from the marketing people to push crappy code;
9. OS inertia in large companies
10. Having a fat, bald guy who's desperatelly (literally) trying to sell bad code (and he knows it too) to the mainstream market, growing more and more attuned to simple, easy-to use, hassle-free OS like OSX
At least Bill is trying to do some good in the world with the billions of dollars MS raked with bad products... Steve Ballmer is the Sean Avery of CEOs.
Agree on the stickers, I feel very proud when using an Apple product. 2 large, 3 small stickers on the car, we are a 5 person mac using family.
When people see those stickers, they know that you are a man to be respected! You buy certain products! And you give them free advertising!
Wow! Yes indeed, you should feel proud when using an Apple product. It speaks volumes about you, down to your very core. You have transformed your very being.
I wouldn't be surprised if in two years time there are "light-weight" versions of Android competing or replacing feature phones.
I also expect that. For example, Microsoft has a lite version of windows that is customized for netbooks. A lite version of Android for feature phones makes a lot of sense.
I know nothing about the guts of this stuff, but would it be possible to have the OS in modules, which can be excluded for phones that have insufficient hardware? Like no camera functionality if the device has no camera?
Windows Server 2008 R2 is amazingly robust and a very solid performer.
True. Let's put that on a tablet
I'm surprised there are 128 comments on a story AI just made up. I think people must read the headline, see "Ballmer" or "Microsoft" and post without actually reading the article.
Please. It's more fun this way.
"One is more than I would like" sounds like sour grapes. MS has been trying to do a tablet for the better part of 10 years, and failed.
I would never fault anyone who wants to stick to what he believes in, however, it's kinda hard to ignore the facts .... or history. We'll see in time, I guess ...... Peace.
We shall see. I agree with you that MS has a bad history, which has resulted in much deserved cynicism. They have not been the best.
OTOH, the old MS would never have developed WP7, nor would they have developed Bing. Also, people see the Kin as a failure, and it was - but the thing is, MS realized this early and pulled the plug.
None of their recent behavior is the same as the old MS, and I think they realize they are no longer calling the shots, and are responding positively to that.
Peace to you also.
Dick, the problem, as I see it, is that AI has been making this kind of "mistake" far too many times lately. It would appear that "journalistic integrity" is being sacrificed just to gain "hits" ..... not a good strategy, imho.
Dick, Newbee expressed my sentiments exactly. If I thought this was a "mistake" I would agree with you and apologize. However, this is simply one of several recent "mistakes"
Agree on the stickers, I feel very proud when using an Apple product. 2 large, 3 small stickers on the car, we are a 5 person mac using family.
Proud? Its a electronic device that somebody else created. You are not that special, you just use it.
Seriously... even if you were desperate for a keyboard, you could get a ClamCase (or whatever they're called).
Besides, a hardware keyboard can be a downfall in quite a few scenarios, especially those that involve limited room.
Next up: MS introduces all-touchscreen tablet; Ballmer says that it's perfect and a hardware keyboard is unnecessary.
For my iPad I've got the Compass stand by 12South, and the small aluminum Apple bluetooth keyboard to slip in my bag when I want to do some serious typing... the combo looks and feels great.
I have never liked particularly liked laptops with fixed relationship between screen and keyboard, and I wouldn't like an attached keyboard or fixed keyboard/stand combo for the same reasons -- I have always liked to have screen and keyboard separate and be able to move them in relation to each other, or put the keyboard on my lap if need be, or whatever.
Consistent? Yes. High quality? Not so much.
The average consumer doesn't give a pooh about burying their head into "your" roadmap and they certainly don't care about the processor. Geeks & and fanboys, yes. But these aren't the target groups that Apple pursues with the iPhone and they're doing pretty good in the smartphone space.
I predict that in 2 years time WM7 will be already bigger then Android! Apple doesn't need to be afraid much here. People will still want iPhone. But I hope Apple starts innovating on UI experience again, because I personally think the WM7 UI looks really good!
(this is from Apple fan and iPhone user)
Windows Server 2008 R2 is amazingly robust and a very solid performer.
True. Let's put that on a tablet
Seriously, It is fairly easy to put a web server on a JailBroken iOS device (and, probably, an Android device)...
...Is that a web server in your pocket, or you just glad to see me?
This is all I see... all the time.... every time!
People always bring their computers to me looking like this. Its such a pain in the ass to manage software on the windows platform. On top of that there are all the crappy drivers, utilities, and adware that manufacturers and vendors throw on there. It really just pisses me off. Thats why I switched to Mac.
Not to say Macs don't have flaws, they have lots but its usually no where near as annoying to work with.
I always tell people: "Try something else! Mac, linux, anything else! Please!"
I predict that in 2 years time WM7 will be already bigger then Android!
However, remember that since Android doesn't need to maintain a consistent user interface or experience it can run on a wider range of hardware.
I wouldn't be surprised if in two years time there are "light-weight" versions of Android competing or replacing feature phones.
The Microsoft brand, to me has special meanings:
1. Ctrl-Alt-Del;
2. Bad drivers translated from Korean to English by an overworked, borderline-suicidal poor hindu dude that gets paid slave wages to feed this heaping pile of garbage code that is the windows universe;
3. Need a technical course just to understand why the friggin OS doesnt work and what'S causing the boo-boo;
4. Lost productivity;
5. Frustrations of less tech-savy coworkers who hate IT;
6. Undue psychological trauma to the IT guys;
7. Voodoo dolls of the IT guys;
8. Loads of double-speak and weasel words from the marketing people to push crappy code;
9. OS inertia in large companies
10. Having a fat, bald guy who's desperatelly (literally) trying to sell bad code (and he knows it too) to the mainstream market, growing more and more attuned to simple, easy-to use, hassle-free OS like OSX
At least Bill is trying to do some good in the world with the billions of dollars MS raked with bad products... Steve Ballmer is the Sean Avery of CEOs.
They do not want to realize that Ballmer was not talking about Apple, because then they would not be able to say bad things about MS.
Remember, for the masses, the delusion is preferable to reality.
No matter what, they will say bad things about
and anybody else who makes the list.
I will never buy a Microsoft product until Microsoft alters it's approach to customers and it's products.
What sort of approach are you looking for?
What approach would change our mind?
Agree on the stickers, I feel very proud when using an Apple product. 2 large, 3 small stickers on the car, we are a 5 person mac using family.
When people see those stickers, they know that you are a man to be respected! You buy certain products! And you give them free advertising!
Wow! Yes indeed, you should feel proud when using an Apple product. It speaks volumes about you, down to your very core. You have transformed your very being.
Buy more Apple stuff! Quick!
I wouldn't be surprised if in two years time there are "light-weight" versions of Android competing or replacing feature phones.
I also expect that. For example, Microsoft has a lite version of windows that is customized for netbooks. A lite version of Android for feature phones makes a lot of sense.
I know nothing about the guts of this stuff, but would it be possible to have the OS in modules, which can be excluded for phones that have insufficient hardware? Like no camera functionality if the device has no camera?
Choice? Why would I choose a phone with a slide-out keyboard in landscape mode when most of the OS doesn't rotate? .
If you were heavily into IM that might appeal to you. I see kids using IM constantly, for hours at a time.
Before my kid got his Palm Pre Plus, he used a phone with a sideways slider, because he was constantly IMing.