Apple seeks another $707 million in damages from Samsung

in General Discussion edited January 2014
In addition to the $1.05 billion Apple was awarded by a jury for Samsung's patent infringement, Apple has asked the court for another $707 million in damages.

The request was revealed in a filing made late Friday by Apple and summarized by intellectual property expert Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents. With Apple's requested enhancements, supplemental damages and prejudgment interest, the company has asked the court for $1.756 billion from Samsung.

The additional $707,061,678 comes from an extra $135 million Apple seeks under the Patent Act, $400 million under the Lanham Act, $121 million in supplemental damages, and $50 million in prejudgment interest.

The filing means that a previous report out of Korea from last week, which claimed that Apple would seek an even larger sum from Samsung, was inaccurate. Mueller said that's because Apple recognizes only some parts of the $1.05 billion in damages it was awarded by a jury are subject to enhancement.

"Apple is smart enough to know that asking for the moon without a legal basis wouldn't do any good, neither in the court of law nor in the court of public opinion," Mueller wrote. "Apple is defending its intellectual property, and not just being greedy."


The iPhone maker has argued for the supplemental damages based on sales of Samsung devices between July 1 and the final resolution in court. The jury's damages were for the period through June 30, 2012.

Apple also believes that the payout should be increased because of Samsung's conduct, including sanctions that were given to the company for litigation-related conduct.


  • Reply 1 of 173

    Wait, what happened to the $3 billion number from before?

  • Reply 2 of 173
    It begins again.
  • Reply 3 of 173


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Wait, what happened to the $3 billion number from before?


    It indicates that the potential triple damages for willful infringement only applies to part of the $1.05B, not the whole sum.

  • Reply 4 of 173
    Oh dear, made a bad career choice all those years ago.

    Should have applied to study law at Stanford rather than becoming an architect here in England!
  • Reply 5 of 173

    Originally Posted by Strix View Post

    Should have applied to study law at Stanford rather than becoming an architect


    "…Strix is gettin' upset!"

  • Reply 6 of 173
    Ouch, Apple would you stop slamming Sammy. Now ur gonna go for triple the billion dollar damages too!

    Just stick to tripling in the marketplace instead. Like tripling the graphics speed of the S3 with the iPhone 5. Now hat's the kind of winning I want.
  • Reply 7 of 173
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Could this round backfire on Apple?
  • Reply 8 of 173
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    ireland wrote: »
    Could this round backfire on Apple?

    Please explain how.
  • Reply 9 of 173
    ^^^^ get 'em Tallest!
  • Reply 10 of 173

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    ^^^^ get 'em Tallest!


    See, now that they know I have a list and that we know they just copy and paste their arguments, they don't even try anymore. image

  • Reply 11 of 173


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    "…Strix is gettin' upset!"



    It's always been his dream to pretend to be a lawyer.   



  • Reply 12 of 173

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It's always been his dream to pretend to be a lawyer. 


    "Lit… Bergman."


    "Lit Bergman? Sounds made up…"


    "Okay, all right. Lit… Gate. Lit I. Gate."


    "Oh, yeah. That's much better.

  • Reply 13 of 173


    Originally Posted by googleisgod View Post

    apple, why don't you stick to innovation instead of litigation? your lack of innovation really shows in your recent products: just adding features or copying features that had been on android for years, and still doing a terrible job at it (e.g. new maps). iphone 5 bring nothing new to the market. Just my opinion.



    When Android handset OEMs top the annual consumer satisfaction reports, then we can talk. 


    Oh wait . . . they won't. Because it's really not possible to do when you're running a whored-out OS that is supposed to run on the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.


    Horizontal business models always fail in the User Experience department. 


    Apple actually achieves greater performance with a lot less power. Why? Because iOS and iPhone come from under the same roof. That's what happens when you actually give a shit about what you put your logo on. 

  • Reply 14 of 173
    apple, why don't you stick to innovation instead of litigation? your lack of innovation really shows in your recent products: just adding features or copying features that had been on android for years, and still doing a terrible job at it (e.g. new maps). iphone 5 bring nothing new to the market. Just my opinion.

    The troll hole spits out yet another one.
  • Reply 15 of 173
    See, now that they know I have a list and that we know they just copy and paste their arguments, they don't even try anymore. :lol:

    Must be a Samsung fan because he copied his argument.
  • Reply 16 of 173
    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    More lawsuits? Jesus Christ. Apple doesn't need the damn money and neither does Samsung.
  • Reply 17 of 173
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,106member


    Originally Posted by googleisgod View Post

    apple, why don't you stick to innovation instead of litigation? your lack of innovation really shows in your recent products: just adding features or copying features that had been on android for years, and still doing a terrible job at it (e.g. new maps). iphone 5 bring nothing new to the market. Just my opinion.

    Uhm excuse me Professor.  I know I got caught copying test answers from the smart kid in class, but why don't you just tell the smart kid to just keep doing better on his test scores?  That way, he'll do much better and I will too?  See?  It's a win-win for everyone!  /s

    Buzz-of troll.

  • Reply 18 of 173

    Originally Posted by Winter View Post

    More lawsuits? Jesus Christ. Apple doesn't need the damn money and neither does Samsung.


    It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


    It's a shameful display. Being caught in one will either damage Samsung's honor or reveal that they don't care about honor, damaging it even more.

  • Reply 19 of 173
    WINNING theomonuclear style..
  • Reply 20 of 173
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Strix View Post

    Oh dear, made a bad career choice all those years ago.

    Should have applied to study law at Stanford rather than becoming an architect here in England!


    So you chose a career that contributes to society, rather than destroys it?


    Good for you!

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