Siri voice assistant technology distinguishes iPhone 4S



  • Reply 141 of 192
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    NP- but get ready for a lot of people now shouting to their phones- "Get Me...", "Give Me...", ""I Want!", "Where is?". I should get Advil stock.

    It will be interesting to see how Cook and Apple try to convince me and the public that is something I want or even need.

    My career completely relies on the calendar. I tossed my paper calendar in favor of MobileMe, which works flawlessly between the iPhone, iPad and iMac. Being able to enter appointments by voice command will streamline things very easily and will take back major chunks of time.

    Of course, with all those appointments means that I have many, many contacts in Address Book on those devices as well, so being able to enter in new contacts, retrieve phone numbers and dial will also take back big chunks of time.

    And those are the first two uses I can think of right off the bat.

    I think you're doomsday prediction of people talking everywhere is a bit ridiculous, if not hilarious.
  • Reply 142 of 192
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Interesting how the trolls never learn. The same arguments every time Apple release new iProduct and specially iPhone. Every year we hear "didn't live to the hype", "greedy Apple limiting x feature to new iPhone", "only fanboys will upgrade".. etc.

    I have news for you. Saying these things will not make them come true. Maybe in your mind they are true but reality is something else.

    It seems there is a lot of Astro-turfing going on, eh?
  • Reply 142 of 192
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Vadania View Post

    Wow! You're outdoing all of your previous posts! ...and I thought your posts about women making phones while nude was bad!

    Tell me, do you want your phone to talk dirty to you in that '19 year old red head' voice? I'm guessing you don't do well with girls. You're as bad as my little brother that has Lara Croft walking around naked on his computer! If you're the same age then some of your previous posts make more sense.

    I shouldn't have to tell this to anybody, but you seem like a reasonable person and I'll let you in on a little secret. I operate on a higher level than most posters and what I write may often very well be dripping with sarcasm, irony and wit. There are those who get what I write and then there are those who don't. I don't really have much more to say about that subject.
  • Reply 144 of 192
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    My career completely relies on the calendar. I tossed my paper calendar in favor of MobileMe, which works flawlessly between the iPhone, iPad and iMac. Being able to enter appointments by voice command will streamline things very easily and will take back major chunks of time.

    Of course, with all those appointments means that I have many, many contacts in Address Book on those devices as well, so being able to enter in new contacts, retrieve phone numbers and dial will also take back big chunks of time.

    And those are the first two uses I can think of right off the bat.

    I think you're doomsday prediction of people talking everywhere is a bit ridiculous, if not hilarious.

    "in favor of MobileMe, which works flawlessly"

    So you are the "ONE" that it works for!!!
  • Reply 145 of 192
    mrslymrsly Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by jamesmcd View Post

    Yet another reason to jailbreak my 3-month old iPhone 4. I would like to be able to dictate my text messages while driving

    (Oh and FaceTime over 3G)

    facetime is now over 3g
  • Reply 146 of 192
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    Looks like this is Apple's response to google voice actions. Should be interesting to see how they improve upon it and how google responds to this.

    the biggest issue with voice actions was its network dependence; everything was done on google's end, so no data/reception meant it didn't work at all. I wonder how much of Siri is done locally.

    the TTS voice sounds pretty decent too. Although I don't think I would want my messages read aloud to me; especially in public. I'm not a fan of trying to make the phone respond like a human tho; it kind of amplifies the awkwardness of it. (eg. I would much prefer it to just say "processing" or "loading" instead of "let me think...")

    Siri is vastly more sophisticated than Google Voice Actions. Google's system is a limited set of verbs (send, listen, go to, call, etc.) coupled with a limited set of nouns (email, music, web site, contact, etc.) in that order, plus speech to text for text content and search strings.

    Siri is an AI system that parses natural English to determine context and intent, so I'm not limited to a library of terms or a certain construction (verb noun). I can say "What's the quickest way get to Jim's house from here" or "Remind me to buy milk when I go to the store" or "Move my appointment with Susan a half hour forward." Any of those would leave Voice Actions scratching its head.
  • Reply 147 of 192
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Do you think it's processed or not? Make up your mind.

    Christ, only YOU could do this.

    Yes. Voice data is processed off-site

    Yes. It requires no processing power on the phone side of things.

    Was it that difficult to understand?

    That's why there is no technical reason the iphone 4 could not do this comfortably running the same OS.
  • Reply 148 of 192
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    DED Spin. After a lack luster Tim Cook presentation and a warmed up iPhone, DED is hoping this will be the kicker that gets people ligned up for this new phone.

    Yeah, he's pretty much in charge of getting people excited about Apple gear. If it wasn't for Apple Insider I doubt Apple would even still be in business.


    I DOUBT it, just because I cant see people jabbering away in fron of other people. I see this being banned in many locations, especially if texting was already banned in a location.

    You're probably right-- I imagine the grotesque spectacle of people actually talking into their phones will create such widespread revulsion that laws will be passed.


    I bet the iPhone 4S has the WORST sales of any iPhone so far. Everyone will hold out for the iPhone 5. 3G owners will pickup a $99 iPhone 4.

  • Reply 149 of 192
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Siri is vastly more sophisticated than Google Voice Actions. Google's system is a limited set of verbs (send, listen, go to, call, etc.) coupled with a limited set of nouns (email, music, web site, contact, etc.) in that order, plus speech to text for text content and search strings.

    Siri is an AI system that parses natural English to determine context and intent, so I'm not limited to a library of terms or a certain construction (verb noun). I can say "What's the quickest way get to Jim's house from here" or "Remind me to buy milk when I go to the store" or "Move my appointment with Susan a half hour forward." Any of those would leave Voice Actions scratching its head.

    good to know there are people here who get it.. thank you thank you.

    why it is so hard for some to get their head around this?

    Seems like some are still struggle at the fundamental difference between translation - speech to text (audio to transcribed text dication) and what happens to the text after it is captured for analysis. Its what happens to this text after it is translated to text that makes Siri special. Its AI engine, not a simple traditional rule based mapping engine that looks for a predetermined sentence structure. I even question that Siri has developed any STT engine at all. Why reinvent the wheel? if I was Siri I would just license a STT engine. STT is not their core business.
  • Reply 150 of 192
    jmc54jmc54 Posts: 207member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    It better work as shown in the videos or Apple (and it) will become the butt of many, many jokes...

    again!! Remember the newton??
  • Reply 151 of 192
    I can see Siri being pretty useful especially in the car. Don't expect to be perfect, but it demonstrates the value of owning both the hardware and software. It will take Google a while to catch...
  • Reply 152 of 192
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yeah, he's pretty much in charge of getting people excited about Apple gear. If it wasn't for Apple Insider I doubt Apple would even still be in business.

    You're probably right-- I imagine the grotesque spectacle of people actually talking into their phones will create such widespread revulsion that laws will be passed.


  • Reply 153 of 192
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    If that's the case, I hope that teaches the apologists who were saying the iPad's RAM stinginess was no big deal. It might not make a big difference at the time, but it often leads to quick obsolescence.

    This is the biggest problem I have with Apples IOS devices, RAM limitation have been a problem with every release.
  • Reply 154 of 192
    Lame! Another feature that I, and I suspect most others will never use. Hey Apple!! We want a bigger screen and flash support!!!
  • Reply 155 of 192
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Patranus View Post

    Check out the BBC video.

    Looks like it works as advertised.

    Which makes me wonder why (some) people are saying it's just like Google's service.
  • Reply 156 of 192
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by skippy302 View Post

    Lame! Another feature that I, and I suspect most others will never use. Hey Apple!! We want a bigger screen and flash support!!!

    dont forget replaceable battery, SD card slot, usb input jack and any other feature of interest to the Android techie audience.
  • Reply 157 of 192
    Not sure if anyone said this but you can use the free Dragon Go for iP4 which is better than siri for iP4 - in my experience.
  • Reply 158 of 192
    unicronunicron Posts: 154member
    I think this is a fantastic feature. The fact that I can send and receive texts while driving is enough for me. I'm surprised I haven't been in a wreck yet.
  • Reply 159 of 192
    yeah, Siri is kinda expected at this point for all Apple products. The voice is still really chunky. I wouldn't want to hear that chick on a daily basis. So, Booooo!

    You'd think they could smooth out the artificial voice.

    Once Siri is polished and runs smoooth, they'll probably have it punted to other devices. That's when nobody uses it or deletes it from their phone to save flash space.

    Speaking of flash!....Apple will probably put their own satellites in space before their iOS devices run flash
  • Reply 160 of 192
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    DED Spin. After a lack luster Tim Cook presentation and a warmed up iPhone, DED is hoping this will be the kicker that gets people ligned up for this new phone.

    I DOUBT it, just because I cant see people jabbering away in fron of other people. I see this being banned in many locations, especially if texting was already banned in a location.

    I bet the iPhone 4S has the WORST sales of any iPhone so far. Everyone will hold out for the iPhone 5. 3G owners will pickup a $99 iPhone 4.

    I'll take that bet! iPhone 4S will be the largest selling mobile device of all time... beating iP4 by noo less that 30%. That means ~ 27 Million/Quarter... possibly 30 mil.

    No I'm not joking or high. What amazes me is how shortsighted people are. With the power of the new iP4S, Camera, Siri, iOS5, iCloud... there is just no other phone or system out there that can beat it... other than possibly iP4 or 3GS... save some functionality and speed... but other than that, the absolute best ecosystem money can buy and be a part of (period).
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