Siri voice assistant technology distinguishes iPhone 4S



  • Reply 161 of 192
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    Is it outdoors as in a city? On a windy day?

    With an ambulance passing? Or a fire engine?

    I think the counter argument would be that it would work in any situation where talking on the phone is a viable option. An ambulance driving by will usually interrupt a phone conversation, as will a loud car or bike, to which my response is to say to the person on the other end, "just a sec....okay, what were you saying?" Minor inconvenience. Windy days are the same...sometimes it's just not worth it to attempt a conversation when the wind is blowing hard. On the other hand...I've usually been able to complete those conversations once I get into a car. Point being: I think it will be "limited" by the same issues plaguing talking on the phone in general. When it's windy, I usually stall my conversations until I'm in a car or otherwise indoors. Passing cars...well, I'll just wait a few moments, as I would on a phone call. In a loud bar or restaurant...we'll see, but I'm not usually scheduling calender events or asking for directions in those situations. As with most technology, there are going to be one to five percent of situations where it just isn't feasible to use it, though I don't see these drawbacks as a failure of the technology itself. On the rare occasion it's too loud...well, I have trouble talking to my friend who is right next to me...failure of vocal chords and ears? I like your point, though I think your point is a great example of how extreme conditions will have to be for this NOT to work. Really interested to see where this technology will be in five years. Am pretty excited about it now, though, as most imagined instances of use (for me) would be under ideal conditions.
  • Reply 162 of 192
    Here's what I think... Siri will be temporarily exclusive to the iPhone 4S while in beta. Then expanded to the iPhone 4 thereafter with an update.
  • Reply 163 of 192
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by HKZ View Post

    With playing music and downloading songs it quits because you are writing to the music storage area. That doesn't have anything to do with the A4, or the A5. It's been this way since the very first iOS device. I have a jailbroken iPhone that allows me to use the phone while it's syncing to iTunes and I can't view pictures while putting photo albums onto it. The app won't open or it says "rebuilding library, please wait." It force closes the photos/iPod apps until it's done syncing and even then you have to restart the photos\\iPos apps after it's done. That's true of any Apple app that syncs data to the phone. The photos/iPod apps do this every time you sync content to it, the icon is greyed out when you disconnect and open the multitasking drawer. That's a read/write issue and all computers do this to some extent. You can't write firmware or other critical software updates in OS X while it's running either, you have to restart and it updates it then. That's also why a non-jailbroken iPhone locks the screen while syncing. All of that behavior prevents the user from terminating the process mid-write and corrupting the data, not Apple being lazy.

    Could technology be made to avoid this? (Honest question, I have no clue). My non-tech impulse is to think of something similar to what they are doing with their "streaming" music. If a song can be loaded into a temporary area and played from there...could that prevent an interruption? Maybe that's far too cumbersome to be worthwhile. Can't you play music in a mac from itunes while stuff is downloading and processing? Anyway...English major...I'll go back to my classic lit now.
  • Reply 164 of 192
    wingswings Posts: 261member
    Originally Posted by Keda View Post

    The feature is obviously unique to the new phone; the question was why? Is it simply an effort on Apple's part to differentiate hardware, or is there a legit technical reason? I'd like to know. I was looking forward to better voice control in iOS 5, and am disappointed that it will not be available.

    Could it be that it needs a dual core processor and 1 GB of RAM? Like what's in the iPhone 4S but not in the iPhone 4.
  • Reply 165 of 192
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by rfrmac View Post

    This afternoon I read the updates on the intro as they were announced. I wasn't sure what I thought. I finished my work and read that some of the so-called "experts" where "underwhelmed".

    I went to the Apple site and had a look for myself at the presentation first hand. At the end I was wondering what these people wanted?

    It is by far the most impressive phone I have seen so far and I have seen most of them. This phone is going to rock. And with the other stuff coming this month it is good to have Apple products.

    Here we have the most successful smartphone in the iPhone 4 and Apple takes care of the antenna problems [?], gives it much more power, adds great graphs, a great new camera for both still and video, and adds SIRI, which no one else has and this is underwhelming? Add to this allowing it to use the cloud and all of its features included there and people are "underwhelmed".

    I wonder if people take a look at the entire system when they look at this. Looks to me that the "experts" did not. I am very happy with what I saw and look forward to having one.

    Unfortunately, much of the negatives are much of what the same trolls crabbed about after the launch of virtually every product Apple introduces. How anybody can deem anything underwhelming without even seeing it in person is beyond me.

    Sounds like much of the rhetoric that appeared after the iPad keynote.

    As you, I am very happy with what I have seen today, but also feeling what the future is now so much closer with what Apple conceived back in 1987.* Come the seventh, my order is going in and a week later passing my iPhone 4 to my wife.


    *In 1987 I had turned ten. I entered the fifth grade, and got my first PC, sadly saying good bye to my beloved Apple II way of life. Meanwhile, Apple made this video. It presents their concept for Knowledge Navigator, and shows a professor talking to his tablet computer and getting back intelligent responses. Weirdly, his calendar displays the date September 16th, and he references a five-year-old paper written in 2006, making the year 2011.

  • Reply 166 of 192
    Originally Posted by chabig View Post

    Yes. But will it work with the iPhone 4?

    Except for controlling the phone (like sending text messages or initiating a call), the Siri app works perfectly well on the current iPhone 4. I just asked it "Do I need an umbrella," and it gave me the weather report.

    My question is, when the 4S becomes available, is the current Siri app going to continue to function?
  • Reply 167 of 192
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Apple should let people chose what their personal assistant looks like and how they speak.

    Let's say that I don't like the voice in the demo, and I'd rather have a 19 year old redhead with an English accent to be my personal assistant. I should be able to input those preferences and the voice and tone will adjust accordingly to suit my needs.

    Let's say that I want a hot looking African American chick, who is 25 year olds as an assistant the next day. Again, I should be able to input that data, and the voice should adapt to that, changing in accent, timbre and tone.

    What if some chick wants a male assistant?

    It's still in Beta, so in the future, I expect to see these options included.

    I can just imagine the blogs the day after Apple announce the iPhone 12 can transport you using quantum phase shifting from one place to another instantly.

    Jim posts 2. "I want to be able to be facing the opposite way after I land. This is lame."

    John posts 1. "I took a fly with me and we didn't change heads, this is crap".

    Sammy posts 11. "Microsoft had this twenty years ago"

    Kim posts 1. "This is a gimmick"

    Applehater posts 100. "I just don' t see any use for this"
  • Reply 168 of 192
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by allenjwsc View Post

    Except for controlling the phone (like sending text messages or initiating a call), the Siri app works perfectly well on the current iPhone 4. I just asked it "Do I need an umbrella," and it gave me the weather report.

    My question is, when the 4S becomes available, is the current Siri app going to continue to function?

    I've been enjoying Siri from the day it became available as an app on the iPhone and iPad too. I hope this incarnation that is built into the OS and can control other apps will be available on iPads and soon Lion! As you say it's only the phone integration those other devices don't need or perhaps that can have it by allowing the iPad or Mac to connect to your iPhone for you if it is close by! Multi tasking will reach a new level!
  • Reply 169 of 192
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    Shouldn't stop feeding the trolls? Let them suffer on android phones.

    To the trolls. You are right. Apple sucks. What ever it is you think is better, you're right. We are stupid. You are right. Enjoy the alternatives from the companies that are not evil.

    Thanks, I enjoyed that.
  • Reply 170 of 192
    xsuxsu Posts: 401member
    Originally Posted by allenjwsc View Post

    Except for controlling the phone (like sending text messages or initiating a call), the Siri app works perfectly well on the current iPhone 4. I just asked it "Do I need an umbrella," and it gave me the weather report.

    My question is, when the 4S becomes available, is the current Siri app going to continue to function?

    Looks like not. Isn't there a report that say Siri App is giving user notice that it will be returning home on the 15th?
  • Reply 171 of 192
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by frankie View Post

    So dumb question...

    Is it build into 4GS or into iOS? Will it work with iphone 4 as well? I don't get it.

    It appears to only work on the 4S. Not sure I get that, since it appears to be a software only solution.
  • Reply 172 of 192
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by HKZ View Post

    They are disabling an app for no real reason on hardware that has nothing to do with a new release. There's no justifiable reason to disable that app other than to promote new hardware. Not because it was buggy, not because they are selling it and no one is buying it. They are disabling a functioning app to force people to buy new hardware if they want that function back. They already have it on the hardware they already own.

    I know you are arguing on principle and I agree with you 100%, but Siri didn't work worth a crap anyway, so no loss. For example if by some chance you did find something you needed and decided to map it, although you could see it on the map you could not click on it for more info, phone, address, nothing - completely useless.

    I have dabbled with voice apps since Apple released their first version on the Quadra 840. Voice apps are slowly getting better but still very limited usefulness as many others have commented here. How many times have you been frustrated by voice navigation on phone systems from the world's most sophisticated companies? They fail because they are just not capable of interacting with real people in the real world unless you follow the preprogrammed choices.

    The new Siri is definitely not something worth early termination fees and probably not even worth the $200 dollars for the new hardware if you already have iPhone 4.
  • Reply 173 of 192
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    The iPad 2 uses the same A5 chip and no doubt its at its full speed more often than in the iPhone 4S, so why doesn't it get Siri?

    This. It's extremely unlikely there's a technical reason it wouldn't be able to run it, so I hope they end up releasing that feature on iPad 2. They do still want to sell plenty of iPad 2's, right?
  • Reply 174 of 192
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It's integration. This isn't the same Siri app that was on the App Store or for Android. If you can argue that because it has the same name that it should work across devices that also used it under that name, but that wouldn't make any sense. Did you not read the article about the issues they had getting it to work on the iPhone 3GS at all?

    I could understand not on the 3GS. But I find it quite a stretch to believe that Siri needs the second core of a dual core processor to function. The A4 chip is way better than 3GS processor. So why can't Siri run on the iPhone 4? Is anyone seriously going to suggest that Apple can't multi-task Siri properly on the A4?

    I do think Siri is pretty awesome. I use Voice Actions on my Nexus One often enough. And I can fully see how this will become useful. Contextual voice commands is a big improvement. I do think it's a bit of a blade though for Apple to leave iPhone 4 owners out in the cold. But then again, if it wasn't for Siri, the 4S wouldn't be much of an update at all. Good thing they bought Siri last year.
  • Reply 175 of 192
    shawnbshawnb Posts: 155member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's acquisition of Siri has resulted in a standout feature for iPhone 4S that promises to change how users interact with mobile devices.

    Pardon the skepticism, but Siri gained little traction as a free app, with good but imperfect speech-to-text and content that was only as good as its web-based partners. Apple integrating it system-wide is neat, but hardly "promises to change how users interact with mobile devices" unless Apple has found a way to make voice dictation flawless. This historically has been the weak link, not integration or "intelligence". It worked well during a carefully scripted and rehearsed presentation, but real life usage will be the true test.

    And since the majority of processing is cloud-based, requiring 4S hardware seems largely like an excuse to justify buying an otherwise underwhelming faster version of last year's phone. As a 4 owner, Siri and 4S seem like two solutions looking for a problem. It reminds me of voice control revolutionizing the iPod Shuffle for one generation until the buttons mysteriously reappeared...
  • Reply 176 of 192
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by shawnb View Post

    Pardon the skepticism, but Siri gained little traction as a free app, with good but imperfect speech-to-text and content that was only as good as its web-based partners. Apple integrating it system-wide is neat, but hardly "promises to change how users interact with mobile devices" unless Apple has found a way to make voice dictation flawless. This historically has been the weak link, not integration or "intelligence". It worked well during a carefully scripted and rehearsed presentation, but real life usage will be the true test.

    And since the majority of processing is cloud-based, requiring 4S hardware seems largely like an excuse to justify buying an otherwise underwhelming faster version of last year's phone. As a 4 owner, Siri and 4S seem like two solutions looking for a problem. It reminds me of voice control revolutionizing the iPod Shuffle for one generation until the buttons mysteriously reappeared...

    Siri is pretty amazing in that it already understands English dialect as well as German and French out of the box. It's easy to be skeptical because what we've got today is nothing more than "Speech to Search" but Siri is much more sophisticated in it's understanding of speech and the ability to keep track of conversations and accept delegation.

    I haven't read where Siri does a majority of it's processing yet. Would you have any substantive info on that? I haven't seen it yet.

    Best place to learn about Siri is Tom Gruber's video on Vimeo. He neatly explains why Siri is extensible and more than just "Text to Speech" very eloquent guy.
  • Reply 177 of 192
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    I could understand not on the 3GS. But I find it quite a stretch to believe that Siri needs the second core of a dual core processor to function. The A4 chip is way better than 3GS processor. So why can't Siri run on the iPhone 4? Is anyone seriously going to suggest that Apple can't multi-task Siri properly on the A4?

    I do think Siri is pretty awesome. I use Voice Actions on my Nexus One often enough. And I can fully see how this will become useful. Contextual voice commands is a big improvement. I do think it's a bit of a blade though for Apple to leave iPhone 4 owners out in the cold. But then again, if it wasn't for Siri, the 4S wouldn't be much of an update at all. Good thing they bought Siri last year.

    I'm certain it can run on the iPhone 4, and all previous iPhones, but this is Apple. They like to release a feature that works well, not one that technically works but is slow and degrades the user's experience. I have no idea if that is the reason or if it's the conspiracy theory that some have concocted, but I tend not to put my money on the insane, wild accusations right out the gate.
  • Reply 178 of 192
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    It better work as shown in the videos or Apple (and it) will become the butt of many, many jokes...

    Ahh.... Yes!

    Who can forget this lovely demo:

    Microsoft Vista Speech Recognition Tested - Perl Scripting
  • Reply 179 of 192
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    My car's voice recognition can't even understand "Redial" half the time. If Siri can at least get that right, I'll be pleased.
  • Reply 180 of 192
    Originally Posted by jamesmcd View Post

    Yet another reason to jailbreak my 3-month old iPhone 4. I would like to be able to dictate my text messages while driving

    (Oh and FaceTime over 3G)

    Why do you think that JB will allow you to run Siri on an iP4?

    Apple is completely capable of preventing any app from working on a non-supported configuration.

    Even if you could make it run on an unsupported device... Siri would use the device hardware to determine only what you want to do -- then in many cases, Siri services are requested from Apple's servers in the cloud. I doubt, that Apple's servers would provide Siri services to an unsupported device.
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